Show MIZE wall lmh paper aner a a N er INFO beautiful orb I 1 rug 9 bi 46 14 n 2 ets ELEGANT STOCK TO SELECT PROM PRICES THE LOWEST COME WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE hansen Purn co 0 JOSEPH F HANSEN IL INK bargains BargaS ns in used autos auto we have on hand a number cumber of 0 used they represent better values at the automobiles taken in in trade on new prices we are asking than can be ob cars can the prices range from bained in ANY new car to 2 every one ot of these cars if you are considering purchasing has been thoroughly overhauled and a car you cannot afford to neglect this Is warranted in first class condition opportunity UTAH MOTOR CAR south state street SALT LAKE CITY UTAH PACKARD AND WHITE AGENCIES A good spraying outfit tor sale cheap apply to henry harris it FINEST EARLY EUREKA EU SEED POTATOES FOR SALE at yoder farm evans siding BEAR RIVER VALLEY ORCHARD CO call on or write A W ensign brigham it dont miss the 1 I 0 0 F ball at the academy march 28 the biggest lilt hit 0 of the season everybody cone come 1623 16 23 curtains cleaned and stretched to a pair at the laundry tf t sirs airs carl at nelson of greenville and airs ora follett ot of preston are visiting relatives la in this city tor for a few days rev P A simpkin ot of salt lake was in brigham yesterday for the purpose of preaching a sermon over the remains p of the ate rogner lindholm holm the AL LA minstrels opera house friday night saturday afternoon and evening next week it george latham ot of ogden was a guest at the home of prof and mrs A al Al errill men ill sunday BIDS WANTED immediately tor for 30 foot cesspool 11 N bowring it if leroy nelson has disposed of his interests in the star barber shop to mr air walter who has been one of the tonsorial lal artists of the establishment for some gome time J D call and will jensen will dispense lemonade at the brigham burglary tomorrow to morrow evening in the opera house it harnesses washed repaired and oiled at my residence three blocks and a halt half north of heber smiths blacksmith shop sidney biddle 16 ar ac mr air and mrs airs christian valentine ot of paris idaho were in brigham wednesday on their return from califor mia ala where they went to celebrate the event ot of their golden wedding they were picking oranges there monday Blon day mud and brought us a sample ot of the cal al trul fruit mr fr valentine told us to tell his old brigham friends to call on them at their home on or before april 3rd ard tho the date of their wedding as after that the celebration would be off our electric irons irona aro are ready for your inspection atlon hanson furn co 0 D T wells came up irom from salt lake city last tuesday to attend to some matters of business heres a record you 4 car of 0 lumber last week 2 cars this week unloaded at our yards ards one car was big timbers for the third ward chapel the largest timbers ever unloaded I 1 in this city we have the largest and best assorted stock of lumber in box elder county now and we can make prices that will sell every time baker lumber company it harold F herr of calida salida colo an old friend of R kaiser dropped into town last evening and spent the night with mr air R kaiser and family sir air herr thinks brigham city one of the nicest places he has ever been in iii and he be has been all over the country from alaska to the big cities in the cast air nelson desires to give his attention to blooded horses a hobby bobby with him and ho he cannot shave people and train ani animals nials at the same time ila he will handle I 1 direct direce during the season and lie he has a yearling pacer which he will developed dev elope tight along and which gives promise of a speedy youngster we just sold a big bill of lumber for or the construction ot of a big barn for joseph AV ward at willard Wll lard they are all coming to baker lumber co for good lumber and ana tight right prices it when you buy bly at dakers bakers aou ou get it absolutely right our stock of lumber Is the most complete ot of any yard in the county and we are always on ion edge to figure far prices just try us once baker lumber co it slake make your dollars have more cents by buying your goods from the professional fess ional people our scheme is such that the customer usually gets more than he Is paying for and never less we are always willing to give money back it if not satisfied this policy of protecting our customer by liberal treatment has been largely responsible for the uniform success of ryhn fyhn electric co south bouth of utahna utah na jia hotel hotels 1 50 people GO 50 they ought to be able to mate make somo some noise this aggregation gre gation will give three of the greatest care annihilating performances I 1 ever witnessed halt black faced coons have beautiful girls all of whom lean ican sing like the rippling waters I 1 hear fear thorn them at the opera house in minstrelsy friday and saturday next week it mayor abor blackburn DIack burn and N J valentine were in salt lake city monday evening discussing the matter of a spur ur ul at L the depot and one south of tb ehg a city with the 0 S 0 officials the gentlemen received very much encouragement coura gement mr air and mrs airs hans and children are rejoicing over the arrival of a little baby girl who came to their home early yesterday morning it has been a good many years since the family was thus blessed and as a consequence there is great rejoicing all concerned doing lovely do db sure to deposit your contributions for the brigham Grig ham burglary in the basket at the eddy drug store then go right down to the opera house and get your tickets it watch for the big street parade tomorrow at nigh noon the whole dam bunch will be out to boost tor for the burglary which is on at the opera house in the afternoon and evening tomorrow to morrow it ATTENTION acres of 0 first class grazing land to lease n u the raft river shoun bains dox elder county utah apply at once to PACIFIC LAND WATER cot CO t newhouse building ma 30 SALT LAKE CITY FOR SALE to stock of 0 general merchandise in brigham city store and flit fixtures ures for rent cheap N L hansen tt tf ED that grow and bring big crops are the kind sold at 1 0 S ys we are supplied to serve your wants in flower garden and farm seeds in bulk an I 1 endless variety of all kinds at lowest prices we handle only the standard of quality spring goods arriving daily come let us show you the new fabrics in wash goods trimmings and fancy novelties new embroideries laces etc in the new designs and patterns I 1 A n I 1 al aring ISSi saburd urd M 9 ed p W nery ry fangs L 1 01 HE pleasure of your attendance is requested at our formal millinery opening for the spring and easter season 0 of f 1911 1 with an exceptional display of imported models making it one of the choicest collections of millinery that has e ever v e ale been el presented to the public and saturday you are cordially invited to view the entire superb showing at our store on south main street the prices of millinery goods have declined a little this season and you will be able to purchase your hat for a little less money than you have paid the past two seasons we have bought right hence can save you money mrs M 4 e E 0 C bell AA tf cW IT arf A v r tsat diw iiii that lecul Light 2013 found in the finest biscuit rolls cake etc is due to the absolute purity fitness and accurate combination of the ingredients of 0 the royal baking powder the best things in cookery are always made with J the royal baking powder hence its use is universal in the most celebrated T restaurants in the homes of the people wherever de licious wholesome food is appreciated KA loyal al baking aaning powder U ader is sold in every civilized country the world over it Is the only baking powder made from royal grape cream of tartar royal coot cook book receipts free send name and address I 1 ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEWYORK |