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Show f T 10 -- ANNOUNCEMENTS 80 -J- OBS FUN, ducatlonal summer classes tor kids, grades $23 per clou, Family ratal avail-obi- t, instructors, proltuianal two lummtr lamoni, 2 A FOUND 40 -P- ERSONALS Find out what you'va always wanted to know about but ware afraid to aik. New Manage Each 2 Waak. Need Daily Carpool from Oa-de- n 5700 5. to S.l C. and 3rd E. area. Coll Carol 9 Obtain immediate itreu and reduction. Improve circupain lation with relaxing occupres-lur- e and reflexology. Appoint0 ment! 'i 3 Where ore the menwomen? Relate Date 7664 Elko, partial, picnic 50 -- NOTICES t TO WHOM IT MAY CON-CER- not be responsible for any debts contracted by anchei or by any other Polly i myself, as of this date May 25, I9&3 Sam Sanchez I oppor-tunnie- s. included. OF INTEREST GENERAL TRANSMISSION Top benefits and qualified person AUTOMATIC REBUILDER. f , Disabled American Veterans Thrift Store now hiring solicitors in Weber-N- . Davis Co. Must be dependable. Work from 4 home, no selling e e and sales with top educationopportunity al co. Guarantees available for Part-tim- 57200 GUARANTEED Fastest growing barter offer in the nation need qualified Call MANAGER TRAINEE. Nationwide Bartering 451 7258. you h tm yi office. Work full or part time, earn $1750month plus by helping us beat the phone com any on long distance calls One year minimum experience a must. Send short resume to Marketing Division P.O. Box 608 Layton, Utah 84041. Resident Managers for Large Apt. complexes, Weber and cou- ples preferred. No Children. Must have experience, references and be bondable. Send Resume to Box CO Ogden Standard Examiner OF INTEREST SALES PROFESSIONALS WANTED Looking for 4 professional sales people who have sales expert. ence of any kind. This is a top position with the fastest growing co. in the United States. We will do over $400, 000, 00( in retail sales this year. Cal 392-457- 3 for or 479-349- 6 personal interview after 5 p.m, sales people. No exneeded. Lead plans available, training. PRODUCTION HELP WANTED-Looking for people to do light manufacturing at home, making light aluminum molds with wooden dies. No Experience Part or Full time. Necessary. Excellent income opportunity. Work on contract basis. Call 776-216- 1 9 am-- 4 pm Davis Co. s. OBS NEED MONEY? Sell Avon full can earn $6 or or part-timmore an hour. Call qualified perience 85 OBS OF INTEREST SECRETARIAL Secretary (loan and new accounts) at The Citizen's Bank, -J- Layton Branch 1 yr. bank experience desired, call for inter 5 view appointment. Equal Opportunity Employer MF 90 -S- ITUATIONS WANTED We are looking for a goad fast pitch for our "B" league womens soft ball team in Davis County. Must have experience, Call Sue 100 -- CHILD CARE Child care, itate license Experienced dependable child care. Loving home, good So. Ogden playmates. area. Below WSC Love l$..A Quality Licensed Child Care Home. Mon.