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Show saGe4e . Damaged Page s SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH time you plan to pay us a visit, tele- joST Into the darkness beyond. As It through the dim circle of light phone In advance. I may be able to rushed In of the tavern Barnes succeedfront depersuade my host that youre a a brief but convincing In ed obtaining educated gentleman, cent; and hell consent to receive you at view of the car. That glance was Vedding law-abidin- MY Gifts He would have Green Fancy. Good day to ye, and enough, however. a jury and to before been go willing the with shook hands le departing was the same car thnt swear It that tfft Parks. Our trespasser. Totin' a walk?" was the landlord's hud deposited him at Harts Tavern the day before. greetlog as Barnes mounted the tavern Having guessed correctly In the one steps at dusk. he allowed himself another Instance Going over the grounds of last and even bolder the little book nights affair, responded Barnes, agent had eitherguess received a message pausing MAKER5 F JEWELRY to the occupant As he entered the door he was from or delivered one WO MAIN STREET SALT LAKE Green car or from of the driver Fancy. CITt acutely aware of an Intense stare leveled landat him from behind by the Author of GRAUSTARK, "THE CHAPTER VIII. lord of Hart's Tavern. Half way up r HOLLOW OF HER HAND." THE the stairway he stopped short and ML TAKE WAGES FOR PROFITS A PRINCE OF GRAUSTARK," ETC with difficulty repressed the exclama- A Note, SomeIn Fancies and an Expedi-tion Quest of Facts. ' tion that rose to his lips. He started upstairs, his mind full of Grv Error That Is Made by Mo He had recalled a significant IncPeople Who Are Working ident of the night before. Almost Im- the events and conjectures of the day. for a Salary. fell Onrlk by DoJi, Mud mi Cunymy, Im room his As he 'entered the eyes mediately after the departure of Boon It his feet. at a white upon envelope he likes me, though God knows why, and Paul from the Tavern Putnam had been slipped under the door since Jones telehad his to made the way his unless It may be that I once did he left the room an hour before. THE CUT DIRECT phone behind the desk and had called . son a good turn In London." Terse reminder, from the prudent Mr. profits and that the process of accnni s Sufficient excuse for reparation, I a number in a loud, brisk voice, but Jones His hill for the day ! He picked lattng savings Is substantially th uni the subsequent conversation was carThomas K. Barnes, Synopsis. should suy," smiled Barnes. as getting profits out of a business, and at the It up, glanced inscription, a wealthy young New Yorker, I Introduced the lad to me only sis- ried on In subdued tones, attended by His full shall be on the way to becoming 1 his once at altered opinion. on a walking trip In. New Engter," said ODowd, and she kept him haste and occasional furtive glances name was there In the handwriting thrifty people. In land near the Canadian border, the direction of the taproom. happy for the next ten years. No a woman. For a moment he was But very few wage and salary la given a lift In an automobile Upon reaching his room Barnes per- of doubt I also provided Mr. Curtis with Miss ; he of then thought know this. puzzled a by mysterious and attractive three grandchildren he might never mitted the suppiessed emotion to A note of thanks, no doubt, Thackeray. mental process, to the very Their his girl bound for a house called In escape a of the soft Ups shape have had but for my graciousness." fulsome! Vaguely an- limited extent that their minds enter Green Fancy. At Ilarts tavern A look of distress came into his merry whistle, which If It could have been unpleasantly noyed, he ripped open the envelope and Into the matter at all, is to regard the Barnes finds a stranded troupe bet- translated Into words would hove said : eyes. like By Jove, Id notblhg read ; ' of actors, of pay check as profits, which Is, 0! ter thun to asl? you In to have a dish By Gad, why havent I thought of it In case I do not have the opporwhich Lyndon Rushcroft Is the course, a very fundamental mistake. of tea Its teatime, Im sure but Id before? He sent out the warning that to speak with you tonight, this star and Miss Thackeray" the tunity Roon and Paul on were And In the business of the the no more think of doing it than Id conway Is to let you know that the little man like to leading Indy. They are doing Id dollar bet last that check Is no more profits than Is the my pay sider doesn't off He me head. cutting In was book hotel work for their bonrd. Lie agent someone at Green Fancy had the other who says he is a cash that comes over the counter of 1 like strangers. He " s of an learns Green Fancy Is a house your room for end of the wire. store or through the receiving teller, My dear yourdistress dont fellow, of mystery. Mr. Rushcroft wns giving Hamlets hour while you were away this after- window at a bank, That night two self," cried Barnes heartily. There noon. Youd better see If anything Is mounted men leave the tavern A Isnt