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Show 2D Lakeside DIRECTORY Air Conditioning Palnting-Texturiiln- g OpOfL (with cover 4500 CFM 'til Mar. 8) 5329.45 Charge Cards Accepted Robert love Heating & Air Conditioning 9 lntriorxtorlor, guaranttd, winter rates, free carpet cleaning with each room painted. Coll 5460658. STpop. Ex- ring and general repair. perience, licenied and Call anytime Blinds JT i, WiNTlOOUirTAiNflNO INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, For WINDOW BLINDS 8 free wtimate coll dLowwst Prices Guoront Ask about thrifty Custom interior ami exterior Quality lowest cost now line, levoior't painting done by an experiencblind. Shop by phone. Samples ed painter that caret. 773-5- 1 Installamailed or delivered. 14 free oitimotet tion available. Free Delivery. Measure your windows and call Kent or Susan, anytime, for Piano Tuning prices 479-30- 3 PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, repair! and restorations. Full service technician for all models Michael Carpets cleaned the dry piano including players. cleaning way, special through Mann Music Services. 773- March 5th. 8 per tq. ft. and 5382. stairs 25 r per stair. EXCELLENT CLEANING ond Piano Tuning and Repair. prompt service. Call Brian at 540-078Experienced Technician for and all makes serving Brand County ond vicinity. Take of care your life time investCeramic Tile ments by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WINTER AND SONS 5 ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates LEVOLOR Carpet Cleaning . ; MM' - Plastering 1 Chimney Cleaning THE CHIMNEY SWEEP MAN CALL Pb ' & vv i Energy ' ' , .AY' Remodeling Conervation ,SW 4 TAX SERVICE Dependable - honest tax prein your home, paration, Richard V. McKay. INCOME TAX PREPARATION Fast and accurate returns prewired in the privacy of your me. Federal, State and out- - a '4 K'A ' ' V',t " ? , tfafo f $ ? ', WI QUILTING is the business of Patchwork Plus, owned by Barbara Clayton who displays some of her own work and teaches others how to quilt. for appointment. TAXES PREPARED $10. Mon-Fr- i. 8AM-7PCall 731-35- Just for Qui Iters coats, baskets lined with quilting, wall hangings, and pillows are just a few of the articles she will teach people to make. . Although quilting was mostly just a 865 N. 325 West. Although her favorite is the patchwork quilt, she teaches a variety of quilting hobby for Mrs. Clayton, Tree-Shru- All Call Typing, LOCKSMITH tervicM available 546-31- after 4 am. ment 2 rofes- NAILS sionally done. Introductory offer $20 per set. Call Patti Lucas for appointment. 9 computers. Located at 429 W. 5th S., the business sells Atari home computers, Commodore 64, Kay Pro II, Altos, and Eagle computers. - Nail Tipt and wraps done by Shellie. Call for appointment, $20. complete. 5 Yard Care Odd Jobs WANT d jobs, painting, basements, yards, hauling. etc. Reasonable Davis North Hospital . February Murray, . 1, 1983: Boy to Dennis and Clydene Forbush, 1241 E. 960 S., Fruit Utah. Heights, ' Boy to Dean and Joan 367 N. 200 W., Clearfield, May-coc- k, Utah. ; February 3, 1983: Boy to Roberto and Trudy Cantu, 1421 N. Celcia Way, Lay-to- n, Utah. Girl to Randall and Dawn Kingston, Utah. 55 E. 125 S., Farming-ton- , Boy to Fredrick and Ronetta r Frances Ave., 361 and get HUNTING? Let Classified Ads help you find just what you're looking for. ' Then turn right now to our ing whatever you're HOUSE TO BUY A HORSE? livestock for whatever you're headin Classified. A17-C- 5 Bi Lay-to- n, Utah. Boy to Steven and