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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE Frida, Jan. , Funeral. of Babe New Idaho At College Ward Mfg. Concern COURIER 25 1918. Bntered at the Pontoffice at Hyrutn, Utah, ai second class mail matter, under the Act of March 3 1879 J. A. Wahlen. Publisher & Manager Local News Exchange your Victrola records at the Hyrutn Clo. Co. Use KREAM KRISP for cooking Adv. in place of butter. Buy your Victrola at the Hyrum Adv. Clo. Co. Easy payments. 35c will get yu the best seat in the house, Thursday night to see the play Hazel Kirke. Wanted. highest market price. Lester Miller, Hyrum. Veal Will pay Apply to - Adv. Calves Dr. Cutler arrived home last Sunday from Rochester, Minn., where he has been taking a post graduate course in surgery. Be sure to see the great play Hazel Kirke' next Thursday night, a good show for a good cause. See Sunday School teachers for tickets. Hazel Kirke for the benefit of the Sunday Schools of Hyrum will be presented at the Rex Thursday, Feb. 7th. Dont forget. Last Weefc OE osm Out Funeral services were held last Wednesday at 1 oclock in the College Ward Meeting House, over the remains of Leland Melvin, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hansen, and the only grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hansen. The ward choir furnished the opening and closing songs. Consoling and comforting words to the lereaved young parents, were spoken by Elders Heber Green, H. C. Peterson, Joseph Green, Alvin McBride and Bishop Olsen. Miss Clarice Hansen of Providence rendered a beautiful piano solo, and Miss Janett Bailey of Wellsville sang, Your Sweet Little itosedud has Left You. Interment was in the Wellsville cemetery. The young people have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. Exchange your Victrola records Clo. Co. Adv. at the Hyrum Basil McBride, Dr. of Chiropractic, was up from Salt Lake the forepart of the week, for a short visit with relatives and friends in this city, The South Cache High Basket Ball Team left this Friday afternoon for Ogden, to battle with the Ogden High tonight and with Davis County High Saturday afternoon. The boys are in good trim and no doubt will return with some honors. Miss Nina Johnson, assisted by Mrs. Dally and Mrs. Johnson, entertained at a card party Thursday night, at 8 oclock. Luncheon was served on the card tables after which the evening was spent in Progressive 500. Those present besides the hostess; were the Misses Geve Allen, Lynn Liljenquist, Pearl Allen, Irma Chsistiansen, Jennie Christiansen, Lydia Johnson, Veda Anderson, and Liza Johnson of Millville; Messrs. Glenn White, Cliff Anderson, Willis Parkinson, Irving Jensen, Jack Wahlen, John anc Merrill Baxter. Estray Notice: State of Utah, Dont Surprised Known Provo and Sheuerman Everything MACKINAWS FOR MEN Sizes 34 to 36 for ust be Sold $7.95 Out This Shoulders Sizes 33 to 44 for All Baking Cares $8.45 When CALUMET Coys Mackinaws comes in, all baking troubles take quick leave. You go right $4.95 ahead and mix up baking materials, for biscuits The mild weirher has left us overstocked, thsrefoie we Give These Liberal Prices to Sell Sell Quick. cakes anything without fear of uncertainty. Calumet makes you forget failure. CALUMET Merchandise at Your - Own Prices BAKING POWDER the most popular because it does give most perfect results. It has the biggest demand because it is the most dependable. The fact that it is the biggest seller proves that it is the best. A trial will convince you that there is none just as good. Buyacan if you are not satisfied take it back and get your money back. Calumet contains only such ingredients as have been approved officially by the U. S. Food Authorities. , is All Oother Merchandise at Our Store Sold at Discounts From 15 to 30 Too save when yon boy it. Ton lave when yon nse it. HIGHEST QUALITY HIGHEST. AWARDS &3S88 Per Luiit Fonnesbeck Knitting Works Lots of Bargains 3 E Save Money TO BUY ' i County of Cache Hyrum Precinct: I have in my possession: One red and white heifer calf, about 8 months old, no marks or brands visible: Said animal if not claimed anc taken away, will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at my corral in Hyrum city on Monday, Feb. 11, 1918, at oclock p. m. Said animal was taken up and im pounded by Robert Baxter, in Hy rum precinct, on the 29th d?y of Be Fof the Balance of the Month we will Sell Our Well Mr. C.L. Anderson of this city, left Thurs. for Los Angeles, Cal. for an indefinite period, to seek relief from chronic rheumatism from which he has been a suffer for several years. His many friends in this city and elsewhere, hope for Mr. Andersons recovery and a safe return to his loved ones at home. Great Western Utilities Co. of Burley, Idaho, are placing their first shipment of Kleen All soap in this city. This soap has been demonstrated to the dealers as the best they have ever seen. This soap removes Paint, Greege, or any kind of dirt or filth from the skin or clothes of any kind. They also make an Auto and furniture polish that excells everything on the market. They absolutely guarantee their products to the public. Ask the following merchants about this wonderl soap. Allen Bros, and R. A. Eliasoo. Adv. But Facts are Facts The ice man is taking advantage of the present cold snap, and is busily engaged in filling' the empty ice houses of our business people. Mr. 0. K. Stocker, representing the Idaho State Life Insurance Co., of Boise, Idaho, was in Hyrum this week in the interest of his company. The Hyrum Clothing Thrift Stamps By Doing Business With Us Company According to reports the Logan at Temple will not be open for ordin January, 1918. W. A. Liuenquit, the Logan 3rd ward, held Tuesday, ance work before the 1st of March poundkeeper for Hyrum Precinct. being especially invited . guests. on account of some special furnishBuy your Victrolas at the Hyrum They report as having had an ex- ings the authorities are not able to Adv. cellent time. get before that time. Clo. Co. Easy Payments. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wahlen, tended the Old Folks Reunion ! The popularity of our business is based on two things. The Superiority of our work, and the saving effected by doing business with us. Then too, we have the largest and per- haps the best equipped office in the country. We want to add you to the ever increasing flow of clients into our office. Come and be convinced that it pays, and that if it is service you are looking for, you get it here. . at- Drs. Ensign and Smith , 85 North Main. Logan, Utah. 10 |