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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH 9 HIE UMIIIG or HIKERS ARE WORKING HARDER And using their feet more then ever before. Por all these workers the frequent use of Allens FootEase, the antiseptic, healing powder to be shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the increases their UTAH BUDGET The national convention of tlio reII tail grocers will be held in Salt Lake, June 23 to 26. efficiency and insures needed physical comfort. It takes the Friction from the Shoe, Excellent modern water supply sysfreshens the feet, and prevents tired, achtems are being installed lu Tremon-ton- , ing and blistered feet. Women everywhere Fielding and Paradise. are constant users of Allens FootEase. A campaign to raise .MOO, 000 fw a foot Dont get sore, get Allens Foot5 Ease. new Elks home has been launched at Sold by dealers everywhere. Adv, How Lydia E. Pinkham' Sait Lake by the Elks of that city, Compound Vegetable One Proof. Tho Logan union of carpenters lias For Is Prepared "Doesnt nature herself show us to Join the proposed strike in refused that system Is necessary? Woman's Use. the Mooney sentence5. protest against I must admit she has made a "Well, a uniform speed Efforts to establish success with solar her shining system. A vinit to the laboratonr where this law state the are being throughout impreBaee remedy i ma made by the Utah Automoible associaLIFT OFF CORNS! tenths casual looker-o- n with thereli-abilittion. accuracy, skill and cleanliness At the exercises held at the Agriwhich attends the making of this great medicine for womans ills. cultural college at Logan on June 10, Doesnt hurt a bit and costs only Over 350,000 pounds of various herbs were conferred upon sixty-sidegrees to all be and have anuafiy ire used seniors. a few cents esthered at the season of the year when Dr. M. II. Shipp, who was shot by their natural juices and medicinal sub Michael Ginopoulis, a patient, ut Salt itances are at their best. The most successful solvents are used Lake, on June 9, died on the llth from to extract the medicinal properties from his injuries. herbs. . these In comes utensil and tank In 1917, Utah surpassed every state that Every contact with the medicine is sterilized in the Union where birth and death and as a final precaution In cleanliness registrations are kept in the excess of the medicine is pasteurized and sealed births over deaths. In sterile bottles. The Winnennicca mill, near the It is the wonderful combination of roots and herbs, together .with the mouth of Bingham canyon, 1ms been skill and care used in its preparation destroyed ly fire, entailing a loss of which has made this famous medicine approximately $00,000. in the treatment of ao successful The Ogden Trades and Labor asfemale ills. The letters from women who have sembly has requested the governor to been restored to health by the use of appoint a resident labor commissioner Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable Com. for the Junction city. pound which we are continually pub attest to its virtue. Immediate resumption of work on the Denver & Rio Grande railroads Magic! Just drop a little Freezone million dollar terminal at Soldier SumOn that touchy corn, Instantly It stops mit has been authorized. aching, then you lift the corn off with School bonds to the amount of the fingers. Truly! No humbug! are to be sold by the city $2,130,000 Your druggist sells a Try Freezone board at Salt Lake, as of education tiny bottle for a few cents, sufficient to a bond election. recent result of the rid your feet of every hard corn, soft 1919 was graduThe of senior class or corn between the toes, and corn, FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE of Utah on from ated the University one of without calluses, Dissolved ia water for douches stops particle pain, soreness or irritation. Freezone is the June 10 with due ceremony, more than pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam, nation. Recommended by Lydia E discovery of a noted Cincinnati geniu9. 