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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Now that women have the ballot they should upset the world and build It over according to their own Ideas," E. A. Ross of the University of Wisconsin told the 1000 delegates to the SIXTEEN HOURS Iowa convention of the National Federation of Womens Clubs. A passenger train locomotive blew up near Fort Worth, Texas, killing the and injuring several other BRITISH AND AMERICAN AVIAOF THE ' IMPORTANT engineer (CORD TORS MAKE FIRST persons. VENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST OVERSEAS FLIGHT. Three robbers armed held the up MANNER POS8IBLE. Meremec Trust company at St. Louis and shot and seriously wounded two policemen in attempting to escape. The Cross the Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland and Win $50,000 Prize, History robbers, two of whom were captured, Are Making That H.ppnlno conwere forced to drop a suit case Flight Being a Terrific Battle Qatharad from All -I- nformation in cash and With the Elements. taining $20,000 Liberty Globa and Quartern of tha bonds. C vtn In a Faw Llnaa. Dr. Horace It. Reddish, of Jersey-villLondon. To Jack Alcock, a captain III., charged with the murder of of the British royal air force, and his bis father, Stephen M. Reddish, a navigator, Lieutenant Arthur Brown, intermountain. the wealthy retired farmer and banker, lias an American, goes the honor of having America historic old battleship, been held without bail for the Septemat the commission made the first flight across out of Oregon, went ber to Newfoundland Bremerton, grand at from jury. Atlantic the Puget Souml navy yard WASHINGTON. $30,000 prize Mails The Ireland. 13. Dally June on Wash., which With a legislative rider for repeal is theirs. Foih a Russian wolf hound, in the daylight savings act, effective of service Forty minutes after 8 o'clock Sunday lost a leg in its military next October, the agricultural appro- morning the big Vickers-Vimbe to biplane first canine the was Finmleis, reon the beach near Cllfden, Galwas ordered bill landed a without favorably Butte priation about caught running to death ported on June 13. way. They made the flight in 10 hours license ami was sentenced anil 12 minutes after they left St. new of More than $3,000,000,000 ordinance. Mayor under a new city Inmust the be Johns, N. F., at 4:13 Saturday afterfunds by a for, issued provided private pardon has Stodden noon. Both pilot and navigator were if the next few itiative in the months, dog hero in good spirits, but terribly fatigued. is to continue its United sol export States That Kerry Corbetta, returned is It Every mile of the flight was a terrific at a the level, trade from present high was running dier, killed as he battle reserve board. against the elements. Of the was shot estimated by the federal soft drink saloon at Denver, human qualities that combined to conRussia head of That the partition of among by Detective George Klein, will quer the air on tills direct transatlantic squad, while the latter was in the British, French and Japanese was unqueswas the ver eventually follow the recognition of route, unshakable pluck performance of his duty, factor. decisive the tionably is belief the the Kolchak government diet of a coroners jury. Immediately after lauding, Captain who have iiosoiutions indorsing the league of of a number of senators Alcock said: Brotherhclosely followed the Russian situation notions were adopted by the were tired, being alone in the We While prices are being maintained ood of Locomotive Firemen and and dizzy. Sometimes we found at higher levels than ever before, the fog in session at Denver. ourselves flying upside down, having Resolutions urging full civilian pay packing interests of the country are lost all sense of direction while 'ento railroad men serving in the army holding in cold storage 1,390,000,000 veloped in the heavy blanket of fog. pounds of meht and meat products and Our wireless was useless for the greatIn France were adopted at the ses of chicken, it is mod of the Brotherhood of Railroad 46,000,000 pounds of the flight. The w ireless Fess of est part charged by Representative Firemen, at Denver. propeller blew' off soon after we start The Bank of Beaverton Ore., Was Ohio. ed from St. Johns. ,Our receiver was The Knox resolution demanding the much jammed by strong signals not lobbed of a sum estimated at $4000 when an unmasked robber ordered separation of the league of nations intended for us. Miss Lillian H. Evans, assistant cash-- , from the peace treaty was reported Both Alcock and Lieutenant Brown ler, who was alone in the bank, to to the senate by the foreign relations were in good spirits when they made put up lier hands and took the money committee on Thursday. their landing. from the counter. Recommendations that the govern A walkout of restaurant and hotel mcnt LABOR CONDEMNS DRY LAW. quit building and operating comcooks at Portland was averted by the mercial ships at the earliest time pracof an ticable were presented to the senate employers grunting demands Forces Gather at y week. commerce committee by the shipping eight hour day and a to Register Disapproval. Washington hoard. DOMESTIC. forces Washington. A wild west holdup 'with modern FOREIGN. from many cities, composed largely have of union men opposed to abolishing disturbances aieuopontait trimmings was witnessed Friday in New York City when six broken out at Cracow. Several hun manufacture and sale of beer and light bandits, one of whom was shot in the dred civilians and twenty soldiers were wines, descended on Washington for abdonun, tried to capture