Show COPY or amen amendments and ordinances ordered published L b the president and board of trus ates cf scofield cid I 1 ion v n and ind pissed auguet lath A I 1 1899 alc bb 1 11 it to 11 17 1 tay hy tl tie e aloof i ilu ri 1 0 of f ati no 11 ll noi i I 1 town that UMI tile exar boul bo ul I 1 ul ur tru leir P if my mil alit a ermion ak didis it lull tw lit tot have of the tl twine tery in ol amil I I 1 HI oil I 1 KI ili kwi a noril As i I 1 herein her slier 1 irm ani I 1 lly II 11 1 ac 1 IW i Neit tier no t MII ill lut as herein I 1 nor n ir be his ik tt rbell lo 10 l 11 ui oi tl it I 1 tor for I 1 le lull I 1 of tiny 1 bjes fill or I 1 nal liest t tt t Y I 1 1 illnois li nl 1 under HU vt or it ims 1111 ed or allol tally I 1 r lie is mierl L b the 1 rei lent and of j I M 3 ul tit y aris itis fruin front t av 1 la 17 U 1 1 let 1 b s n 1 wito to t axi alry H i ni I 1 ettli luciy to in it li iKin hinl fill t rii iiii enting 1 nul I I 1 fit 1111 I 1 in tit its knief putt other lini filli 11 u ahert lit as a bo but I 1 roller a U I 1 I 1 lit 11 L lossi r bl blahun I 1 ION 4 the sexton phill rh ill jakc 1 chaice lidi gu milij havu have enetro taie elili up ut alio town CeIl letry tu to the fir ir lor ter nil all I 1 ot of the 11 ariit hinl and of anti liall 1 cullett a ull 11 atts ten iu ill advance iiii halili at or ajoy iw be i tor for his h t mul and tiny tile ali matile into tin tit tuu tri injury aury quat 41 terly or oftener it required ired tt by ile itie ot of trustees taki atlie 9 also town rocilia lur fur alie saint he dball keep in ill I 1 rip tir fir the en arutiun I 1 tit aliu alit centeio ay abd prevent it being entered by cattle i r oil at er I 1 an I 1 so far as lable table I 1 the tile lion or daiiL dt atit liik lux of u any grave tablet or I 1 huttl or ersted fortt l therein celii lie hall have eliare of tt if ilu tin lie lic atu to I 1 lut tat of mat 11 I 1 c tile ine atry an I 1 hull hall at all till re quest of a fly 1 wishing to I 1 ut chare point out tin of 0 tha the lot lots or parts ot of lots lot pied MII nit I 1 for out al and upon the kiihnl ot ny lut lot ha he shall notify the I 1 trident 0 the bual I 1 of ibb tho facts act ubo u duty tt it shall 11 two upon ut of 0 the I 1 rice thereof ot into the town treasury to make 1 a dtta to the purchaser lu lit tito follow fullum ing forin UC bc ir 1 KNOWN UY BY LN ania 13 ahat allf 1 reas lid on this day it A do I 1 purchase from the town of lobele t I 1 lot alook iu in the tile ometery ue as lal tat I 1 out nailer the direction rt vr I 1 tha the arti lent find board cf of truell tr a of 0 I 1 town and plat filth la in the office 0 of f vilela town aud mud whereas the aid baa has I 1 reduced to me tile proper and satisfactory voucher vouchers ing the pay payment aleut of the suin of dollare dollars luto the treasury of c toft joneld eld town Now therefore know ye that Is I 1 I 1 I 1 resident rw ident ot I 1 tile board oi of tees of bc scofield ofield town by virtue of the ordin ordinance ancis of aid said town in ili relation i to the cemetery and and the power powers vested in in me thereby ha have and by present presents do grant bargain fell lell and convey to I 1 be tie eaid said anil and bis his heirs the aid said lot before d in said co comeger cei neter meter to have and to bold hold the mine paine unto the tho tat al I 1 and heirs ht iri forever to bu to used anly by baliu tor the I 1 arte of burying tb 16 deal I 1 in c on fortuity with the ordinances und and regulations of eaid said town of div n under in band hand and the corpo rate seal of bc ofield town we of A D 1 arai SEAL I prisident of the town board bbate of utah I 1 county ol 01 carbon am I 1 in and for euid said count certify that the eald eaid eigner siguer of the foregoing deed of fun cun leance ance ie is personally pr tonally kno if to lue we to lie be the president of the buarl boar I 1 of trustees truit ees ol 01 b ofield to town do ap day of A U D I 1 and acknowledged that le ol 01 hia