Julie Burk, 827 Church Street, Layton, Utah. Boy to Steven and Jaylene Redford, 233 N. 700 E., Kaysville, Utah. February 1983: February 2, Boy to Steven and Patricia Anderson, 593 S. Main Street, Clearfield, Utah. , Maintenance man, carpentry, custom finish work, cabinets, , storage space, wall-neplumbing, or painting, dry patching, very reasonable rates, no job too small. Call Rex 776-- 1 355, or Dan at 546-482- Thomas Day, owner, says he has been in business at 5th South location since November and offers classes for anyone who wants to learn the compu- You can afford a home!, ter. Language of the computer Talk to one of the real, is taught as well as how to prog- estate brokers who advertise in classified. ram and word processing. Area Financeavailable Power Raking from $25. g 2rfsq. ft. 3 $15 minimum Custom film tinted windows. for cars, trucks and vans, Call 4 between 5 PM for free estimates, ask for Jeff. Handyman-Od- Ackley Data Sells Computers - 85 773-5- 1 manicure, tips linen wrapped Tired of water in your basenails. Professionally experiencment? Call Dayton Construction ed manicurist. Introductory Farm work, . processing, Water Proofing appoint- includes a PROFESSIONAL TYPING and Data Processing Call Manicurist FINGERNAILS-you- r word-dat- letters and forms. Sunset. 773-040- 100. BOUNTIFUL Ackley Data is a new business in Bountiful that sells home and personal Service b Complete Tree Service Tax returni prepared in your Free Estimates home by CPA. Fast service, Coll 8 9 for reasonable. Call appointment. Incense Tax preparation, per.Typing sonal and business. Phone 394-211- 7 Gene Applonie Typing dene in my home. Fast and accurate. Pickup and deCall Janna, livery available. Locktmith 776-- 1 117 Clearfield. Satisfaction Srice $20. Call Alice 3 November, she decided to go back to teaching quilting for a living. She says she likes to teach young people simple things like small pin cushions, but the classes are for all ag$s from 8 to a used in her shop, and will also be for sale. Dennis Falk Construction, remodeling, new construction, residential small commerical. All carpentry work, basements finished, oddition, kitchens, decks, concrete and aluminum tiding. and beautiful she did teach in the California Adult Schools for six years. When her husband died in projects. She recently traveled to Houston to pick up on some of the latest in quilting designs and patterns. Folkware Patterns, which she says are popular throughout the country, will be room addition, garage free estisions, basements, mates. No job too small. sssxsassKsssss Vests and Mrs. Clayton is in the business of teaching quilting at Complete home remodel, conver- 4 Patchwork Plus BOUNTIFUL One interesting business to open in Bountiful this year is Patchwork Plus owned by Barbara Clayton. NEW CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING addition or building needs. Call 4 on on heating 80 evenings ask for Up to 40 Bob, air conditioning. Free informo-tion-N- o 3 Obligation NEW CONSTRUCTION AND addition or REMODELING, 4 building needs. Call Income Tax for Bob. ask evenings, .. ' . stucco. Save Energy, Save Money , " Metiler Plastering, sprayed Gceilmg, textured ceilings, foundation, plastering and 5 Would you like a business of ConSmart People-O.T.