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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH UPSET STOMACH PAPES DIAPEPSIN AT ONCE ENDS SOURNESS, GASES, ACIDITY, INDIGESTION. FLEET FOB FOOD tight d Doctor (Jc DELEGATES CURTLY AGREE TO ACCEPT TERMS REQUIRED BY ALLIES. GERMAN Reared Her Family WITH HOME REMEDY - There are few families in which the record of Mrs. Gustave Koch. Box 24, Kewick, Keokuk County, Iowa, has been surpassed. Not in the fact that she Is her story remarkable. Thousands of families ere larger. The history of the Koch family la unique In that the mother, with all her loving care, pinned her faith to a simple home remedy and never had a doctor for her children. Here Is what she says: Peruna has done my children good. I have a family of eight and never had a doctor, only your medicine. We all think Peruna a splendid tonic." So far as we have learned, Pe- runa is the only known remedy for which such a wonderful claim can be made. Like Mrs. Koch, there are thousands upon thousands of mothers who place their entire dependence upon Peruna. That Peruna has merited this confidence is attested by the words YOU THINK AS ARE SO YOU Wisdom in Little Ones Idea of the Way in Which Success May . Be Won. Much from such mothers as Mrs. Gustave Koch. Long life to her! Peruna Is indicated for coughs, colds, catarrh of the head, nose and throat, or disorder of the stomach, bowels or other organs due to catarrhal inflammation of the mucous linings. If you are sick and suffering, write the Peruna Company, Dept. 880, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartmans Health Book. It Is free and you may find that Peruna Is what you need. Dr. Hartmans World Famous Peruna Tonio comes In either liquid or tablet form. Ask your dealer. If you are seeking health, do not accept "something just as good." Insist upon Peruna. Tour dealer will give you a Peruna Almanac. One cannot always be a hero, but one can always be a man. Goethe. ' The Cuticura Toilet Trio Having cleared your skin keep it clear by making Cuticura your every-datoilet preparations. The soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and perfume. . No toilet table is complete without them. 25c everywhere. Adv. y She had just applied for a situation and her application had not been successful. I just told myself before I went up that I wouldnt get It, she told her I always have the worst family. Aunt Marie was discouraged. luck. Her niece looked up her game. shouldnt have said that, Auilt Marie, she said earnestly. I believe thats the reason you didn't get it. Why, auntie when we girls play Hands Held Open I always watch and see that the girl who gets the button when its passed is the girl who holds her hands just right to get It, and who looks just like she was sure she was going to get it. So I always just fix my hands in just the right way, and then I look exactly like I expected it, and if I do that way I do get it Maybe thats the way youd better do about getting a job.1 Auntie thought the matter over and decided that perhaps after all that was a good way to do. ld You from Artful Dodger. Count, said the lady to the foreign nobleman at the charity bazaar, wont you buy this rose? It Is only $3. Shark-Foo- In Bermuda small ground sharks are used for food and much appreciated by all classes. The fish average from eight to ten pounds and sell for 12 cents each. In Honolulu the hammerhead shark' is .frequently seen in the markets and its flesh Is considered very nourishing and is extensively salted. Auto Exhaust Causes Pneumonia. Glnlstner, who is recognized as a leading. British authority on gas poisons, contends that one of the effects of carbon monoxide upon the human system is to cause a pronounced susceptibility to pneumonia, and he has presented a good deal of evidence in support of his contention. Automobile engine exhaust fumes always contain this Insidious poison. The warning conveyed is obvious. w Repartee. Mary and her brother had been quarreling and although mother had Intervened there was still bad feeling between John waited until mother the two. was not watching him and then he stuck out his tongue at his sister. called . the aggrieved Mother, make John quit making such Mary, an ugly face at me. I didnt make my face, retorted It was already made for me.' John. Yes, at a false face factory, retorted Mary, triumphant over the last word. Nine-year-ol- I am very sorry, said the count with a courtly bow, but ze price is a leetle too high. The lady kissed the rose. "And now, count, will you buy it? No, madame, he said with a still deeper bow; now.ze rose is priceless. , Consistencies. ' Knicker Blood water. Booker is thicker - than And the milk, of human kindness Is thicker than ink seven-year-o- d The Same Delicious Satisfying Drinll Used for years instead of coffee by families who value health The Original Postom Cereal t Boiled just lilie coffee 15 minutes after boiling begins. Rich in aroma. Pleasing in flavor. Economical. No table drink has ever taken the place of Postum. There's . a Reason . Get it at grocers. Two sizes 1 5c & 25c.. ld -- rCalf Enemies The moment you eat a tablet of Pape's DIapepsin all the Indigestion pain, dyspepsia misery, the sourness, gases and stomach acidity ends. Papes Diapepsin tablets cost little at any drug store but there Is no surer or quicker stomach relief known. Adv. MORMONS. Churchmen Reported to be in Hands of Mexican Bandits. Juarez. Bishop A. L. Pierce,- In charge of Mormon affairs, announced Saturday that he had received an unconfirmed report from a Mexican that President Joseph C. Bentley, Chief Missionaries Joseph Williams, Joseph Spencer and two others, one of whom was believed to be Pleasant Williams, had been made prisoners by Francisco Villa and Felipe Angeles at El Valle, Chihuahua, and were last seen In custody of Villia