his oun free wilt an I 1 choice executed the same fur the conid ration awl am i therein bit forth NN Vit mea my official and ecal of my ofine in town ton this day of A D I 1 1 the lent of the the board ut of tru trustees steea shall keep a record in a it book to be kept for that oa of all con coil to vey ances excluded by him ai as above I t ru aided vided elating stating thu the number and anti block of the lot com coney byod wd the date of such con byance ey ance the name of the to whom conveyed and the amount rt ati luied ed for the same bEC beckons 1710 5 in all casos wl WK IL s 4 the tile town board or any perwyn under the authority thereof did heretofore edi or contract to belt to any say per perron peron on any lot in aid bald cemetery and find the same remains reni aina ed to eaid said purchaser it ball shall bo the duty of the president pre eident of the town board boar A to make aud mud execute to the said sold purchaser or hill bi a deed which ball shall aleo also be la in I 1 the h e forgoing form provided no each such deed decd fiill by be made unless the purt u hisser or hid his anite shall first I 1 produce to the prea pres ident ideal of rif the town board boards proper and eat factory vouchers vo acheM choing honing that pa pm anent bs been maps for or tha the lot aling all gl d to have been or accounting sail facto rily tor for the non production 0 us each vouchers von cheri SECTION 6 it hall shall be the duty of the acal toil to rc acter ter the age parentage aud anti place of birth it known of all pt artoni interred in hid said cemetery cennett ry the place of their interment the conse of death an I 1 marnes of iho tile attending i 1 by eidins bici tu or inre and ahall shall report to the and benl of bruste eee of apold ch Jd town patni 1 annually ann nally in u the first in jq aitay itay and the first monday in november in and every year tear and such report ball shall be eytesel by the cleric clerk of the board of truit trustees ees in a bok tok b t ok to be dept for that purpose an tint nied tiled with the I 1 record records ot of his collict 1 7 he ball shall eee sen that the own debt 11 11 II ordra iroles ralea an regulations of the brwn ivard in regard to I 1 be he care of the eaino same anil and the eroc erection tion of bences it acee thereon ahert on be he hall shall liep kep lie ke p the street Bt reet alley walka walks and avenges avennes therein it ie gaad order an I 1 so that en y mcew ra can tp bo ba I 1 to any lot he ball cane cause Put unstable monn mente to be erected al nion alon on tile corners e tit of acl lot arid sll ngn re reth the owner of a any ny lot to treat a headd bt rd or bonu monument ent upon the grave of every person interred 11 I 1 therein herein w within thirty dmus after neb in terro ent an I 1 if the awn r to comply with this ibis it shall be ilona by the sexton at the expense of the owner bj bacton e all shall be ang ting ija feet deep er the n p at pi ib ground will permit aid alid t ln at leet t of fix inched vt the I 1 Is no of the lots al AU 11 fan irr 1 aults 0 0 oma ornain ments ento thit rjay way bee I 1 acted by the owner owners of the lota lots ilia A be em erected led eo abnot ot to obstruct Z aay of alt walk or arli armar nop or r the to to of th m slid iu in oil Is iveta C to the tb rut reg fro ullon of tit tax w fixl ward of of of town it lie mine bl 9 S no irn f r on rhall be per itta III or of t bw bot oine oi ne I 1 any arv tr I 1 fast r ca croft oft l tny illy irray la 10 pall 11 tn III try will it thi the ill i of ill I 1 tb th ti iunce of allm LUTION to 10 no jar oin ball shall ri all ir retire 1 eliy fly within all allm limits of the th flown atin tery tater ta ter thin than if walk HLO I 1 ION I 1 I 1 tho the crinitt tf ry wilmit 11 harib tn rl acred ili regulate regi late 1 aid ax th I 1 rice of lof lots out jact to the lot roval ut fit ilia III drw nt nit I 1 the tile 1 I 1 oft rivia ft f bufis l 11 I 1 town illino iLL IIO 12 ml ill p tut r ons on