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Show rr r 6B Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, May 25, 1983 Fee Hikes For Schools A new renFARMINGTON tal policy concerning the publics use of classrooms and other school facilities in the county has been set by the Davis School Board. The new policy, which will go into effect immediately, will raise previous rates per hour while at the same time limiting use by organizations. "Its (raise in prices) a tremendous jump said Board President Sheryl Allen, and no one feels' comfortable, or happy with them. But Ms. Allen said the increase in rental fees would be necessary if the school board was to continue the rental program. It is the Boards sincere desire that the public use the ' schools, she added. The new rates are divided into two categories, commercial and Groups which are not commercial will now pay $5 per hour for one clas- BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Cot o ;ob o do 7 Call on someone who' knows how Appliance Parti All make, and models SIS service charge, plus parts, Call anytime 6 2 Blinds LEVOLOR WINDOW BLINDS Guaranteed Lowest Prices. by phone. Samples Shop mailed or delivered. Installation available. Free Delivery. Measure your windows and call 7 anytime for prices individual school adminis- trators will have the right to work out the price of any ex- tras along the rails marking ties that need to replaced. Lee AnWORKING ON THE RAILROAD derson of the Union Pacific Railroad walks In West Bountiful which the organizations might need. The board also limited the use of the schools. According to the new policy, Public service or- ganizations which perform strictly public services, such as beautification committees, civic groups, Boy Scout, Girl Scouts, etc., shall be granted occasional use (not to exceed four times per year) of a classroom. The new policy will require only minimal resale value. Met-- , the rental fee in advance als recovery remains the option for commercial paid groups. of the contractor, however. What problems have similar Residents Hear Plant Proposal By CAROLE O. COLE Can the project go without Bountiful City's participation? The plant will require a guaranteed delivery of 130,000 tons of burnable Review Correspondent CitiWEST BOUNTIFUL zens of West Bountiful interest- ed enough to hear the pros and cons of the proposed resource recovery burn plant to be constructed in Layton were few at the public hearing held in the city offices on May 17. Will Jeffries of the Wasatch Front Regional Council and Rich Harvey, director of en- refuse per year. This must come from those cities who contract with the plant, though cities will not be required to fulfill certain quotas individually. A 1981 study estimates that 110- - to 115,000 tons of burnable refuse was being generated by Davis County residents. The 1984 estimate is expected to exceed the 130,000-torequirement. Should Bountiful elect not to participate, other cities such as Roy have expressed an interest in participating. vironmental health for the Davis County Health Department, presented an explanation of the facility, brought a scale model of the proposed building and showed transparencies that detailed financial aspects of the project. Because the BARD and NARD are rapidly filling up and approaching their maximum life expectancy, alternatives to ' landfill waste disposal must be ; considered said Jeffries. While federal law requires that landfill projects must be used to capacity, studies show that ; NARD may possibly be extend- ed for up to 35 years and BARD some 14 years. ; Questions from both council members and citizens present at the hearing were answered by Jeffries and Harvey as fol-- , lows: n Why must the plant be located in Layton? One of the major energy . A 1.U 4 Ik, How can we be sure that Utah Power & Light will purchase the electricity generated by the plant? Public How much power does it take to run the resource recovery plant? ' ! metals recovery of any kind feasible in the burn process? Some recovery of metals is a possibility, though 50 to 60 percent of Is While natural gas jets are integral to the efficient and safe op- eration of the plant, refuse is not burned with natural gas. Once the refuse is ignited, it is self-- generating and needs no other TILLING 544- now construction, mall commence I. carpentry work, bowmentj finished owitian, kttchens, decks, concrete and aluminum siding. - remodeling, residential Hauling Spring cleaning, need things hauled away? Call us, we haul Reasonable rates. anything. 2 Call anytime Jan or Don i Mobile homo and fjot roof specialist repair, Home roofing. Coll Horseshoeing your carpets cleaned, try our special on a living room, halT $24,95. Other rooms very reasonable. Also deodorizing, Call " Dennis Falk Construction, All ROOFING smith Bill residential or Al or Edie CO. Licensed Contractor All Types of Roofing Build-u- p and Shingles HORSESHOEING 6 landscaping Cement Sam Ganoral landscaping. Any type of landscaping, clean up, tree service, waterfall, new style tor mountain river and a bridge. No ob too biq or small. Call anytime to make a Will do your concrete work, very reasonable, licensed contractor, free estimate. 544 6226 deal. All 1 Call Clowns SAMMY THE INTRODUCING CLOWN. Sammy's the one that bring the fun to your birthday parties, reunions, and other fun occasions. For more informa tion, call 2980860. LOCKSMITH services available' 7 after 4 pm. S and S Sprinklar Systems. Free estimates, reasonable guaranrates, we do repairs,479-350 7 teed work SPRINKLER WAREHOUSE Discount Parts, Professional 1368 N. Design,. Trenching, 1200 W. Layton 346-616- 1 ROOFING STOPS LEAKS, INSULATES Tractor for Hire AlUMA-SHIEL- 9 PLOWING, ROTOTIllING AND WEEDCUTTING, on any size 5 farm or lot Office Machines KIRKMAN CONST. CO. Custom framing, remodeling, wooden decks, wood sidings, Licensed 11 years experience. contractor. Free Estimates Alterations Sprinkling Systems Mobile Home Repairs Construction A SEAMSTRESSEXFERIENCED References, your pattern or custom design, alteration. Locksmith ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates ' Sewing 2. Ceramic Tile Typewriters. Good long carriage goneology machines. Office quality olectricsmanuels. Will trade or rebuild your present machine. Appointment Tree-Shru- Service b TREE PRUNNING Topping, and surgery 4 RJ Thurman B Co. Builders GENERAL CONTRACTOR Custom homes, framing, remodeling, additions, ana garage. Licensed and insured. Free 6 Estimates. Pa int ing-- T extur iz ing Wanted house painting, in- For Free and terior Contracting FRAMING CONTRACTOR, 7 years local service remodeling, additions, Cement new homes, roofing flatwork, patios, driveways 4 orches Steve PROFESSIONAL Cosmetologists Facia! and color. Season discussion. Call Gayle for an appointment. 