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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH Bock Given Out? Is Housework too hard for a woman and always who is half sick, nervous and gives tired. But it keeps piling up, weak kidneys no time to recover. If and your vmir back is lame and achyhave 'blue lcidnevs irregular: if you cells'" sick headaches, nervousness, pains, use 7ziness and rheumatic 's Kidney Pills. They We done wonders for thousands of worn out women. A Utah Cate Mrs E. A. Danger, PktntMi I Stovy" "h-tr- Iverson Ct Balt Lake Cl I X Utah; says: My kid neys became very weak and I bad such I awful backaches gethardly could 3 around to do any- jj, thing. I was finally nurse The laid up. who was taking care of me told me how Pills Loans Kidney bad helped her and I They them. used regulated my mekid-of rid neys and everv sign of kidney trouble and the suffering field, 644 hasnt re- turned. Get Doan's at Any Store, 60s a Bos DOANS VSSV CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. FOSTER-MILBUR- Garment One of Novelties of Season. Apparently s Shapeless SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove tho ihairand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2. 50 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case ior special instructions and Boole 5 R free. lABSORBINE. JR., sndteptle liniment for trtnkind. re- as Warm as a Fur Coat but. Does Not Hide Beauty of Smart Dress That May Be Worn Under It. One of the most picturesque and popular novelties of the season Is the apparently shapeless, little short wrap, which Is warm as a fur coat, but which permits a smart dress to be seen In all Its glory, writer Idalla de Villiers, a Paris correspondent. For example, such a short wrap as that shown In the Illustration. This was copied from an exclusive and very expensive Paris model, which was specially created for the young queen of Spain. The original model was composed of ermine and sable, with an exquisite lining of brocaded satin, which showed pastel pink flowers on a silver-graground. But the wrap shown In the sketch was made of oursine, with a large collar of musquash and the same soft fur on the ends of the loose sash. There was a lining of bright printed silk, which exploited Chinese designs In three different shades of blue, and the sleeves were wide and rather short. This was quite an Inexpensive garment and eminently attractive. oursine or supple ratine might be used for such a wrap as this, and any fur could be added on the collar and sash ends ; this model would afford y Painful, Knotted. Swollen Veina. ConcentratPrice 1 few drop required at an application. S1.2S per bottle at dealer! or delivered. 310 F St.. D. Temple W. F. YOUNG, P. Sprlngflsld, Mats. duce, Strain ed-only N. U., jw. Me-lusin- e, Not So Serious. Does he take It seriously? About ns seriously as an actor takes matrimony. ge-tab- le FROCKS OF VELVET SOMBER Texture and Color Lend Distinction to Daytime Costumes Though tle Trimming Is Used. Only One BROMO QUININE To get the genuine, cell for full name LAXATTVS IROMO qOININH. Look for elgnatnre of a. W KOV U. Cures a Cold in One Day. 8O0. Intermarriage of French and English in St. Louia Began Promptly and Continued. Narrow-shouldere- vll-ng- e. It prompted the use of the name heroine many times. Oursine. Wrap of Smoke-GraCommingling of the elements of the aopulatton of St. Louis came promptly, an excellent opportunity for using up here was no line of exclusion In bust an old stole, which, though good in 'ess or matrimony. The evolution of was not fresh enough to be worn parts, he typical St. Louisan was rapid.. Of In its original form. he more than one thousand descendI recently saw a very similar wrap ants of Madame Chouteau, the mother made of melusine in a clear shade of f St. Louis, not two hundred have beige, with collar and trimmings of iorne French names. In the present beaver. There was a Russian toque to ;eneration these descendants are match, shaped very like the toque In families of six former shown In the sketch. In passing I From Missourian One must point out that these In nil red Years Ago, by Walter B, toques, wdth fur borders, are popular tevons. sf the y rep-esent- high-crowne- d just now. growled, Aw, what do I nr your hills and woods? Do ink Im gonna lose my vacation -P- 1 athfinder. For Pimply Faces. plraples ani blackheads with Cuticura Ointment. Ve mInUteS With Cuticura J nap and hot water. For free samples, dress Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston. t druggists and by mall. Soap 25, intment 25 and 50. Adv. Enough to Know. 16 ker? After Movies kU0W Tired Wl0Eye. fDrore 18 -S- treatment Give your u CANE FM .jfS Ta,fna about anyth,nS Eyes. Eye. -- I U Favorite 2 fs 5 yonr loTlnK eare a the 8acn regularity. sssiaaaisiaa Corduroy Bathrobes. There is nothing so pleasantly comfortable for cold mornings as a bathrobe or breakfast robe of corduroy, and these robes are not prohibitively expensive for the average woman. They have graceful, flowing lines, wide sleeves, pockets asd a knotted sash that give a shapely silhouette, and one may select a becoming color, like Dutch blue, rose or coral. early-mornin- g OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Women have taken the places of all men letter carriers In Paris. Women are working in section gangs on the Pittsburgh division of the Pennsylvania railroad. The French garcon of the boulevard cafes of Paris has disappeared and his place Is taken by a girl. Three hospitals have been established In England for war victims by the Russian Grand Duchess Georgievna. Practically all the work In some departments of Belgian munition factories Is done by girls. Hundreds of Russian girls, emulating their sisters of the Battalion