- L. your own? You don't need an struction Co. Inc. savs Build office to start. Begin at home l. Nowl 9 interest, full or part time. Singles or fixed aayment. Income $2,000-$2,50- 0 married couples. CaiT 393-422- 8 (o qualify. Homes with 1 after anytime, double carport, dishwasher, 6 far appointment. disposal from 435.000. Lot extra. New style house plans. Call Gary Lucas, President and -9 ESTATE REAL 84 -J- OBS OF INTEREST General Contractor 30 -- LOST A FOUND 140 CONTRACTS SALES POUND, Clinton area, Black labrador and Irish Setter. selling 190 DAVIS COUNTY Contracts, $15,000 9 Phone price, $28,000 return. ProperNEED MONEY? Sell Avon full A MERE MANSION ty in No. Ogden for equity. Can earn $6 or or part-timin 3 story 5 more on hour. Coll 40 -P- ERSONALS home. Elegance and comfort to 9 be seen. Call Glenna BE SLIM Lose 5 to 50 lbs. Has NutrJ-Metic- e Internet ional for list of features in this 5500 Cosmetic, also Nutri-Trieverything failed? Try the slim foot home. CENTURY plan that really works and is Sculptress and Penny Rich Bra 170 -- CONDOMINIUMS A17C5 Smoot division now In Utah. Looking BEST CONDOMINIUM BUY: 100 guaranteed. Free cloi-s295-496- 0 for people Interested in profitTwo spacious bedrooms, built-InA New 3 bedroom, near multi-levor able career. Any HAFB. W. Gate, $54,000. Disco for hire, school, church, refrigerator, thermopane all divisions. Commission, VA or Contract. 479- FHA, windows, luxurious carpets and or private party. $100 per bonus, cars, trips, prizes. No car776-307- 7 4796 and swimming pool, or drapes, night up. restrictive territory, no limit on port, storage. Near park and Assumable-loincome. We train, feel tree to interest, Lay-toIannis court. Everything in 3 bedroom, fenced, patio, Find Out what you've always investigate 25 year old comcondition. dean beautiful wanted to know about aeck, professionally decorated pany. Interviews by appointWhere can you beat all this for 5 and landscaped, lVz years but were afraid to ask. ment. Call Lee Low down pay $39,500? only New Messoge old, $59,900.tall 546-112Call ment and low interest. Want to make a let of money Each Week. with very little work? For furthEast Layton, 4 bed-solright now before this jewel is Mr. Porks 250-591- 8 6 or LICENSE COURSE er information call rooms, large kitchen. 2 baths, New-Lif- e in REAL ESTATE Realty. large garage, family room, wood burning stove, storage, State accredited. Register Mar. Briarwood Condominium 1 3 for next clast Mar. study, fruit trees, fencINTEREST sewing, OF 5JOBS starting 1346 Millcreek 4(12thHarrl-son- ) 8ed yard, low 80s. 8th. Call S. Ogden Community fixed rate. SECRETARIAL $49,900, 11 Education. Linda or Byron 0 No qualifying, closing costs or BOUNTIFUL BUNGALOW 9 SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST or Jerry commissions. 2 pools, 2 bedhome with 3 or 4 e, typing 50 plus, shor1100 basememnt, finish rooms, fireploce, bedrooms, sq.ft, re- thand, previous covered experience lot, ed, deep LOVED ONE SICK? parking, air, laundry goad terms. Call Excellent benefits, 2 5 Bee Juired. Jay l.P.N.'s R.N.'s 2 5 CENTURY 21, CU Smoot Nurse Aides PHEASANTBROOK LIVING, Companions Assoc. 1 -Home Care from 24 hours. Enjoy executive living with 100 -- CHILD CARE Medicare Reimbursed clubhouse, swimming, and ten- By Owner, Very nice 3 bed-roo1 Call collect BABYSITTING nis in Centerville's best conrambler, in Layton. 2Vi dominium complex, sharp deOr child care in Kaysville bath, finished basement, patio, call Dale 7 lots of extras. 