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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH 3h! My Face USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HAIR GRANDMA People who have impure or impoverished take only a temperance remedy made of wild roots and barks siich as Dr. Pierces RIVERS OVERFLOW BANKS AND THOUSANDS ARE DRIVEN FROM THEIR HOMES. Golden Medical Discovery is and has been for nearly 50 Ingre- years. i I Thousands of Dollars Worth of Property Destroyed and Many Lives In Jeopardy as Result of Swollen Streams. dients printed on wrapper. to take this start The first day you germs and liable medicine, impure iccumulation begin to separate in the the jlood and are then expelled through ? 1 old-tim- Oconto, Wls. Hundreds of homes, factories, mills and lumber yards are liminative organs. In place of the impurities, the arteries Afresh vitalized ind veins gradually get . blood jlood and the action of this good n the skin means that pimples, boil3, carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and all ikin blemishes will disappear. Then must remember that when the blood is bowels and right, the liver, stomach, and kidneys become healthy, active will have no more vigorous and you head-ch- e. trouble with indigestion, backache, yu Get Dr. to-d- Pierces Golden Medical at any medicine dealers, Dis-ove- ry or liquid form, or send 10c for trial package to Dr. Pierces Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Occasionally one should clean house vrith castor oil or tiny pills made up of leaves of aloe and root of the jalap, first put up by Dr. Pierce and now in tablet e, May-appl- by almost all druggists in this country as Doctor Pierces Pleasant Pelleta. Always convenient to take. sold SMOKING TOBACCO flooded and thousands of dollars orth of property has beeu destroyed by the Oconto river overflowing its banks. It is estimated that 5000 persons are homeless. The river has been rising steadily for two days and a congestion of ice and logs has kept the water from following its natural course. Dynamite Is being used to clear the obstructions. Dispatches from Milwaukee state that floods have stopped train movements in western" Wisconsin. The Milwaukee river is out of its banks and trains are being detoured to the north. Abnormal rainstorms caused a of railroad traffic in parts of Michigan on Monday. Property damage is said to be small aside from that sustained by the railroads. Four deaths were tbr, o the flood, Near Saginaw a farm and his two small sons were drow'Vd when their buggy fell into a flooded creek and another man lost his life in the river. Pin-uebo- FACTS FROM THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA INDORSE the Use of Flavorings Determines Difference In Brands The Encyclopaedia Britannica says about the manufacture of smoking to- ...on the Continent and in certain sauces are employed . . .the use of the sauces is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves." Which indicates that a smokers enjoyment depends as much upon the flavoring used as upon the tobacco. Your nose is a sure guide in the matter of flavorings. Try this simple test with several tobacco brands: pour some tobacco into your palm, rub briskly, and smell. You will notice a distinct difference in the fragrance of every brand. The tobacco that smells best to you will smoke best in your pipe, you bacco: America, Soldiers g UNIVERSAL TRAINING Favor of Compulsory Military Service. Washington. Overwhelming indorsement of a universal military training system, coupled with equally strong support for the existing disciplinary relationship between officers and men of the army was expressed by a representative group of the selective service men of the Twelfth division, Camp Devins, Mass., just before the organization was demobilized last January. The opinions of the men numbering ' 1330, with an average length of service of 10.7 months, were obtained througu a carefully arranged questionnaire system. in ORDER Beer Containing 2 Per Cent Alcohol to be Sold. New York. The lager beer brewers' loard of trade of New York, reprebrewing concerns in senting forty-twNew York and New Jersey, announced Monday that on advice of counsel its grades would realise tercet members would resume at once sale If he raised prmtlts puteored Shorthorns. The dont of beer containing 2 per cent alcorequire any more room, nor any more reed, nor any bet- holic content. This was forbidden by ter care than the grades sbonld have. But they sell a ruling of the Internal revenue defor more money. A Kansas partment, which Interpreted Pres .dent farmer produced 91 from one registered She effectit i Dehorn cotr In IS years. Tiro Wilsons proclamation brothers In W leconsln procember 1, last. o Any farmer who raises TRY IT? i