-F- ri 1 Clinton, ages Summer hours filled with fur for ages Special fielc trips, computer learning, crafts, music, creative theatre, and water fun at WINTERS WONDERLAND in Kaysviile 2 by the hour, day o Wanted: children 6-- 8 years old for Developmental Day School summer activity program. $7.50 full day, $5.35 half day. $2week activity fee. Day for chicare and ldren 6 also available. Call 546Layton Ojden beginning, intermediate students for voice, piano, organ and theory lesaccepting son. For more information call Experienced moth tutor. All ages; through calculus. Colt 8258202 Fall classes expanding to in Advanced elude (412 by Sept. 1), and kindergarten (must be registered in May). Meeting May T 7th, 7 pm lor previewing materials and explanation !l1 curriculum, ' 8 available du THE LEARNII Together, or NO DOWN New Homes 2 and 3 bedrooir with basements, Cal models, 546-25New Homes R.C. Rent or Rent with Option to Buy, $600mo. rent. Nearly 3 bedrooms, basement, many other nice features. Call C.E. Bu3 tters, OwnerAgent ENLISH TUDOR dr Terms available, must set appreciate this beautiful 4 bedroom home located in Layton, East view, many extras, double garage, fire- e can Setviceo This NftwBpnDe' IheAOverttsmgCouncii in your singing Barbara Jenkins 544-2iin vocal Rich background technique and musical theater Affiliated with Rerformance. of change things. A Public FREEDOM-BEAUT- RICHNESS MM finished basement, Mid $70's. 546 sell HOME dr and Will Build We Glauser Construction or FIND IT 1 Unfurnished 2331 N. 720 W. baseClinton, full walk-o- Vi baths, available ment, 9 June I. apply Within or call 771M056 2 bedroom, Cable, carpet, air, close to town, $280. By appointment drNEW HOMES Meet or Beat Any Price! Glauser Construction 1 8 or TRADE YOUR HOME or mobile home for a beautiful in Eastview. Layton Only $59,900. Call Martin a 773-619- 9 or JDS Homesteat Realtors Wanted: Home with basemerit apt. or cottage with ac reage and large garqge, prefer Dovis County WELL KEPT HOME 3 bedroom, 1 baths, 2 car oarage, full basement, new and carpet, quiet off drapes street location, priced to sell at $79,900. Call New Homes RC 546-256- 2 1,300 sq. ft. full basement, double garlocated in age, deck, fireplace, E7 Layton Hills; 479-374- 7 4 BEDROOM RAMBLER KAYSVIILE With 2 baths, 2 family roams, and game room, with fireplace, and covered patio, great area ',500. Call Martin at Realtors 225 -I- NCOME PROPERTY Owner moving to California, in Ogden, must sell $66,900. Trade, ow down. 5 utilities 310 -- HOUSES After a place? Check with Rental Information Service. Fee $35. Ogden's Personalized referral, we escort and neaotiate u 1 East Layton 3 bedroom, 2 car garage, formal dining, kitchen-dininLarge master bedroom. . 1 600 sq. ft. Rent-ren- t 544-u tion to buy. $475. Lovely 2 bedroom house, No garage. rets, 3 children OK, 3280mo. 8 3 or Rent tr Rent with Option to rent. Near $600'mo. Buy, new 3 basement, rooms, many other nice features. Call C.E. Bu3 tters, OwnerAgent WHY PAY RENT? New Homes at 8 interst, we can pay down payment or closing cost. A LOTS I US ONLY IF: You want to make some money land investment. You on a good want a 5 acre or larger ideal for animals. You want some reasonable space for you and yours, as people continue to crowd the Wasatch front. You want flexible financing with $5000 down, $27,500 3 or for 5 acres. Dean Cook Realtors 7 Jeff CALL HOW TO PROGRAM Your personal computer, in BASIC. Classes begin May 3 24th. To register coll LEARN choice locations. Several builder or 544-088- 0 Call 546-141- 2 bedroom brick home. Attached garage, carpetdrapes. No. Ogden. Older couple pre5 ferred 2 baths, 2 4 bedroom fireplaces, brae yard, close to HAFB, $500mo' $250. deposit. Available Now! 0 Call Elaihe or Blake. or 479-577- CENTURY 0 21 Harmston Realtors. 