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Show : iDamagef Page OUTH CACHE Hyrnm Cache County VOL. IX. Finance M. Celebrate Program Petersen, John Fourth July Will S. Rosenbaum, O. H. Birch. ' M. j Dtlt Friday, Letter From i A. Gill, A. J. R. Jane 20,, 1919 0 Additional Locals, lEjiliy Made Goods Oakley, Idaho If you had the . Hay Would you need a new hay rack? Anderson & Adams.- . Adv. Sons Co., Hyrum. Amusement W. A. Liljenquist We would call attention to the with lifer John. A. Isrrelsen, Don Gill, FranOakley, Idaho, June 17, 1919. Mr. J. A. Hartey of Ogden, Is here Hyrum, in' keeping Coujier to the adds name in the cis Olsen. Editor Courier: I would like a visiting his son Mr. Jack Hartey; readers of the patriotism and good HomeCMade Products, . of Utah Decoraton Silas Allen, Heber few more lines-i- your .little gem if the horseshoer, and wife. the 4th of July past will celebrate found on page 3 of this paper, And in doing so Lauritzen, Hyrum Guldbransen. its possible to make rodm for them. From reports leceived the good style. .sentiment of Refreshment Alvin Alleh, LeAfter leaving Burle'y I followed Chautauqua attractions in Logan which endorses the citizens, old and she invites and neighboring vi J. Anderson, Borgen Anderson. up Snake River to Dickn, a distance are drawing large crowds. Every buying and selling Utah Made young in this firms repre.Artillery John P. Nielsen, of about ten miles; then I met Miss attraction you see is time and Goods by the business counties and states, to come and in keeping is which and sented, Ander- Gunderson once a resident of Hyshare in the festivities of the Raymond Nielsen, Leland money well spent. with A resolution adopted by the son. . rum, but now of Cotterell, Idaho. day of American Independence. ' H. O. Weeding came home Utah State Press Assn, at its meetMrs. The first named on each com- She certainly looked fine, looked as In doing so we should bow in last Monday from a visit with relaheld June 2nd, and 3rd, in Salt to the mittee acts as chairman. cheerful thankfulness though she' had been getting her tives and friends in Idaho. She ex- ing Lake City, in a paragraph as three meals a day right along. I Almighty ruler and director of pects to return to Idaho soon for told her I was going up to Cotterell human affairs and remember the another extended visit. We further resolve that this asthe shown to spend Sunday with Mr. Rose and greatdead who have ,Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Olsen are sociation go squarely and emphaticShe decided Mr. Gus. Quarnstrom. est love for humanity, and to Not having any haypy over the arrival of a fine ally on record in fovor of Utah Proto go with me. honor the living who have fought aby boy on June 17th, at the home ducts and pledge our best efforts and bled that true Americanism hay there, she kindly consented to At the meeting of the Press Asso- ask one of the farmers for some. of her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. M. and hearty with the might dominate and made it posWilson. was raised some ciation in helpAssn Utah question Manufacturers I wasnt long in to live in sible for mankind wrapping up a S. W. and S. Thrift about the Mr. Willis Savage returned from ing to create a demand for the bundle; I then went atjd got five peacein deposits savings Stamps hurting we and Soldiers' were service overseas last Thursday eve- Utah Manufactured goods throughcents worth of candy la connection the has been This matter banks. We got along ning. Mr. Savage' looks well and out the state of Utah. second welcome home social will soon on our vs ay. the and, investigated wlll thoroughly of be itself beheld which Every citizen in Hyrum should very nicely for about four miles, is glad to be home among kin and has Bank State Commissioner, given acOn have of once a more. the riends feature troubles our then celebration, pride in his own home town, began. quite of Director. Mr, Porte, much Publicity so and and likewise in his county and state, season and we urgently ask that the count of the dry LOST last week a pair of eyeS. W. S. for Newspap travel over the road dust did you glasses, between Ezra Nielsens in seeing it develop to the fullest people of Hyrum to rally to the the of ers figures following Utah, various committees support of the say I wouldnt say there was quite residence and N. J. Larsens; in 3rd extent possible. "This can only be reabove to the refute