10 assumable cor, terms, good 80 -J- OBS OF INTEREST CENTURY 21, CU 0 loan. $65,000. CHILD CARE-- 2 year and up, GENERAL Smoot A. Harrington Loop, 4019 By Owner: Immacualte 3 bed2 Dental Assistant, Part-tim- e Yorkshire Meadows almost room rambler in Clearfield, un- HAFB, 1 Vs Afternoons, experience necesfinished basement, carport, new 2 bedroom, bath, teacher and Experienced 3 stone lari assumable loan, sary 87e fireplace, ge kitchen, mother will tend children in my 3 air, $59,500 carpeting, disDISPLAY TRIMMER WANTED Bountiful home. 1 full time and washerdryer hookups, CEDAR SPRINGS part time posi- Grandma Theo't Day-Car- e much more. hwasher, range retion available, experience This 2 bedroom is dean, sharp, Center opening soon in Syra$54,000 Karen Mortensen Send Reaume to Box and good terms, swimming, between 7 and 3 or 8 Buired. cuse, 20 years experience. tennis and clubhouse. Call Bee Ogden Standard Ex3 after 6 292-500aminer. Jav 295-584CENTURY 21, CU Smoot Ass for ambitious peo- - I'doillave to tend your children, -WEBER COUNTY Clinton 180 Opening sociates ages accepted, you want to work port area. Coll time or full time. Good income CENTERVILLE RAMBLER By Owner: Newly decorates!, in your area. No experience Licensed day care, Layton 2 yr. old rambler, 3 bedrooms, Hurry to see 4 plus bedrooms, sq. lot, new floor coverings, necetsory. area, hot lunch, 2 snacks, and 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, 1 1 40 large ' ft. 2 cor go 0 activities. trees, low interest, FHA loan. Needed for Salespersons Great Neig Call 6tan 295-- 1 176, CENTURY Business, Experience Licensed family day care, Printing 4016 W. 21, CU Smoot referred but not Mom would love to care for E rood commission. necessary. in Roy, 3 Farmington by owner, 3 bed-roochildren 3 weeks and older, Bv owner, Apply in 860 W. Riverdate Rd. bedrooms, dining room, 1 IK baths, central air, person Layton A-- 6 bath, living room with fireplandscaped. $79,900. Mother to tend small wants with wet roam bar. lace, ; T family Ill iJ vnin9 or "j op- - deck, 2 car Vi unfin. 7 FHA 245 LOAN ms. isheJ bawmint, TaPge fenced 84 -J- OBS OF INTEREST Good terms on newer Farming-to- n with automatic sprinkling SALES Need babysitter in my home yard home, beautiful decor, for my 2 year old weekdays 7- system, zoned for animals. Aswood stove, ANXIOUS, Coll sumable low interest loan Na4, area, ray fast and CENTURY growing Laraine Large 7 priced in the 80s. Call tional Marketing firm searching 21, Smoot Assoc. Qualify child care by after 6 or ext. 0 for full or part time candidates. mother. Playroom, toys, 207 or 267 during the week. HORSE AROUND fenced yard. Learning activities Top part fimer made $40,000 Acre horse property with newer last year, please send .resume EXPOSURE Occasional dinners-to-g- o emphasis. EXCElJNT 4 bedroom 2 both home, super to: rO box 3302. Ogden, UT to give you more time for terms. Call Stan 295-1184409 Atteni M. Baldwin. 1500 or 3000 sq. ft. retail ou child. Layton area 825- andor office use adjacent to CENTURY 21, CU Smoot Energetic Capable ExperiencFamily Bank on 1900 W. 5200 Washington Terrace Area, S. Call George Trigas at ed salespeople. Excellent comKAYSVILLE DELUXE Babysitting in My Home, Hot HERMES AS50C. mission $1,000 plusweek poteCome see secluded 1 08 x 190 4 ntial-home meals, snacks 5 energy conservayard, scrub oak, pool, country 6 or Would love to tend children Far tion products. in Sale $53000 Nice 3 bed- - kitchen, gas send resume to 1969 N. Mam beautiful brickstone rambler. '"font to 4 years in my room home, carport, full CENTURY home. Call Jay Layton, Ut. 84041 fenced new ment, paint yard, 21 Smoot Assoc. and carpet, owner will carry Jobs with Fortune 500 Com-- . rrz 105 ELDERLY CARE contract, hio Realtors Please. Layton 5 bedrooms finished pony in sales. Excellent oppor7 walk-otunity for self motivated person basement, 3 baths, 2 Elderly assistance provided in to be independent. No experth of their home, some Homes (farting at $49,966, fireplaces, sundeck, completely privacy Excellent ience necessary. medical trainim, very dependlandscaped and fenced yard, y0u must look at our various close to HAFB, school and moneybonuses. For appoint-me7. 