100 bachelor and master degrees bePinkham hied. Co, for ten years. ing conferred. A healing; wonder for nns&l catarrh, Women "Cultivate Mustache. Journeymen bakers of Salt Lake are tore throat and sore eyes. Economical. The Ainus, the Celtic race . of again on strike, in an effort to force Hm extraordinary cleaning and germicidal power. Sample Free. 50c. tniggiala, or poalpaid by Japan, live1 in the island of Yeddo. the master bakers to sign an agreeiwm. The Paxton Tv.ilr? Corroany, Boetoo, Mass. The most noticeable peculiarity about ment that stockholders in working Ainu women is that they have tat- union of union. the he members Record Log Raft. shops While log rafts are by no means tooed on their upper and lower lips Captured Gemma cannon or some what resembles mustache. a The new, the huge raft recently constructother form of war relics would be aced at Haparanda, Sweden, and used women are not considered attractive corded to each county seat in Utah to ship a large number of logs to Co- without this decoration, and their in the United a bill introduced matrimonial prospects are quite In- by penhagen, Denmark, Is worthy orf pass-taReed Smoot. senate States Senator by mention. The great raft measured jured unless it appears. Second .re being sent questlonuidiu. The when mustache the is begun 887 feet feet wide, 10 feet long 55 to members of families of soldiers, Is. a It until extends child, above the water line and 16 quite girl feet below. partly across the cheek, the material sailors and marines by the Utah war The raft took six months to build used being the soot from burning history department, asking informaaud contains as much wood as .four birch bark. The face Is cut and the tion for "the permanent records of the big steamers. It is held together by black rubbed In. Afterwards It Is state. an ingenious system of steel cables washed In a solution of ash bark The eleventh annual convention of to fix the color. and wires, and is capable of . the liquor Utah Bankers association was carrying a large amount of The Ainu women are said to' be held in Salt Lake last week, post-wa- r material. The crew consists of seven men. usually finely formed, straight and problems being considered, and praise well developed, with small hands and given financial leaders for part played feet. Their eyes are a beautiful soft His Only Chance. during the war. I wish the police could get my brown, their hair black and most luxHaving been apportioned a quota of client to confess that he did the crime uriant and their complexion olive, $4000 to be raised for the mountain color in their of which he is accused, said the with often a deep, rich congress of the League to Enforce cheeks. lawyer. Utah contributed $6000, accordPeace, which their The native cloth of "Why? a report submitted to the to Is woven from ing The evidence is all him, garments are made against committee. ' executive arl I havent a chance to get him the fiber of the bark of the elm tree. Striking miners of Park City have unless I can show that the poEasy of Conviction. new demands, asking an insubmitted lice forced a confession out of him. Shocked Aunt I am amazed that crease of 75 cents a day, and an eight-hoyoud let a man kiss you on such short Useless Censorship. day, instead of former demands I irst American Soldier (to pal, writ- acquaintance. of an increase of a dollar a day and Pouting Niece Well, he thoroughly ing a letter In a town) : convinced me that It was my own fault a six and a half hour day. Hce Jim, you aren't nllowed to write The Fourth of July celebration at Jour folks the name of this town that that I hadnt met him sooner. Boston will be transformed into a reLogan ''are in. Somebody might recognize It. Transcript. ception in honor of returned soldiers, Second American in Spuds. Soldier Aw, Susceptibility sailors and marines from the world gwan j Even a The potato may not be particularly war, according to the city and comguy that had lived here 8 Hfe wouldnt be able to recogsusceptible and yet it always succumbs mercial club committee In charge. nize it to the masher. now.Life. The first week of vocational traingfiniiiifiniiuniiiiHiimmuimiiiinic ing classes at Fort Douglas proved vuZm :niiiiuui R successful, according to officers very if of the base hospital and those directly connected with the work. There were 52 soldiers taking special work while awaiting discharge. With practically every automobile owner in Ogden aroused concerning the grade of gasoline sold at top prices, the Merchants of Ogden association rehas petitioned the city commission to pass an ordinance to control the qualinvigoration. ity of the gasoline sold. As a fitting conclusion to the convention of physical educational directors, hiking promoters