of Death, have Joined their countrys navy. It Is estimated that at least 20,000 nurses will be needed for service In hospitals at home and abroad during the next year, according to the report of Surgeon General William C. Gorgas, United States army. An urgent appeal comes from Major Murphy, head of the American Red Cross in France, to the women of this d, large-walste- d, narrow at the hem are most of these velvet frocks, but many variations are played upon the theme. Even where there Is absolutely no trimming, as is often the case, individuality Is given to the model by some original line of drapery on collar or sleeve ; and if the velvet Is one of the exquisitely soft and lustrous fabrics on whose beauty war conditions seem to have imposed no limitations, Its texture and color and line lend It more distinction than any amount of trimming could give. The daytime velvet frock If not black is almost always somber in tone, though the texture of velvet gives the lie to somberness. If not very dark its color is likely to be neutral, and although there are bright blues and reds of the. brick, mahogany, rust and brighter wine shades among the velvet afternoon gowns, they are very few compared with the host of blacks, browns, taupes, deep wine and purple tones, dark greens, dark blues and grays. Where trimming Is used upon the velvet day frock It Is usually a bit of and metallic embroidery Jn thread or discreetly used fur. Much less fur Is introduced upon dresses than was usual last year, though fur Is lavished upon the coats of the season. long-sleeve- Miml was a pet name for girls In he old French families a century ago. was Indian and meant little pigeon. Virginia was a favorite name for laughters among the French families. The suggestion did not come from the fl Dominion state. Baby girls were hristened Virginia because the moth-?r- s had read, tearfully, the story of Pnul and Virginia. Bernardine de Saint Pierres novfel came out In 1797. It ireulated all over the world and cached St. Louis. The romance made he first literary Impression on the 1 Lit- The women who dress well apparently cannot do without the little velvet frocks. More often they are built up on very straight lines, with just enough concession to the waist to avoid any awkward Hockinesss. ACES QUICK TO AMALGAMATE i MIDDLE AGE cold-bloode- Salt Lake City, No. His Vacation. Booze even gets into mens, vaca lon an(1 tangles them up, declared mperance lecturer some time ago. A man took the steamer for Boston ith his wife. But the minute he got hoard he disappeared Into the black, sc:!ling hole they call the ba nine hours later his wife hurried dow the bar and said to him : Oh, George, come up on deck anu njoy the scenery. The hills and woods re just beautiful. After swallowing his ninth beer, eorge WOMEN OF L pale-gra- y Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankleii Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula, Boils, Swellings; Stops Lsmeness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, It is a Bruises, Boot Chafes. GREENS AUGUST FLOWER las been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than half century for constipation, intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally HANDSOME AFTERNOON GOWN depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It Is a most valuable Need Help to Pais the Crisis Safe remedy for Indigestion or nervous dyspepsia and liver trouble, bringing on ly Proof that Lydia Pink headache, coming up of food, palpitahams Vegetable Compound tion of heart and many other sympCan be Relied Upon toms. A few doses of August Flower will immediately relieve you. It is a Ask your druggist. Urban, 111. During Change of Life,I gentle laxative. addition to its annoying symptoms, in Sold In all civilized countries. Adv. had an attack of which lasted grippe Well Named. all winter and left Private A. Wot kind of cigarette me in a weakened have you got? condition. I felt at Private B. (handing him one) Flor times that I would de Pershing. never be well again. E. I read of Lydia Private A. (takes a few puffs and V e Pinkhams throws it away, remarking) They Compound would floor better men than Pershing. and what it did for women passing Piles Cured In t to 14 Day through tne Change falls 01NTM1NT PAZO if refund Druggists money of Life, sol told my to care Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Pint application gives relief. 60c. doctor I would try it. I soon began to Pathetic. gain in strength and the annoying What is more pathetic, asked the sentimental young woman, .than a symptoms disappeared and your VegetaDle Compound man who has loved and lost? has made me a well, strong woman so Well, replied the man of experiI do all my own housework. I cannot ence, a fellow who has bet about $20 recommend Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegeon a sure thing and found out that he table Compound too highly to women was wrong is entitled to a nook at the passing through the Change of Life. Mrs. Frank Henson, 1316 S. Orchade waiting place. St, Urbana, 111.suffer from nervousness, Women who To keep clean and healthy take Dr. heat flashes, backache, headacheB Pierces Pleasant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. and the blues should try thisE.famous Pinkroot and herb remedy, Lydia is of blue afternoon This gown navy hams Compound. Vegetable taffeta combined with foulard in blue Hot Water. and white. The cover Jacket of navy is Bliggins always getting into hot blue chiffon falls in graceful lines and water. Small Pill is marked by bead embroidery follow, He Yes, replied Miss Cayenne. Small Dose ing the same design as in the foulard. is so I suppose It is a Small Price The Turkish skirt is a distinctive fea- kind of relief. ture. The hat Is a georgette sailor, fur trimmed. