Show LONG cnstance NCE BIDE RIDE M COTTU COVERS MILES IN TWELVE llord at 1 I it tir th the took tk the lift first of taro of III an and 14 lr vor it lit pt it at t as trot mot iro tire hlll oil a special letter A very remarkable feat of horseman hip ship has hi jut just been accomplished by a it young frenchman it charlie cottu he fie rode the whole of the way from vienna lenna to paris miles in 12 day days and 14 hour hours using only one horse and what bat la Is still more noteworthy brought his hi mount into paris in abor hughly good condition ae As everyone know knows 62 miles la Is a good deal more than the average boree horse can be expected to accomplish in a day and to keep up this average for thirteen days at a stretch with pound pounds weight on the animal animals i back implies not only the great stamina of the steed but alto ait gether exceptional rare and management on the part of 01 the rider M catu began to train his hi mounta mount a halfbreed half breed ir it ah h mare irish aass 1 7 year years old ding juit under fifteen 11 eidson lid son can later vaster monday beginning with a gentle ride of fifteen tulle miles or to 10 oral an gradually increasing the dally daily distance up to forty mile miles in conver bation with a paris correspondent M cottu ard that the great eret secret of success a long distance dic tance tided Is to avoid overheating our mount it 1 I never he be aid said kept irish lan at the trot for more than one and one quarter mile miles I 1 alaways ays dismounted mounted de when we came to a bill hill and led her up if 11 M bf COTTU A AS J 11 LASS it some days I 1 walked a at least awen wen ty miles NN when hen e came earn to our atop stop ping place I 1 let her stand a few rain min 1 utes in to buol and then unsaddled une addled her and gently rubbed her back ith till the bare hand band to belore circulation in the part parts neighed upon by the saddle then I 1 groomed her carefully careful lir took her into her stable and gave her her food As soon aa as she had taken it she he used to lie ile right down at once but she was a always ready for the road again 11 1 gave eye her between twenty and twenty I 1 lot 01 r quarts of oats and bet between een fifteen an I 1 ten quarts of milk every aty diy with abair a fair amount of water ater if it she wanted it lt provided the water aa as not too col cot I 1 I 1 gave her from four to six hours rest in the middle of the day no so as to er cape the heat beat only about two tuo hours at night I 1 always slept in the saddle with her and did not take off my clothes after leaving N lenna to arria ing in paris parts there was no time for baths or anything of that sort soft As ue 10 never did more than six and one halt miles an hour even oer 0 er le level el country we had to spend a good many hours a day on the road |