Show TRADE AND WOOL of trade conditions at bait lake city duns Dune Review rays conditions in jobbing job bint lines continue tintie favorable and business Is trade Is s good goo in hardware groceries and drugs and very fair in shod shon cloth ina iry ary goods nd and notions not loni retail trade in Is fair are a little s sis L la azz ra n t ta I 1 il vy 1 aul I shipments ab irely have a effect money continues 1 I wicnty and eay easy of the wool sitt atlon t his Is sold conditions are not materially changed rb anerd slightly In Is shown in raw wool br bv but there is oot not sufficient inquiry to stiffen f the abundant bua dant I 1 sto stocks eLson on band and the laige new clip trInt inning lag to come forward 11 location and all of laaks ut tb the adiron Ad iroc |