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Show X' V-M P J f V- - v Cl i t ( outh Gache Courier VOL. IX. NO. 20 Hyram, Cache County, Utah, Friday, March 21, 1919 Overseas Cloth-in- g Small Boy Bitten by Rabied Dog . Campaign The Victory Liberty Loan Has Experience With The Flu. Improve Your Dairy Herds A small boy of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum, Utah, March 21, 1919. Mitton T, was bitten a 2mry by Editor Courier: Allow me a At a recent Garm Bureau Meet Beginning Monday March 24th dog belonging to James Nielsen, few lines in your little gem, to reing the fanners of Hyrum listen the largest overseas clothing laving come in from Pocatello Val-eate a little of my experience, while en to a very interesting and in campaign that we have yet had His parents becomming someunder held a quarbeing prisoner structive talk from Ben R. Eld The allotment of what alarmed will begin. that the dog probaantine for the epidemic that paid us ridge of the Western Dairy Di clothing to be collected by the bly was affected by rabies, had the a once visit more. vision, on the Question of profit Red Cross of the Mountain Divisidog killed and its head sent down I always stood close by the fence . able cows. He referred to some on is three hundred tons, and to Salt Lake for inspection by the I , bye, watching people passing men who were always dissatisfied for the Country . 10,000 tons, State chemist, who found that the 3a one fellow in particular, noticed with the price paid for butter fat; which is double the amount ask- nimalhad been infected, and that never had much to say when passthey were kicking about high-price- d ed for in last years campaign. the bite might prove injurious to when this One along. evening ing n feeds and said there was The Bishops of the three the child. Mr. Mitton at once same individual came along, I could Wards in connection with communed with Dr. nothing in milking cows. Ansee at a glance that he had someReatly of the other class of men are satisfied Red Cross officials, have appoint- State Board of Health to on his mind, and Ill just tel get some thing with prices and are able to show ed the following committee to sirrum to counteract the poison you what he 6aid: a good profit above feed and laconduct the drive: from the bite, but none could be I heard your wife has got the flu, bor. The speaker pointed out Mrs. R. C. Allen Chairman, had in Salt Lake, so the doctor had wsnt it Im you; only sorry the reason and said it was true with the supervisors of sewing to send to Washington, D. , for too close to me from one end of the state to the Stand dont back, get and knitting to assist, in packing the medicine required, and it is exI havent time for flu, you see. MRS. W. MONTAGUE FERRY other. The dissatisfied men are and shippin, and the following pected that it will reach here within I know the time is a little long. those who are trying to make a committees who will visit every a day or two, and then treatment Womans Liberty Loan Chair- Stand back in the lot where you profit from beef cows which prohome in Hyrum:. will commence. man for Utah belong; duce four to five thousand pounds 1st Ward Levi Curtis, John Although up to this date, the boy WOMEN OF UTAH ATTEN- For you have plenty of time you of milk per year. The satisfied Lauritzen, Gordon Nielsen, Don- has shown no symptoms of poisonknow, TION! men are those who recognize the ald Curtis, Verland Christiansen, ing, yet the matter will be watched a month for If dont called to you are we out, get arms. Again importance of getting well bred Willie Miller, Milton Baxter. carefully, as it takes several days Once more our country needs or so; dairy cows, not beef cattle, for 2nd Ward Austin Allen, Al- after being bitten before any signs I know you have plenty of time and service that special peculiar milking purposesbert Johnson, Garnel Larsen, La-vo- n of poisoning develop. Im sure, which the women alone can give. It is pleasing to note how Larsen, Farres Christiansen, We understand that the disease Williams around of Instead sitting The record which Utah women many in the past two weeks have Melvin Christiansen, Alma Soren- is quite prevalent among the dogs have made in the past Liberty Economy store. began studing their cows, weighsen. in Pocatello valley and that there Loan He raised his hat and wished me 100 shows per campaign ing and having their milk tested, ' 2nd Ward Carl Nielsen, Elroy are some cases in town here, and