3 able, Shirley 393-59- 1 olans. Call or 745-0 or interview church $69,900 1 5 bedrooms finished Bills got you down? Earn $10-- 1 View by owner, Layton Pleasant walk-obasement, 3 baths, 2 1400 sq. ft. on main floor, full $17per hour as Princess House1 FIND FREEDOM-BEAUTfinished basement, walkout, 6 fireplaces, sundeck, completely Crystal consultant. Free trainRICHNESS in your singing. landscaped and fenced yard, ing, car and phone required. Barbara Jenkins 544-214- 0. bedrooms, large family room, close to HAFB, school and Set own hours, no delivery. Rich background wood burning stove on Vi acre in vocal 1 church Minimum initial cost. Phone $69,900 lot, technique and musical theater 3 for more informaAffiliated with LIVE RIGHT HERE Rerformance. S. 4 Meadows, tion. year of oldOgden Centerville Rambler has 4 plus 1200 sq. ft. home, double Teachers of Singing. Earn extra money. Have fun bedrooms, custom family car garage with opener, firepchildren's Become music. room, grapes, trees, berries in PUN PIANO LESSONSI Impro- selling lace, 3 bedrooms, 114 baths, huge yard, Cali Laraine a Brite Music representative. songs many popular vising family room and more. large CENDale after Loan assumption available. ways, plus scales, chords, TURY 21, Smoot Assoc. 7 Coll signtreading, harmonizing, in 30 keys, tom- - ' Read classified daiNEW FEATURES plete, organized method, for $500 DOWN adults ana children. New drapes, appliances, carNO QUALIFYING ly Levolors, deck, priced to pets, lessons or 3170 Porter, $43,000. $390 a by piano Organ CENsell. Call Jay teacher. Small group month, 2 bedrooms, dining, looking for qualified TURY 21, CU Smoot 9 or private fenced fireplace, yard, laundry 2 and storage. or 776-3NEW HOMES 120 -- BUSINESS looking for, Starting at $49,800 on OPPORTUNITIES . lots. Monthly payments bedroom 2 in starter Roy the jump on other Investor with 0 starting as low as $421. Call area with basement, deneeded. Money is secured with Lynn Glauser Construction tached garage and fruit work Possible on 776-031- 4 no 8 or buyers. your part. trees. Assumable 614 to receive your investment back reduced for quick New homes, $54,000, exloan, price 7 the first year. or sale to $42,500. 8 tremely large lots, 1008 sq. ft. split, Melanie Acres Subdivi2 bedroom brick Losing the budget race? Help 2S? sion, Syracuse, good financing. rvvfTo'iiiXT after T-outg4 Call Gary your income, up with your through pleasant part NEW PROPERTY time work, set your own hours. $3700 to assume 1 1 Vs VA NEW ON Market. Clean Call local Amway Distributor. Loan, E. bench above rambler with view in Center- 1 son. 2 bedroom, garage, anytime, Three bedrooms ready to ville. after 6. port, nice Many extras. 