Show DUTCH CHARLEY WANTS TO BE DOUBLY EXECUTED that diaries charles botha or dutch charley as he Is better known ie is indeed a queer case Is clearly shown by his strange dao dare da o devil dovil and altogether unusual conduct while being taken to salt lake city by sheriff christensen of 0 san juan county to bo be placed in tho the state prison until december when hen he Is to be taken back for sentence it further 01 evidence ere lacking of his strange makeup it would have beon supplied by the prisoner at the time of the trial before starting to bait SaIt lake ho he told judge Jo johnson tinson that he wanted to be shot for killing his difo and hanged on a led pole for tho rounder of ho he joked about this considerably when ho he wason was on the witness stand he wanted to be judge jury and co coulise urise and repeatedly insulted the court and then apologized saying that lie wits not accustomed to court procedure the jury was out just an hour and thirty minutes this was for case he has not 3 et bee tried for fortha thu murder of his jils wife tilt ore are seventy men ou tha the panel and t u jury v was us not chosen until tho the seventieth man was reached arthur hunten Hunton hiss has resigned ns as warehouseman ut price for the luo rio grande western to become clerk for bogerty with headquarter uc tit green und and is succeeded by mr nagel it brother in law of loyl N harmon doc doe mead is no longer bagga genian his being taken by deau dean holdaway |