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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM. UTAH Something New WAT E lOlBEIF Each day you will find something different In our cases. New gift suggestions small cost high values. Come in, often. Iftdt STRICT SALT LAKE CITY The Deal Scheduled for Last November. Which Wa Postponed on Account of the Influ- enza Epidemic la Now Good During the Month of March. Re-in-atat- GIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OP FIOS AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR ' CONSTIPATED. Session Continued Four Days, Ten Hours and . Forty-sigh- t Minutes Over the Tims Alloted by Law For Legislative Sessions. The thirteenth biennial session of the Utah legislature came to a close at 10:48 oclock Monday night, March 17, at which time the senate and house adjourned sine die. By actual time the thirteenth session, which began on the 13th of January and officially ended on the 13th of March, continued with stopped clocks just four days, ten hours and forty-eigminutes over the time allotted by law for the legislative sessions, but, so far as the records of the legislature show, adjournment came on March 13. Among the most important measures that received the approval of both houses were the house bill providing for a bond issue of $4,000,000 for state highways and for state with the federal government In the construction of permanently Improved roads in the state. With this is the senate bill designating the state system of state highways and providing for the expenditure of state and other funds on road improvements. Other prominent measures were the senate bills providing for state with the federal government In soldier settlement work, to provide farms and homes for returned soldiers. These measures provide for a bond issue of $1,000,000 to carry on this work in Utah. There is an amendment to the workmens compensation act raising the weekly benefits for temporary disability from $12 to $16, and a mine tax measure whicn provides for tne assessment of metalliferous mines on a basis of three times their net proceeds. One of the most important bills to the state is the Dern coal lands leasing act, which retains In the state title to all mineral deposits in state lands and provides for the leasing of such lands for mining operations on a royalty basis to the state. In the line of education is- an act of providing for the establishment health education throughout the state, with a superintendent of .this education and the placing of school nurses In every public school of the state to guard the health of children and build up their physical bodies. This legislature enacted what is known as the Americanization act designed to compel attendance upon school of foreigners and providing schools in which foreigners may be educated into real Americans. , Another act is one that provides for part-tim- e schools for the benefit of those unable to attend the regukir schools, and raising the age limit of compulsory attendance to 18 years. Probably the most Important piece of educational legislation Is the vocational education act enabling the state to cooperate with and receive federal funds and benefits In this new departure in lines of education. In a health line the legislature provided an act to enable the state to secure federal aid in control and elimination of social diseases, provided for free clinics throughout the state and another act establishes a home for the rehabilitation of fallen women. The legislature also adopted an eight-hou- r day for working women, enacted a blue sky law for the control of stock promotion to eliminate and It enacted an important bill on water rights providing for a general survey and adjudication of the Involved and complicated question of water rights throughout the commonwealth. An Important law to guard against criminal syndicalism and sabotage was also enacted, along with a law directed against the progress of Bolshevism and other anarchistic tendencies In the form of an act preventing the display of any flag of disloyalty. The legislators stopped work with the feeling that the thirteenth session, which began on the 13th and officially ended on the 13th of the month, was not an unlucky" session for the state in any sense. Users of cigarets were given rather a shock on March 14, when both houses bill, passed the Southwlck the measure being sent back to the house for ratification of minor amendments, where it was killed by a vote of 23 ayes to 14 nays, 10 members being absent. But one vote was lacking to secure adoption. Clgaret smokers may breathe more freely, as it was at first , reported that the measure had passed. Whether the governor weald have signed the MU Is Their Trou- I bare met a number of types in my ministerial meanderlngs. Let me Quote you a few: , Those gentlemen who call upon me to display my backbone" by giving them my active support in their pet quarrels. The backsliding member who fears lest I be not religious-minde- d enough for his people. The loud and insistent propagandist (Who thinks I am insincere because I do not shout our common beliefs from every street corner. The man who never attends a service. who wonders if my sermons are up to the mark. The person who sees me only during meals, and who therefore assumes that 1 have nothing to do but eat. The fastidious critic but slovenly dresser who objects to the shape of my shoe and the length of my coat. Those who believe they have the right to give me orders, on the ground (that they supply some of the money that pays my salary. The mothers who think It undignified of me to seat myself near girls other than their own daughters. who thinks my The sermons good and wonders where I got them. Indianapolis Star. hard-heade- d -- near-flatter- er WAS ONCE WASTE LAND , Present Site ef Great Bank in New York City So Described In King's Grant In the office of George F. Baker, in the First National bank of New York city, there hangs on the wall the original patent from James II, king of England, dated February 4, 1685, for the land on which the First National bank mow stands, therein designated as waste land" outside the city gate of ,New York. It was issued to one Thomas Pougan, late governor and now admiral! of New York. There Is attached a small sketch of .the property, showing Wall street with Its fence, and the city gate, through I : which leads Broad way." When one considers that this waste land" now represents one of the most valuable spots In the world one realises what changes a little more than two centuries have wrought In New York city. What would Thomas Dougan have aid if be bad been told that on this waste land "would one day stand a thanking Institution returning its stockholders over 80 per cent a year! 