Show LATE washington NEWS NE WS AND governmental proceedings th the state deportment has issued a warrant for the to the prussian authorities of arnold kroeger a former post ottice maloe mp loe of aszen charged with n ith embezzling 20 marks anil non i ader arrest at sin larau cisco edward J sullivan a new nork ork merchant recently discussed affairs with the lit sir sullivan Is prominent in the catholic Cat bolle church and assured the president tnt thai that his police regarding chug h affairs in the met with nith the approval of ot a large majority majo rit of the Cat bollis in this country corporal it T obreen len who was arrested at north adams massachusetts on a charge of perjury before the united stales states senate committee of lequir into the war ar la in the philippine 4 was as ordered to be delivered into the custo 4 V of the washington authorities by judge lowell of the tile united states court and TV as brought to washington at once special agento of the interior department part ment ore are now at tho the scene of ot the wyoming forest fires in response to the message of governor richards of thru state and are provided with nith funds to enable them to secure help sufficient to check the flavies flau flail ies it Is believed that the flies mill soon be under control and that no further fears decd he entertained count matsu recently appointed first secretary of the japanese n has arrived in washington lie ile was i a presented to acting secretary Sec of state adee by the japan dc ie minis ter mr takahara lra the new now secretary of legation la Is a son of count matsu who ho was japanese minister to the united states in 1890 and afterward minister of fordge affairs the washington citizens committee of the G A it have requested 11 dent to issue an executive order permitting members of the grand army of the republic emli employed Joyed in the service of the united states to attend te rid the encampment if the interests interest s of the public service will so permit althou loss of pay or without having time so occupied deducted from th annual leave commissioner yerkes of tha the internal revenue bureau haa bus leaned a circular letter to 0 o collectors directing them to report the names of banks which barnet barnot made com complete amended returns for the year ending juno june 30 1002 and in case of neglect or refusal to make proper returns rt collectors will report them for ag it ie Is the intention to collect taxes upon undivided profits and profit and loss recounts nn ne between june and july seventy two tuo deaths occurred among the enlisted men of the division of the philippines of the total number of deaths thirty five were due to asiatic cholera the war department has bus received this information from general chaffee Clin free at manila together with a ila of those who bo have died in addition ta the thirty five who vho died of cholera seventeen died of dysentery six of malarial fever and the remain der of various other diseases disca of those who died lied of cholera nine ore ere pine scouts and natives the stat department biales public a report from united states consul winter at anenberg Aun aberg dated july showing the commerce of the world for 1 1901 according to german statistics th the total import and export trade of nil all is a given as approximately 23 great grent britain aud and her colonies 4 head the list alth fit the great total of nearly ger n ie Is placed second with 2 OW and the united state states third with mith according to united states treasury figures the tile states share was the state department hn has received a dispatch from 31 minister hilster Lo lehman say ing tint thit relations haic haie been re between the legation and the tile porte the sultan lias has directed that a portion of tho agree agreement reached between bt teen 11 hilser Leish maii and the secretary of foreign affairs be carried out this agreement i annulled by the grand vizier Lel felshman has resumed resume negotiations ith the secretary Mc of foreign affairs upon subjects that had bad not been set aled when who the intercourse Inter courso between the lster and ceas ccase d tho the navy nary department on the leth dinst receded aa mall mail from front corn com mander of the machat Ma chiT i in nelch he be stated that the tile accounts acco unta of the fighting in tho the neighborhood of cape iia ila hen tien and of the tile situation there bad been breall tr catl exaggerated lie ile says that the situation Is far from threatening at capo cape Ilay llen but thit he can considers siders it bs his duty to remain litre to fol the present owing to the fact that admiral killick ith a revolutionary gunboat Is still at large and in the tile absence of foreign airship t might pome into the harbor and bombard the city A cable dispatch has been from Gen erril chaffee stating that in blia judgment ao an active cam 3 against the in j d in order to curb the appo tion that has been growing groning united states authority the dispatch was repeated to president roosevelt al 0 aster ster bay general haffee has bus been directed to use his own discretion in the matter and will no doubt engage in an aggressive movement against the insurgent moros general chaffee Is now at mindanao bavine left manila some days ago the war department has in coarse of preparation nn an order for the aray inanc maneuvers iners to take place at fort vort riley boin K ansas sas in tin the latter pirt of fentem ber the man mant will be timed to suit stilt the president vh who will renley rev left tile ali troops tint thit participate in them several era abc ind