9 occupy. Call Glenna PeoCENTURY 21, Smoot Assoc. Openings for Ambitious 6 BEDROOMS IN ROY A17 C5 ple to develop a business of 0 their own without risk. Write 2 bathrooms, 2 full kitchens, NEW ACRE CUSTOM for appointment. Box X. perfect for large family or THIS EXECUTIVE 2 story on Vi downroom for mother-in-laOgden Standard Examiner. acre has 3 garages, beautiful ONLY $76,000. $5,000 stairs. Wholesale auto parts, re- down, assume contract balance woodwork, heavy insulation , building business. Excellent at 10 interest. Flexible. Call 4450 sq. ft. and good terms. earnings with $18,000 investStan 295-- 1 176, CENTURY Martin 773-619- 9 or JDS Call 8 ment. Call 7 or 21 Smoot Association HOMESTEAD REALTORS. Osassnfiueafl Call on someone who knows how' Gof o fob r o do 5, 1983: Girl to Grant and Cindy Pittman, 88 S. 500 E., Clearfield, Utah. ' February 7, 1983: to Mark and Darlene Boy Timothy, 448 N. Fairfield Rd. u85, Layton, Utah. Girl to Donald and Patricia Campbell, 607 S. 1000 E. Apt. A, Clearfield, Utah. Boy to Frank and Cindy Guz man, 858 N. 1000 W., Clinton,' Utah. Girl to Alan and Marianne Story, 1194 W. 4400 S. 15, Riverdale, Utah. Girl to Eddie and Jackquline Graham, 301 N. Main 112, Lay-toUtah. n, February 8, 1983: Girl to Terry and Thalia Wheeler, 360 W. 2300 S., field, Utah. February Clear- 9, 1983: Girl to William and Patti Bed-di193 Ross Dr., Clearfield, Utah. Boy to Carl and Tina Barber, 680 N. Main Kaysville, Utah. e, D-- 8, Nothing Down NEW r OPPORTUNITIES ILsifcesM BUSINESS SERVICE ' REAySTATETORSALE 180 -- WEBER COUNTY ESS Review South, Wednesday, Mar. 2, 1983 Together, lilly Miller Polywl Summer 8i Superior Type Spray Oil inwork to control sects and diseases for heathly trees, shrubs and roses next Spring. Highly effective against spider mites, aphids eggs, scale, powdery mildew, scab and other insects and disease 4x4'$ Rag. BRAND NEW '82 a YANDO nmFssxsT 0OO - 7nf4. a ii 4Hil3 CLOSEOUT PRICE 0009 NEW 0900 Lest Than 300 Mites SEDANS SUBARU NCW CLOSEOUT Here il 'he best of the family economy cars Well equ pped and front wheel dry No hid iut odd to den chorges cense 4 prnparo' on . PRICE Never reg s'ered 096C ATsee orgnal soos AASO ond equipped wth air cond ftonmg Tj, s t Dar) 0t special purchase package ol ca' No hdden chorges u$ add to license & preparot on MfcIS iftranfemai 77 LITTLE MARVEL EARLY PERFECTION SUBARU BRAT DEMO Special Purchas '81 DATSUN PICKUP SUBARU STATION WAGON grow JAJ Carries the Areas Most Complete Line of Bulk Garden Seed LAXTON PROGRESS 82 unit ig very well eqmpp ed ond includes the full new cor worronly Very low mileage Just odd tox license ond preparation This eb r For all you need PEA SEED SUBARU SPECIAL1 Well equipped, 'rpnt wheel ative High gas mileoge Drive home o brand new cor for less 'hon used car payments St 43 per C U 60 mo No mo based on thing down ond 13b annual per rentage rote A number to choose from under 5.98 lillyTmillerto 1982 CLOSEOUT BRAND o one of o kind1 Well equipped very low mileage This one won lost HU8RYI long lull add lax license and preparation SPRAY $G903 Down With This Reg. 3.98 SUBARU SPORT COUPE very Deluxe cloth interior h well equipped1 Shop it quakes 'of NO price THING DOWN And 60 C U months payments Just odd to hnoncmg trense anrj prnpnroto- '82 DORMANT '82 Nothing 0LDSM0BILE Sport coupe low miles air stereo TOP COND like new mtide odd T'ON No hidden charges to license ond preparation - 1500 BUICK SPORT COUPE new vinyl top Excellent point eicellent Merhanicolly good tires GOOD FAMILY CAi No den charges just odd to, license and preparation 595 78 TOYOTA Corolla low miles excellent condition and well equipped1 Puce good HI doting Feb 28th No hid den chorges odd tax, license and prepo'Oiion 1095 78 VOLKSWAGEN Fuel Dasher 4 door wagon niec ban low miles, like new mside and excellent family out Sunroof air cor Just odd tax, license ond pre poratron 2979 '81 DATSUN 510 4 door like new mude ond out well Hntchbock styling Just equipped odd tax license and preporohon 39570 |