Show UTE TIT TOPES NOW imaginary vt rans done them by the mormons being fold told the credulous ones ALLEGED atrocities OF TUE PAYS DAYS new version As to wh why y indians have dog opposed aimo ed reservation Op opening eWing 1 MYTON utah sept IG lo ahe rea sou son forthe for the strenuous ous opposition of all utes to the opening of theU th latah reser atlon la is now leaking out ami anti the indians are talking freely their hostility to tho mormon people Is the tho P cause of their violent resistance and und where so much bated hated there will be constant friction it not serious trouble in relating their grievances tio t I 1 0 indians refer to tho aa slaughter of thell people in tho the early days et of utah and to tho the pronga they bit fared at the hands of 0 tho the acquis ithe battor day saint they y bay u that at Spring Alle a number of 0 indiana indians were decoyed de into a house and anti there killed with clubs and their heads cut from 09 ar bodies and held up as awa a ruing to other indians and nd that a oun indian was shut in a house by germeil women and was so frightened that when released ho he we was insane and remains eo so to ihla this da this e the crazy indian ocar near white bocka agency who discards all clothing loth lag and lives through the snoye and aud frosia of winter in u tt nude state anil has dono so for twenty five years these and anti numerous other toB tanCia the indiana indians relate avith much serious bees riess ond and it is not a ot of the utes utts to invent such things so thero there la Is reason to believe they have foundation for fort those heso atrocious crimes how great the provo caHn mu mus cume froat from the other side but as the andla be eav their beau ticul salt lako lake valley in invaded abed by the white mm men they resented the encroachment up the valley came the 42 ia welcome strangers preempting the indian corn patch here a huo flue grazing ing district there their streams and watering places everywhere and add eoon soon the mormon norman left tittle little that thu tho indian prized conflicts were frequent and many lives were and the alten were finally driven into ane moun talus to subsist on roots barka barks und and twigg and thie this too in the winter time with very vry scant 40 thing such things cannot be erased from the uto ute memory the witnesses still live alv aej the spirit of revenge will not soon die in the tile indian no matter how much the mormon people suffered at the hands liand ol 01 the indians the instances of inhumanity toward their own people are still a memory avd 1 they will wilt not trust tho the mormons they e even yen distinguish tab betge between n them and other white people by calling the tile latter americans Ainor Ameri loats cats so go as between mormons and cairer abineri teats the utes draw drav a line as distinct oa as though thoy the were entirely differ different eat races and hon lies ties the chief reason why the utes would not give consent to tho opening of the uintah reservation they wore were elow slow to givot in detail their for such unanimity in opposing it but pow they talk r right ight out to their whito white friends and narrate the wrongs inflicted by usurpers and oppress orti thero there will bo be and many differences 3 to settle on the res but the indians Inilla nn will cocu recognize nIze their inability to rope with their former adversaries and will pout and lament and nad become so despondent spon dent as to lane awa ad pre pro maturely die tho the history of the utes ie Is the coin com mox roo history of the I 1 indian and the tho usurpation ol 01 the mormons ie Is but the jut repetition ot of the tho cruelties of tho the front fronts loreman from the cast caetto to the we west t and the result of 0 all is the Coo constant S and certain extermination ef 0 the mast interesting race ruco on american soil |