5 bedrooms, dining, country 2 car garage, large conditioned home air pario, with lots of fruit trees and $675 month, garden space, 2585 E. Country Oaks Dr., (1775 No.) Layton, Ut. 360 -- OFFICE A BUSINESS 479-827- 4 tion call paid, after 4 JAYCO Sleeps Call 2 SPACE Yamaha Building 212 Washingfor all Blvd. ton or $495 $950. 0 for Vi Far Rent Shop Building Approx. 2000 sq. ft. $200. 538 23rd Rear394-685- 8 EXCELLENT RETAIL - MISCELLANEOUS 440 FOR SALE BEES WANTEDI If you know where a swarm is. give us a extractor buzz, for reward, wanted. Large swamp cooler 6 for sale. or or ding plants. See and Stangers Greenhouse, 3375 3 W. 5600 So. Roy Phone OR AVAILABLE Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogden 580 -- HAY, GRAIN A FEED with pump, Willard PINE AND PINION Now taking orders for summer delivery, any amount. Timbertown 1 804 W . 17th St., Ogden 640f. '82 ' trailers. DOBERMAN: Watch dog, professionally trained, aag run and dog house. $00. Moving to condominium, must sell! 960- -4 WHEEL DRIVES '69 Chevrolet 4X4, shortbed. power steering, new 4 bolt 350 new tires and rims, shell many extras $2,6d0offer 545. '81 Ford, FI 50, 4x4, power steering, cruise, AMFM cassette, auxiliary tank, 4 speed, 6 excellent condition. cylinder, 78 Ford Lariat 4X4, 400 engine ton, Cassette $4,200 7 72 JEEP WAGONEER 4x4 drive with mqg rims $800 Reserve now! 546-442- 4 74 CJ5 excellent condition, new tires, new top, metal flake 6 paint. $3,200. 5 1 or For rent class A type, sleep 6. 23 ft. roof air, generator, 5508 1977 Tioga 23 ft. bunkhousa, rear batn, front dinette, Dodge Chassis, Many more extras Steve Adams R.V. Sales 10 1978 Monaco OFFERED: kitchen appliances cluding a dishwasher. ft. Motor 23V 9 FREE! 7 yr eld, Lhasa Apso, neutered male. Good watch dog, very friendly. Needs fenc-e- d or 546-070- 0 t 1978 Midas on our lot. humy in for RATE BIST StUCTIONI! 1983 GMC S - 15 CLUB CAB Stock no 3G50 tank, power Bteenng, a e Classic paint List $9,959 00 SALE $8 379 00 With $1,000 Down APR ond 9 9 1500 lb poy load, 20 gallon ONLY Includes Tax ond License, 48 months financing 1983 GMC 4x4 CLUB no 3G81, V6, 15001b pay lood, cruise control, tilt wheel, 20 gallon tank, chrome step bumper, e paint, gauges SALE 510 375 List $11,950 $1,000 Down ond 9 9 APR ONLY OCKaem, $25132 Me. Includes tax ond license, 48 months financing 1983 GMC Stock no 3G79 gallon tank, tilt wheel, e special pami, gauges, plus more List $10,157 SALE $8,597 00 $1 ,000 Down ond 9 9 lb poy steering, step 1625 power A U ONLY $204i Includes Tei end License $8 months financing 1983 PONTIAC PHOENIX t 5 door odtomotic, a Stock no cruise control, conditioning, rear window defogger, gauges, power steering, AMFM cassette in- All List Valley 1039 W. Riverdale Rd. 394-94425 Int8ritf, $10,940 $9,789 $1,000 Down APR and 9 9 ONLY 235" per month Mobile Homes "dm BED load, 20 bumper, LONG S-- APR Ml Ml License includes lo o 48 months financing Weber 8 CAB stock SALE dtm w Mini-Mot- or 546-070- 0 ANNUAL Payments leu than Homes, 1 -- 1 000 series, 1 2000 series, 2 different floorplans, both very well equipped and very clean Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton yard. German Shepherd pups. AKC champion lines. Black, tan, red. "BIG Beautiful pups. LONG PERCENTAGE $15,995 546-070- 0 8 or 1983 Mobile Traveler II 22 ft. rear side bath, front couch and dinette 9000 mi. $21,900. Price includes 5 yr, 50,000 mi. MIA Warranty Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton FREE KITTENS 9 MONTH ALL On these and others of this for only Home. Party model, couch with barrel chairs, rear bath, Dodge chassis, 440 engine, low mi. and very clean. Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Mam, Layton Obedience Show Handling Puppy Kindergarten Personal Protection Behavior Problems IDLEWIRE TRAINING CENTER 394-2261481 Gibson Ave. For Salt: Doberman, Labrador black with rust markings. Sups, 5 DOWN On this beautiful slightly used 1982 Nova. This home has 3 bedrooms, 2 boths, garden tub, and 1464 N. Main, Layton 546-070- 0 8 or DOG TRAINING AMFM $3400ofler. condition, HOMES For rent, motor homes and 479-322- Cockatiel and Cage 3 after 6 $60. Ford Supercab, air, 77. J10, Indian Blankets, 360 engine, camper shell, 4 speed, white spokes, 740 -- MOTOR 5 I extra tank, captain seats, camper shell, cruise and more. Must sell 5 Jeep Kit tOVS ft. lacks, excellent 52,895offer. A SUPPLIES Boston Terrier pups, four females, $75 each r King ( shell, automatic, $4,900. 479 $550. 76 600-PE- TS Phone 950-TRU- 730 -- CAMPERS 1967 SECURITY, toilet, 3 burner stove, 2 tanks, double sink 590 -F- IREWOOD These are just a Few examples! We are dealing with ALL CARS!! tan, 390, runs 1 '79 Datsun Willard. SAWDUST, ANY AMOUNT 1 Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogden $300. or oast offer. $2495 16 ft. trailers, tandem flatb-ed- , 3 ton payload, $1 190-u8 or 20 ft. 3 axles, electric brakes, 8 ft. wide. $1800. Also open 2 horse trailer, $300. 9 1 Cadillac GMC 8. 73 Voikswagan Campmobile 720 -- MISCELLANEOUS SOD Pontiac excellent, needs body work. Willard. $600. 723-607- 9 8 TRAILERS Trailer, dual wheel, twin axle, 18 ft. x 8 ft. 479-328- 940 -- VANS 1972 Ford 1979 Rockwood Tent Trailer, sleeps 8, stove sink. Icebox, and heater, $2,495. LANTS -- TREES -SHRUBS Flower and vegetable bedfertilizer -P- CLASSES 825-550- 1 0 DELIVERED INSTALLATION $25day, 8 19 ft. fully travel trailer, good as new Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Mam, Layton RHUBARB 40lb or 15 lbs.$5 America Builds ...The FINEST!! Anniversary Chrysler Impe3 rials, $1000 eoch. 1969 Aristocrat kitchen, ley, 430 W. 5600 S. Washing ton Terrace, Southern Frontage, Ideal for Solar, 92x120, 10 financing available. Price reduced $3,000 to $23,500. Kindermusick, A family centered music experience. Clilasses 0-7 enrolling for ages For more informo and bedroom, all 0 $270mo. 392-735- 9 Sell Campers name Ford Cortinas Also TENT TRAILER eight, like new 2 550 8 sified. excellent condition. 1970, 350 Yamaha, best offer on al before above. Call 399-555- 1 4 after 5PM 5PM, 393-323- 3 RAVEL TRAILERS tent trail er, sleeps $105week RHUBARB 40lb.or 15 lbs.$5 ' APTS. 1 For -- GOOD THINGS TO EAT 540 A DUPLEXES Apartments all sizes, some with utilities paid, Ogden area 4 6. and Apartments Studio, 1 and bedroom $130-524- 0 Many lid. Ogden with alt utilities I 4 area. 9697 Attractive remodeled, nicely furnished 1 bedroom apt. Perfect for single or couple. $220 month, air utilities paid. No pets. See at 21 17 Adams. 