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Show Page 6A North Edition Lakeside Review 1983 Wednesday , April 20 Bajmev Jtuinmr SUNSET top Thirty-seve- n Sunset Junior High School students and their parents will be tt honored Thursday, April 21, at the schools annual awards ban- Nld quet. Beginning at 6:30 p.m., in the cafeteria, the event will feature two student speakers, ninth graders Sharyl Guiver and Doug Canfield, who will direct their remarks to the theme Education doesnt cost; it pays. The two students were selected on the basis of their and high grade-point-averag- es outstanding citizenship. Also scheduled to speak at the banquet is Dr. Curtis Van Alfen, dean of the College of Education, Brigham Young Univer- 'V - Ik' y k'A, '?''& ' f 4" - ' sity. Justin Ashworth, recent winner of the Davis County Solo and Ensemble Festival, will provide the evenings entertainment with a piano solo. To be eligible to attend the banquet, a student must have a grade point average of 3.45 for three terms, andor have high ' 'S' VV - ' SHARYL GUIVER ? j ; i Two Roy High School students, Laura Sill and Audrey Zehnpfenning, have been select- f r ed as recipients of the prestigious Spencer W. Kimball Scholarship. The scholarships are awarded annually by Brigham Young University. After a rigorous selection process, 24 students are chosen from an international field of applicants. It is unusual for one school to have two recipients according to Roy marks in citizenship for three terms. Among those ninth graders to be honored during the evening are the following students: High Honors and Citizenship Camille Alien, Brian Butler, Michelle Brown, Douglas Can- field, Julie Campbell, Eyvonne Draayer, Sharyl Guiver, Kimberly Higley, Dwight Johnson, Kareen Kidman, Stacey Kunz, Staci Oda, Julie Vaterlaus and Sherlene Walton. Robinson, and Wendy Wight. Julianna Citizenship Brown, and Lorilee Saunders. r Frank H. Stevens has been named Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Fraternal Order reyears, Stevens recently when honors ceived additional the Ogden City School Board commended him for the high number of his students receiv- of Eagles in Ogden. Cited for selflessness in a ing Science Fair awards. KidThe teacher, a native of derminster, England, is married to Cynthia H. Stevens and the father of two children. He will be joining the staff at Davis High School for the coming school year. career devoted to the molding of minds and character in the clasStevens was one of five sroom, teachers awarded plaques at an Eagles Lodge banquet on April 9. A chemistry instructor at Ben WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR: Honors and Citizenship Elaine Clark and Janna Jensen. Justin AshHigh Honors David worth, Freestone, Janet! te Peterson, Lisa Knudsvig, Nancy Stephens, Carrie Skaar, Julie Thompson, Janae Vater- I.D.M. CARDS laus and Lynda Wayment. Kent Bodily, Honors Lomond High School for four SUNSET of 1386 N. 350 W., COMPUTER PRINTOUTS YJ Michelle Bordinaro, Jeff Goodrich, Patricia Hilton, Angela Johnson, Wendy Nelson, Jody Odell, Duane Ralphs, Nathan CALL COLLECT DOUG CANFIELD FREE Science Fair Awards 2 Students Receive Kimball Scholarships ROY Teacher Is Outstanding Several Davis County and Roy students won special awards and scholarships at the regional science fair held at Weber State College. Among winners were: SPECIAL CASH AWARDS Miss Zehnpfenning also participates in a wide range of Cross. Weber State College Tuition school and community If tivities. She ranks number one Thii is the Program that everyone it talking about! Many organizations charge hundreds of dollars for this. academically in her senior class of 410 students, is active in stuk Complete color analysis including inch fabric swatches in your color pallette dent government and is the ad- & Wardrobe planning including handouts vanced placement representaf Body analysis including handouts to help in selecting styles to tive to the Weber County School fr compliment your figure. Board. Face shape analysis to help