question three feet. The wind had divided ward. Finder leave same at this done by supporting its various inappointed and aid in .every way to: ferred one Fourth Let us stay possible to make this 'part of it among the rabbits until office and be rewarded. ( Adv. dustries &nd factories. The spirit of thrift seems to have it made them look almost white; it with our pledge, Support Home of the most memorable in Hy Mrs. Ed. Haws received the glad ' the if Utah of a of lot of rums history. me reminded Buy Utah Made Industry and struclythe people the first of news the that week, and Manufactured Products. rapid' increase in favings deposits ones. Alng the road you could see son Winnie had arrived safely PROGRAM OF THE DAY. in the banks of the state may be broken tires and pieces of springs ler rom overseas at a demobilization takeft, as an indication that had broken and" jarred loose. Salute at Sunrise 48 is expected : From reliable" information, sav- I picked up a number and hung camp in Virginia, and , by Band. in home to a be few days. ings accounts in State Banks of them on the harness. Borne people Raising of Stars and StripesA car ?. Saturday evening June 14, Mr. Utaaveinereased thirty per cent are always so , inqui GrandJ?,aradiiJ La. " t india find me As asked Mrs. John Jensen entertaiid general stopped and the occupant Meeting" at Third Ward Chapel the past iyear. A meeting of thef farmers of Hyat 11:30. The following pro- cation of this fact, the following what make my car was. I inform- at their home in honor of Raymond rum was held in the City Hall last figures, as compiled by the State ed him it wasnt made yet,-- but as who left Hyrum Monday, June 16, gram will be rendered: evening, to consider A delicious Wednesday Bank Commissioner, are given, ap- soon as I collected enough pieces I for the mission field Music, Silver Players conditions and the hay and Dairy t That supper was served. was going to make a' Ford. Invocation, Chaplain W. A. plying to Davis County, Utah: feed problem. McBride seemed to satisfy him and he pulled were Mr. and x Mrs. Jens Jensen, Savings Deposits, Among other business transacted Male Quartette, C. A. Nielsen 1916 $1,842,823.66 out, leaving a cloud of dust behinc Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Israelsen, Mr. wrs the naming of a committee to ; & Co. for us to plow through. We finely and Mrs. El J. Wilson, Mr. Z W. 1917 2,319,124.41 t!ie proposition of estabinvestigate Soldiers Welcome 1918 Home 2,442,992.72 pulled up at Mr. Roses place just Israelsen, Mr. A. M. Nielsen, Mr, a feed mill, in Hyrum. Speech, Hon. C. F. Olsen befoie Pight, "a little disfigured Nick Jorgensen and son, Mr. and lishing First quarter' of: which we understand however, is f Mrs. J. W. Jensen and family. Mr. 1919 but still in the ring. Singing, America, Audience 716,463.55 assured. Director A. J. Petersen The next day I spent a very nice and Mrs. Elmer Eliason and family practically This is for but one county, and The committee named consists of Reading of the Declaration of statistics as to all the counties hre time with old time friends and then and Mr- - Arthur Jensen of Logan. the well known citizens: following Independence, Hans P. Anderson now being gathered, but there is once more started on my way head A. M. Israelsen, L. D. McBride and Oration, Orator of the Day, every indication that the showing ed for Albion, Idaho. From there A. D. Xllen. .Prof. Durham of Logan made by this one counsy is only a I "went over on Carry Creek; its The hay situation wa3 given some Vocal Solo, Miss Leta Nielsen country. fair average of every county in the mostly, a attention, and it was found that Music, Band state. There is no question . but You could see large cattle ranches Hyrum alone needed about 1,200 and Benediction, Chaplain. this remarkable showing is due in a along the Creek, rolling hills If oats can be watered but once tons of hay, which will be shipped traMarshal of the Day, h. . P. I great measure to the W. S. S. and mountains; certainly enjoyed a year it pays to do it early in through the Farm Bureau. Thrift Stamps campaign that the veling through that part of Gods The meeting was well attended, while water is plentiful, accordwill be served government has put over in the vineyard. no doubt will result in considerand free during the I followed up the Creek to the ing to a publicatioft just issued meeting. past year and is now conducting. There was by