Show THE TOAN AND im atlon notices of ull till kindi kinds carried in stock nt at the advocate onlee tho the prim coop coopt co op opt mer int henr contracted for tho the I 1 ideal baking glouder the best music la in castern utah will play for the d inoa ut at tun town tomorrow evening atil n nielson olen mere cro to marry in salt lake city last week william dowgurl Down aril a new residence in about read for ticy it 1 oil on of tho the neatest in the town an ail I 1 an ornament to the lection in which it stands on the of july tho practice tice of licking a 2 aunt pit limp imp oil o 0 cerl check to I 1 a the I 1 utcher the laur and candlestick maker u ill III bo be discontinued contin uW thiern iston Is to nt at salt halt luke lahe cit cita with T gienni il v ail canarr A tk tk t twin coin pan hns been d to tik tike eltin it in mr ans as form ariy with tho the iii i stern hotels anil anal cat 9 G ener 1 tilen dibden gle it its his opinion that under the new bounty law upon wild 11 i it lit riot ineat amry to echil c vie entire slin of the armint kilted thia thirn rne rn e is ci ei tire ond and it ra t ip 11 tie ion n the buck back with ith tall entire Is I 1 lent matre the boff ensle it Is understood too I 1 that the Den crand 1 to torn icily take hot cioll of tho rio 0 ran je estan es rit ot ol jul list and that W gratner Is labb t tx general manager of or the consola intel 1 1 it Is hinted colonel colone I doage and unit paliner tro are still tat t be important factor mt and that they tire by no means as yet ou on the ral red list robert Forn str expert of the me Pleni tint N hey alley coal coat 1 Is reported to iri hip v bought something like eight square miles of lind 1 and of the astete 0 it near bunn side and will engage in the cattle business ns as ft a side sido issue this will mike him a sil enild stint mer range the stock will be wintered in it the big springs ranch aich he lately int ly took a 1 lease on cadet charles Ted tedford rord who was lately suspended from west point will go back to that ton alien his suspension ikover Is over which will later on give a place 0 f eugen 8 jr of castle gate who stood second in the examination lately held at salt Liko Citi the suspension of tedford bars 3 ou ng travia travis of st et george the successful candid lie by reason of the fact that after it 3 car baa has el I 1 ased tris Trav lawill m III be bobe be ond the age limit manager sam of the gilon gil on milner 0 01 I 1 properties norta ot of price fays the government sari ea a an are now in progress upon the several sections tiona taken up la in that neighborhood during tho past month beato engineer Gem Gern niell mell has boon boen at scofield tun eying something like thirty thousand Jio tio usand acres of 1 landa lands for private parties there um urn tao vein of coal on this land ai eg ragIng from front live to bit feet in width they will likely be devel developed olied the coming willing summer Cons constuble Uble hoah potter brought down iw a from scofield last monday und and lodged him in jail on a charge of disturbing the peace in order berthal tha he might be held for fifteen da a until JU judco dge johnson can call inquire aj 4 bis his tho the poor fellow ij 1 v crazy and 18 headla tho the cages ta to keep him from harming himself or some of the prisoners he lie has hs beau threatening to the entire 4 solon 1 of the west end of the coulty and has attempted timur der members of his own family charley hide and asao clates hane three men at work mork developing their marble arble quarries in the cedar mountains emery county v which aich are about twelve miles mites from the kio rio grande western railroad the Is 13 of fine 0 no quality twenty feet in thickness and arid Is so far exposed for two hundred f feet beet or more ahey khey have hae taken up something like twenty hundred acres and ana already ha have e had a flattering offer for the enie sale of the quarries I 1 hey expect to get sort e sample samples out r idt c mn I 1 t tta at 1 luke city which will be chipped before great while tomorrow evening doll bauso fau etem ett will III wire serve refreshment refreshments nt at her rest deave durina after thet big dance at town it hall all two colored co lorral men from front orand june tion fire to opo open n a restaurant iu in the room adjo adjoining InIn iterman saloon at tin the town board met in regulus ron olon last monday evening nothing of the regular n routine 0 of luet bual OMI nelli was transacted eted price 1 bradin sz c have moved into their new loftice building Lull JInt it atvas ane read for thu the first of the wk week new domce furniture has ha been added there will fm bo a danco lance nt at town unit tomorrow with music ly by tho the anna C ans bros barche carche orchestra itra of catle dale tickets are to bo be 75 centa cents Il frh sh ments wll wilt im w lemed by mr mrs doll W 11 II r who gave his hi neo us its and annie win er 4 who o home la is colo married here tuesday morning 11 W mcintyre they arri ed nt at I 7 0 clock in the morn ilg on the train from tho the east and departed nt at I 1 for home borne bome of rr aria Ia ade alleged ged ball bal I 1 1 a ers tackled the home nine tit t helper last sunday inday It after noon aud and the latter didat didn t do a thing to them it was ILS something om ething like a hundred to one shot la in or of tho the rull railroaders the freighters were mere admonished to hay stay nt at home until hey learned to play bull ball or words to this effect on a villace lot where then Is not room for largo large trees tho the best u that can bo be found of the a available al lable inn ina I 1 for fruit growing ica 1 to plant dwarf hinr arx nr trees thew the may be planted quite close kept trimmed down PO so that they become no larger than an ornamental shrub and yet produce a it bushel or so of very handsome fruit the town has ha own been 0 overrun errun for a week with a lot of big able bodied tramps begging from door to door mcinti re has intimated if it the t wn marshal will run them in he will put them at work on the street eln which the judge thinks soon have tho effect of emring off tho elioe who vrho might come along later the pleasant valley coal company and the state board of equalization have dished clashed 0 oer er allowing the company credit on its it asic for the claims paid to victims of the ax field disaster and other deductions ID in caching the amount of net prowess the board to attorn general rat breeden for an opinion he ile is phela th baird visitors to If helper will marcely enow tho the place now that james boo ney ike glaser and other rr opert holder along tho the block have hane put down a new sidewalk in front ot of ther r luces of business from Ola 01 sers attore to the south bitoon ey and glaber h hive ire given the interiors inte and ext I 1 lors of their houses new coat of paint as well which adds much to their attractiveness mr rooney la is t lacing his new bar fixtures and rearranging his resort throughout ills ilis place Is now the fin on do d 11 saloon of this section of the egans ranch forty miles east and arid north of price in the nine mile eca alon Is 19 no now a station for the price and vernal stage line where there are M good meals and accommodations aarm al to be bad special Is ghen to commercial men who are invited to he ile the place it trial when nhen passing that baj wa whether by stage or private coni conveyance ey olson bros are la in charge of the i lace the former station at 12 hock rock house having been discontinued |