and health recreation directors of the inlermoun-talstates, to be held in Salt Lake June 19, 20 and 21, it is planned to arrange for a hike to the top of Mount Timpunogos. Struck by a southbound Bamberger train, J. P. Brockbank, prominent f miles farmer residing one and place cpffee west of Riverdale, and Mrs. Mildred were killed Griffith, his The car In near Hunter, Instantly which they were riding was demol ished and the bodies mangled. Soren Peter Peterson of Brigham was found In a small outbuilding near his residence hanging with a 25c. 15c sizes, roope around his neck from one of the rafters, and with his feet dangling about two feet from the ground. The cause of his is attributed to a derangesumiinE ment of his mind. FAMOUS y, x EveryJWbman W ants 1 11 g ur shell-wrecke- d Brighten the Horning Heal with a hot drink that gives freshing . ' The Original Postoti Cereal is so pleasing and satisfying that it has completely taken the of tea and in many homes everywhere. n one-hal- sister-in-la- Try this healthful Drink and note results. ftro 'iKiraiEN158 usually said at and At Grocers Everywhere! three-fourths-in- eh Suspect It ICABINE foot-bat- MEBICIHE Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Tills world which clouds Ihy soul with doubt, Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Is but a carpet Inside out. Its when we ilew those shreds and ends, We know not fco when on what the whole Intends; earth things look but odd, Theyre working out some scheme of God. What now seem random strokes, will there , In order and design appear. Then shall wo praise what hare ws spurned;' For then the carpet shall be turned. CHOICE LEFTOVER DISHES. Often the dish which makes Its second appearance will be more up-- . petizlng than when it first appeared. Most tasty dishes may be prepared from leftovers that are of little value when used alone. This Is the season when mushrooms may be had for tlie gathering and a handful of this delicious flavor added to any leftover meat or escalloped vegetable makes an extraordinary out of an ordinary dish. Leftover sponge cake may be treated in the same way, using cooked fruits or fruit Juices of various kinds. Cut in rounds and served .with the fruit topped with whipped cream, this makes Tt most fancy dish. Ragout of Veal. Reheat two cupfuls of cold roast veal, cut in cubes, in one and cupfuls of brown sauce, seasoned with a teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, a tablespoonful of onion juice and a dash of cayenne. Roast pork or veal may be used in salads and a cupful .or two of veal makes a small pot pie when covered with a good rich crust and baked. Small quantities of corn or asparagus or other vegetables with potatoes and a bit of onion for seasoning make a most appetizing salad. Minced Muttbn. Mash the yolks of six hard cooked eggs and season With cayenne and a fourth of a tenspoon-fu- l of mustard and salt. Add a cupful of cream and two cupfuls of chopped cooked mutton. When thoroughly hot add a quarter of a glass of curraut Jelly. Ham With Jelly Sauce, Put a half tablespoonful of butter in a saucepan, and when melted add a small glass of sour apple jelly, season with cayenne, and add a cupful of cooked ham cut In neat strips, add a fourth of a cupful of orange juice and simmer five minutes, then seive. one-lia- lf It is good to do battle, to suffer, to be thrown overboard and left to save ourselves. What we lose In comfort we gain in energy, and energy is the most precious of mans weapons. Charles Wagner. INVITING DISHES. without When . making gravy browned flour add the flour to the fat and stir until well blended, then add milk or water and a teaspoonful of kitchen bouquet to give the rich brown color. and Raisin Celery Salad. Cut into small pieces two cupfuls of celery, two oranges broken s of a in hits, cupful of raisins, seeded and plumped over steam, a cupful of grated apple and a cupful of mayonnaise. Cover with this mixture the apple and mayonnaise, making an especially delicious mixture. Green Corn- and Green Pepper. Cut tho corn from four ears, put into a frying pan with a tablespoonful of hot fat, add a chopped green pepper, season with salt and pepper and add more fat if needed and cook twenty minutes, stirring to keep from burning. Filling. Boil two cupfuls of sugar with four tablespoonfuls of water until It threads ; pour over three egg whites, adl a half cupful of citron, shredded