'Wall Street Journal. The Profitable Nickel. Like the humble cent, the Increased coinage of which was recently men jtioned in this column, the nickel is In greater demand than ever. That Is fortunate, for the face value of those token coins" Is so much greater than the value of the qietal they contain that the profit In m mufacturing them, together with a slight profit In manufacturing the minor silver coins, more meets the ei.Ure running (than , of the mint. -- Youths ee j i Easily AiTanged. woman Invited Ed to come and aee her. He asked If the had a little boy to play with Mm. and she said bo. He then askel tf she wonld like to have a little boy. and when the said Uy mamma will tell yea Ed replied: stork that brought ms to her to bring A iron a little boy. - "wild-cattin- g, ed It Is r. 1 e, DEAL .This deal, which we had expected to put on last November and which had to be postponed on account of the shortfor the age of VapoRub, Is month of March. This allows a discount of 10 on shipments from jobbers stock of quantities of from 1 to 4 gross. 5 of this discount is allowed by the Jobber and 5 by us. We advise the retail druggists to place their orders Immediately, so that the jobbers will be able to get prompt shipments to them. NOVEMBER THANKS OF THE PUBLIC DUE THE DRUG TRADE DURING THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. The thanks of the American public are certainly due the entire drug trade retail, wholesale and manufacturing for what they accomplished during the recent Influenza epidemic. The war caused a shortage of physicians nurses were almost impossible to obtain the demand on the drug trade was unexpected , and overwhelming, and to this demand they responded nobly. Retail druggists kept open day and night and slept where they dropped behind the prescription counter. Haste to get rich keeps many a man Wholesale druggists called their salesmen off the road to help fill orders poor. hundreds wired us to ship Vicks VapoRub by the quickest route, regardless of expense. FRECKLES li the Tint to Get Rid ef These Ugly poti Theres no longer the slightest need of feeling tshatned of your freckles, as Othlne double strength 18 guaranteed to remove these homely were low and shipments required three months to come from the Far East. Then we had to recruit and traiu skilled labor. We brought our sales- men Into the factory and trained them as foremefi. We Invented new machinery, and managed to install it oa Christmas Day, so as not to interfere with our dally production. 143 JARS OF VAPORUB EVERY MINUTE DAY AND NIGHT By January 1st vye had everything ready to put on our night shift, and since then our laboratory has been running day and night To feed our automatic machines, which drop out one hundred and forty-thre- e jars of VapoRub a minute or one million and eighty thousand weekly, has required a force of 500 people. Our Cafe Department, created for the benefit of these woikers, served 7,000 meals during the month of January alone. 13 MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB DISTRIBUTED SINCE OCTOBER. An Idea of the work we have accomplished this fall may be given by our production figures 13,028,976 jars of VapoRub manufactured and distributed since last October one jar for every two families in the entire United States. During the influenza epidemic Vicks VapoRub was used as an external application in connection with the physicians treatment, and thousands of people, unable to obtain a doctor, relied on Vick's almost exclusively. Literally millions of families all over the country, from Call- - fornia to Maine, and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf, have found Vicks VapoRub the Ideal home remedy for croup and cold Now 'APOMJB pota. Simply get an ounce of Othlne double strength from your druggist, and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It la seldom that more than one ounce la needed to completely clear the akin and gala a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to aBk for the double strength Othlne, as this la sold under guarantee of money back if it falls to remove freckles. Adv. . His Nibs. Consoling. There goes his nibs, my boss. Humorist I want no weeping at Is that a respectful way to speal my funeral. Wife Therq wont be unless some- of your employer? Its all right In his case. He manu body springs a few of your jokes. factures pens. It Is thd pleasantest life when you climb steep hills requires slow' dont have to put any of your friends And it takes a barber to scrape up new acquaintances. to the test. ' ' More and more, thoughtful women are de- creasing the cost of living by increasing the variety of their home baking. They have learned to bake the Royal way with fewer eggs. They have found that more baked foods mean less meat. They have further discovered that their baking keeps fresh longer when made with BaMas a tj? tLLn ' antl-clgar- et In. this emergency we tried to do our part. We scoured the country foi raw materials our Traffic Manager spent his days riding freight cars in shipped raw materials in carload lots our raw materials are produced only-IJapaq supplies in this country with pride that we announce to the drug trade that the shortage of Vicks VapoRub, which has lasted since last October, Is now overcome. Since January 1st, we have been running our and a half laboratory twenty-thre- e hours out of every twenty-fouLast week we shipped the last of our back orders, and retail druggists, therefore, are no longer requested to order in small quantities only. Look at the tongue, mother If coated, It is a sure sign that your little ones stomach, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough, cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesnt eat or act naturally, or is feverish, stomach sour, sore breath bad; has stomach-achthroat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and yon have a well, playful child again. You neednt coax sick children to take this harmless fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of California Syrup of Figs, which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-up- s plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by the California Fig Syrup Company. Refuso any other kind with contempt. Adv. A TREMENDOUS JOB TO INCREASE OUR PRODUCTION express and pleaded with manufaOVER ONE MILLION JARS by cturers to Increase their deliveries to us. OF VAPORUB PRODUCED But it was a slow process. Some of EACH WEEK ht bles, Just as Have Their Loweit Placed Brethren. OKIE AT IASI SHORTAGE : Salt Lake City. iRlen of the Cloth Have VlCIiSYAPOnUB SICK, HURRY, MOTHER I REMOVE POISONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH LIVER, BOWELS. MEMBERS WORK OVERTIME TO COMPLETE THE BUSINESS BEFORE THEM. MAKERS OF JEWELRY W MAIN DIMES! CROSS, FEVEMSD BOYD PARK POUNDtD CUDS , Absolutely Pure jpowgh1 In many recipes, only half as many eggs are required, in some none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder is used, about a teaspoonful in place of each' ' ': , egg omitted r i Try it with your favorite recipes - Hoycl Contains Ho Alum Leaves Ho Bitter Tests |