Show THE M SENATE SALOON 1 NICHOLS BROS proprietor proprietors far LARGEST AND BEST OP OF 1 1 1 W 0 0 OLD LD WHISKIES BP andied tit 11 ob 0 ALCOHOL AND CIGARS CIGA as W prist attention gives te to tt tr its iloe lon and ad are allun cn on W v bicha aich we mike make special price la in and na aft prices wiach is W are r guaranteed to bo b right j 11 lilt it it it nit it lill 11 it 11 it 11 U 6 1 of flue 1 UTAH vill be found the tb be beat Is I 1 tows tow to dauk bad and anck 2 A fine old kentucky whisk Whis kilso 1 0 A eastern and salt lobe lake city beers bottled goods Is la in fact within desirable to a 1 ur the UD as 2 e 01 nl fig kimn oil P 4 jh iho anin ann 0 good bof loot la t 0 I 1 1 THE P I 1 OASIS SALOON it harbert M MILLBURN Prop proprietor rictor 16 W IW S liquors beers mint n a and aia gir in gastle L valley alley T 0 I 1 jur jug and bottle 0 trade a spec ally alty pool table tables and all Arm appoint 5 ments of a first class clahoun house everybody made delcorre wel corr corre 0 41 jf 61 M va MH 1 al 4 ta HALL CASTLE BATE SATE UTAH nast tim of old W wines and bottled goods that money will buy kept in tock stock california wine wines especially for family trade amra va fool 1 uble 1 ina nd VI to it un G ore 4 1111 ind coal 1 camp my invited to sell 7 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 le 1 4 F I 1 ERALD E fe a co cc enc ancl IR atall j liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol uyen year on STONEWALL WHISKEY 95 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL lerf large stock ie to select froe from arica pai birr i itai 1 8 t acle lj 1 f special Atten attention tiou to mall mail order arft 99 S 9 99 si 9 price and vernal stage au and F express X press line rAS BETWEEN I 1 vt chlo ir AND I 1 SERIAL 14 rew to rt Duc lienne oae aue wy way 00 round arf trip p its oo 00 price to vernal vern one wr way 10 V round trip IMP 1 ISM 6 V I 1 are re to any or way station along lon the line 10 cetti per mil mile t F orty pounds of badre batre ba tre always tree ot abr express ats late 34 a centi cents per pound package R ittu arn one to 4 pounds sic 4 to 6 pound 4 to 15 houndt MO a 15 pound pounds ana and over aljo per pound green r fruit 6 rat lute price to it duchesne anu nl venn it coal tse per pound 1 price dally 8 00 clock m arrive sat fort it 11 k m arr iveal vern vernal 6 5 m leaves cernal il S 8 30 a m arrives FL duchesne 1 IS 00 0 clock toon zoom are arl price S p an m S N MORRIS proprietor B R WORD DOULD Mc ant agent price THE SMITH PREMIER V lito OCCUPIES AN imperishable PO POSITION ION IN 11 THE BUSINESS ORLD P U unquestioned questioned ni superior merit J annually adds thousands ot of names to the long list of smith premier users representing 4 PS every line of trade and A every clery profession it Is held in lasting regard recard at nt home and abroad illustrated CATALOGUE FREE FREL J the smith cr TW Titer co 78 WEST SECOND SOUTH STREET SALT LAKE CITY UTAH HOTEL ANDERSEN CASTLE DALE DALIZ UTAH W rotes rates per day central location W 0 sample ROOMS in ill 16 morth north aad aud south j ki MRS KATHINKA ANDERSEN proprietress j its paa t H tl K 1 11 4 1 4 1 11 1 44 1 t el everything KNOWN IN MUSIC the oldee I 1 largest and id music houe hou e inice tk wt we S ORGANS C F C raj WK WE hav 11 THE MASON HA MAMLIN end icil W A W 1111 1 the Atan aard armans of the world prices from 65 up sold va of A per A KI KIMBALL IA N 0 I 1 att honor arsat t th bo world 01 dalister dali fair str uin luin l wh 1 they are endorsed endo dl reed by ty the leadlow ii isott i ot lh he world sold on an wf easy terms guitar guitara mandolyn Mand olun bailing panic and all kiad of string instruments ve al 1 carry all 4 hs hz latest att shed sheet hiie and sd mule book books and AU all kind kinds cl of X X X X X X X A vaike AU 90 ds BAND instruments ina dhilo a guaranteed lt arill b with bui us 49 sal stad to or catal 1 orders frota tram ur 1110 country will have st D 0 CALDERS SONS r EST ristey GOUTH or SALT LAKI CITY UTAH H H 04 o 4 t 6 6 4 1 11 1 1 1 H H 41 |