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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH . Sit down and rest, Larkle," she said a minute, Carol, that any silly old In a soft and loving voice. "Are you career Is going to be any dearer to me than you are, and If we arent going to nearly tired to death?" Lark sank, panting, into the chair, be just ns weve always been, I wont and gazed about the circle ,wlth bril- go a step. Carol wiped her eyes. liant eyes. Well," she "Get her a drink, cant you, Con- said very affectionately, If you feel nie? said Carol Indignantly. Cant like that, Its all right. I just wanted you see the poor thing Is Just tired to you to say you liked me better than death? She ran the whole way home 1" anything else. Of course you must go, "What in the world?" began their Lark. I really take all the credit for you and your talent to myself, and Its father curiously. "Hod a sunstroke? $"EtHd Huestorva () AUTHOR PRUDENCE Of ME MAJOMG- LARK DECIDES TO EMBARK DREAM OF HER E- queried Fairy, smiling. ' "Youre both crazy, declared coming back with the water. Youre trying to fool us. I wont ask any questions. You dont catch me this time. dont Why 'you lie down and let Lark use you for a footstool, Carol? suggested their father, with twinkling nie, IMVMMIUM UPON LITERARY LIFE, BUT FINDS CAREER, NEWS- Con- eyes. Stop That jjl Cold At Once CASCARAR as much an honor for me as It is for you, and I want you to go. But dont you ever go to liking the crazy old stories any better than you do me." Then she picked up Larks gloves, and the two went out with an arm around each others waist. It was a dreary morning for Carol, but none of her sisters knew that most of it was spent In the closet of her room, sobbing bitterly. Its Just the way of the world, she mourned, In the tone of one who has lived many years and suffered untold anguish, "we spend our lives bringing them up, and loving them, and finding all our Joy and happiness In them, and then they go, and &ESTSESgKitSi 2)ite no uopleaiant after colds In 24 hour hard-presse- V hope-fille- 1 lncon-grousl- eds genuine bos with Red Top and Mr. Hill picture on it 24 Tablete fee 2 So. At Any Drue Store d pink-skinne- effect.. Grip In S Get the day. Money back if it fail. I would, if she wanted a footstool," said Carol positively. Id love to do It. Id be proud to do it. Id consider It an honor. Lark blushed .and lowered her eyes Synopsis. The story opens In the house of Rev. Mr. Starr, where Prudence, his eldest daughter and feminine head of the house, conmodestly. What happened? urged their fa- we are left alone. sisting of her father, herself, her sisters, Fairy, the twins Carol and Lark and Connie, the youngest, are awaiting the arrival of their aunt Larks morning at the office was ther, still more curiously. Did she get you out of a scrape? Grace. Liveliness of the smaller members of the family results disquiet, but none the less thrilling on mocked Fairy. that account. Mr. Raider received her astrously for their appearance. Carol and Lark Investigate Christian Tell it, Lark.", Carols voice was so cordially, and with a great deal of Science. Prudence postpones her wedding when Carol catches measles. intense that It. Impressed even skep- unctuous fatherly advice. He took her Then Carol tries to convert the town roughnecks. The twins score a tical Connie and derisive Fairy. Into his office, which was one corner of her reveals entertainment. church marriage at the Fairy triumph Lark raised the glowing eyes once the press room glassed In by Itself, and engagement. more, leaned forward and said thrlll-ingl- y talked over her duties, which, as far as : Lark could gather from his discourse, career. the "Its us appeared to consist in doing as she out I thought maybe you could help literary CHAPTER VII. The silence that followed this bold was told. during vacation. How about It? The "Now, remember, he said, in part, workll be easy and Itll be fine experi- announcement was sufficiently draLarks Literary Venture. As commencement drew near, and ence for you. Weil pay you five dol- matic to satisfy. even Carol, and she that running a newspaper Is business. Pure business. Weve got to Fairy began planning momentous lars a week. This is a little town, and patted Larks knee approvingly. at Well, on, Connie, go last, urged a called were little give folks what they want to hear, and but a for little her graduation, publication, things they want to hear everything that hapsoberness came Into the parsonage our work and our aim and methods are when the twins continued silent. all." Thats Folks want to hear about the of Identical the with those papens., life. The girls were certainly growbig city run the Dally News." private affairs of other folks. to Shes going He almost swelled a married They visibly, Prudence pers." had been ing up. Oh, Ill only be a cub reporter; I pay us to find out, and tell them, and How about it? Youre long, long time. Fairy was being grad- alarmingly. Its our duty to do It. So dont ever be uated from college, her school days the one with the literary longings, guess thats what you call'them. contradicted squeamish about coming right out Reporter nothing, were over, and life was just across the arent you? Lark wns utterly speechless. If the Carol. "Theres nothing literary about blunt with the plain facts ; thats what threshold Its big black door Just that. You must take the whole paper we are paid for. slightly ajar waiting for her to press It National bank had opened Its coffers In