Show ELKS MAKE GRAND DISPLAY mcewing at salt lake city a meet most successful sue one wearing the prison stripes and keeping the lock step stop of the convicts the delegates from joliet III to the meeting of the grand lodra of elks marched maj ched in the monster freet parade of 0 the elks at salt lake city they attracted much attention and were awarded third prize in the contest for the oddest uniform to the park city george A cronk elk of park city utah was mas given the first prize for the tho best display each member was arrayed as a miner and each had wita him a burro laden with all the supplier lien ne necessary cestary to a prospector or marur tho the cotton pickers Picker 3 of greenville miss with black faces and girberd in outlandish raff of a 8 plantation negro cilke walking and dancing and following a float aden with cotton bales vu sa awarded second prize the grand lodge chose baltimore as th I 1 place of meeting for the annual of the grand lodge in 1903 age A cronk omaha was elected grind exalted ruler |