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Show Page s 1 Damaged si V' l. i if (' ft i r. t (1 ( Courier OUTH Hyram Cache Gounty fOL. VIII. Dtah, Friday, Fet. 1, SO.IO 1918. got so thick in there, we could The Underwent Will Present With Boys most cut it with a knife. Believe irst Ward me, we did work but they kept Critical Operation Hazel Kirk it in on us. It is heavier than At Camp Lewis ting Reunion air, so it follows the ground and al- t let- that Leland We understand O.H. Anderson of Anderson, son of the 2nd yard underwent a very critical operation at the L. D. S. hospital in Salt Lake last week, for the removal of garter, from which he has been suffering for some time past. Although the. operation was very dangerous, it is reported that the young man is getting along as well as can be ekpected, and hopes are entertained for a speedy recovery. Mr. Anderson has been laboring as a missionary in the Northwestern States mission for about 9 months, and it is on this account that he found it necessary to come home and undergo this operation. He will return to the mission field and complete his mission' as soon as he sufficiently recovers. when it came to the trench it just The Sunday Schools of Hyrum fell in on' not of could it but us, top was received The followingjet'.er have secured the services of T. un effect on. we had masks our H. Cutler and his excellant draby Mr. and Mrs. Ja'.ies L. Jensen We in can for fifteen hours stay who unis son Chester, from their matic Co. to give a performance withthis with our masks on, gas at the Rex Theatre next Tuesday, der military training at Camp Lewis, out it affecting us, after that we American Lake, Washington: February 7th, of the 4 Act Drama dehave to to medical take the it n. Hazel Kirke. This is the one 23, 1918. Camp Lewi-Jato have the chemical parts partment in Mr. which Cutler appears play we have attended. Everything Dear Folks: In answering fixed over again. to advantage in the part of Dun-stoseemed to work in perfect haryour letter that I just received, I We have a church branch in our Kirke, this part is adapted must admit that 1 wa3 certainly barracks. I can now see what opmony, the committees were on his to draJnatic talent. hand and doing all they could glad to hear from i ya, and to re- portunities I have missed at home, The play has been running as ceive that cake. It made me think and I for the comfort and pleasure of intend taking advantage of a moving picture, show at the of home, getting up in the morning them from now on. the aged people. in Logan, with great sucLyric and having coffee ynd cake that At about 12:30 p. m. a large I am in the best of health at but that is not like the livcess, mother used to make. number of members of the ward and hope that all of you are. ing actors present speaking and acting with a goodly number of invited It is surely a Leather Your loving son, their parts with all the emotions caps to know that we have the guests were comfortably seated Chester Jensen. necessary to a drama of this kind. at the meeting house, ready to record of having the cleanest barCompany D. 346 Machine Gun Bat- The play is full of pathos, exceracks in the machine gun battalion. listen to the program, while a talion, Camp Lewis, llant dramatic situations, and the This is sure going some, when it beavy of ladies assisted by several American Lake, Washington. comedy is great. Mr. Cutler has can be said that out of 4000 men gentleman, were busy preparing been training this company for to was which feast for the big The following letter was received this company is the cleanest morally some time and has the play in follow. It being somewhat a andjotherwise. in this division. by Mrs. H. H, Hansen of this city and a good evenings cold day, and the people arriving We go under physical examina- from Mrs. Holbrook of Holbrook good shape entertainment is assured. tion twice per month, have baths Idaho. slowly, it was thought best to Another phase of the performserve dinner, and then carry out three times a week and change of Lone Beach, Jan. 22, 1918. ance is that, it is of our own the program after dinner, and clothes. It costs us one dollar per Mrs.' H. H. Hansen, people and for our own associaDr, John T. Miller editor of the month for laundry soap, so you bet accordingly the older people were My Dear Sister: tions. Thus we train our boys called to the annex and seated to Character Builder gave a .yery we have to keep otfrneives and our No doubt you will be surprised the tables, which were tastefully interesting lecture before the three clothes clean. .'We keep all windows