regular and volunteer soldiers will appear in the tile including two regiments of united stites st itea infancy one regiment of united states cavalry several bitler leq cf of united lulled states artillery artiller and the militia t of kan kansas kanas as and Neb nebraska the celebrated gardener investigation at manila has come tu to an end and it Is stated tha the avoid vo void and report on the case N will III be foi i warded a crded to wash g ington for consideration general chaffee would ordinarily be the reviewing revl cN authority but his last reports to the war department were to the effect that he lie would mould review the case caise if possible within the time he be hud had at his its disposal he ile then hid irid indr consideration the moro campaign which i aich was N as occupying his time and he has lins probably pro bibly now forwarded the gardener capeis to washington attorney general knox returned to washington august agust being sch scheduled C d to sill gill from new york for paris part on the mr sir russell Il who Is now there investigating the canami canal question for this government haa has cabled mr knox that there are some tea fea curts of the case th t should receive the attorney general generals s personal attention in speaking of ohp railroad merger suit the at attorney torney general said that testimony would mould be taken in the case beginning at new york next month referring to the published rl port that he lie would mould be selected to succeed justice shiras on the th supreme bench in cabe u of the early retirement ti air sir knox said that he be had no information upon the subject the published report that solicitor general john IL richards Is to re ret ign to enter into with abner mckenley ia Is discredited by mr knox advocates Advocat eig of the metric system in the united states sec see in the notion action of the colonial conference in baior of compulsory use of the metric system the early adoption of that system by the united states while it may be true that the action of the colonial conference ference does not apply to great britain proper its sentimental sentiment nl influence mill ft be bevery very great indeed with the british parliament strongly in faor of the metric system an at I 1 of its members absolutely on record in favor of it there Is little doubt in the minds of th the american exponents of this modern system that its world wide adoption Is almost at hand forty three coun countries ries of the world including france russia and germany and a host boot of lesser nations now use the metric system the british empire Is half committed and the united states Is on the threshold in cod res there Is a bill favorably faor ably reported and on the house calendar for early consideration nth e and advanced affianced thinker thinkers in ever business and profession in till country luno linie indorsed the proposition to change the weights and measures me amires of the united states to conform with mith the french standard an order lias has bee i x issued at the war i department directing the mobilization or of a division of regu regulars larri and militia ou on the large reservation nt at fort vort riley kansas Kan sits the regular troops to participate in III the manet tiers comprise the following mirat battalion of engineers headquarters band first and second squadrons idrous bourth ca air 1 third squadron eighth cavalry sixth seventh nineteenth twentieth and aad twenty eighth batteries bit field artil lery headquarters band and twelve companies sixth united state states infant ry headquarters band and twelve companies C ompa nies tw ti enty second united state states infantry headquarters band hid rid eighteenth united states infantry except company L detachment of the signal corps detachment of the hospital corp corpe the states were ere all hulled to send sent troops of those these arkansas Arkan wis will send one battalion of infantry kansas two regiments of infantry tr and two batteries of field artillery and nebraska Ne briska two tuo regiments of infantry A number of governors of states hac alae signified signi fiA their intention to send officers to witness ile the roano man ners the date of the lewlew has not been determined did bitely the regular contingent of me tile rill nili go into camp at fort rl ley ICY september ST tamber and will be fot tot lowed by the state organizations september it Is intended to continue joint maneuvers mancu ers for ten days lays after the division Is organized in order not to td interfere with the current work mork of thu various arlous it department headquarters rt a special staff has been detailed de talILI to report to it aen eai john C bigej who has hai been assigned to the command of the tile dhillon during the maneuvers maneu verc the benefits to be derived from tills this coming together of brigade brigades and division Is so 0 apparent that th V W r dc de apartment part ment has bils fully this policy for lie tile future f upon many fany of states have flare anc tn paramount their national na tiona guards during the sum for nier months and the result lias has beati extremely beneficial to all eliote the organ army has had lind an all of field service tl e four during year years but nil all the recent work in the philippine arlands has bus beba done by small detachments frequently mere squids it Is able tint he the maneuvers for will include this tills year yeat rear guard in ad advance ance and fit flies patrolling of do da of cono yx marches or attack and defense ot of portions ng use of pontoon bridges nod combine man cilvers of the tile three arm arma |