duced 119 head from one in 11 years. The value counts STRANGE American Association. U .Dexter Dark Ave., Chicago, ter Cuticura - SoP Ointment 25 and BO, Talcum ZB. Ontlonrm. Dept. B, Bolton. showed. Near Delhi, a boy was reported carried many feet in the air by the wind and dropped unhurt in a bayou. Hair balsam A toliet reparation ol merit, Holps to eradicate dandruff. B forReitorint Color and toGray or Faded Hair, Courts to Act on Phone Charges. Authority of PostWashington. to increase Burleson General Its an in wind that doesnt show a master the counrates throughout telephone nea set of ankles. try is to be determined by the supreme court, which on Monday granted the GREENS AUGUST FLOWER state of Kansas permission to Institute original proceedings against the Has been used for all ailments that postmaster general, questioning the caused by a disordered stomach validity of his order of last December na inactive liver, such as sick head-- c 13 establishing new toll rates. ec constipation, sour stomach, ?erTous lndiSestion, fermentation of Frenchman Flying Across Ocean. d, palpitation of the heart caused by London. It is reported among airases in the stomach. August Flower a flight across the Atlantic nt,e laxative, regulates digestion men that . now is ocean being attempted by a ia sImach and intestines, cleans and French lieutenant named Fontain. He the stomach and alimen-- is t Helens reported to have started from the e canal, stimulates the liver to He bile and impurities from the French African port of Dakar, for Pernambuco, Brazil, by u- Sold In all civilized countries. of the Cape Verde islands and the Glve it a way trial. Adv. St. Taul rocks. L - Drugglata y se-b- We can do more good by being good - pan any other way. If & A Wholesome, Cleansing, Kclreshing and Healing wJluIr Lotlaa Murine for Red-I- H nesg, Soreness, Granula- tion. Itching and Burning ... . of the Eyes or Eyelids; ? MvlA Motoring or Goli Your 5Jurin!?iVS?Bfid,S M-rour Eyet Need Care.&nlggi Am y li Remedy Co., Cblcogr Re- A Sene-gambi- a, Navy Plans May Hit Snag. Washington. Unless the problem Is solved through a limitation of armaments by the peace conference, Secre- tary Daniels big navy program is destined to arouse one of the bitterest fights in the next congress. The ranks of the "little navy men were Rematerially strengthened when the of control congress gained publicans in the last election. small bottle of Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Removes all dandruff, stops itching scalp and falling hair. e g rum-runner- s. h . Boy Carried Many Feet Through Air and Dropped Unhurt New Orleans. Twenty-eigh- t dead, several score injured and property loss estimated at $2,000,000 was the result of tornadoes which swept portions of Mississippi and Louisiana Sunday, reports from the two states received here Sleep each free of PRANK OF TORNADO XU. Tortured yz Skin Babies GIRLS! LOTS OF To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff is merely a matfer of using a little Danderlne. It is easy and inexpensive to havo nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get a small bottle of Knowltons Danderine now it costs but a few cents all drug stores recommend it apply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, freshness, fluffiness and an incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderine is, we believe, the only sure, hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp, and it never fails to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in Just a few moments a, delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. Adv. - BREWERS WILL IGNORE can rest assured. Carefully aged, old Burley tobacco, Pus a dash of pure chocolate, gives TUXEDO Tobacco a pure fragrance your nose can quickly distinguish from any other tobacco. Try it and see. WHY NOT Triplets arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Steed of Clearfield lust week. These are two girls and a boy. Mrs. Herman Worlhmun.of Ogden, Common garden sage brewed Into a fired three shots into her breatt while heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair visiting at Los 'Angeles, her xecovery beautifully dark and luxuriant Just being doubtful. a few applications will prove a revelaPlans for the establishment in Salt tion if your hair is fading, strenked or Lake of a large factory "for the manugray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul- facture of flax and the phur recipe at home, though, is trou- weaving of linen were formulated last blesome. An easier way is to get a week. , bottle of Wyeths Sage and Sulphur George Everson, regional secretary Compound at any drug store all ready of the National Tuberculosis associafor use. This is the recipe tion for the northwestern states, is in improved by the addition of other in- Salt Lake conferring with officials of gredients. the Utah Public Health, association. