Show DENIED ISLAND SCHOOLS charges against school system philippine 1 elands glands ef of 0 refuted superintendent report by 1 I washington aug 2 the insular affairs of the vw bureaus af departs has made public the 1 rela t of 0 i it bonen bow en acting vii garil ent or ol public instructor a end r tor or the 1 u hp In Iq lands upon u I 1 r the united states 9 9 4 budt a it the system of tho the IsI inlands gilds h was used allica o 0 that it ns as a prel prowling I 1 line a against ca allies and admy generally to the prejudice of 0 ch charges argei were forwarded o to and the reply N was as made to coln acting manila ernar wright alie reP erport of sn seiwin donen Is dated july jtb la 19 it general and tedfil ca charges cb arges denial dental of the th lie ile says that of ien have been division persons abo 10 only ome liia bas ever been a cl three division div lalon clermit ermat UP Pointed from a list 4 vr were leaders of the roman suba submitted it ted b u y in the united states in chunh lion the leport cas this u anet the question of the ra of belia and appointees 1 wax aad ile a er considered until life in wol IWI u that time a special lot of applicants gathered by the authorities author Kles of 0 th ro R man catholic church 10 lo the knitel states as sent to the civil mint if ut of the island and transmitted gorani tee vie general su superintendent perl a tend tilts frem F t a rem thesa special lists three superintend engg and twentythree twenty henty three teachers NI in reporting latre t thee to tt tha tta a civil ap sp ite general superintend vit stated 1 I 1 h bad much difficulty i finding people ia thie lot of applications n bo are essel of the educational ros preparation and caching cac bing experience Is i required of other la in this de dt part apartment ment those abo have not ln seem to be TV idolly holly unsuitable abe only departure froni from strict DOB loop sin in the conduct of 0 the schools a a a provision of the Ihl lt pine com mission which made it lawful for or a priest or minister ot ok any established church in a pueblo where N here a I 1 iab ab lie school la Is connected to teach rag lou ion for one half hour lour three times i a week in the school building to pupils whose pr IV rente rents bave flare espre expressed sed a wish for such instruction concerning the report sa caas a not only Is no allowed or attempted in any of the futile schools but inquiry of the leader leaders of th the four principal denominations liere here bring brings out tb 0 fact bat that so far ns ris to known knon by these lead leada pro there Is not one protestant sunday school teacher in the entire ar chipel ngo ago the statement that not one third or cir tile protestant teacher teachers ew ever taught a day before going to the phil and the catholic teachers are r sent to the distant province provinces Is tm denied dented the assertion Is made that the edo eat rational ional department has ling no know knowledge lede or the alon of bible bibles in a r tate church school narlee it Is also stated that the condI conditions tiong of the public school schools in the philippine do not dot warrant the statement that they are worse orse lu in the I islands lands as viewed fron from a catholic etar ol nt than in the unit d states the report closes with the fol following loning the venomous attack on the pine commission especially the HH kill pino members thereof nho bo are termed traitors and rascals ra ecale to sho the tb degree of u bitterness and characterizes the whole article the negotiations at present under war in home rome in regard to the church lit land ds in the island islands fir I 1 sufficient refutation of the last ft n lid ild statement of this ex tra ordInary production I 1 in a ahl L h no t one material statement 1 13 true W |