the least "reason in the world address to the players, In the pay check Is the M. T. under odd circumstances. missing. One when Barnes came downstairs and his why gross profits, if there receipts, examiIs shot dead .near by ; the other He made a hasty but careful at nine oclock. from You see, the poor old chap asks .are found be any, by deducting not was of Is brought back dying. Barnes There his nation effects. A small, dark man who sat aloue at" ns It costs these whatever here once up or that gross twice receipts 9 year comes under suspicion. He stay' a table In the corner caught Barnes the slightest evidence that his pack Is to say, De Soto "and me to keep going. to help clear up the mystery. had been opened or even disturbed. If to keep the wage-earnand eye smiled almost mournfully. his sister from filling the house up He was In business it is well understood that ODowd of Green Fancy says book the little spent agent undoubtedly a stranger; his with men he cant endure. So l5ng that that place of mystery Is not of an hour-ithe room he man- there are Just two ways to Increase action was meant to convey to Barnes we gs occupy the only available rooms, the Information thnt he too. was from aged most effectually to cover up all profits : either more money must come concerned In any way. Barnes he argues, she cant stuff them full a in over the counter, or else less must gets Into the Green Fancy distant and sophisticated community traces of hTs visit. of she a Twice objectlonables. not Barnes did year and that a bond of sympathy existed grounds and sees the mysterious go to sleep until long be pal'd out in keeping up the business. comes for a month, in the late fall between So with the , It he falls now regarded himHe girl. after them. midnight. and early spring. Putnam Jones spoke suddenly at self as definitely committed to a com- to save he must fit himself for a better Job or else lower his standard ot Why does he continue to live In Barnes shoulder. He started Invo- bination of sinister and piquant enterthis Carl Ma; there Is no other way CHAPTER VII. spot? He Is an luntarily. The man was beginning to prises, not the least of which was to old 111." In rshall I man, take the and Thrift Magazine. 6 it, get on his nerves. lie seined to .be know nbout the mysterious young Spun-GolYou wouldnt be wondering If you Hair, Blue Eyes and Varihis footsteps with ceaseless woman at Green Fancy. dogging knew the man, said ODowd. He Is ous Encounters. The next dny he, with other loggers HERES A PUNCTUATION TEST She was quite unaware of his pres- a scholar, a dreamer, a sufferer. Hes persistency. In the Tavern, was put through an exover That corthere In the fellas, ence, and yet he was directly In her not a very old man at that. Not more amination by the police and county Make Sense of This Jumble and Provt said Jones ner, a "is book softly, path, though some distance away. Her than sixty-fivofficials from St. Elizabeth, and notiThat Your Think Tank Is Work-from your town. He sold me a head was bent ; her mien w as thoughtlie certainly has a fanciful streak agent fied while was susnot that, he undec of set Dickens Inq Properly. when was he here last . f In him, building a place like that," said ful. her stride slow and aimless. or surveillance,, it would picion weeks-agofar A about time, years She was slender, graceful and evi- P,rnes, looking not at the house but for him to remain In the bailiCan you punctuate? No, I am not subscription to" two magazines throwed dently quite tall,, although she seemed lNto the thicket above. There was no In. wick until detectives, already on the to ask you to punctuate the book these are gosh,going By agents a pigmy among the towering giants sign of the blue and white and the way, were satisfied that he possessed slick ones. It Is and that I said not phrase, that attended her stroll. Her hands spun gold that still defied exclusion no knowledge thnt would be useful to but" coma Hes you probably know how to do chap," were thrust deep Into the pocket of from Ills mind's eye. He had not rethem tn clearing up what had now as- that already ; hnt ,1 have received aa r mented Barnes. a white duck skirt, A glance revealed covered from the thrall Into which the Says he wont be satisfied till hes sumed the dignity of a "national prob- amusing communication from a reader white shoes and trim ankles In blue. vision of loveliness plunged him. He made this section of the country the lem. showing how important a part punctShe wore no hat. Her hair was like was still a trifle dazed and distraught. ODowd rode down from Green uation can plajr in making sense of what most cultured, refined spot In the UnitRight you are, agreed O'Dowd spun gold, thick, wavy and shimmering a sensation we write, says a writer in London AFancy and created the queerest streak In the world. Its ed States," said Jones dolefully. Ex- among the officials quite in the subdued light. that nswers. Without punctuation the foby announcing cuse me. There the goes telephone. Suddenly she stopped find looked up. his notion of simplicity." had a to extend