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not Eclio canyon, the route of the Linsinful, we all desire to retain our coln highway through Summit county, youthful appearance and attractive- was closed for several days last week ness. By darkening your hair with with deep snow, and all traffic from Wyeths Sage and Sulphur Compound, Utah and Wyoming by uutomoblle was no one can tell, because it docs It so suspended. naturally, so evenly. You just dampen With a .22 rifle bullet in his brain, a sponge or soft brush with it and little" Black, son of Mr. and draw this through your hair, taking Mrs. H.Edwin M. Black, of Salt Lake, lies at one small strand at a time ; by morning the point of death in the county hosall gray hnlrs have disappeared, and, He was accidentally shot by a pital. after another application or two, your boy companion. hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, Seven pensions for men in the Utah soft and luxuriant. Adv. militia in the Indian wars were allowed one day last week upon advices Courting Disaster. from the department of the Interior to a That fellows glutton for danthe Indian war records branch of the ger. National Guard of Utah. That so? Yes. He even goes pleasure-drivinSheepshearing will begin nt Modena along the road that is being used by about April 15, according to a bulletin issued by J. Cecil Alter of the local the weather bureau. At Weudover, the bulletin states, the bands have already SPRAINS! RUB PAINS begun to trail northward. AND SWELLING AWAY An honorable discharge from the army was given last neek to BrigaDont suffer! Go about your duties dier Geneinl Richard W. Young, forRelief comes the moment you mer command? t of the Sixty-fiftfield " Apply St Jacobs Liniment. artillery brigade. General Young will "practice law in Silt Lake. Dont stay crippled ! Rub this soothAbout fifteen requests for tlie dising, penetrating liniment right into the charge of Utah men in the service are sprain, ache or strain, and out comes being forwarded daily to all parts of pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Europe and Siberia by Major Fred Nothing else penetrates, heals and Jorgensen, adjutant general of Utah, the Injured muscles, according to his statement. strengthens nerves, tendons and ligaments so Brigham City proposes to expend appromptly. It doesnt burn or discolor proximately $12,000 for the extension the skin and can not cause injury. of sidewalks, removal of electric-ligh- t Dont suffer! Get a small trial bottle and replace them with modern poles from any drug store now limber up! steel and also pave the two main poles, Rub the misery right out. A moment for five blocks. thoroughfares after St. Jacobs Liniment is applied L. was appointed state Morris INeplii you can not feel the slightest pain or chairman branch of the Utah of the soreness, and you can go about your to enforce of nations peace at league . regular duties. committee of eigha the of meeting "St. Jacobs Liniment conquers pain. empowered to perfect a permaIt has been used effectively for sprains, teen held at Salt Lake. nent organization, strains, soreness and stiffness for 60 of Utah end boards When the draft Adv. awards. medalyears six gold their work on the last day of this month all property and The Main Point. nature will a of permanent property How are you getting on with your have to be sold to the highest bidders would I of French? Well, study by the chairman of each of the boards. not call It a pronounced success." Because a wife cannot testify against her husband under the law of Utah, John Mitchell Is not to be NOSE CLOGGED FROM brought back, to Salt Lake from Troy, Ohio, to answer to a charge of stealA COLD OR CATARRH ing $150 in liberty bonds from his wife. In Nostrils To Apply Cream Articles of incorporation have been Open Up Air Passages. filed with the secretary of state by the Sterling Wholesale company of Ogden. Ah! What relief! Your clogged nos- The company promises to do a wholetrils open right up, the air passages of sale merchandise, drug and chemical your head are clear and you can business in Ogden and is capitalized breathe freely. No more hawking, at $50,000. snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, With officers selected for the R. O. dryness no struggling for breath at T. C. battalion at the Utah Agriculnight, your cold or catarrh is gone. tural college and with a definite miliDont stay stuffed up! Get a small tary policy decided upon to guide the bottle of Elys Cream Balm from your military organization at the school, the druggist now. Apply a little of this work of the department is getting well fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos- under