to hear from me. I had intended and girls in the art of acting, furnish our own amusements and set and laden with a most sumptflyrum Wards, at the '3rd Ward and barracks open .all the time, writing to you for some time re- assist the Sunday Schools all at uous spread. There were four meeting house last Sunday evening, rain or shine. garding your dear boy, who was at the same time. tables which had to be reset four on the subject of Character BuildIhave some job now, breaking Camp Lewis when I visited there. Let us get together and give times, so you may imagine what ing and Vocational Guidance. mules to ride and to pack. And Myself and husband and two small the company a hearty welcome a large crowd was fed. The lecture was well attended and believe me, its as much fun as a girls have been taking a trip to the prices are within reach of The silver players were present was illustrated by stereopticon circus watching them after we get California and called at Camp Lewis 35c and 15c.and rendered several selections, views, and was much appreciated by the packs and sac.k-themIt on our way, to see our Oneid'1 Co all, The teachers of the different and kept the audience in good thosg in attendance..; is v.mrVa the MfVlAoIbroolL is one uf tne b&yy tickets Sunday schools will1 humor while the main body was He gave another very interesting ready and 1 surely enjoy it. County Commissioners. us Let for sale. pull together served with dinner. lecture on Wednesday evening to I am paying on my life insurance We found the boys well and in and the Remember house. pack After dinner an excellant pro- men only which was also well and liberty bond. good comfortable quarters. We the night, Thursday, February gram was rendered which was attended, his subject being the We have a half holiday today had the privilege of eating supper 7th. Good music in attendance. all enjoyed by present. The doctor and have plenty of time to look with 20th Century Man. them, all seated at the table After the program all were in i an experienced lecturer of note, areund. You should see the boys together. It was a good, well cookvited to go to the Rex Theatre and if more men such as he, would over here in the Y. M. C. A writing ed meal, and I consider this one of and1 enjoy a fine picture show. devote as much time to the general home to their loved ones; that is the happiest times of our journey. This ended a most successful anc up-liI. of mankind 'as Dr. 'Miller where I am now. Your son is a very striking young pleasant gathering for the ole does, the world would be a better How do you find the coal propos- man. We could see in him a The following program will be good, and married people ot the First place in. ition this winter? By the reports pure young manv one tojive at the Third ward Feb. 3, rendered anybody Ward. in the papers there must be quite a couldnt 1918, at 7:30 p. m: help but love. The various committees cerI went shortage of coal all over the counVocal Solo, Arnold Kirkham. and seen their tainly. deserve credit for their try. Even up here we hardly see beds, which were neat and clean Talk, Why we are at war, E. efforts put forth in making the coal, but there is wood on all sides and well made. I told them I J. Holmgreen. affair such a success. Credit is of us so we have plenty of fuel. would write to their mothers and I Song, Ross and George Eliason. especially due the dinning com The weather is pretty nice after intended to send a line as an Xmas How to save to buy War Talk, All alien enemies, being male mittee who were commented on we get use to it; we havent had token but I neglected it untill now. Saving Stamps. every hand for the splendid anc Germans over 14 years of age, any rain fur about a week. A line regarding ycrur Vocal Solo, Arnold Kirkham. son most delicious dinner served whose complete papers of citizehship is We had some have All are respectfully invited. great experappreciated at any time. have not been issued are required I have a son 20 years old away Baby boys were born to Mr. and by law to register. The dates of iences today going through the gas house. . (I guess you understand over to the Samoan Islands on a Mrs. Lester Miller and Mr. and Mrs registeration are from Feb. 4th at Lester McBride, the forepart of the 6 a. m to Feb. 9th at. 8 p. m. All that we have a gas house with the mission, but if the war keeps up, he All concerned are doing alien enemies in the above named same kind of gas that they use may have to go. week. We must win this This is to see war, and I dont think it will last nicely. class living in the district served by over at the