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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE Fridas. June Entered at the aa O that Columbia Six sold, by with MJCAL APPLICATIONS, as they Nielsen Service Co. Hyrum, Ad. cannot reach the scat oC the dispase. is a local disease greatly In1919 Catarrli horse, buggy FORSALE-Go- od fluenced by constitutional conditions, and 20, Pootoitice Catairh Cannot Be Cured COURIER aecond class mail tnnttet, under the Act ' .1. 8-- Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians this country for years. It is composed of some of the host tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers The perfect combinationMedi-of ihe Ingredients In Hall's Catarrh cine Is whof produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions , Send for testimonials free K. I CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. i . , Alt Pruggists, 7pe Hall's Family Pills for constipation. system. of March 3 1879 in A. Wahlen. Publisher & Manager Local News Have you had a ride in the Columbia Six. Sold by Nielson Ad. Service Co., Hyrum. Do you need a 12, 14, or 16 foot Cant Sag Gate? Ask Anderson & Sons Co , Hyrum, for prices. Ad. Mr. J. T. Wilson motored to Idaho on Sun. June 15. Mr. and Mrs. lE. J. Wilson accompanied him as far as Franklin. Remember the Chautauqua Logan, commencing June 20th. J Bros. Lumber .Co. are Smith touching up their, new Store room with a coat of paint. BLACKSMITH and Mrs. 'Niels Monson of . Mr. Horseshoeing a Specialty Goshen, Idaho, are Visiting relatives and friends in Hyrum. Shop Located on Center Street FOR SALE 4or 5 good Milk Next to Jensens Coal Yard cows. Apply to Jen9 C. Anderson, HYRUM Adv. Hyrum. (J-2- 3) Rayfield Carburators Goodrich, Goodyear,' Mohawk, Brunswick, Pearless, Firestone, Tires and Tubes, Auto Jacks and Pumps. Stromberg Carburators Gould Presto-Lite- , and Columbia Batteries. Bailey Ball Thrust, Titan A. C. Plug, Wheel-chain- s and parts. , fieldi Brake-Lining- s, Repair parts for Delco, Ward Lenard Atwater-Kiut- , Wagoner Mocco-Monke- Auto-ligh- t, y Grip, Repair Patch', Havoline, Mobile i Oils and Greases. to Fix Magneto and Ignition Repairs of all kinds. Special Equipment and Cutting, , Forgings of all kinds.. . Battery Charging, Rex Theatre Service Shrader Valve Parts Axycetelene-Weldin- g Starter-Generato- Mans-- r Timkins Bearing We Fix The Hard 2-- t. FOR THIS WORK. Free Tests on Batteries. r, i Batteries Loaned While Y ou Wait i W. Free From Brunners Free Air HYRUM -- Thermoid and i JACK HARTEY Dont forget that Hyfum is goDress Goods for 4th of July trade. ing to celebrate the Fourth. Now One dress to a pattern. Call in and is the time for the various comWilliams see them. Economy mittees to get together and keep Adv. . Store. the ball a rolling. Remember the Mistical Korny SHEPPARD & CO. of Idaho Falls, Magician at the Rex Theatre' next have a number of very fine farm Go and have a Tuesday evening. homes for sale near that city. A good, hearty laugh, it will do you to them will bring a prompt letter " good. reply, describing some of these The sprinkling of Main Street places. Adv. . It keeps is greatly appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen and tie dust down and prevents the children came in from Pocatello wind from blowing it into the varvalley last Saturday for a short ious business houses along Main. visit with relatives and friends. 'Mr. P. V, Christiansen and three Mr. Jensen of course came to take other youn& men passed through his annual outing in Blacksmith our city from Ogden, on their way Fork canyon, and was on hand to to Blacksmith Fork canyon, bound take his place at the head of the on catching some of the finny tribe. squad, road and line, with the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eliason resof the boys . Of course every Wednesday evening, June one knows Mr. Jensen and we neednt say that he skinned all the rest honor of her brother, in It, A Jensen. delicious supper a city block as far as catching fish ' was served to the immediate mem- is concerned. While here, and to bers of the family. show that he has great confidence Mr. H H. Jensen of the Rex in Hyrums future, he bought the Theatre has shown some very at- old H. H. Petersen property on 2nd