Show 1 1 6 jbf do you know that the X 0 en JOH U INN 1 1 5 ii is the best wheel made 0 NA N I 1 A we sell them on NA 1 t tahe installment 9 X 01 1 1 P 1 plan P ian 4 F UN A NW christensen KNUDSON KNUDS ON a aa M an I 1 S 0 n a FOR am ay TA M 0 cash and 1 per week absolutely the greatest enter talner the world has ever known b YOU CAN GET MORE REAL PLEASURE AND ENJOYMENT OUT OF A phonograph THAN ANY OTHER THING OF AN EQUAL expenditure OF CASH DID YOU EVER HEAR YOUR OWN VOICE reproduced DID YOU EVER HEAR YOURSELF SING we have anything you want let us put a phonograph to hear bear in the shape of music or in your home on free trial song come in and hear the new A FREE CONCERT EVERY pieces DAY FA I 1 I 1 ank M jam ask INU miss leuora lenora kotter id i home from the deaf and blind school at ogden tor for a visit with ith her father and family FOR FOH SALE one 3 inch bain wagon george L johnson city tr bedspreads washed and laundered price to at the laundry tt tf C W wright of ogden formerly manager of studebaker bros in this city was in brigham last week accompanied by mrs wright and mrs dot H wright right alma josephson Is in from the west gett ng a touch of city life once more the best dressers wear aning PRINCETON W r I 1 CLOTHE X A N I 1 IN 1 I 1 el A THE REASON THEY ARE CLEAN CUT AND CRISP GIVING MEN A SOLID successful appearance IF YOU WANT TO FEEL SURE ABOUT STYLE AND FIT WE ARE SURE WE HAVE THE CLOTHES HERE THAT WILL WIN YOUR confidence ON FIRST acquaintance AND WILL HOLD YOUR GOOD OPINION THROUGH THEIR GOOD WEARING QUALITIES the prices ranore range 2 from 12 to 2750 BUT correctness IS A FIXED characteristic OF THESE PRINCETON CLOTHES NO MAT TER WHAT THE PRICE MAY BE HATS AND THE OTHER furnishings FOR MEN OF F THE RIGHT STYLE ladies spring coats coals and childrens jackets STYLE IS THE FIRST THING YOU REQUIRE THEN YOU MUST HAVE perfection IN FIT LAST BUT NOT LEAST YOU WANT FIRST CLASS F FABRICS A B R I 1 C S THAT STAND THE WEAR AND workmanship THAT WILL BEAR CLOSEST inspection LOOK FOR ALL THESE POINTS IN THE GARMENTS WE SELL THE THALE JL PRICE AND the house of reliable merchandise at lowest prices WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD w afi aft 5 49 nam lo 10 N fa M ll 11 u Q 1 0 eai n corset exposition asi ti on MP 7 avii 11 7 T 93 1 F r MM P HENDERSON ON HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDERSON fashion form fashion form fashion form fashion norm fashion form fashion form fashion form corsets corsets corsets co corsets corsets corsets comets WE are now exhibiting the seasons newest corset designs our corset department see just how your figure should be shaped part ment contains one of the largest most distinctive and artistic assortments if you get the illustrated corset booklet we are giving of new and desirable corsets ever offered the fashionable women in this away upon request vicinity you will be particularly enthusiastic with the new HENDERSON CORSETS that we ave are now showing considering the very moderate prices at which chich we are offering these models the HENDERSON Is the best beat corset value we have ever shown the fashions this season still require the slender figure effect affect but 0 e Is in again normal hips and back are slightly curved and bust is rounded and natural nature HENDERSON r rs ri I t I 1 designed to produce just averalle ama ralie effect anson s mercantile go co our line con contains thins models tor fr verv very I 1 on and andal pl v 4 0 A aa 1 tr tall ave average and ff c cordial invitation invitation Is extended to all v t e abr mallar wath the u it 3 |