in choosing hair-- ' Miss Zehnpfenning was also fF styles, glasses and necklines Cosmetic makeover with eyebrows tweezed, base makeup, appointed a member of the f eye makeup and lipstick in proper color and application. Youth Advisory Council to the IF at COO volunteers Roy City Council, M This and more in a X Only Hos-Davis ; North three Community puts applicants through each in groups IF single session for of three pital, edits her schools literary, days of interviews and academic testing. magazine, and was a finalist for IF Gift Certificates Available the Sterling Scholar in English. IF Among her numerous acCall Angie for Information and an Appointment She plans to major in English. tivities, Miss Sill was a finalist for the Sterling Scholar in Miss Zenpfenning is the daugMathematics, is on the track hter of Brenda and Paul team, sings in the school choir, Zehnpfenning of Roy. r-3 one-ha- lf 292-659- 9 , COUPON w Utah Beckstead, Roy; Thomas Zaugg, Kevin Butters, Clearfield. Weber State Tuition and Fee Winner: Julie Olsen, Davis. 4 4 4 4fr 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 550 West 100 South Salt Lake City Winners: Stephen Ashmead, Carolyn Layton, Davis; Jodi High counselor Hugh Smith. To qualify for the four year scholarship, which includes tuition, fees and partial payment of housing and books, students were required to have almost a 4.0 grade average and ACT of one scores in the top percent. They also must be leaders in school and community activities. In addition, BYU r 363-913- Davis; Budd Allen, Woods COlLORAKAUSnS i ac- SERVICE Keiffer, Bountiful; Scott Hill, Renee Black, Julie Olsen, Carolyn Layton, Duane Knowles, and is a senior class senator. She is also active in her church, AND CERTIFICATES: served on the Roy Days Youth LaVar Edwards, Kevin ButCommittee and worked with the ters, Thomas Zaugg, Clearto welcome Young Republicans Earl Cole, Todd Jarman, President Reagan when he field; Ann Jeffery, Debbie DeCoste, visited Utah. Darin Day, Adam Gardner, Miss Sill tentatively plans to Jodi Beckstead, Roy; Heidi major in business administration. She is the daughter of Noel and Rosa Lee Sill of Roy. PICK-U- P OUTFIT YOURSELF FOR SPRING A FINE QUALITY SINGER SEWING MACHINE e , e e Built-i- Buttonholar n 5 Built-i- n Stitches New Simple Threading New Simple Operation Free-Ar- m Machine Model 5525 NOW SAVE $61.99 ONLY Reg. $259.99 DO IBM CORRECTING SELECTtvCU Inc. 'MtOOUCTS POt THI OFFICE" 18S5 So. State, SIC, Pfc. 3 3 2419WMMft$M, Cgdee, Ph. 487-881- 5x7 332-759- DCDI For Best Results Read The Classified AUDREY ZEHNPFENNING LAURA SILL Layton Junior High Orientation Is Set LAYTON On April 21, from 6 to 7:15 p.m., Layton Junior High will hold its sixth grade orientation for sixth graders and parents. This meeting will be an introduction to the junior high school. From 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. an SATURDAY-APRI- L You select from 29th & 30th 4 poses. Pictures ready the following Wednesday. Individuals only. rc: ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION FRI. APRIL 22 Starting at 6 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME! CHUCK WAGON DUFFET open house will be held for all students and parents. Displays will be shown in an all departments and the ninth grade class is presenting a play, Debbie and the Dating Machine. Principal James J. Layton invites all to attend. s ALL YOU CAN EAT OO LIVE Babies, students, parents, and grand parents. entertainment FEATURING KRAM FEATURING HOME STYLE COOKING BARON OF BEEF BISCUITS & GRAVY FRIED CHICKEN STEW BEANS NO WAITING IN LINE! TATERS & GRAVY SALAD & BAR AND OTHER GOODIES B-B- -Q 175 E. V" " 200 So. 773-938- CLEARFIELD Old "' 3 Post Office Vp (BU2D S, FRIDAY & COLOR PHOTO Q30HD cup RESTAURANT Tniun 6 r KD U OGO0 l.' r.ii arami ) away. Ik J.muvn tiu1 mi H vjgmj I n hi-- w null'll DELL PHOTOGRAPHERS l.mun.iui' 6391 S. Combe Ed. v 11 Jl; O V u.lhl f. OU . .1! if' '! 'lit iltt'MI'.U I. American Cancer Society INC. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 479-547- 0 |