Show 8 the orient mt 0 or 1 I tali for trill will tousia 14 x il that of 1344 li I 1 atila ill and lil ili staff nil ill littena the delej reception in fit rn I 1 ork or tile state fair fill III be hald lit id during i ahm biving o 0 rt lite vil vl toral to vault the lite fair grot n 1 I 1 lilt hi roll in lit many jim alitha in the natate has bivia ser louly danin daninger ged by fr fri pa the lie grain 1 anil and mr dt d tit it unmarketable tin miral mail ser 11 e recently antly as e ta Is I 1 1 li 11 1 nt it atit t afie I 1 DO e provina 1 ko to victory that tin th i district run a i a far anith not 1 ay if I 1 likely to IK be formed I 1 I 1 i tour of the rabern ecle 1 choir I 1 as IK CD postponed o on RC it of tile in si of mr ir te M lio ad I 1 r tile tun tour it IH in tho tour our 11 ingin 1 in Iter tafter chioditti un tin ler ter IS 15 will be lie 1 a I iltis free to tt ti e salt halt cr tin 1111 li at alt 01 baht 11 on saturday saturdays it alno free shows have alto also been teen pro tide vide I 1 as a extra IN I 1 alit lie jroski our V 11 actu for byul til rust ere 12 T TOO 00 the largest eier made in ili nu an month in ili the rou roa I 1 it and anti loisulu lOI 4 SUU inore thin for the name same mon lit last j ear faur it N IS arlier a visiting stranger had ills its leg br len ken by a policeman mh h ie 1 rise nil air attempt of till OIL olli cir ctr i i L libin fruin from from the lite grills riera I 1 for im cited at tue we hilry nil r if it tl e desired can be had 8 t I 1 take ake will have 1 a new nev depot as noon soon as at it inn tan lie 1 ic built it will ill be on oil shird oath and fourth vest ai est part t I 1 6 I 1 hi lie ground ila already been acquired I 1 the colorado volun volunteers teerA were enter timid a few hour hours as based through salt I 1 ike site monday Nion day of iasi 1 week meek they spoke poke of the tile I 1 tali batteria batte rim hie ilie train them was lo 10 four vc llou the university L niver sity of almi L tai lias has begun proceedings pru ceilings edings to compel state auditor li ichard to draw a warrant for SS for the LnIer sity to be used tn in erecting new buildings the auditor e me that us DO no dt debts abts have been ID in corri d the appropriation la Is not available the public L s schools aloo I 1 I 1 alfi davis count county y h vc we asta 11 I 1 ile a I 1 1 1 library Il brar the on my U one n in I 1 thuela is atel t teJ I 1 he piro r districts co n ri ut a about out aud and tile smaller ones sa 10 L t i fund the boots will be transferred t raa nsf erred about otice a month making the circuit la in a year I 1 red cox of spanish panl sli I 1 ork addicted to the tile drink habit t suicide b by taking nire last week eek lie ills wife ao I 1 four lilt inn imn and telling them bod had cursed blin and land bedad rot panr to lie pol in n dying before medical aid jid reach him the state schoot school I 1 for the tile deaf and III hind nil i hill III make an tin exhibit of the tile work ork of oell its pupils at the tile state fair of the work of nil all of the departments will trill be bhonn superintendent metcalf has akke aske I 1 the fair nian idt men t tor for in ta entire alcove section in which to display the worl ork of the institution ahr I 1 I 1 tah signal service lias offered to the tile government for ser tice vice in the I 1 governor over nor wai sent scat the tile telegram legrain te to the war department the corps number numbers tit r arty tyone ty one men two hort short of the full Illi brailer aler but it could lie be recruited in n I 1 our cure a time the two largest orelli orchard nard ards iu in L altah tali are in davie cou afi the adams and home orchards orchard IV nar r ID d i the battet thia this year I 1 MM ff f prune prunes buh peach p eft I 1 and 10 it 4 bushels aples nill ly I 1 tile ad tins ir orchard liani is operating a cannery 01 Inar market kiets its trull fruit in ili a preserved ved irate VaJo james rJames L prett and captain A areat of the twenty fourth in have been appointed colonel nd ad lieutenant colonti colons 1 of tile forty tinah a new colored re regiment that is i bing abtin for I 1 philippine seri ce the state lan ian I 1 board last ulek tek sold I 1 ijo 14 acres of school land in millard bounty anty ahe price from 75 3 cell cents ts to si x per acre 1 ahe he sale la Is the thelara larg t yet eale eade ty I 1 y the loard land lies along ta mong the congou ort gon shirt rt line near ear lake joeph K M taylor counselor to preal beut deut nt angus 1 I cannon of sit lalo lal O 0 tale was wa arrested last ek on a arrant cl charging unlawful unla ful cohabits I 1 on won wort to by t L 11 owen lie ove tore ov e a R bon I 1 of to appear in ili court altri wanted twenty t enly t nish lork tork ladies Is lave to beva 19 engaas I 1 I 1 lt the mix industry I 1 s past sumine ud d have found of cocoons they have ap 11 ed fur for the tale state bounty of as cents ier r pound which to the neat I 1 ule tile burn of 17 the ogden sugar factory began its cond year years operation operations last week eek the beaden be ogden Oden factory is thoroughly rood ta and made thes most batis satisfactory factory art t year run of I 1 any tiny factory in he I 1 45 west it ji 16 principally pelly owned by utah I 1 sugar 6 agar company 1 4 J del until mul air larri it III tin 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 wellington v hil logton sept will aa unless In lf fuller bitalla d tails change the lie mind of bf the prel preal dent privates Pr ivatts aud and conine a to death 1 foi lot assaulting women will n not 0 I 1 becele any mercy at lilt hi liand th 0 sentence of the tile courtin artial will be carried out as aien at as the pi dla go and findings in the two can b be reviewed and approved of by ilin litin un if lean tin re should be some about the tile I 1 ricce dlan it Is I 1 stilted upon high au authority thorit that the 1 resident aident re lia is I 1 fully determined nt not tu interfere later fere lu in the ex eLution of the tile sentence Mn tenie of the court martial lie reached till conclusion ua on the receipt of tit a ni tage fron own general otis la in anser to an inequity liK juliy finin the tile war tie de lat Imil ment the reports pt the crime committed by the two tio men and tl it e ben benbener kente tener insop ed by lilt hi court martial general en eral oil otis further stated that I 1 e would fo rard at oner once all tin papera papers in the case for review by the tile war department as a required by law and regulations |