the Utah Experiment Station. able good, and will help to relief While the effort is made especially little village of Elmo. AFTERNOON SPORTS This conclusion is derived from the hay situation in this community. W. S. S. and quite an excitement on over some to save by buying 4 P- m. Public Square. work Thrift Stamps, yet it reflects direct- oil wells they have found. From three years experimental Foot races bicycle races on at conducted Station the farm a to little canyon I ly on the whole subject of saving, there started up pole climbing, and contests of all S. F. North Logan by Harris and and the banks have increased their what is known as the City of kinds where substantial W. D. combinaPittman. Many prizes savings accounts also. A little valley opens up, Rocks. City water may be used for , will be awarded the winners. of tions includwere water used stone lot se a of there and you as hnown been This country has sprinkling of lawns only during 5:30 p. m. various of of in Weekly center ing the irrigations Base Ball fame. the hours beginning at 7 a. m., a waster .country, but with the castles, standing 7:30 p. m. Elite Hall amounts at and the various and in all Solstages the'little valley shapes in our and ending at 8 a. m. 1 hour. public teaching of Thrift diers Reception and ' of the have of growth. them some ap And from 7 p. m. ta 9 p. m. Banquet. schools, 'and the work of the news- forms, The most profitable system was 2 hours. Evening -- Special Pictures at papers of the, country in spreading pearance of & large circus tent vAny person using city the Rex. ' to apply three irrigations of water for other purposes than the gospel of Thrift, we are fast others go up to a point where it Dance Elite Hall. looks like there wouldnt be room about five inches each beginning specified in their , losing the name of "waster.' application, and. when the grain was about five or not in Officer of the We' hope very soon to publish enough for a bird to stand on. accordance with the rules Day L. P, Nature certainly has done its six inches high and stopping and regulations governing the Christiansen., statistics showing the general intime it was in bloom. use of AH business houses are expect-t- d crease in savings for , the entire work therefin the sand you can see about the city water, will be dealt Where only one irrigation was with according to law. to furnish a float- for the par-al- state. a substance glistening in the sun , A prize. of $10.00 will be which looks like small diamonds given the best time to apply it CHAS. C. PETERSEN, five-lestage and given to the best float. When I got to the di.vide I stooc was at the - Supt. City Water Works. five-leEach Sunday School will and looked back over the mountain where two were given the h Dated June 21, 1919. and boot stages were the a float. $4.00 as 1st prize ranges. I had just crossed, cover s best. of $3.00 as 2nd Twenty County Agent Wriggley will be jng a distance of almost sixty' miles, prize and $1.00 3rd prize. at the City Halir Hyrum, Monday an(j men i00ked at the snow copec water, in addition to the rainfall, over four acres of iland All returned soldiers and sailors for the purpose of poisoning grain mountain. peaks, covered with fal spread are invited to take for squirrels, etc. Farmers who pinea an(j cedars, 1 thought of what produced over three times $ part in the TA SAVINGS STAMPS need Mr. Wriggleys services for nature and the hand work of God much oats as where it was all Iff UED BY THE Parade, dressed in full uniform. UNITED STATES that purpose should bring their has done for us, if we only knew Used on one acre. GOVERNMENT These and other results obtainhow to enjoy His blessings. I finely General Committeeman, Alban grain early on Monday. H. P. Anderson. landed at Oakley on Goose Cree ed in this experiment are graphT. Clawson Parade-- A. over looking the great Minedoka ically illustrated and discussed D. Allen, Lehi'lI in detail in Bulletin 167, The sued by the Utah Experiment Very truly yours, Advertise in the Courier and get Project. Clawson, John Allred, Leo C Oscar Liljenquist Irrigation of Oats recently is- - StationNiel sen W. J. results. Fryer. W. . Jensen,-H- - ... n fol-low- s:. Savings Deposits Increase in Banks - the-countr- x long-eare- d guns-Serenad- Hyrum Farmers. Hold Meeting e - '1- y " Those-presen- - stock-raisin- g Early Irrigation Most Profitable - Public Notice - - e. ' j . af af fur-nis- acre-inche- V - |