782- - 710 MONEY TO LOAN WASATCH GUNS AND LOAN 0 2606 Wall Ave. -T- When you need repairs around the home -- j and you need them fast check the business' ' and service directory in; clas- Datsun 510, Want Ads ton truck 1948 Chevrolet with rebuilt engine, good bod; 1950 Chevrolet j ton truck, mornings best time. Close to HAFB, Quality Built, Low mainte nance. Excellent financinc North Davis County Area. Wi Teachers of Singing. ' stove Call bag $150. - . , 4 hatchback, 3242 mpg, has everything. $4900 or take over payments of $199. GMAC CARS A 300best offer. $1 golf clubs with Northwestern '81 $800 '64 Ford Fairlane, high performance, excellent condition, 4 speed, must sell. Dan Wesson 357 $180. New ruger 77, $270 with scope case and sling $395. Browning BPS 12 gauge $325. Browning Nomad Bow $1 10, once fired 308 Brass 3Vii each. 223 brass 3 4 each. Full sat mens new priced to 3567 6 $395, Model 28, 357, 8. ci '61 HEARSE. make after 5 pm. between 8 and 5 2 PARTS New Medal 57, 41 full- -. Lynn Glauser Construction luiiding FIND $1 4 cylinder good condition. Must sell Baby Cornu ! $2850. oiler 5 pm 546-- ! '69 Grand Prix, runs wel.,.. radials. sport rims, $800 or best offer 544-894- 0 fully equipped, 8 Pontiac Sunbird, 4 speed, 78 -- ALL MAKES 8 leave Phone 9 and number. Starts 9 A.M. admission. .50; Bring od for $.50 Dis- count. Monthly payment! Woodwork 3 930 -- CLASSIC 4-- 5 must sell, 920 -- AUTO SERVICES PARTS A ACCESSORIES Shelby mags, 5 lug General Mofor wlm chrome radial lugs and 3 tires. $160 for everything. 680 -S- PORTING GOODS starting as low as $421. Cal place, woodburning New'" Like Rabbit, 4 door, deluxe needs some repair, make offer, or 6 sell 1982 Oldsmobile exOmega Brougham. cellent condition, low mileage, oir, AMFM tape, cruise, many 0 options. $7150. Must 75 mileage, offer, WHEELS THREE Dump truck Call after 5 p.m. deluxe interior, Conastoga top, stored in garage, Extras, low hours. 110, 70 35, clean, new radials, $985. Call Deon 1 or Zone new interior Buick LeSabre, Sport automatic, power Coupe, iteenngbrakes, air, excellent 0 condition ober 5 1978 Cadillac Seville, low 185 ask for Anna 6 custom Capri 2000, wheels,- - super paintenrom new rebuilt. 6 TERRAIN EQUIPMENT 78 Ford L9000 VY 910-HEA- H.P. Mecury Cruise. All new seats and carpet. $3000.best alter 5 week- offer, 399 doys. 18' Fiberform 200 hp Volvo, as- New Homes better than state You don't financing hava to have bean born in the 3rd quarter of the moon or leap year eve to qualify for this loan. Builder can pay down or closing cost. Call builder 1 Machines. WEST 731-47- AMARINE 16 ft. Starcraft boat with 80 New, close to Freeport Center and HAFB. 2100sq. ft. fenced, double carport, air condition- at $49,800 on 75, 1 Call 74 Buick Century with AMFM Cassette stereo, and cruise control $5,000 Call condition, ATC RENTALS Honda, Yamaha, 200, 2 Hou" ing, quiet street, 1 1 Vi 7 sumable, $64,900. NEW HOMES 770 -- ALL BOATS FOR RENT NEED A GOOD START? just the home for you. 3 bedroom rambler, fenced big yard, patio, maintenance free exterior, rate assumption. One car garage, Only $47,900 for all mis. Call Anette Haacke 240 -- ACREAGE r9& D14 with loader, 0 phone Chalmers pi 7, recent overhaul, good condition. $2495. Phone 0332; 1977 Lincoln Mark V, excel-lecondition, loaded, $7200. 980-IMPO- '78 JR50, not raced, excellent $375. Allis 670 -- BOATS SUZUKI 00. 