Show PROVERBS B WILLIAM BLAKE expect poison from the standing water 1 without contraries is not pro gres elon mon to create a little flower it Is the laior laor of aces ages nhat bat Is now proved was once only imagined lie who desires but acts not breeds pestilence listen to the fool a reproach it in ill a kingly title if it others bad had cot not been foolish we should be so 10 Eter eternity LIty Is in love with the productions of lime time no 0 o bru hard soars too high higl if it he tie soars with bis his own wines wings if it the fool would persist la in bis his folly he would become wise truth can never be told W as to be understood and not be beli bellied tred the roaring of blots th ho bowling wiant of w wolves olves the racing raging of the stormy sea and the destructive sword are portions one of eternity too great teat tor for tin eye y of man |