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. SHORT WRAP WORN d, self-col- or d To half pint of water add I oz. Bay Rum, a small box of'Barbo Compound, and oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Barbo It will gradually darken Compound. streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. A Yearn for Beauty. "Why did you pick out such, a handsome shaving mug? Well, Ive never been satisfied with my own mug. I thought Id Indulge my fancy a little In this. Cold In the Head acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Persons who are subject to frequent colds In the head will find that the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may Is an lead to Chronio Catarrh. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. All Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. $100.00 for any case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. CONSTIPATION have stood the test of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache. Indigestion and to clear up a bad complexion. Genuine bears signature PALE FACES Generally Indicate lack f Iron in the Blood Carters Iron Pills Will help this condition Soldiers Soothe Shin Troubles Feeble. with Cuticura Mr. Trumble The elevator Isnt running as fast as usual this morning. Elevator Boy No sir; I dont feel very strong today. Ought to Have. He hasnt the ghost of a chance with that girl. I dont see why not, when he Is a lad of spirit. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Dainty Negligees. Black nlgbties, trimmed in rose, are Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria said to be a vagary of fashion, and It Iron imbedded in concrete in GerIs perfectly proper to wear them, enhas been found to be free from many tertaining the girls with a cup of tea, rust after more than 45 years. after a rest on the day bed, before dinner. FOR SELF DEFENSE country for more surgical dressings Defeat Backache and Kidney and bandages. Trouble With Anuric The Canadian government Is contemplating increase of the allowance of wives of soldiers from $20 to $25 a Many people In this section have suffered from rheumatism and kidney trouble month. and have that Anuric was the most Records show that the demand for successful found remedy to overcome these fur coats and sets by women of Eng- painful and dangerous ailments. land and France has Increased enorThe lucky people are those who have mously since the beginning of the war. suffered, but who are now well because needed natures warning signal tn Practical and attractive peasant cos they time to their trouble with that tumes have been made In America for wonderfulcorrect new discovery of Dr. Pierce's called the women In ruined districts of north(double strength). You should promptly heed these ern France. some of which are dizzy spells warnings, backache, The first American woman to Irregularity of the urine or the painful of as a sharpshooter, Mrs. Jacksonqualify twinges rheumatism, sciatica or lumMor bago. To delay may make possible the ris. Is Instructing soldiers at Cam dangerous forms of disease, such Shelby, Hattiesburg, Miss., In the best as diabetes or stone Inkidney the bladder. If you want quick relief buy It now, GO cents, methods of shooting. all druggists, or send Dr. Pierce, Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial pkg. This will prove that Anurlp eliminates uric Husband and Wife. acid as hot water melts sugar. Compensation for services rendered In Prehistoric Times. by a wife outside of the home of her How long lias he been sick? husband, with whom she Is living, snch services not being In the discharge of "About fifty years., her household or domestic duties, and lie must have passed the crisis, not In Interference therewith, Is held then. recoverable In an action therefor In her own name and for her own use. In New York city eats 10,000 pounds of Bechtol vs. Ewing, L. R. A. 1917E, 279. horseflesh weekly. An-u-r- lc Soap 25c. Ointment 25c & 50c of the bowels MoreStoppage cattle die of paralysis of the bowels and being d renebed than from all other bowel troubles Dr. David Roberta LAXOTONIC, Price SOo Dr. David Rooerli fed dry on tbe tongue will overcome paralysis and stoppage of the bowels thus avoiding drenching which Is dangerous In Itself. Reid the Praclicsl Home Veterinarian S.d for frt bookf.t on Abortion In Cows If no dealer In yonr town, write Vet. Co. 100 Grand Avenue. Waukesha, Wle. The Hereford Corporation of Wyoming Registered Exclusively Hereford,? 75 good, bulls for sale.registered WRITS US. iWEEKS AND ?rBKTsUP A COLD JFOA COLDS LA GRIPPE LBo rood you can afford to In slat end aeo VTthat you get genuine like package shown vSold by I' best avstvwhgrS druggitta YOU GET STRONG, if youre a tired-ou- t or run - down woman, with Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. And, if you suf- fer from any female complaint or disorder, you For get well. these two things to build up wo-- mens strength, and to cure womens ailments this is the best medicine to benefit or cure. The Prescription regulates and promotes all the natural functions, never conflicts with them, and is perfectly harmless in any condition of the female system. It brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and vigor. All druggists. Liquid or tablets. Tablets 60c. If you eat the right foods, and not too much of them, the poisons in your system can be kept down and thrown out by taking a natural laxative, such as that e iuice of aloes, composed of root of jalap, ana long sold by druggists as Dr. Fierces Pleasant Pellets. May-appl- DnOIICIIIAL TROUBLES Soothe the irritation and you relieve the distress. Do both quickly and effectively by promptly using a dependable remedy |