344-3- 1 sacrifice. AMiFM like new, cassette. New car ordered. Home 544- Work you don't get it the bank will: '76 FiaT 128, real nice inside and out. AMFM stereo cassette, $1200. 1976 Fiat 128, front wheel 990 Pmto $400. will If 546-408- 6 79 72 evenings, 4 II, Mustang 19B2 Honda Civic 15Q0 GL. 1981 51 99. 1974 Kawasaki 250 Runt, but needs work ARM -F- 8 tery on a helmet. Excellent condition. $490 firm. IMPLEMENTS Allis Chalmers This is 3 Bedroom MO INSTRUCTION B.Y.U. Graduate teachers new 630 Layton $590. Rent with Op tion to Buy on Contract, i bedrooms, double garage, dishwasher, nice landscaping. After 12 mo. $3540 applies to down payment on $62,000 6 purchase price. FARM have Lots Roy. Valley View, and North Park areas' American Red Cross re- LAYTON In Eastview Subdivision, only 2 yrs. old. with family room, plush carpets, fireplace and deck. Only $59,900. Call Mar9 tin at or JDS Homes6 tead Realtors ic 2 HEIGHTS Peak from or Ypmah a .,100 Endgra, 690 original miles, 197 A RANCH RM SUPPLIES Aluminum Corral gates in condition. 10 ft. , 16t., good Phone 0 House Realtors appointment6-- bewteen 2 a.m. and 8 p.m. startini Ma 25 thru May 28. Mr. Wil -J- 620-FA- 0 excellent AWFM cassette stereo, new radials, $1700 or offer. 74 tires, shocks, paint, automatic, air, stereo, car cover, $3800, best offer or trade for pickup. drive, . 4 Doteun 240Z, very dean, Rebuilt Excellent condition. and transmiuion, new 1977 Harley Davidson 1200 cc low rider. Low mi. Many 6 extras. See to appreciate 825-142- $850 DATSUN 8010 Standard transmission $1200 73 9 weekends. BOWEN ENTERPRISES MAKES 1976 Nova, $1500, I new radial tires, runs great. 6 cylinder. Call evenings '73 iMPALA New tires, new vinyl tap, air, power steering 8 'brakes $55Cl 2 72 Suzuki 370, 11:1 high com- radical pression piston, 90 cam, electronic ignition, racing clutch, Yokohama nobbies. Morel $995. 546-408- 6 1974 Honda CR250, excellent condition, $200. work done, 8 selling for $350. Like new 6 839 W. 17th St. 2 HORSE TRAILER Phone Ask for Marv volue. call information Style Datsun ZX 1979 deluxe with all the extras. $6950trode my equity far a pickup of equal 4 30 For Camar228 RessTSharpPTi Camara, rims! " p01"' S.l.M.C.' district 26, A.M.A. tour to Uhmon Cove, May Wooden Feed Boxes, all sizes, much more. Call Anette 2 or Manor Haacke FRUIT 1 PINE POLES AND POSTS CEDAR POSTS Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogden FHA 235 ASSUMPTION See this oeoutilul twin home in Kaysviile, $53,900. Custom decor, 3 large bedrooms, fenced yard, storage shed, and like to sell Nutri- - Metics OrganCosmetics or Sculptress Bras JOIN or REJOIN tne all new International Company during May and June special for only $39.95. Earn J)0od commissions, your $39.95 back plus 5 free product. Call Lee pay. Only need apply. Beautician booth rental part time or full time STORY 2z Francis 1971 HONDA 750-- 4 engine, new frame end lost rigid year, top 18 aver Smith girder custom n seats, also 8 paint, over stock front end Make for Chevrolet offer. Also $60.479-T464aft5 LIKINEW, HONDA XL17S Enduro, under 600 miles, $675 Chopper. Motorcycle) 990 -- ALL PORTS CARS -S- '8 1 . 