Show TOTT rs of the th pilgrimage 1 at la Is 11 sways way the case w on n the fl 0 dry dri u v V tc c courbat courban batram feair falls on a friday there will this r ir ar be an n enormously inere increased ed c ftp nr rr ingot ing 0 pilgrims from rom all mot count COuntr rlee lea to mecca writes a cairo calro correspondent from algeria and tunis ua alon alone more than 60 are expected from egypt and the egyptian Sou soudan dlan and from rom 31 morocco borocco and the sabiran hinterland there will probably be twice ae as many more from turkey la in europe ala asia minor central asia india and the far east the multitudes cannot even be it in 1 unnecessary to add considering all the ra t ct of tb th hasca P that the danger ot of epidemics in europe is greatly augmented milwaukee wisconsin |