from two seriously wounded before the military a great demonstration at the capitol, aged messengers of the Colonial bank restored order after a wholesale plunby the Central Labor union of planned a leather bag which contained $100,-90- 0 dering .of Jewish shops. the District of Columbia. in cash and securities. Austrias first hydroelectric plant has At 2 oclock tire Aarlous delegations, To preserve a natural flow of wheat been built on the Danube to supply with Samuel Gompers, president of the from the farm, periodical premium Vienna with from 70,000 to 170,000 American Federation of Labor, head cm cring storage charges will be added horsepower, depending on the water ing the body of federation delegates to the basic price at various guara- level. Atlantic City, marched on the from ntee markets, according to an anA general strike went into effect at and assembled in front of the nouncement by Julius H. Barnes, Unit- Genoa at noon Friday, as a protest capitol east steps where inaugura historic ed States wheat Sevdirector, cost of living. high the. against tion ceremonies are held. When a secFollowing information - that terrori- eral violent clashes between strikers made up of soldiers and sailors tion sts planned a series of bomb outrages and have occurred, resulting in arrived, those on the steps arose and police for July 4 in snore than a score of one death and injuries to many. cheered, waving flags and handker cities, detectives and government A British squadron is bombarding chiefs. agents in Chicago found nine bojpbs the Bolshevik base at Kronstadt with Previously, Mr. Gompers, appeared in a freight car. guns, according to a report pub- before a subcommittee of the senate heavy Janies II. Reardon, manager of a box lished in Stockholm. committee having in charge manufacturing establishment at St. On the northern end of the front judiciary bill for the repeal of July 1 prohibition Louis, was shot and' killed by Joseph west of the Urals the Siberian troops against beer and wine.' A similar com Middendorf, an employe, who then have Louis captured Glazov and are advancmittee in the house heard a turned the revolver to his head and an official antoward Viatka, ing delegation of kilted himself. Police say they1' found nouncement says. literature of a radical nature on Advices received from China show GOVERNOR LISTER IS DEAD. serious a has been spread there that r Detroits traction tie-ucame to an agitation, especially Laborer Who Rose to High Position end early Thursday evening, when the In Shanghai, Hangkow, Nankin and Succumbs to Disease. liking car men of the Detroit United Canton, with indications that it may Ernest Lister, governor of Seattle. allways voted to accept an offer by died here June 14. He develop into a general 'he company of Washington, ' increases from movement. wage son oral months. for had been ill 3 46 and 48 to 50, 55 and 65 cents Talaat Bey, the man who signed the Lister was serving his secGovernor an hour. famous order which sentenced 1,000,-00- 0 ond term when he was taken ill with Fifty-tw- o alleged anarchists and Armenians to death, Is now living an affection of the heart and kidneys other alien undesirables have been in an Ottoman colony near Potsdam, during the recent session of the legis gathered up in the United States for Germany. The peace conference is be lature. He rose from "a position as a eportation through the port of New ing urged to make him stand trial for Tacoma ironmolder to the governorork. . , his crimes. ship. ' the Lithuanian convention at Chiminister,. Stephen The Bulgarian He was horn at Halifax, England, cago before its close Wednesday, voted Panaretoff, has denied the charge that June 15, 1870, and is survived by his recruit an army In America to maln-a- fifteen tons of medicinal opium rewidow and two children. Lithuanian Independence, If the In New York was loot arrived cently Lister was Washingtons twenty-seconUnited Slates governmeAt will sanc- - from the Serbian poppy fields now be governor. According to local Inon the plan to transport such troops lug placed on the American market by t Lithuania. terpretations of the state constitution, fcgents of the Bulgarian government. Acting Governor Ilart, upon the depth ' An army solcaptain sentenced to. serve Hostility between' the American of the executive, automatically became sentence for refusing to diers and the German civilians in the the states twenty-thirK,'n,u.al governor. ad liia company over the top and a occupied region, which .has been inliner Y. M. C. A. worker accused creasing recently, has. resulted in adDenounce Soviet Rule. or having embezzled $13,000 were ditional clashes during the last few Radicalism and lawWashington. among the thirty prisoners brought days. and Bolshevfki as America lessness in jack on the Cape Finlsterre, which Crown Prince Charles of Rumania exemplified by soviPt rule in Russia reached New York June 11. is suffering from a bullet wound In the were denounced In a report made pubA resolution expressing organized leg, according to news lic June 14 by the senate Judiciary a or s wolind is not' re His Paris. disapproval of wartime prohi- reaching which made an exhauson and serious. as 2 of these and other that strongly per urging garded tive inventigation reat beer be George Frederick Coppins, last session of conexempt from the provisthe Sergt. subjects during o's of the eighteenth amendment to Winner of the Victoria cross In the gress. 