they perfect right llowing paragraph reads somewhat noGreen Fancy. Is thnt the name he Maybe its news from the sheriff." lie had a full view of her face as she cotheir search to clues of all for parts nsensically, but If you put In the With the spasmodic tinkling of the Inturn gazed about as If startled by some un- gave the place or does it spring his was and can he estate, that rrect punctuation marks you deeply telephone bell the book agent arose terested In expected, even alarming sound. For a from the outcome of their In- the sentences Into sense: and office. his to made the little pwas way christened second or two he held his breath, by me own sis vestigations. j the sun sets in a bucket down stunned by the amazing loveliness that ter, Mr. Barnes, the first time she was Barnes glanced over his shoulder a seen The sheriff said he would like to In Dally moment this saw later and him valley .primroses can he studying was revealed to him. Then she dis- here, two years ago. Ill walk with run over a the bit" that strings are ground very growing Inside the piano you to the fence beyond If youve no the register. The poise of his sleek afternoon If covered him standing there. it was agreeable to Mr. of dollgh bread Is made and baked on In a flash he realized that he wag objections," said ODowd genially, and head, however, suggested a llsteulng ODowd. top of the mountain It is cool In the face to face with the stranger of the linked his arm through that of Barnes, attitude. Putnam Jones, not four feet ODowd to dinner. stayed (Dinner spring time waits - for no woman The latter was at once subtly aware away, was speaking Into the telephone day before. He took two or three Im-was In served the middle of the reAs day neither man will wait long to quench receiver. was the receiver pulsive steps forward, his hand going of the fact that he was being delib-tat Harts He a made Tavern.) great the thirst of the thirsty even on a wet Ills ,hat and the'n halted. Evident- - erately conducted from the grounds, stored to its hook Barnes turned and impression upon Rushcroft, Lyndon Jones and the book agent were day our stewards can give a good toe ly his senses had deceived him. There Moreover, he was now convinced that again. in with his who,. two daughter, Joined the substantial remedy for the gout was no smile In her eyes and yet he ODowd had been close upon his heels examining the register, their heads men. Indeed, the palavering Irishman is a terrible sore thing when trodden from the instant. he entered them. almost meeting from opposite sides of . could have sworn that It was there an extended himself In the effort to make 'on even a worm will turn on carrots Instant before. Instead there was a There was something uncanny In the the desk. In- carrot seeds will grow on turnips are The latter straightened up, stretched himself agreeable. He was vastly feeling that possessed him. Such eslevel stare. terested in the stage, he declared. As leaves of Iron tools are made for he be pionage as this signified something his arms, yawned, and annouuced In a I am sorry If I startled matter of fact he had been told a ges was the daughter of Pharaohs son In and lie tone the that imperative deep presence loud guessed hed stop thousand times that he gan. ought to go and likewise was the son of Pharaoh out and get a bit of fresh air before The figure of a wan appeared as if not only of ODowd but the on the stage, a" daughter. few minutes ear- turning In. gardener discharged bodily from some magic The little boob agent came In while lier. in tils and stood directly Any news?, Inquired Barms, apCredit to Napoleon. His mind was still full of the lovely proaching the desk after the door had they were at table. He sat down In path a tall, rugged man lu overalls a corner of the dining room and busied of definitely completing th The glory about whom ODowd had so closed behind the book agent. was he, who held a spade In his hand stranger himself with his lists Louvre was reserved for Napoleon In and eyed him lnlmleally. Without an- manifestly lied over the telephone, It wasnt the sheriff, replied Jones while waiting for subscription the meal to be the activity he displayed In carrying I must ask you to apologize to the shortly, and other' glance In his direction the first immediately resumed his served. He was still poring over them, out this plan compensates to sows and more pleasing vision turned on young lady on whom I blundered a Interrupted discourse on books and when Barnes and slight extent for other disastrous eP" frowning Auher heel and continued her stroll, few moments ago, Mr. ODowd.