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Show pooPcopysl SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH mmmmsmm South Cache Courier vor of taking the boys to their home towns instead of turning them loose Published Every Friday at Hyrum in a few- large cities, where they are unacquainted with the condi. Utah. tions, and methods of life. J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher, By J. E, Jones, W., D. C. -- AGREEABLE DISCERNMENT The Governors and Mayors at their Washington meet, went on record as saying: We believe we sense what is in the hearts of the people in expressing the belief that unprecedented conditions can be met through the unprecedented devices of human ingenuity inspired by the progressive age in which we live. And to Washington this was refreshing, because in the National Capital there has been a good deal of groping about to find the cause for unrest and industrial disruption. The State and City officers assume that they know all about And they say its just like it. that see? Well fix it. Their in the a was sort presence Capital to of inspiration politicians (and statesmen, if we have any,) and their speeches and resolutions' are like Grays breezy call of morn. Pardon the enthusiasm for these Governors and Mayors. Individually they may need looking over a bit; but collectively to return to Gray, the applause of listening Senates to command belong to them. Cobwebs dont grow on American Governors and Mayors. The proceedings of their Conference proves the correctness of this ob, brain-fagge- incense-breathin- t d g v exservation. These ecutives of States and Cities tackled every problem affecting human happiness and progress. And it is only telling the truth to admit that their proceedings showed a truer, clearer, fresher vision of conditions than has been indicated of late in the prored-bloode- d ceedings of Congress; in observing which one frequently forms the belief that these representatives of the people live too much apart from their home influences. J. JH. Jones, W., D. C. THE KAISER NOT GUILTY People whose minds do not think-ilarge and general terms, but in practical, concrete facts, cannot help wanting to see somebody pun ished for these last four years of frightful suffering. This idea is summerized in the demand to hang the Kaiser. The people who want the Kaiser hung wnt him hung not on any legal technicality, but because they believe he was responsible for starting the great war. In all probability he was, but even.if he was, no one has the right to say that he should, therefore, be hung. War has never been considered a crime. If it h.ad, would the United States have spent 70 cents of every dollar of our taxes in preparing to perpetuate a crime? The whole world has always accepted war as legal, but at last people are The people feeling differently. who want to hang the Kaiser must first make the world admit that war is a crime. Then punishment for the crime may be possible. The constitution of the League of Nations will attempt to make war criminal, and it will punish the war maker with the heaviest of all " penalties, isolation from all the worlds goods and from .all human relationship, by means of boycott, his punishment will be more severe than warr and it can be enforced merely by arrangement. After all, what we want is not punishment for the past, but security for theTuture. The balance of powers has kept a world permanently unbalanced. The League of Nations can keep it permanently balanced, and it can make evil and greedy powers, perhaps not good, but at least harmless. Special Correspondent. WANTED Hogs, Veals and Muttons, best prices paid. Adv. Lester Miller, Hyrum. STEAM UERSUS WATER MONEY TO LOAN Money to Loan on real estate security. TURNING ON THE LIGHT - conservation water-powe- r of the country has been defended on the ground that unusual profits might be realized from the operation of water-pwe- r plants. The United States Chamber of Commerce in representing its referendum concerning waterpower development, to the organizations throughout the Nation, submitted the report of a special committee on water-powedevelopment, made up of the best authorities of the country, and in this report showed that the initial cost of a steam plant is in general but one-hah to that of a water-powe- r plant ot' equal capacity, and that because a steam plant can be more easily enlarged from time to time, the initial development of a water-powe- r plant must, in general, be a much larger proportion of the ultimate contemplated development than in the case of a steam plant. Another most interesting feature of the report says that the present demand for the development of water-powe- r comes, not from capicommunities which, from but talists, on account of the high price and scarcity of fuel, are desirous in their own interest, of inducing capital to make such developments. The Manufacturer. r , a 10s 'f i. have in the vicinity of Hy. rum a slightly used player piano, partly paid for and in first-clacondition that we will sell cheap to reliable party. Write us for particulars, Consolidated Music Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Adf ss . si Toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and that clever, practiced pound Crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Sale- M. m, C. Building lot for sale, 5x10 rods, close in, at a bargain. Applp to John W. Jensen, Hyrum. Adv. .1 Thatcher Hat a Ad. I am still in the market for Liberty Bonds, New York quotations every day. I pay the highest maiket price. Adv. A. A. Savage, Hyrum. FOR SALE The Wilhelm Anderson property located two blocks south and one block east of the Hyrum State. Bank. For sale cheap and on easy terms. If communicate with interested, Win. M. Howell or Luther HowAdv. ell, Logan, Utah. , Get Under En- NEW LINE , Just Arrived P3255 . lf We pletely. Thats because it has the quality! And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra- -' grance is Prince Alberts freedom from bite and parch, which is cut out by our exclusive patented process. We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip jimmy pipe or makins cigarette without a comeback i ii; one-fift- Player Piano Cheap and youll listening post get the Prince Albert call, all right! Youll hunt-- jimmy pipe, so quick and get so much tobacco joy out- - of every puff youll wish you had been born twins! For, Prince' Albert puts over a turn new to every man fond of a pipe or a home made cigarette. It wins your glad hand com- - Time 1 year to 34 years. of the quire of John W. Jensen. Misnamed The Conference of Governors anc Mayors proved to be a most enjoy able affair, viewed from the standpoint of turning the light in upon internal conditions of the country It fortunately was held in Washington, and light never was needec more in any time or place' since that memorial moment when the earth was without form, and void and darkness was upon the face of tji'e deep; and the Spirit of Goc moved upon the face of the waters And God said, Let there be light And' there was light. Tbe resolutions of the Conference recited the fact that the conference was called for the purpose of fa cilitating the rejustment of the in dustrial affairs of the country. It was the sense of the assemblec officials the Government that should not only prepare for the transportation necessities of pros it should use the rail perity,-bu- t roads as the means of helping, pri vate industry. Tackling, the sub of prices, the resolutions de ject Prices must change. There clare: economic justification for be may some schedules, but not many. The Government was asked to take steps to reveal facts and figures upon which honest calculations can be made, thereby determining a way to announce to the public what prices it finds to be fair and equitable. Roadbuilding and emcame ployment up for consideration. It was recommended that the Federal Government direct that soldiers returning from the service be mustered out by their local draft boards. The purpose for this is obvious, since it would react in fa ,i!r iuv t t V Call and Get our Prices and. Accessories . . Compare Them With Others A ' t f t V We do not claim to cut prices way below others, but we claim to sell at prices that are right. , Omr line includes Goodrich, Goodyear, Mohack and Quaker Tires, four of best makes on the market. . ' - Presto-Lit- e Battery Service We do all kinds' of welding on farm, ma- chinery, auto and tractor parts. It makes no deference .as to the kind of metal, its all the same with our process. -- Arthur W. Olsen, D. C. The Place the Guarantee Holds Good P. S. C. CHIR0PRCT0R HYRUM GARAGE Adjusting Parlors upstairs in Postoffice Bldg., Hyrum. Office Hours: 4 to 8 p. m. House Calls by Appointment Consultation and Spinal ' Analysis . given free at my office. !! Job Pinting of all Kinds PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO t V |