tractive pictures of late and judg north street, which he will likely nex t winter. ing from the large attendance last occupy Monday evening his pictures are certainly appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Goodhue and Mr. and Mrs. France Olsen motored to Salt Lake Thursday .Morning, to take in some of the attractions given for the entertainment of the Internationa Rotarians. Co. The Place the Guarantee Holds Good FOR SALE Acre lot, 3 room ed house, barn and other building. Apply at Lumber Co. Hyrum. acres of dry FOR SALE-- 40 farm land, 31 acres in fhll grain and 6 acres in alfal a, apply to H. G. Adv. in Shipley, Hyrum. ' FOR SALE 240. acres of land in Pocatello valley. Apply to John Adv. Eliason, Hyrum, Utah. Hyrum Garage must take an this Catanh Medi- and harness, cheap. Apply at and acts thru t. Adv. surfaces qf the office for information, in order to cine it you internal remedy, llalls cine is taken internally the blood on the mucous a ..yrutn, Utah Tuesday, June '241 Call Phone 130 . - - - . Hyrum, Utah At 8:30 p. m. ( Raj-mo- . The Annual Sunday School out ing of the Hyrum 2nd ward S. S. .Last Wednesday morning between the Hyrum Creamery and John Swensons residence in 1st ward, a large milk can, (No. 225 ) Finder kindly leave same at the - Condenser ox at John Swensons and be rewarded. Adv. Admission, Adults, 35c. Children, 25c. Plus War Tax. Jensen left Hyrum, June 16, for his field of Monday labor in the Southern States. Mr. and Mrs. John Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Jensen, and Mr. Nick Jorgen-a.'r- i accompanied him as far as Salt Lake in Mr. Jorgensens car. Mrs. Elmer Eliason and Mrs, R. A. .Eliason left Tuesday for Salt Lake City Hyrum City has been in darkness for two or three- - nights, occasioned by the .breaking of a ' pulley wheel on the motor at the citys electric plant. This has greatly retarded the publication of Jthe Courier. So if the paper is sometvhat late, we hope our subscribers will bear with us, as they generally do, when things unforseen happen. CALL AND SEE US HYRUM DRUG CO. Watch Repairing I am still all kinds. All -- : . Wort Promptly Done Prices very Reasonable Christiansen of-- Living GROCERIES. cans String Beans ... 1 00 good Family flour 0 50 lbs. Whole Wheat . 2.55 50 lbs. Hard Wheat,' High Patent flour 2.75 50 lbs- - 2-6- Diamond soap 1.00 fine Sugar ... $10.00 16 bars A B Naptha ' " Soap $1.00 16 bars Crystal White .. 1.00 12 bars Cream Oil Soap , 10 lbs. Sugar with order S'bars Walter, Baker 22 bars 100 lbs- - C . - Chocolate 000 Pairs 1.00 L. D. O. , Tips 1.00 . V cans Asparagus Tips - FREE 1 doz Tumblers, Reg. . 1 $2.00 value, for $1.00 3 lbs. Bulk Tea, Reg. 75c per lb 1.00 7 cans Milk, large and 25c 4 . 2 Brooms 8 .. lbs. Navy Beans ... cans Pinaple Extra Large Watter $1.00 Glasses, per set 35c Lemon Ext. 69c Bottle $1.00 $1.00 Bottle Vanilla Ext. C9c 35c 50t Bottle. Lemon Extr. 50c Bottle Vanilla Extr. 35c 10 lb. cans Pork and Beans $1 Garments, Cummer Weight, Ycur Choice while they OHE-THI- RD $1.00 OFF last v ' tV1 East Main Street, Hyrum, $$ $$ $ $ GROWING UP cans 15c Sardines .... 5 25c cans Asparagus 10 12 Are now prepared to furnish their many customers with a complete line' of , L Organized to Reduce the High Cost 8 Smith Bros. Lumber Co. (PLUS SERVICE) CENTER SRTEET, LOO AN. Large Cans Pork and Beans .. $1.00 3 lbs. Large Walnuts and 1 lb. Peanuts ... $1.00 2 Pancake 25c Flour packs 3 i lbs. Best Loose Coffee 1.00 ! ! Screen Doors and Quality Lumber H G. Hay ball 5 - 'We have a Complete Line of KODACRS & FILMS c doing all kinds of Repair Work .in Watch9t Clocks ' and Jewelry of . to Get Good Pictures. : 3C . This is the Time of the Season Will direct you into the realm of the unknown. He escapes from chains; makes rabbits from flour and eggs.' etc. One big laugh from start to finish. Hyrums Pioneer Watchmaker LOST Raymond MAGICIAN . C. M. take place next Wedy. June 24th. Any S. S. officers or members of the otfier wards are cordially invited to' accompany the second ward school. . , nd LOST Last Saturday afternoon on road between Logan and Hyrum, a ladies Marocco-leathe- r bound hand purse containing a small key Finder leave same at the Hyrum telephone office, and be rewarded. Adv. will MYSTICAL KORNY ii ! l,i |