front.) The Regular Annual Meeting of a can what stand. If they much longer. person Note the ad of the Hyrum Cloth the local postoffice are required to the Stockholders of the Hyrum cannot stand this, they are put at My eyes filled with tears when I ing Cos. Closing Out Sale. This is appear before mefor registeration State Bank will be held at Hyrum Some some was in the company of so many other couldnt job. your last chance of getting a ret on- - the dates named. . Failure on on Wednesday February 13th, at 3 tell that we were in any gas only good home boys. I couldnt help bargain. If there is anything you the part of any to comply with the oclock p. m. for the purpose of for the masks we had on; the. thinking of their mothers; how I want in their line go early, before law will be reported. officers for the ensuing seemed awful funny, being we were wish they too could have seen their electing it is too late, and save money. Signed, A. A. Savage and for such other business as We have to soldier boys as I did, They treated year Postmaster. not used to them. come before the The Clover Leaf Club met at the have a tube in our mouth to breathe us so nice and kind, just like we may properly home of Mrs. Harry Hamburg on meeting. through and have something pinch- - were their parents, afjd although I Jan. 18th, and at Mrs. Willard Hyrum State Bank ed on our nose so we cannot breathe never met your son before, he H. W. Oakes, Cashier. 'Per Andersons Feb. 1st. The- time The rest of seemed just like one ofmy own through our noses. was spent in crochetting and social Editor Courier: The manager the mask is to protect our face so folks. I suppose he has left there chat, after which dainty luncheons of the Hyrum Union Mills deserves that the by now, but when you write to him gas will noteat theskin. were served. considerable credit for having put From here we went through the give him my kind regards. I hope A reward is offered for any inThe Rassmussen Bazaar has just an end to so many sparrows. tear gas the kind that effects the to meet him again on his return formation that will aid in the relately added a stock of shoes to Recently he set out some poisioned eyes, and believe me, there were a home. Oh! how we will welcome their large stock of merchandise. wheat and in a little while he went few tears falling when we came them all back from the war. I turn of a storage battery that was It is said that they have the largest around with a candy- - bucket, and out from there, for we' didnt have have another son who may go any placed on the four oclock interur-ba- n car Thursday, January 24th, at line of childrens shoes on the soon picked up enough dead spar- our masks on; it was just to see time; we can only pray for them. and sent to Hyrum. Give fill In Logan to it. that way how just God will hear and answer our market, and are of the Z. C. M. I. rows it would feel. H. to information R. Adams at Hythousands have been killed .which make. Call and see for yourself. paayer. went a we into Then and trench, rum or the Plant Automobile Co., as a means of food conservation, Hoping you are enjoying good at The Motion picture production cloud a here released of on they gas Adv. Logan, were it generally adopted, would health is the wish of your friend, Within The Law presented Fricould see to we us if our masks get make "wheatless day great as it Mrs. Martha S. Holbrook. day and Saturday nights was well to Mr. Wahlen has been out this on us. before There was it got Now let is, look like thirty cents. seme scrambling to get them on. week collecting and soliciting for attended, and is one of the most others follow suit. emotional and interesting pictures SALE house Good FOR lot call and We his paper and has been successful what were then given thy A. Citizen. seen for some time a (flapper fan) to see if we could with barn. Good terms and easy so far. He intends to pay a visit It is a great feature and well worth the price of Victrola records keep th gas out of the trench. We payments. Apply to Arthur Peter- to each delinquent Subscriber in Exchange your admission. Adv. the next few days. couldnt keep-a- ll the gas out and it sen, Hyrum. at the Hyrum Clo. Co. The Old Folks Reunion of the 1st ward was held last Thursday, nd every one who had the pleasure of being- in attendance, certainly had a treat, and from all appearances was one of the most pleasant and sociable gatherings - - n in-o- f Dr. Miller Gives Two Lectures - . , hae - Program for M. A. Conjoint ft , All Aliens up-stai- Must Register far-awa- y Notice to Stockholders , - - - Death of Sparrows Reward Offered i , |