hand, and color It up a bit. And for This did not seriously impress Lark. to she the twins, always back and catch a glimpse of what lay goodness sake, polish up Mr. Raiders Theoretically, she realized that he was more not been have could completely beyond. editorials. I could write editorials like right. And he talked so impressively Even the twins were getting along. confounded. Carol was In a condition his myself. as of the press, and its mission In the but the serious, grasping nearly They were finishing high school, and Fairy solemnly rose and crossed the world, and its rights and Its pride and she rushed of the situation, gravity to such and of beginning prate college porch, and with a hand on Larks Its power, that Lark, looking away the breach headlong. things, but the twins were still, well, intoYes shoulder gave her a solemn shake. with d Shes litshe eyes, saw a high and yes, gasped. they were growing up, perhaps, but beat Lark the Now, Starr, you begin shes Oh, Immense, mighty very figure, literary. they kept jubilantly young along In the erary. Mr. Raider smiled. Well, would you ginning and tell us. Do you think were standing free, majestic, beckoning her process, and their enthusiasm for all wooden Indians? We cnnt wait un- to come. It was her first view of the to try your hand out with me?" diplomas and ice cream sodas was so like Again Carol sprang to her sisters til you make a newspaper out of the worlds press. nearly identical that one couldnt feel relief. Dally News We want to know. Talk. But on the fourth morning, when she seriously that the twins were tugging Thus Lark the she she and did cried. Yes, would," indeed, talk, entered the office, Mr. Raider met her adjured, at their leashes. And then, determined little Story wiftl many striking embel- with more excitement In his manner Yes, Indeed. And Connie was a freshman herself to Impress upon him that the Dally lishments from Carol was given Into than she had ever seen before. As a rather tall, a little awkward, with a News was the one to profit chiefly from the hearing of the family. rule, excitement does not sit well on y and with an sober earnest face, she added, And Its a Five dollars a week, echoed Con- nicely rounded, Innovation, the men. humorous droop to the corners for the Dally News, too, I nie faintly. he began hurriedly, do you Lark, of her lips, and In the sparkle of her lucky day There arent Of course, Ill divide that with know the tell you. many Larks In Dalys? On Elm street? eyes. Mount Mark, In a literary way, I mean, Carol, was the generous offer. Yes, they are members of otfr Mr. Starr looked at them and sighed. and the News needs some that No, I wont have It. I havent any church. I know them. I tell you, Grace, Its a thankless job, Is, I thinkDally blood anyhow. Lark literary brains, and I cant take any new He leahed forward. Big piece of rearing a family. Connie told me to- will be Just fine. of your salary. Thanks, just the same. news down that This morning way. day that my collars should have All right. Come In, Monday morn- Then she added happily : But I know at breakfast, Daly shot his daughter now Instead of turned-bacstraight at to and set Lark, Ill you ing youll be very generous when I need corners. And Lark reminded me work. eight, It wont be anything very Im- to borrow, and I do borrow pretty Malsie and the little boy. They are In both dead. Daly got away, and we last mixed up that I got my points portant. You can write up the church often, Larkle." of cant get at the bottom of It.. The Pm lesson. sick, getting Sundays and goings away, news, and For the rest of the week Larks lit- family Is shut off alone, and wont see this family business, Pm about ready and things parties, like that. Itll be good erary career was the one topic of con- anyone, to training. You can study our papers versation in the Starr Larks face had gone white, and she family. Larks And Just then, as a clear Father between now and then, to catch our clothes were In Immacumost the he put down the came floating clasped her slender hands together, stairway, style." late condition, and her wardrobe great swaying, quivering, bright lights beturned his head alertly. What do you Carol lifted her head a little higher. ly enriched donations pressed upon fore her eyes. want? If Mr. Raider thought her talented twin her by her by sisters. Every came Carols admiring Oh, oh I she murmured brokenly, out, Everybodys would be confined to the ordinary style the im evening watched come and younger Oh, how awful! girls Will you of the Daily News, which Carol considplaintive voice. for the of the to patiently carrier Mr. Raider did not observe the white auntie ask Dally cant me I button up. ered atrociously lacking In any style at News, and then rushed to meet him. In Lark's face. horror Yes, isnt It? run clear up here, and I cant come all, he would be most gloriously misThe was with avid paper want you to go right down read he feet. said. I Interest, In my stocking down because Im thats certain taken, criticized, commended. They all ad- there. My new slippers pinch so I dont put Is a significant fact that after Mr. mitted It that Lark would be an acquisito. Yes, Indeed, said Lark, though she Oh, thanks, Raider went back Into them on until I have the sanctum of tion to the editorial force, indeed, one shivered at the Of course, I a dear. thought. father, youre the Dally News, the twins walked will. Lark was a ministers daughAfter the excitement of the com- along for one full block without speak- sorely needed. During