610 IVESTOCK A ' POULTRY Arabian Horses, Beautiful S year old mart, 15 hands, 4 year old Stallion and Yearling colt, Super Pedigrees, Stoney? Arabians For Sale pr Trade: 2 yr. eld Quarterhorse, will make good kids horse. And 1 Welsh rony 9 Call after 4 p.m. V.A. appraised at HOME. $111 ,500, locoteain East Lay-tobedrooms, 4 baths, full basement, large family room off kitchen, plus formal dining room, and much more. Call New Homes R.C. View Collie, AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 970 $395. Clean 1 owner, Almost new, dirt bike 1978 Suzuki DR370, $895. Must seel -L- 776-574- TWO Cal $15. after 4 pm. Appraised at negotiate. Cali after 5 dwood deck, orchard behind lot, large master suite, 3 bedrooms, whirlpool tub, 2 car of6 garage, $89,500 fer 6 p.m. 84 i Border Lakeside Review South, Wedi, May 25, 1983 7B A SUPPLIES Childs dirt bike, 1986 MX80 4 maiamute pups, registered AKC, Championship lines, black, silver, goggles, $150. 1201 16th St. 39X0547 cute puppies for salt, Dingo, VIS BEAUTIFUL 760 -- CYCLES 4 COUNTY Almost new 3 bedroom brick rambler. East Layton. Call 190-DA- will 80 -J- OBS will $45,900 A SUPPLIES 5, small, $15. ea. refrigerator-stov- corpets-drape- 5 positions open for RN's or future RN'i. $450 per week overage. For interview 7 call Dave Ext. 892 mornings or evenings. WANTED INDEPENDENT MARKETING AGENTS Are you tired of being loyed off g pr unemployed or ust for something better? Help us beat the other long distance phone companies. You will be working in one of the fastest growing, most exciting industries in the country. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: The largest single market in the world. Wall Street analyzers it will go from $75 Eredict that today to $150 billion annually by 1985. Work full or part time, no assigned territory, no technical or sales back ground required. We provide the development and training. We are looking ERS or those who SERIOUSLY wont to be. Call for confidential interview ETS -P- Part Poodle $oT Ogden 4 bedroom, family room. 2 fireplaces, 2 barns, air, fenced yard, carport, shed, $85,900, 6 room brick heme in Ogden, 1 car gprage, Vi basement, e phono Summer employment LOST: Ruby and diamond ring, lost in Wain. Tarr. or Alpna Bata araa. REWARD 8 Aik lor Jana. Call , e COUNTY 627-233- 0 solicitors tor .carpet cleaning business. Work in own home, pay commission. If interested call Al SMALL ANIMALS J part-tim- 600 PANIC SALE) Out-of slate Owner will discount. S, Ogden, 4 bedrooms, IVj baths, brick, large yord, Call Blake at 7 or CENTURY 21 Hamilton Realty knowledgeable on how to manage people. Please submit no later than June 3, to Box CO Ogden Standard Examiner Needlull or SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS DINOSAUR PLUS DRAWINGCARTOONING SPANISHFRENCH INTERNATIONAL COOKING UNUSUAL ART 1 180 -- WEBER Need Assistant Manager for a private dub. Must lie very AEROSPACE 30 -- LOST IWLKTATIFOEMLI OF INTEREST GENERAL SEMINARS FOR KIDSI Coll Bonnia ) 1 (tars el me, 1983 PONTIAC 2000 Stock no 3P56 3 door, 4 speed, rear window defogger tinted glass, power steering, spoiler, turbo aluminum wheels List $9,286 00 SALE $8 346 00 $1,000 Down ond 9 9ft APR ONLY anil dtpemlability!" 