cent efficiency. good night, and happy to say quite a number Irvin Hall, Farren we would advise people in general Nielsen, The Victory Liberty . Loan It wasnt long 'till he was out of of those low producing cows Edwin Christofferson, to look' out for such animals afflictBrown, sight; have gone to the butcher and campaign must now engage our Lavere Nielsen. v watched for him near by the ed. However, as the city board of Ive attention. patriotic inquirries are being made as to . health has given notice for all dogs fence, . Money must be provided with where better cows can be purTHE KIND OF GARMENTS to be muzzeled, the danger will be which to bring fiome our boys And by heck Ive never seen him chased. since.greatly eli ninated. NEEDED from over seas aid from camps There are more farmers today N for some in The animal did not seem to be where Im alpatiently watching been have ready they Every kind of garment, for al Hyrum who are making plans f I fine day and. would probably mean at all, .on .to i.tself for well bred herds than ever beways sacrjfi'Ufiv ages and both, sexes, is urgently had he not shay Libertys Altar. ' Many, alas! T couple up my needed. In addition, piece goods, not attacked the boy fore, and, they ''should certainly one of the boys have cheerfully shed their blood And travel over mountains and val- receive bothered been by encouragement and suplight warm canton flannel and see, leys you freeof banner and died that the other kinds of cloth.from whch playmates. port. Its going to mean a great dom might be advanced to tri- To hunt. up a few dollars that may deal to our bank accounts when to make garments for new born be waiting for me. People who want .their meat umphFor these heroes we rebabies, ticking, and 6 thousand pound sheeting, and smoked Oscar Liljenquist. all 4, 5, should bring it at once to the serve a special honor and for cows are replaced with 8, 9, and blankets, woolen goods of any ' kind and shoes of every size are Ames & Hoff butcher shop, as after their dependents it is our sacred 10 or even better producers. do asked for. Scrap leather is need- the first of April they will not privilege and duty to provide. I am also pleased to note the Adv. any more meat smoking. Our organization is excellent; ed for repairing footwear. number of young men who are Our exSince the clothes will be subMarch. 17, 1919. becomming interested in dairying A son was born to Mr. and Mrs we will make it better. and getting a few well bred cows jected to the hardest kind of Charles Liljenquist early last Sun- perience during the past cam- To Whom it May Concern: as a foundation for a profitable wear, only garments of strong day morning, while Mrs- Liljenquist paigns has been educational; let This is to certify that . I, Elling and durable materials should be was confined to her bed with the us profit by that experience. In W. herd. There are now five Dagsen, have been subject to dairy will come to call the begin April sent. It is useless to offer any flu. Sires in Hyrum The child, however, lived work. Let us perfect our local quinsey for over twenty years, and Registered Jersey afflicted population garments of only four hours. of and the the next crop average organizations, bearing in mind have tried nearly every remedy two of heifers will mark an Make the gifts flimsy material. Geo. M. Obray, a young man the advantages of cooperation known without any results what- or other with organizations already practical. improvement. As ever. Physicians advsied that the encourging from Paradise met with ah accident Mens with the set especially up, farmers let us pull together for In order that the contributed last Wednesday whereby he broke a only remedy was to have my Loan Committees." Liberty and better cows for Hyrum more garments and shoes shall be of bone in his ankle. He was brought Let us so arrange our affairs tonsils taken out,' but I didnt care Cache. South and the greatest benefit, the contri- to Hyrnm, where Dr. Worley at that we can devote full time and about being operated on. John A. Israelsen. butors, as well as those in charge tended to his injuries, and the unstinted energy to the successOn Nov. 12, 1919, I got a severe of last this ful accomplishment of collection centers, can be of young man is getting along as well drive for the Victory Liberty attack of quinsy, and my wife told me to go down to Dr. Olsen the great assistance in seeing to it as can be expected. Loan. that the different articles