way. trils, let it penetrate through every air After an extensive tour of inspecpassage of the head; soothe and heal tion of the Boxelder and Weber county memmucous inflamed the swollen, fruit districts, J. B, Walker, state pest brane, giving you instant relief. Elys stated that unless ImmediCream Balm is just what every cold inspector, taken to rid the fruit-tre- e are ate steps and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. bark beetle the fruit the of bark Its just splendid. Adv. industry of the state Is doomed. ' Steel and iron users of Utah, In Time. boiler manufacturers, foundry She has no money. Her face is wholesale hardware men, owners and How her fortune. lucky I didnt met at Salt Lake on March 12, to distake her. at face value. cuss the feasibility of having Chicago reinstated as a basic point for the esWOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROO- T tablishment of steel and iron prices. In order to procure funds for the of the Third ward sewer, to building and Thousands of women have kidney cost about $325,000, the Ogden city adbladder trouble and never suspect it. Womens complaints often prove to be ministration is now planning on an isnothing else but kidney trouble, or; the sue of $825,000 in bonds, to be voted result of kidney or bladder disease. at a bond election planned- for a If the kidneys are not in a healthy upon week later than the date set for the condition, they may cause the other orfor $500,000 bonds which has election diseased. become to gans called. been Pain in the back, headache, loss of amalready bition, nervousness, are often times sympInformally Salt Lakes free dispentoms of kidney trouble. was assured at Dont delay starting treatment. Dr. sary and medical clinic men and a com, a physician's pre- a meeting of business Kilmers at obtained eleven of any Btore, drug may mittee physicians representscription, he just the remedy needed to overcome ing the Salt Lake County Medical sosich conditions. ciety, when donations amounting to Get a medium or large size bottle im- several hundred dollars were credited mediately from any drug store. clinic. However, if you wish first to test this to the Within six hours of ills marriage to great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a an Ogden girl at Salt Lake, Albert sample bottle. When writing be sure and Carlos, 24 years old, a Greek employed mention this paper. Adv. in the Orpheum Candy kitchen, was In the city jail at Ogden upon the No living representative of the anl mnl kingdom has more than five toes, charge of stealing two $100 Liberty digits or claws to each foot, hand or bonds and a war savings stamp from j his employer. Umh. She mixed Sulphur with It to store Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. blood should be careful to THE BEE HIVE STATE Many a to finish the job. self-mad- , For more than 200 years, Haarlem Oil, the famous national remedy of Holland, has been recognized as an infallible rebel from all forms of kidney and bladder die orders. Its very age is proof that it must have unusual merit. If you are troubled with pains or ache in the back, feel tired in the morning, headaches, indigestion, insomnia, painful or too frequent passage of urine, irritation or stone in the bladder, you will almost certainly find relief in GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This is the good old remedy that has stood the test foe hundreds of years, prepared in the propes quantity and convenient form to take, it is imported direct from Holland laboratories, and you can get it at any a drug store. It is a standard, home remedy and needs no introduction. Each capsule contains one dose of fire drops and is pleasant and easy to take.; They will quickly relieve those stiffened' joints, that backache, rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brick etc. Your money promptly refund- dust," ed if they do not relieve you. But be sure to get the genuine GOLD MEDAL brand. In boxes, three sizes. Adv. , old-tim- , The world is all a stake, bat bunch of us are only stage hands. - ' at Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cared - Swamp-Root- 7 man had a womaa Lives 200 Years! inc-cludi- " e i by local applications as they cannot reach1 the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness,! and that Is by a constitutional remedy,1' HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness Is the -esult. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its nor- -, mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness ara caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot HALLS CATAKBJB by MEDICINE. AH Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Chenty A Co., Toledo, Ohio. It Is your wont power that ala wing victories. 1 |