197 8 Tax and License 48 Months Financing Includes $58,000 NEAR NEW LAYTON HOME 2 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, bedrooms. Bert carport, . room to finish more EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME $61,900. Three bedrooms, area. Call Gayle 1 .75 baths, fenced backyard 3. wgar-de- n 20 1983 PONTIAC 2000 LE SEDAN Stock No 3P46 Two tone paint, automatic, air conditioning, cruise control, rear window defogger, gauges, luggage earner, power door locks and windows, AMFM stereo with cassette, tilt wheel. List $11,899 SALE $10,598 $1,000 down and 9 9 APR ONLY S 20 inches, good condition S30.d0 2 , Clearance sale on babydol! rockscooter horses, cradles, ing horses, train sets, cars ond truck pull toys. Flag poles, 28 ft. $40.00, HyDro cycle fiberglau boat. 4( H.P., Mercury with trailer. Foundation s. kits stop heat loss 0 FOR SALE Town and Country Spa Membership. 36 months at $6.85 month. Ideal membership for women. I'll pay the 1 transfer feel Coll FOR SAIE-Queesize bed with headboard and frame plus 4 sheet sets $100. 5 piece dinette $50.00 Large Gold braid rug $30.00. Call IN CLASSIFIED : Looking for bffice supplies? irhe Classified ad Section of today's pewspaper features a good selection of items in this category that very likely will fit your needs Whenever you're searchirtg for specif make your first stop Classified! FOR SALE: Wolf Creek Membership 4 Call 140 -- REAL 5 ESTATE CONTRACTS Weeks Sweetwater select 21 resorts to timeshqre, from. jMOO., worth $18,500. 546-223- 9 CASH FOR 260 -- MOBILE HOMES Adult park, Ogden's best 3 bearoom, carport, Your Larger Contracts Or Trust Deeds loco-tion- $50,000 to $900,000 Confidential, Prompt Service Please Call Anytime Collect VAL 479-696- 9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 180 -- WEBER COUNTY By Owner. Riverdale, 1450 sq..h, brick rambler. Vi4 bedand rooms. dan, 1 baths, double sprinkler, garage, automatic 83O00. i shed, air, new carpet, $6,000 or reasonable offer. Mobile heme 14x56 Nashua. . 2 bedrooms, storm windows, air, 6x16 porch, 10x20 awning, large corner lot in Ridgewood $1X500. Estates in Layton. 6 MUST SELIM NICE ,1979 Nashua 14x56 2 bedroom, woodburning washerdryer, stove, awning, double glass windows, fenced backyard, Family park, pets allowed, price negotiable. Dqys ihelley evenings Gold 14 Cu. Ft. refrigerator, $50. Gins bike tllO. T.V. 8 after 5 Heme computer TRS With 2 baths, family rooms, fireplace, swimming $105,000. per me Includes Tax ai ucenie 48 AAonths Financing 1983 CLEARFIELD RAMBLER NEW 1200 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 1 baths, large kitchen, full 2 car garage. $70,000. FrankDuke basement, CADILLAC CIMARRON Stock no 3C12 Hatteras blue, power seats, windows, door locks, ontenno, hit wheel, cruise control, twilight sentinel, AMFM cassette, plus numerous other feotures List $14 672 SALE $13,272 $1,000 Down and 9 9 APR CONDO ON GOLF COURSE $82,000 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, formal dining. This condo has it C2-- 3 all and 2 car garage. Duke ONLY 328 Includes To48 Months f Ltceiw EXTRA NICE CONDO CLEARFIELD Contract available with low down. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, Cl 4-- 3 carport, large patio. Cathie model 3 with SEWINO MACHINE. Mutt tall. New Home portable zig-z- a with carrying, case. Excollon condition. $89.00 546-009- pool. Bob Hohman 7 after 6 $800. Miscellaneous sizes and styles of Sculptreu Bras $2 to $10 while they last. Call Lea 825- 5655. 257 LARGE 5 BEDROOM HOME UJordley Q Better Hornes. 1 1 uiul Gardens' umweiE rnim Pentiaccdlllac GMC Truths 570 iV. Main, Layton 544-344- 5 c I |