comChiropractor and give him a trial. Mr. James P. Christiansen a well I didnt have much faith in Chiroposing a suit of clothes, a pair known and respected young man of of stockings, a practic, but the following evening pair of pajamas, ward died last Tuesday of a pair of shoes, tc., shall be se- the 1st In accordance with an ordinance I was suffering terribly, so I went Funeral services over the remains fever, from which he has typhoid and 9. and Council an down Jan. curely tied together. For examtook the City adjustment, of Leland Anderson, who died last been suffering for several days past. passed by ple two shoes he of to the four hours within after not are worth He leaves a wife and one child to 1917, elating muzzleing adjusted Tuesday from an attack of pneuhalf as much as one pair of shoes. is I a few monia superinduced by influenza,, when took me abcess broke. there the period at any mourn his untimely death. Funer- dogs Garments need not be in perhad were held Friday at 1 p. m. at the is and of it more havent of the rabies, spread adjustments al services are being held today danger fect condition. out home of his parents in the 2nd on and been and after the quinsy since, have Many thousand an "account of which hereby ordered that destitute women jn the regions (Saturday,) March 25th, all dogs within the in wet and cold much this winter. ward. Bp. A. A. Allen presided will appear in our next. recently occupied by the Central limits of Hyrum City be muzzled All through 1918 I had an attack and members of the ward choir While there are no restrictions in Powers are eager to earn a small according to the requirements pf every month or two, even in the furnished appropriate singing for livelihood by repairing .gift force as to closing any of the gather- said ordinance. hot summer months, and I was get- the occasion. of the Health. Board olothing and making new gar- ings in our city, on account of the The opening prayer was offered ting to feel weak and tired all the By order of ments adapted to needs with flu situation, it is generally advistime. Now I feel fine, and am by Elder Levi Anderson. The able that people be as careful as which they are familiar. to converted!. Chiroprac- speakers were Elder A. J. Petersen, thoroughly Hyrum should feel proud of the done It is desired that parties furnish-m- g possible and not attend- any more because has for me in Couns. C. A. Nielsen and Bp. Allen, it tic, received at the recent or public than recognition private gatherings a less what other than pros month, who all spoke in the highest terms clothing also furnish gunny-sackFarm Bureau is left entirely meeting of the County The matter possible." in do to fessions failed to ship them in, as it will be have years. of the young man as they had known townsmen of our Directors. Three a hard matter for the committees to the people themselves, whether Chiro- him. to all advise to is, My The benediction was protry to head important will take precaution and help were appointed to get they well. I done and as have nounced by Elder C. O. Thompson. gel enough sacks to pack and J. J. Facer, practic Committees: to prevent the spread of the disease, County ship the clothing to' headquarters. Respectfully, The funeral was impressive and for Beef Cattle; or whether they will take the risk County Chairman, W. Dagsen. well attended. Elling The floral contriand run into it, in which case they H. P. Anderson, County Chairman, sworn and to before butions Subscribed were and cost of accounts productmany and beautiful Farm Dr. Worley reports the following will have to blame themselves. So A. of D. me a 18th this A. and March, day Israelsen, County large cortege followed the renew arrivals the A let us all try and do our best to ion; and John past week: mains to the cemetery where the John W. Jensen, Dairying. These men 1919. Pair of twin girls at the home of prevent the spread of the disease, Chairman, Public. choir of bureau the farm Notary need the support Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of the sang while the casket was even if we do have to sacrifice cercommission My if results are expected The grave was expires Oct. 15, being lowered. 2nd ward, and a girl at Mr. and tain privileges and pleasures for the members, 1922. dedicated Alvin Allen. efforts. Elder their by Mrs. Nelton Smiths. from good of the community. y. Hy-rut- C-- - , - k i . ", one-hors- e . TESTIMONIAL - Notice to Public - Funeral of Leland Anderson |