re ahr af lie sexton cx shall jolly to a I 1 ivoin r fur for tin tile UN noo of out town I 1 tin file f low Is I 1 i ilist a kt Rt meles than tour four fret feet iu in it 1 nili all I 1 ti tj t i 50 br tor flient hing a I 1 lain waln c alln pi IMF r lin tin to 1 OU four feet in le nn in I 1 int guient tj to I 1 r conveying the den I 1 from ny tny purl pirt nt of hv hell held town to the tile when tallo o dain s oo 00 t lor or fit a regist ry as re jul rami I 1 b lw law io ont cento o nt bior licul bra I 1 anil and ft all P l r of 1 lot t 8 when r flot ty by own crI s J jante lanto ir i w r h ur 0 IKI pel IK I far ar bention I 1 11 I 1 leety ix tenn who ball violate any of the rov lilon of till this or is i utility guilty t f an 11 an I 1 11 to I 1 fin in Us hil eniti nut not exes t ding one bun hun I 1 trot d ollars or iw ise lini lull rl ionel tn in the town jakl J ill not exceed lug one I 1 A ds da or to bolh both tino fine anil and impi lelii luent it 11 this ordinance shall inke take t ifal hud and bo be iu in fori forie e after ita its pall 10 o algo aud 1 flue 1 publia atholl ihmie IH Mii LI by tit tam i rev resident ident ami anti leard of truitt arll litwin t awn this 1 adny tl of Ausnit a W ali to an all ordinance ennit led 11 ali ordin ince nc it filling ami and I 1 rui rom I 1 I 1 ing lu for fur the I 1 of maintaining a iu in the town of ait I 1 U 1 I any stale I 1 lutill oil ill or no leonio orue fut fill grease or other oTt inetter aich shall IMS be kept collected or 11 IQ in any manlier manner detrimental to the I 1 lublic u bill health ani aul papers ban I 1 bill bills ol 01 I 1 clothes boot boots shies h ball bats tin can broken dilber empty boxen boxes or barrels ur of any material or an rubbish whatever tr th own into 1 ft I upon any estreet i alliy alloys griller with aqueducts canal 1 vacant lot back yard or area et el all bo be deemed a nai eanie AN ali ordinance onlin ordin anie anLe designating aej nan also ing the streets of byfield town and find ree reserving erving the latue satue fur 1 ubel use I 1 uett bell p e gained ly the and board of of beo field town that the alreeta beela vt of the town of cuffeld cual hall shall be named and find called us as fol follow loust beginning ut with the tint street running noath and baet of 0 ibe the line between the northeast quarter vt of the northwest north quarter anil and the north west quarter r of the corth fast tast quarter ju arter of geltion is township town bip I 1 it south of range 7 hal tat being the street front the wyet west side of the aid said to of cow own n its shown on the plat thereof hall be called chun h the next street to abe east 1 of the ald street and p pi ballel to it ball shall be called and known as union street the street winch which 1 etui on the line above mentioned anil anti northeast eri erl noil anti then northerly parallel to eaid said union street nail bo ba known and callei calle call I ui ai front streets the th next street to the cast end and parallel with eal at I 1 front street hall be known and called as in street the tho next east at and para lei with sail ail meridian street shall be known and called ai NN ainuu street 4 2 1 bog aaning with the muta eide side of bc scofield ofield town 1 lat tat tho the first borett crue mat 11 I 1 I 1 rout street shall be calad Cht tuut the next street north and parallel with chestnut street shall be called market streeta the next north and parallel with market street shall be lie called laurel street the licit next street north and parallel with laurel abrett shall be called myrtle etro t the next north anti par parallel allol with myrtle street shall be called ivy street and the street running froni front walnut to 0 meri liun street next south boand to and par allet with ith lv iv artel street ball bu callol called hort street all its a shown ou on the official plat of to ton it and all ut of that portion of of 0 the strat raulins from Aler Met ilian to the gravo yar I 1 ebell ill bo