546-470- FREE! Engine exterior. Estimate Waterproofing PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, repairs and restorations. Full service nano technician for all models nduding players. Michael Mann Music Services. 773 Tired of water in vour base- ments by tuning now. Call F BURTON WINTER AND SONS Professional Yard Care We have the equipment and the know-hoto ao it right! 7 or 731-27Jefco Chimney Sweeps and Lawn Care. Chimneys cleaned $35. Residen- 5382. Piano Tuning and Repair. Experienced Technician lor grand and all makes serving Davis County and vicinity. Take care of your life time invest544-107- 5 Small engine and bike repair. 434 Ann St. , Clearfield, 776-476Free Pick-u- p and Farm & Garden Plowing and Tilling CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Roto tilling, leveling, mowing Large or small and plowing areas SERVICE PROFESSIONAL Cutting, top trim ping, digging up roots, small ...mg, shaping, prunmng, or big trees, naul away, leveling and filling up dirt, Free estimates. TREE Piano Tuning Remodeling SANTERRA CONSTRUCTION AND DRYWALL Complete Remodeling Service, and All fypes of remodeling new construction. Large or Small. Free Estimates. Very Competitive Prices. Call Bob Mike 1 Steve plants in the country experienced? technology proposed for the Layton facility is currently in operation in more than 250 plants around the world and has been in use for more than 50 years in Europe. Some plants have failed because of, economic factors. Plants that were built first and where markets for the recovered resources were developed later, have found themselves in trouble. Planners for the Layton facility determined what resources could be most efficiently recovered, found markets for them first, and the facility was then developed ac- economically feasible. What will the plant mean in terms of cost to the individual householutilities are required by law to der? Residents currently pay in the neighborhood of $10 to $12 to purchase the electricity generated by plants such as the dispose of the ton of refuse one being proposed. The only generated by each household in point remaining to be worked out is a fair purchase price. able, 2974. Need commercial. room addition, garage estinons, basements, free mates. No sob too small. CUSTOM Tree-to- r driven tiller prepares excellent seed bed for gardens and lawns large or small. ment? Call Dayton Construction 1 1 2 Finance available 1 392-- Weddings FUN WEDDING MUSIC.' Organ, piano. $10 hour, (re-4- 6 ' Organ rental 2 867$ Yard Care ' 6 tial lawns $1.2. FERTILIZING AND power-rakin- g specialist 2 Steve's Car Cloan-Mak- e your auto lodk new again inside and ' out. Engine compartment and' trunk. Have it detailed! Prices start at $37. 50. Phone 546-- 1 837 evenings. Some plants have failed because of faulty technology. The resources that will be generated by the burn plant is steam. Hill Air Force Base has a high demand for steam heat. In order to deliver steam, the plant must be located near its delivery cordingly. Many failures of similar point. Too much distance from the delivery point results in loss facilities can be traced to efforts to recover more than is of BTUs. ; Remodeling Complete homa ramodel, Carpet Cleaning sroom while commercial groups will have to pay $20 per hour. The fees vary for the different types of rooms. The most expensive would be a large gymnasium or a high school auditorium which costs $100 per hour for commercial groups. For comparison, fee for use of a classroom at the University of Utah will range from $15 to $25 per hour. Classes at Weber State College will cost $20 to $25 per hour. Not included in the price is custodial or other service. The board expects the organizations to pay for custodial help. The Farm A Garden Plowing and Tilling ' a years time. It is expected that the resource recovery plant will be competitive with that figure- - Jenny Lind SUPER 292-222- 1 SALE ONLY LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP On Special Fop Plus 2 Pree Movie Rentals Offer Good thru 531. FREE Mattress extra - other styles available. DRAWING May 28th K.M. DRAPER CO. at 2:00 1st Prize VCR h 451-019- 5 Movie Rentals A Corn Crib Fan5i:rn' 6 Carmel popcorn. 2nd Prize Dinner for 2 Bountiful. at Carol's Kitchen in 3rd Prize Banana Splits far 2 at Baskin bins. Rob- Read The Classified For Best Results aluminum, the most profitable of the metals, is already re- moved by the public from its refuse. What remains is primarily ferrous metals which have energy source. Even very wet garbage can be burned. 0Qfl3 SREGrAT PERHAPS. UTAHS BEST NO DOWN FINANCING ON ISAT APPROVED CREDIT , V s , , i s ' 4 , ' , 2 SPIED 4500 CFM ATWOLFCREEK of the finest while Today, partake Springtime from a viewpoint unmatched anywhere m the world. ?,95 Adults - $195 Children 10 to 2 (Reservations. Suggested) 745-373- ? - , ' , ::t. , , COOLER COMPLETE COOLER INSTALLATION " Open to the Public A short, scenic drive through Ogden Canyon ' , , , ; , (SliERE $579 Utah Region Sports Car Club of America Solo II Race An exhilarating race against the clock, providing competition, fun, and experience to improve daily driving skills. Open to anyone with a valid driver's license, age 18 or older. Trophies will be awarded for the race and... ...don't miss our Exotic Car Show on display inside the mall all day Friday Saturday. WHEN: May 28th, 1983 WHERE: Newgate Mall . Registration: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Entries not accepted after 11:30 a.m. , Automobiles Only CttA irr) NEWGATE BALL The practical choice ' 36th and Wall Ave., Ogden I B |