'o constitution and from the wartime wal one of the special mounted conUoliibition measure, which goes into stables, during the demonstrations at Another Auto Record Smashed. oct July i, was adopted by the re- Winnipeg on June 10, was T pulled New York Ralph De Palma, taking construction convention of the Amerl-a- down from his horse and so maltreated in the thirteenth mile of a lead the Federation of Labor. that he is not expected to recover. international automobile fifty-milPoison gas like that used In the Orders to resist to the death all race at the Shecpsh'ad Bay track, . I0Pean war may "be used by the efforts of the Japanese to collect taxes June 14, broke all w'orlds records for e commission of horticulture In Its and to ignore Japanese courts and po- fifty miles, winning by a margin of a on grasshoppers In California, lice orders have been promulgated third of a lap in 20 minutes, 23 oi ge n, iiecije commissioner, has throughout Korea, by the Korean proleconds. , bounced. visional government. Ill NON-STO- P , e, non-sto- p y On a warm day there s no more refreshing luncheon than Libbys Veal Loaf, Ask chilled and sliced! So easy, too. your grocer for a package today. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago ; the-liqu- n, Anti-Prohibiti- six-da- fnti-prohihlti- ATUo-SeinU- -- . Mid-endor- f. p anti-Japane- anti-foreig- n - i m A clear Idea of what should be done and a strong Incentive for doing It are necessary for satisfactory work. STRENGTHENS KIDNEYS PURIFIES BLOOD cant expect weak kidneys to filter the acids and poisons out of your system unless they are given a little help Dont allow them to become diseased when a little attention now will prevent it. Dont try to cheat nature. You As soon as you commence to have backaches, feel nervous and tired, GET BUSY. These are usually warnings that your kidneys are not working properly. Do not delay a minute. Go after the cause of your ailments or you may find yourself m the grip of an incurable 'disease. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil capsules will give almost immediate relief from kidney troubles. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. They are the pure original Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direct from the laboratories in Haarlem, Holland. Ask your druggist for GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on every box. Three sizes, sealed packages. Money refunded if they do not quickly help you. Adv. self-inflicte- 1 4 a e 0 With Cuticura All druggists: 8oap 25. Ointment and 60, Talcum 25. Sample each Dipt. S, Beaton. 25 free ot 'Cutkra, DAISY FLY KILLER BS&fiSSBB FLIES. ALL Neat, clean, ornamental.con-vemen- t, cheap. Laita all aeaaon. Made of metal, cant (pill or tipover ; will not aoU or Injure anything. Guaranteed effective. Sold by dealers, or 6 by EXPRESS, prepaid, $1. HAROLD SOMERS. 160 De Rag) A 78.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Night Work. The man in the moon explained. The law wouldnt allow a woman ? on my job," he chortled. 1 Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle Of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It 1 Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria Du Barrys Forgotten Jewels. If the measure becomes operative by which banks will have to give particuOldtime Idea About Drowning Said by lars of valuables in their possession GOING DOWN FOR THIRD TIME One Who Should Know to Be All Wrong. . Observations gleaned from 20 years of teaching people to swim are related by George H. Corsan in the Association Men in In the Water, Theres the Life, He points out that It is the only exercise which will make fat people thin and thin people fat; that a woman can endure more cold water exposure than a man ; that people become drownproof as they learn to breathe In rhythm. He also exd theplodes the venerable, ory that going down the third time means death. It wont hold water, so to speak, he says. What brings strangulation Is trying to inhale under water. A Missourian who could mot swim, was reading In a Kansas paper a first lesson In swimming which pointed out that If a person suddenly Immersed would gulp In air as he "came to the betop, and exhale by mouse-powe-r neath, he stood a fine chance of rescue. That afternoon this man was plunged Into a river when his boat capsized. He recalled the lesson in a flash and followed directions. There Is no knowing how many times he went un der but after bobbing some hundred yards down stream, he was finally fished out. His companion was drowned. time-honore- f d d Kill Dandruff we may expect to solve some myster- ies and also to hear of new discoveries of hidden treasure. For instance, It Is popularly believed that in the vaults at Courts bank repose the wonderful Jewels of the unfortunate Madame du Barry. She Is supposed to have left them there In safe custody when she went back to France for, as It proved, the last time, and as the bulk of her jewels were never forthcoming there may be truth In the story. With her jewels also rest the valuables of many emigres who, returning to France at the time of the Terror in a hope of saving some of their possessions and estates, fell victims to the guillotine, leaving no heirs and possibly also no information as to the treasures England guarded for them. Manchester Guardian. j Brutal Materialism. Too many husbands, said Senator Kendrick in a discussion of divorce, take a brutally materialistic view of marriage. I dont want my wife to go away, a banker said In my hearing the other day. Moved, I patted him on the arm. Ah, you dread the separation, eh ? I said. Yeh, he answered cnrtly the separation from the coin. Theres a Reason - why so make many people 0r5peMit the of at redular part, least one meal each. day; Its because of the delightful flavor, and wonderful values of Grape-Nutas a health, builder. s |