Show UNITED ST STATES TER OFFICE bait ball lake city ulab ut sh july 12 I 1 WM to horn it may concern the bbate of utah having selected as a part of its frant crant for tb the establishment and maiett bance of permanent wit water 1 for irrigating purposes under the e cion of the act of congress congre sill 3 approved july id ili 1894 the follow lne de returned by the united states mi vei or general as an coal lands a li hereby giju thit that the state will offer p K f ai to the character of aid said lan ian to I 1 lefore b fore the register Kieter rc and roc receiver eiver 4 it at this on tile thirtieth day of bl bej will at 9 A ot lock a M viz TI rise t t quarter of this tb south west tin ani I 1 the t ast la ba f of the south tid inart ir of section twenty nine in melva outa range seven tast at adt licett 1 baw wid 1 inert han all peninia pen ioia any portion of fait 1 I bratts tra ta am a ini mineral or coal IHU laul 1 or le irion to or object to lie 0 thereof by the state are hencly summoned to al pear on that date ditto i and submit t in support of their clairm 0 of sections A FRANK FRANIC D register ieter rf OEO GEO A rit first rire tinb I 1 ab nb anly 1 7 receiver Rec eiTer li lt t pub b boat pt ai K lija |