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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH and Home Product Page Utah Spend Your Money I Goods Are to be Given Preference Because of Sheer Merit. at Home Hyrum Union Mills Utah-Mad- e nd Utah Factories Impend Upon Each Other Are Asking Utahns Goods, Not From Patriotism, But as a Matter of Sound Business. Manufacturers to Purchase I The homes depend in large rijasure upon the prosperity of the factories, and factories depend upon the prosperity of the homes. All classes depend industry. If Utah people would buy ..ft.ah goods, Utah factories to full capacity and ew loy times the number, of peofrf jhow many on their payrolls. That would ean would run I Utah-mad- Utah Manufacturers Association Builders For Utahs Permanent Prosperity is the slogan around which the campaign of the Utah Manufacturers association campaign for the support of home institutions is being waged. The manufacturers are going before the people on a strictly business basis and are asking them to support Utah factories and use goods not as a matter of loyalty or patriotism, but as a matter of good sound business. In the first place the manufacturers ask that goods be given the preference only when they compare favorably in both quality and price with goods shipped in from the outside. Secondly they urge that if e Utah people would buy the and build goods up manufacturing industry it would insure permanent prosperity to all the people of the state by reason of the fact that the millions of dollars now being sent out of the State for manufactured products would be kept here in circulation and the result would be more employment, more business activity and more opportunities for everybody. Since the earliest days of Utahs histoy Utah people have been urged to buy goods because that was the only way in which we could expect to build up the state. For some reason, however, the idea has prevailed m many quarters that an article macle in some eastern factory and shipped thousands of miles was of superior quality to the product. This may be because' of the fact that a prophet is not wilhout honor save in his own country. But it seems r states that etranj--e to P CO )1 p. of , Utah people have not in the past ape preciated the virtues of goods. In many states, east and west, Utah goods are given the preference over other products because of sheer Yet merit the quality is superior. many of us, here at home, persist In patronizing eastern houses and buy-ineastern goods, thus building up eastern communities while our own community is left to get along as best it may. Happily,' howeer, this condition is fast changing. Many of the progressive people of the state are behind the movement to insist upon Utah goods for Utah people. There is no reason why Utah should not become a great industrial state and employ marqv thousands of people in her factories. Today if even half the articles pure chased by Utahns were to articles made in Utah) (referring the payrolls of Utah factories would be multiplied many times, there would be better markets for the products of the farms and moiu prosperity for the people of all classes. That this sort of a sentiment may be created the Utah Manufacturers association is concampaign now ducting the under way. In order to convince the people of the state that the welfare of the entire state is sought and no appeal is to be made on a basis of loyalty they are asking the people of every district in the state to join the movement and to give e products the preference when they can do so without the sacrifice of either quality or price. The campaign thus far has been successful far beyond the hopes of the supporters and there is every indication that the results will be beneficial to the state and satisfactory to all concerned. Utah-mad- PROSPERITY FOll EVERYBODY. " Home-Mad- e of Industry Manufacturers of the Famous Union Flour And dealers in all kinds of MILL PRODUCTS e H. P. Nielsen & Sons, Props. e (2) ixmxitxixsxnvax Spend Your at Home 4 Utah-mad- We have always been loyal to Utah Manufacturers by Buying and Selling Home Made Articles. sea UTAH MADE GOODS And you will see the pay rolls grow in your own State. Utah-mad- Allen Brothers HYRUM, UTAH state-wid- e Utah Made Summer Heat Dispensers Cerial Beverages Fruit Carbonated Beverages Beverages PURE ICE CREAM buy-at-ho- Utah-mad- ELITE CANDY COMPANY, Hyrum This is Home Product it Our shelves are loaded with Utah Packed and Utah Made Products We carry every thing in the Grocery Line AND WILL SERVE YOU Call in and See our line of Utah Made Goods JENSENS GROCERY, LEROY JENSEN, Prop. - HYRUM, UTAH Utah Made Mens, Ladies and Children's Underwear AND GROCERIES We have just Received an Line Up-to-Da- te of Mens and Boys Fancy Shirts, Collars and Ties We carry a line of Utah Made Dresses, Aprons and Underskirts Williams Economy Store West Main Street, - Hyrum Patronize Home Industry Look over the adds" of the various business houses represented. They carry Utah Made Goods of best quality, and are worthy of your So when in need of anything in their line, remember your pledge, ask for pat-tronag- Utah Made Goods" and Your Money at Home." Buy Home Made Goods IT PAYS Buy your Underwear, Hosiery and L. D. S. Garments NOW At our Special Cut Prices For June BUY 6 pairs of hose for the price 5 pairs Fonnesbeck Knitting WORKS ARIMO BLOCK; Week JENSENS GROCERY We Carry a Full Line of Utah g ASK FOR - UTAH e home-mad- e oney - HYRUM, Utah-mad- Utah-mad- - e. Spend - - LOGAN |