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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE COURIER Friday, March 21, 1918 Entered at the Porfottice a ,yrum, Utah aa second class mail matter, uoder the Act of March 3 1879 J. A. Wahlen. Publisher & Manager Local News Bp. and Mrs. Dunn of Logan, paid relatives in Hyrum a short Btate ot Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HAULS CATARRH FRANK J. CHENEY. MEDICINE. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Halls Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, fiee. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Costs More visit last Thursday. BABY CHICKS for sale by Al- Adv. FOR SALE a good cabinet or- vin Allen, Hyrum. ter and on ms. Apgood gan cheap Anyone wishing potatoes should ply to Peter Christiansen, Hyrum. send orders to either of the Farm Adv. Mr. J. W. Fryer made a flying Bureau officers. trip to Brigham City last Tuesday, OR SALE A good cooking to accompany his wife and daughter range. Apply to Mrs. Ira T. home. Adv. Hyrum. Mr. W. A. Williams will leave The party who borrowed a large for his ranch in Idaho next week to r from me, would conattend to spring work. , a fer favor by returning the same. old Adv. N. P. Danielson. FOR SALE A three-yea- r i lbs. 1100 about Apply colt, weighs Call phone No. 140, Hyrum, for to Peter Rolfsen, Hyrum. Ad, heavy transfer or any kind of truck Plenty of lace pants and leather hauling. Have also passenger car leggins at Newbolds. Bring this for quick passenger service to any Adv. part of the valley, ad and get 25c discountC. H. Nielsen. Sergt. Percy Swenson is the latest FOR SALE 240 acres of farmarrrival from service, he arrived ing land jn Pocatello valley. 60 home from Cannp Lewis the first of acres in fall grain and 50 acres the week. ready for spring seeding, located FOR SALE a few thoroughbred one mile from elevator. Apply to Adv. Rhode .Island Red cockerels, fine R. A. Eliason, Hyrum. birds. Apply to Mrs. Jos- E- Petswhy work Adv. when you can make 86 scientific ersen, Hyrum. Mr. Ellis Allen left last Monday wonders at home. Cost you only for Uintah, Utah, where he has ac- $1.90, and retail out at $40.10 cepted employment, and where he Something New. Sells to Everywill likely stay through the coming body. ,This will get you off that small pay role. Send Stamp. summer. Adv. Ocean Park, Cal. FOR SALE house and lot, 1 block west from south-wes- t We make a specialty of furnishcorner of public square. Cheap and on ing ice cream, brick ice cream, terms. good Apply to T, A. punches, clarets, the best candies, Adv. and fruits to make your party a Hyrum. We are asked to announce that time long to be remembered. Our the Coterie Club meetings have stock is always fresh and the best Ask our customers obtainable. been indefinitely posponed on Adv. of the flu situation, no about us. Elite Candy Co. , account meeting being held Thursday last Twelve guests were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Statham, of Rexburg, Idaho, who have been Edison Monday evening in honor of visiting relatives and friends in this St. Patricks day. The time was and other towns in the valley, also very ' plepsantly spent in playing prizes being doing some temple work, during progressive 500, the month, returned to their home won by Mrs. M. A. Gill Jr., and Miss Elgeva Allen. this week. Following the a dainty luncheon was served. game Mr. Orvil Dean of Evanston, Mr. W. A. Liljenquist returned Wyo., and Miss Vivian Anderson, a well known young lady of this city, last Saturday evening from Salt .were married in the Salt Lake Tem- Lake, where he attended a convenple last Wednesday, March 19th. tion of the representatives of the The relatives of the bride gave New York Life Insurance Co. He them a reception at the residence attended two meetings and was also of Mr. W. A. Williams (an uncle) one of the honored guests at the where a most' pleasant evening was banquet held at the Hotel Utah. ' spent, and where the young people Mr. Liljenquist reports having had were the receipients of many valu-abl- e a very pleasant and profitable time and useful presents. They, while there. He was accompanied left for their home in Evanston this on his return by Miss Winquist, a Saturday. Mr. Deaif is called to cousin, from Sandy, Utah, who fill a mission in Japan, and will came to visit relatives in this city leave for that far eastern country for a few davs. The young lady the 1st of May. returned to her home last Thursday. TOR several years material and labor costs have steadily increased, and all transportation charges have been advanced. That means that every operation in the giving of telephone service has increased steadily in cost. . Wil-liam- s, It costs more to operate a Switchboard, keep the books, do the billing and collect the accounts. sledge-hamme- It costs more to install a telephone. It costs more to repair a telephone. --r It costs more to takei out a telephone. It costs more to move a telephone. - - - f It costs more to string a circuit, repair a wire and to set a new pole. Every piece of equipment and every item of supplies costs more. for other- - And Meanwhile J ) Our revenues maintain practically an even level. Sal-verso- n, . 0000000000000 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 Now is the Time to Decorate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Your Homes 0 0 0 0 Alabastine for your Walls Paint for the woodwork Finish with varnish 0 Navy Open tP For Enlistment In answer to enquiries recived by the U. S. Navy recruiting station Salt Lake City, we are asked to announce the fact that the Navy is open to enlistment in practically all tranches in which first enlistments are ever made. The age limits, are 17 to 35 inclusive. Boys under 18 must have their parents consent.. Attention is invited . to the fact that all the benefits of war pay, familty allotments, etc., ara still in effect. For further details as to pay physical requirements, and in fact any information, will be gladly fur nished by this office tq any one inC. W. Wallace, terested. U. S. N. (Ret.,) Recruiting Officer. Keith Emporium Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Get advanced priees, on Beef, Veals, Hogs and Muttons, from Lester Miller, Hyrum. Adv. Billard Halls CALL FOR COLOR CARDS. 'O U. S. We are still Selling Soap at $5.65, $5.90 & $6.00 Small size Sago Milk, 4 cans for 25c 14c Tomatoes, per can for 14c Corn, per can American Prints, per yard 15c .. 25c Percales, per yard Our Spring Line of Shoes and Slippers - Are Coming in Now Hence we will be able to take care of your wants Allen Brothers UTAH HYRUM, 0 Confectionery Our Line' is Complete This Year. . The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company x HYRUM DRUG CO. 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0000000000000000 Our Wurlitzer Electric Automatic Pianos, Violin, Flute and Orchestra instruments will not only increase your patronage, but also add to your profit. Instruments operated with nickel in the slot. Sold on monthly terms. Write us for particulars and Consolidated catalogue. Music Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. ( A d vertlsementi Mr. J. W. Monson, has decided to resume blacksmithing, and having moved his shop from the former location to his present residence in north part of town, is now prepared to do blacksmithing, horseshoeing, and any kind of work in his line, Any satisfactory and promptly. one having blacksmithing to do of any kind, will find it to their advantage to call on him at hisnew location on main road to Wellsville, Adv. north part of Hyrum. FOR SALE or RENT House, rooms, and a good cellar. L 5 rods by 20 rods. Adv. Hans Mickleson, Hyruffl' 3 Plants, Flowers, Seeds. For choice nursery stock, fruit plants, garden seeds, small flower seeds, vines and bulbs, place' your orders with ALVIN ALLEN, Hyrum, Uta |