Show 0 R june I 1 tit el t 1 7 fb n s hero met in maw mn tn meeting lat ard rd it ight tn basir the tle wort report of it com committed mittey that had halt bran appo antal to the town with a petition hinr incorporation AS A com committee in I 1 atee chairmen luke rp d they hi hot I 1 me cured sla natures to the petition rho rt commended the bound irv linos of the cor car po horation ration bat b cut ent down toone nille milt not north and south ota 00 milel alln ast and west the off leers pro 0 the countr are girlard ont 0 van mern members hors of the bennt B fr awford Crawford 8 P C St llon H M reli I 1 work vork lit 1 being byln on the new rew chool choo house and in r short tin e Orang orangeville eville will hare the tho befit best and mot not modern school buI in antor 3 co nty the cost rott will b over MOOT when comis td d it will beat seat about U pupil on list the cr at e vall vilify e y sartre will be closed out to the Orang orangeville eville coap p |