fine, half a cupful of shredded figs, one cupful of chopped raisins, and one cupful of chopped, blanched raisins. Spread between the layers and on top of the cake. Pressed Corned Beef. Cover a piece of corned beef with cold water, let heat gradually to the boiling point, then simmer slowly until very tender, about six hours. Remove, to a brickshaped bread pan and cover with a board and weight. Let stand several hours. Serve cut In slices, garnishing the platter with parsley. The liquor saved from the meat may be used to cook cabbage, giving it a very nice PLACE IN BUDDHA OF GOD Eastern Leaders Shrewd Attempt to Stem the Onward March of Christianity in East. Yanmnaka was a strong Buddhist and a leader in the movement to revive and reform Buddhism and establish it ns a bulwark against the rapid encroachment of Christianity. lie decided an excellent wary to do this was to found a school for girls which would he more attractive than the Christian womens. So he erected fine buildings and installed modern methods. lie hired good teachers. All the paraphernalia of the best western schools was taken over. In fact, the curriculum was about as close as it could be to that of the Christian school not far away. Buddhism was a prominent feature of the institution not the Buddhism, hut the new form which has borrowed from Christianity, even down to the Sunday school hymns. The girls were taught to sing the famous old Christian hymns with only the word Buddha substituted for that of Christ. Von Zeppelins Career, Count vop Zeppelin, inventor of tiie airship which hears his name, was not killed in the war, but died of pneumonia at Cliurlottenhurg, near Berlin, on March 8, 1917. lie was born in 1838 and was a lieutenant of cavalry at the age of twenty-fivwhen, in April, 3S63, he was sent to the United Stales as Prussian military attache of the Union army in the Civil war, being attached to the Army of the Mississippi, In which Gen. Carl SChurz commanded a brigade. It was at that time that Count von Zeppelin had his first experience as an aeronaut, going up In a captive balloon belonging to the corps to which he was attached. e, His Utter Inability. What is the baby crying "Mercy for? upon her return from shopping exclaimed the young mother, wliohad left her infant to the care of his bachelor uncle. "How should I know? wearily replied that gentleman. "There are so many million things that he couldnt use if he liad them that it hasnt been possible for me to get them ail for him. Kansas City Star. ! two-tliird- Lingering Traces. "Have the Gormans abandoned their program of atrocity?" "Im afraid not entirely, replied - well-beate- Judging from reports from druggist who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very suecenwful in overcoming The mill and healing these conditions. n influence of Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t soon realized. It stands the highest lor its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the in prominent Life Insurance Companies, asan interview of the subject, made the tonishing statement that one reason why re'bo many applicants for insurance are ie so jected is because kidney trouble common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation Bend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Miss Cayenne. "The manners of one of their delegates to the peace conference have been persistently atrocious, Comes Natural. Do you think boys ought to be encouraged to fight? He In about the same measure that ducks ought to be encouraged to swim. She n nairana none can be worked. Pleasant to use f2. 50a bottle, delivered. Describe your cat V'stctions nd Book 5 R free n,Uel,ie liniment lor n ducet Straina, Painful, Knotted. Swollen Verna.mankind, Coocea required at an application. Frk 1.2S per bottle ,ew.dr,w at dealera or delivered. W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F HO Tangle It,, SprlnolUld, Mass flavor. Frozen Coffee Custard, Scald n pint of milk. Beat four eggs until light, ndd them to the hot milk with a cupful of sugar, remove from the fire nnd cool, add half a pint o cold coffee and half a pint of whipped Cream, then freeze. Serve in sherbet cops, gnrnlshtd with whipped cream. NEW SOUTH WALES INFORMATION BUREAU limit BiWi"K M Broadway, New York Git will oft pleaRa to send GoTernmnt Bullfttlni or tniWAP mnw Innnleln. austr alia W. N. U i Salt Lake City, No. 25-19- 19. v . |