be railed called cemetery street anc the loreet running rout a polut neat near I 1 the lie rail railway ay crossing at chestnut street vonthea terly to the line of b J hall be known as mill street II that all of the ail sail streets its marked upon the plat of aid said bet benifield ifield tonn tou and ti od A among a the rec ord orde of eaid all town are hereby dedicated and anti for the use of the I 1 bublic ai as streets of obeaid said tow tom a 4 thia this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and aft er cr its it passage and due publication passed by the president and find board of trustees tru of town this lath day 0 of f auguar 1 abid published AN ORDINANCE an croli nance H retting and controlling ailing the location of railroad track J depot pot grounds anil and artl ul it he the a 8 omo tivee alc I 1 ordained by the president ident and bearil of trust trustee ece of nt id town towns that the president ami mud iwed of trustees tee shall direct and control the location of railroad tracks and d filpot pot within the limits of tov tom a no and shall regulate late the spew taud of locomotive used thereon Sf cOriON rion 4 all persons firms corporations po rations or a conati or operating an line lin ot of railway with n the limits of town shall make and keep in constant belair all ne leary water becs secs ditches ts canals culvert drains bewer streets etre ebi sidewalks dewalk i and primate troels cro tro eln and all receiving basins I 1 ahe he contract contraction lon alteration or berain to be dona dono under aba tbd a e iper vison of 0 ibe the a iper visor of street or the as the cae way be eala ct to the approval of the president pr eident and board of trust 11 N chenever any assy per eun eon firm corporation or ball shall construct or operate any euch such road upon any street within the caid paid scofield town they bell who orl ortere ervil V by tte tre town board make the grade q of road conform to the grade of ench or ei lewalk as established by the town board boar d the aforesaid ald person fir a corporations corpora tlona or ato re berel rex reinfred rein ired atred to all cattle guards an I 1 to keep the solute 9 la in good repair they hall shall when br by the president and boar of trusts ce co of soon id ld town cause that all stagnant offensive p pr 9 water which eky collect by reason of the con on of ea sa 1 d I roa 1 to bf removed C 4 all al pareppa ire are hormby Ml from any ny oca motive niri n with within in the falls tiled portion of town at a greater rate of speed 1 tamn eight 11 an boor boar they ring the belle bells of their respective engines while passing through each such inhabited portion portions ar aril d no train engine or carer ball be 1 in or upon any street sidewalk dewalk bi or crossing so ai to ob birott in any mauer the ordinary nee use of eaid said street or sidewalk 5 any person violating any y of the provisions provi aloni of this orl mance ivance is guilty of an offense fence of and shall upon conviction unction co thereof be faced in any sum nut not icee less than ten dollar dollars nor to inore more than one hundred dollars nr to imprisonment not to exceed one hundred days or to both fine and imprisonment sicrie 6 this ordinance shall take effect and bein force from front and after ita its and due publication b the president and board ot of trust ece ot of scofield bc be ofield town this 17 ath day of august iwa and ordered published AN ORDINANCE an ordinance to regulate the erection and maintain anc ano of barbed wire fence fences in the detri dent portion of town I 1 be it ordained by tho the I 1 resident eident re and board of trustees of aco held town that it shall be unlawful for or uny bony person flun fina corporation or association to erect or cause to be created trec ted or to maintain or cause to be maintained any barbed wire fence along or adjacent to say street within the portion of or this town used ana and occupied for resi rest lence burp se seo and any |