Show TRANSVAAL TO REPLY TO bt ni il ISH 19 NOTE A VIRTUAL DECLA declaration nATION OF WAH watte dern nee including claim of be su 11 lr irlo rr state tf hidu mith ih tir trual Tru TL london sept 19 the tire reply of the transvaal to mr latest note practically pratt cally leally repudiate repudiates suzerainty uzera laty revert reverts to the tile seven beare year franchise and decline declines to give equality to the tile dutch and 1 agli vill languages lan uaea in the Volka raad in albort it ts is politely pull tely negative sad dd tnt all dispatches dit from south falck talk of the imminence of hostilities and the preparations for them la in johannesburg it teem seems to be taken for granted that the orange area state has approved Preil dent krurger Kruc gere a note and promised prom lied active assistance aal tance in the event of war an te tP legrain legram posted at volar rut rust eav save that the Trans transvaal rani with the tile assent of the tile olange t k ree 1 slate repudiate repudiates british suzerainty and adhere adheres to the seven year years franchise franc blee at cal capetown town it 11 in rumored that mr the leader mat a it communication to president steyn 0 of f the orange kree wale entreating him to do ills hi utmost to preserve peace but that he received in answer the word words too late I 1 all military men agree that it Is I 1 out 0 of f the question to begin hostile opera eions before the midd le of next mon month th no rain havluy fallen and sad the veldt being ban till still bare the Nj corning I 1 ot ost says I 1 the cloers mean to fight that to the plain betig eo lish ll h of it the standard ly the transvaal note Is i unsatisfactory and indeed a dangerous dan gerou composition it would be b goat going too far to say ay that the last la hope of peace has tanitha Ta nithe or that diploma cy has kald sold its ili final word but it is in idle to deny that tile rulers of the transvaal live brought their country very clone close to the brink of a disaster the british government casdone its bet best to avert |