- She book agents. Ter minutes elapsed be- the 'others Intently, room. the left sodes of his reign. On the 14th of a the sauntering off' to the right, her fair must have been startled.. Pray con- fore the landlords" garrulity was Barnes walked out beside Miss gust, 1857, Napoleon III opened head once more bent In study, her vey to" her my solicitude and ex checked by the sound of an automobile ' last completed Louvre. Two marble0 Thackeray. x , hack eloquently Indifferent to the .g we cuses." coming to a stop In front of the house. tailor-mad- e ImThe slabs commemorated the building Is an gown Consider It done, my dear sir, said Barnes turned expectantly toward the thnt followed her. of "Ho was he said the provement, great French monument, one :s ilie' Our most charming door. Almost Immediately the car Irishman. Who do you want to see? inquired art of the pretty (most perfect .expressions and seductive guest," he went on. started again, with a loud shifting of thinking that she 'was a very sla the man with the spade. ', after all; , girl, genius of the race. On one of the two of of the Ill you, Bedad, stake a moment later the door gears, and Before Barnes could reply a hearty inscr are The frock usually makes the worn-wliich Is still In existence, the voice accosted him from behind. He me head you were startled the most opened to admit, not a fresh arrival an," she said slowly, but not always the words: Francois I began such rare love upon cow but the little book agent. whirled arid saw ODowd approaching, Coming suddenly ' Medici the lady." . Louvre.' Catherine de not twenty yards away. The Irish- llness Is almost equivalent to being "Party trying to ninke Hornvllle toOn the other He of more remark menced the- - Tullerlee. that thought of a bolt More struck by lightning. mans face was aglow with pleasure. night," he announced casually. Well, thnn.once during the course of an aft- - marble slab, which has since been rea I knew I couldnt be mistaken lu than one painter of portraits lias said good night. See you In the morning. moved, it was stated: tn to Barnes was not In a position to the shape of you," he cried, advancing thnt she is the most beautiful woman poleon III Joined the Tullerles You've got in the world. Mayhap you have heard doubt the fellows word,' for the car with outstretched hand. Louvre." Miss is Cameron of New unmistakably had gone son toward .the breadth of a doeklmnd in your of her. Shefriend Mrs. of Van a Dyke. Hornvllle. He waited a few minutes shoulders and the trimness of a prize Orleans, Interpreter.. Wanted. We have quite an enchanting house after the man disappeared up the narlike Its sister Scottish g e' lighter In your waist." ( Curling, If Mr. consider you Barnes, "1 I hands. shook am then row party, fear and to sta'lrway,' jio has its own vocabulary. They proceeded of golf, ln Is a dialogue In which a Scot trespassing," said Barnes. Ills glance more than the feminine side of it. test his powers of divination. lie wns the went over his shoulder as lie. spoke. By the way, have you heard when the ns sure as he could be sure of anything Illustrate to tried Antipodes The"mnn with the spade had been swal- coroner is to hold his Inquests? that had not actually come to pass thnt tie pints" of- the game to his . He may wait a In a short time the automobile would lowed up by the earth He could not Nothing definite. Zealand friends. 'What's a have vanished more quickly In any week, said Barnes. Mr. Macpherson?" asked an inexp again pass the tavern, but this time I suppose youll stick around until from the direction of Hornvllle. . other way. Off among the trees were euced member of the venera intermittent flashes of blue and while its over," ventured ODowd. Barnes Dlv ye no see, ye Lighting a cigarette he strolled out"skip." I am quite sure lyou are," said thought he detected a slight harshness side. He had barely time to take a Ye ding yer said the skip. Barnes Green visits nt darkened ot ODowd promptly but without a friu-in his voice. the end fine as tae hog again sae the nea but position cannlly, "I have quite made up my mind to porch before the sounds of an apof unfriendliness In his manner. "Bp and meets with a Nae halfin fleg, nor Jinkin turn,a I Fancy dad, loving him as I do, I can't help stay until the mystery is entirely proaching machine came to his ears. A ken, but tentlely, that It ay etder'4 very different reception, saying thnt Curtis IS a "bally old crank cleared up," he said. The case 1? so second or two Inter the lights swung snoovln' an straugcht as an which is, however, quite as amang the Mind ye, I'll pay It'tp hljface I often interesting that I dont want to miss a around the bend In the road a qunr-te- r walk,, verra thht. It. Of course," shred of of a mile above Harts Tavern, do, for the ftejttet of gualrds, till ya fan on the mystifying. y I dont blnme ye," said ODowd and down came the cur at a high rate laddie, he wenPon seriously, "he Is a sick jreve dune that, nown heartily. man. poor devil. You Id like nothing better of speed.- - It dashed pnst the tavern and ye may bear made a pat-lihim lor a dozen years nud more, and (TO BE CONTINUED.) than to mix up In It The next with a great roar and rattle and shot gree I" GREEN ffistfsaS oEORGI BARR MS CUTCBEON BOYD PARK . 1 IK I n 1 ein-er- a " barn-stormin- ! wage-earnin- g three-quarter- tap-roo- m wage-earne- rs er three-quarte- rs wage-earne- r. g d e. " ." well-wor- - - shrewd-Iookln- g -- I -- 1 o Mo-- a I x tree-trun- k, - - I . , I 1 " "1852-185- - pat-iw- 1 - -- see-Iv- e me-se- lf d, |