Show EASTERN N UTAH live stock ballard ct c thompson thompsons reports 1 and cralle ae as im usually free from the rains a tp rn part of the state hare have done wonder wonders for that cost ritty county Sti glenn with a corps of itsel stant who has ha ben run ning the lines on the ick beck ade ae am ahalt properties lf south of vernalia Ver vfrnal nalin I 1 in of orren green river where local parties hare A of claims of this class the andor 1 acm ahem mr ir 01 nn ii is cre cremating rating Is out this class of art in earnest although nothing defir d nalto I 1 to can be learned of their intentions during conference at vernal inet last arek it n vote wits taken on the proposition idoft or contini continuing ting the fanke academy which wainon was on the pant of ang ills its owing to lack of interest cherota ann in farbrot furor of thin ino f the and consider abir was stilt rihel rih rl out oitt the thet ini will now noir bm b expanded tn to meet tile re of the hour ac acler ing Sec or the interior rvan hats ampro Ap thirty nin nine per miti mits to genzo cattle on the tile uintah forest arrve tn in utah during luring the coming season |