troops going toward Namiquipe. Dude. was a slang word that soon guy promises to be Im- died, but mortal.1 Keep your liver active, your bowels clean by Poking Ir. Ilerccs Pleasant Pellets and you'll keep healthy, wealthy and wise. Adv. no Rolling stones gather Neither do rolling dollars. til tilA Anti-Ca- The Cutter Laboratory 111. or Berkeley, Cal., Chicago, "Tho Laboratory That Know How moss. 12-19- 19. Drachma For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria 3 PER CENT. AVeetableFreparationforAs similatingtheFood by Regular ALCOHOL I limHheStomachsandBovrelstf ill Pi'Sf Mi W it k ifes silMk I inyipriiiiifjS Digestion Thereby Promoting Cheerfulness andRestCotrtams neither Opium, Morphine Always Bears the Signature not Narcotic Mineral, Jkclpea Pumpkin Sent jUx Senna Jbchellt SaUt ntttStnl In Warm Seed (taiifred Sugaf f&teryrtMftamr Use A hel pful Remedy for Diarrhoea Constipation and and and Feverishness Loss of Sleep resulting m. ihercfrom-mlntanQ- For Over - Facsimile Signature Thirty Years THxCrOTAuaGoMPAwr. NEWYORKi Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMI eCNTAVH MMMNVi HCW VOHH OlTTe Out of Pain to Comfort I Proved Safe by Millions Bank Robbers Break Jail. Ballinger, Texas. Men held here In connection with the robbery of the First State bank at Winters, Texas, on March 5, have escaped and are still at large. A fourth man, alleged to have participated In the robbery, was mortally wounded on March 6 in an exchange of shots with a sheriffs pose. Thousands Starving In Caucasus. New York. Thousands of men, women and children are starving to death in the Caucasus, according to the first report from Dr. James L. Barton, chairman of the commission recently sent to that 'region by the American comml Your Veterinarian can stamp lf them out with Cutter's Germ Scour Serum and Cutter Free Blackleg Filtrate and Aggressin, or Cutters Blackleg Pills. Ask him about them. If ho hasnt our literature, write to ua for information on these products. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Net Contents 15 Fluid Soldiers Shipped in Cattle Cars. Washington. Charges that American soldiers from western states were moved from an Atlantic port of debarkation to their homes In cattle cars were made by Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, chairman of the military committee in the last senate, In an address here Saturday before the Mississippi society. Kaiser Must be Taken Legally. London. If Kaiser Wilhelm is extradited from Holland, he must be taken legally. That is the Dutch governments position, according to . the minister of justice, who made a statement in the chamber of deputies on Saturday. , 3 - Harvey Says League Pact Doomed. Chicago. Col. George Harvey, editor of the North American Review, In an address before a gathering of bankers Saturday night, declared the league of nations covenant as drawn Is doomed to failure, but that the substances of the plan has not been and will not he abandoned. WHITE SCOURS BLACKLEG . -- ; atlnn frtH 4SS& Standard eold remedy for 20 yeera la tabM lone safe, aura, no opiate breaks up cold. In 24 hours relieves grip in S days. Money beck if It fatia. The genuine box has a Red top with I tf. HUla picture. At All Drug tores. Brussels. The German delegates to the conference here regarding he taking over by the allies of the German mercantile fleet and the provisioning of Germany, definitely accepted on March 15, the conditions imposed by the allies. A board of control for Germin exports will be established, under the terms of the agreement. This board probably will have Its headquarters at Rotterdam. The Germans will be permitted to buy fish from Norway and resume their own fishing in the North sea. The German representatives asked for a modification of the blockade, and while no promises were given them in this connection, steps in that direction, as a matter of fact, have already been taken. Vice Admiral Sir Rasslyn Wemyss of Great Britain, chairman of the allied delegation, read a statement prepared for him by the civilian members, calling on the Germans to say categorically whether they abided by the terms of the armistice. Under Secretary of State Von Braun replied curtly, Yes. Admiral Wemyss then read one page of typewritten memoranda, giving in crisp sentences the terms of the allies for granting food to Germany the German merchant fleet to be handed over at once, financial provisions to be made at once, food to be delivered Immediately and to be continued until the next harvest, or as long as Germany abided by the terms of the agree-ment. As the statement was read It was translated Into German and French, the German replies received the same treatment. The air of impersonality was preserved throughout. It was there settled that the details of the ration of 370,000 tons of food monthly, with the shipping and financial plans, should he elaborated n subcommittee, and the first plenary session adjournfew minutes. ed, having lasted on!y VILLA IMPRISONS a cold take CASCARAM QUININE 7 Board of Control for German Exports Will be Established. - Germans Will be Permitted to Buy Fish From Norway. An American Mother BeaU Them All nised a family of eight Undigested food! Lumps of pnln; belching gas, acids and sourness. When your stomach is all upset, here Is Instant relief No waiting! Look out for Spanish Influenza. At the first sign of . 1 For Pain Colds Headache Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago Grippe Stiff Neck Joint Pains Adults Take one of two Bayer Tablets of Aspirin with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Ask for and Insist Upon Bayer Tablets of Aspirin 'American owned Entirely! 0 emit Bayer packages also larger Bayer packages. Buy Bayei packages only Get original package. Aiotrin L the trade mark o! Bayer Muiutictiire ot Monoace tlcecldeeUr of Sallcvllcadd |