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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER- J. HYRUM, UTAH .3 South Cache Courier Red Cross Campaign Published Every Friday at Hyrum Utah. - iu A. WAHLEN, Publisher. The latest reports available indicate that the Xmas Drive for ten COST OF METAL million new members for . the American Red Cross has resulted in the addition of fully sixteen million The Federal Trade Commission names to its roll. This number is investigating the problems of the added to the more than six million small metal producers. members before the Christmas It has been estimated that the Campaign makes the total present small operator must have ore with enrollment fully twenty-twmillion. five per cent copper contents if he This is a magnificent fact; an exis to realize any returns. pression not alone, of patriotism, It is out of the question for them jut of the fine sympathy and idealto build their own reduction plants ism of the whole American people. for copper smelters with proper The Red Cross War Council conequipment of railroads cost millions. gratulates and welcomes every new With the exception of the large member of the American Red Cross; porphyry concerns, it is not possible ike wise it cungratulates the officers for small operators to mine and and the old members of the organihave treated copper ore profitably zation who have given unstintedly unless it runs more than three per- of tlfeir time and effort to make cent. this membsrship campaign a success; Under the best management, only Dut the wonderful achievement of a few' of the large producers are enrolling one fifth of the entire able to reduce copper ore with a population of the United States as profit under the present price of members of the American Red 23 cents when it does not run more Cross is less a triumph than it is a than three per cent in metal. call to greater service. The Red A state investigation in Colorado Cross is not merely a humanitarian shows that for five years smelters organization, separate and distinct handled customs ores at 95 cents a from others, but it is the mobilized ton. heart and spirit of the whole AmeriThe operators of small mines and can people. The American Red the prospectors have greater ease Cross is carrying a message of love than ever before in their work, be- and sympathy to the American cause of the fact that assessment soldiers and sailors and to the work is not required. troops and civilian population of If the government had cut the our allies in all parts of the world; basic price below 23 cents there it is seeking t alleviate the sufferwould have been a noticeable drop ing incident to the war; it i3 seeking in production, and many of the to shorten the war, and it is seeking little fellows would have had to to lay a foundation for a more enquit altogether.' during peace when the war is over. All big mines were little mines As we stand on the threshold of a once, and a policy of encourage- new year in this hour of world ment to give aid to small concerns tragedy, there can be but one will result in ceaseless activity on thought in the minds of the twenty-twthe part of prospectors and those million members of the Ameriwhose small ore output is shipped can Red Cross and that is to serve to the nearest smelters. and sacrifice as never before. o o A NATIONAL RAILROAD POLICY NEEDED-- For five years federal and state authorities hammered railroad earnings down to the lowest livable level. State and federal commissions fought down rates until their revenues were not sufficient to make their securities saleable. Then came the war and when earnings increased so they could buy equipment, the shops and factories were swamped with war orders. The demand for cars doubled but no increase in rolling stock was possible, and cars for coal and foodstuffs were not available. Every town and every industry is crying for cars and output of mine and factory are retarded cause the railroads are congested with traffic. We have had federal control and conflicting state- - control, we have regulated rates, but have never allowed railroads to to increase efficiency. We need as never- - before a constructive railroad policy so that railroads can get capital requirec ' to make them efficient for nationa wartime needs. An increase of 1 2 cents a pound on copper which the government is contemplating, would he a great help to the smaller companies which are just about breaking eveiv and en1-- courage development. Many seek fertile Utah farm lands. War prices are giving impetus to back to the soil 'movement. Somof the people who find the most fault about the lack of freight cars to move freight, are the same who never would let th erailroads make enough money to buy anv. Red Bluff Cal., Republican. The high development of telephone efficiency in this country gave the United States, when it entered the war, a superiority over all other nations for quick communication. The nations capital and the various military headquarters are linked with all' the lines of the Bell Telegreat industrial centers of the country by the phone System. Thousands of miles of special telephone wires have been turned over to the government for its exclusive use. Bight of" way is given to government telephone calls over all lines. of the In its prosecution of the war our government has the effective Bell Telephone System, which reaches 70,000 communities and extends to every military camp In the United States. One man in every ten from the maintenance and construction forces of this company is now in the telephone signal corps of the army or In some other branch of the military service. Not only have our men answered their countrys call, but the telephone operators are doing their bit also. These faithful young women realize the tremendous dependence the nation places on rapid communication in this crisis, and are accepting cheerfully the heavy responsibilities thrust upon them. In spite of the war and what it has meant to this company in the increased number of telephone messages to handle, the enlistment of so many of our trained employes, the shortage of equipment, and the high cost of telephone materials In spite of all these obstacles, we are meeting the needs of the public for telephone service lu a remarkably successful way. long-distan- The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICFRANK J.' CHENEY. INE. tt f f F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, In f V f GO TO ALLEN BROS. HYRUM, UTAH f ' Notary Public is taken Medicine Catarrh Halls acts and through the Internally of the Surfaces on Mucous blood the System. Send for testimonials, free. Halls Family Pils for constipation. (Seal) A- - ity Uncle Sam Must Be Served First f f ( Advertisement! f DEALERS IN General Merchandise PUBLIC UTILITIES . The Pirate- Sh! . What would happen to ifie if I were your kid? Well, if youre not acquainted with Calumet Bakings you dont know what a good I have. I Cant Help Helping Myself theyre so Good for me too, begood cause Calumet Bakings are , ex--cu- 1 wholesome and easily digested. , Millions of mothers use OAELUftlET BflKIHG PCLYSER because of its purity because it always gives best results and is economical in cost and use. . Calumet contains only such ingredients as have been approved officially by the V. S. Food Authorities . Yen save when you buy it. You save when you use It. MiVAritaD A QtiALftrv-- . yw3wpTg In an article proposing that Public Utilities be made preferred investments, because a community necessity, Manufacturers News, of !$ November 1st contained the following paragraphs: "The public utilities such as gas, electric light, street railways and water systems, are the very lifeblood of the Nation. Without them business would be at a standstill in the . larger cities. They are important in the conduct of the war, vitally important. The utility owners in many states have gone before their public service bodies and asked for increased rates. v In few cases have the requests been declined. ooZZ For the Best WASHER GO TO R. A. Notice In order that a proper account lay be kept on the records of lyrum City it is desired that or other interested parties end in the names of those who .re in the service of their country n the present war, giving time e. f enlistment and branch of rel-tiv- es ser-ric- John W. Jensen, City Recorder. ELIASON Remember that we always have the Choicest of Fresh and Cured Meats on hand SUBSCRIBE FOR The South Cache Courier |