those days, Carol followed ter. If people were In trouble she mencement, the commotion, the glam- ing. Such a thing had never hapour, the gayety, ordinary parsonage pened before in all the years of their Lark about with a hungry devotion must go, of course. Isnt It awful? that would have bqen observed by her I never knew of such a thing before, life seemed smooth and pleasant, and twinshlp. At the end of the block, sister on a less momentous occasion. Malsie was In my class at school. for ten days there was not a ruffle on Carol turned her head They But now she was so full of the darling never liked her very well. Im so sorry the surface of their domestic waters. were eight blocks from restlessly. home. But the It was on the tenth day that the twins, twins couldnt run on the street, It was career that she overlooked the once I didnt oh, Im so sorry. Yes, IU go Carol. On Monday morn- right away Youd better call papa up strolling down Main street, conversing so undignified. She looked longingly cusCarol not remain upstairs with and tell him to come, too. was ns did their ing, earnestly together about for n buggy bound their way. I will, but you run along. Being tom, were accosted by a nicely round- Even a grocery cart would have been a Lark as she donned her most business the Into the ministers daughter, theyll let you like Initiation dress a for with her man cordial, welome ed, pompous though humbling conveyance., world of literature. Instead, she sulked right up. Theyll tell you all about It, Hello, twins. "Lark," she said, Im afraid weITbe groueliily In the dining room, and when of course. Don't talk to anyone on the In an instant they were bright with late for dinner. And auntie told us Lark, danced Into way back. Come right to the office. radiant, for this was Mr. Raider, editor to ' smiles, back. Maybe wed better run. hurry Yes yes. room Larks face was frightthe for the familys approval, she and owner of the Dally News, the bigis a good expression for almost glowered upon her. but firm. I Ive never gone to Running ened, of Marks Mount most popular gest and and Lark promptly struck out Am I all right? Do I look literary? the houses much when there was three dally papers. Looking forward, emotion, as they did, to a literary career for at a pace that did full credit to her Oh, oh," gurgled Lark, with music In trouble. Prudence and Fairy have allithe young limbs. Down the street her voice. ways done that. But of course Its Lark, they never failed to show a little raced, tendrils of they right, and Im going. Oh, I do wish I hair to deference Carol sniffed. flying touching and uunntural about their flushed and shining faces, had been fonder of Malsie. Ill go right reso a ever even It Isnt Oh, morning? glorious connected, anyone faster, faster, breathless, panting, their sang Lark again. Isnt everything away. motely, with that profession. And she hurried away, still quivergladness fairly overflowing. And many wonderful, father? not his resent did nicely They Lark Starr, cried Carol passionate- ing, a cold chill upon her. Three hours rounded and therefore pointless jokes. people turned to look, wondering what In the world possessed the leisurely, ly, I should think youd be ashamed of later she returned to the office, her They smiled at them. They did not yourself. Its bad enough to turn your eyes dark circled, and red .with weepcall the Dally News the Raider Fam- dignified parsonage twins. Aunt Grace In back on your your lifelong twin, and ing. Mr. Raider met her at the door. sat her do. to hammock ns up They they yearned ily Organ," Did you see them? did not admit that they urged their fa- to look, Fairy ran out to the porch, and raise barriers between us, but for you Mr. Yes, she said In a low voice. They so Is about It to Starr be laid book. down his on the perHad all church wildly happy ther to put Mr. Raider they took me upstairs, and She committees to Insure publicity. They long and dearly desired war been de- fectly wicked. Lark wheeled about abruptly and paused pitifully, the memory strong swallowed hard,, and told themselves clared at last? But when the twins reached the stared at her sister, the fire slowly upon her, for the woman, the mother of that, after all, Mr. Raider wns an edifive children, two of whom had been dying out of her eyes. tor, 'and perhaps he couldnt help edit- porch, they paused sheepishly, shyly. struck down, had lain in Larks strong chorused the Whats the she matter? In to the Why, exclusion Carol, own of began slowly, family ing his tender arms, and sobbed out the ugly a low voice, without music. family. th i rest of Mount Mark. story. we Carol are Are for dinner? late You all Oh, thats he needn on this occasion, looked right. When, Lark up and down with his usual ro- demanded earnestly, as though their try to talk me over. A bodyd think there was nothing In the world but tund complacency, Carol only gritted lives depended on the answer. Would It have been honorable The family stared In concerted ugly old newspapers. I dont like em her teeth and reminded her heaving Lark to write up the tragic for I before When the this had think theyre downright amusement anyhow. soul that he was an editor. story even though It was her twins shown anxiety about their late- nosey I And well never be the same uVbat are you going to do this job to do so since the suffering Lark?" he asked, without pre- ness for meals unless a favorite des- any more, Larkle, and youre the only mother had given the girl full was all twin consumed in salad and Ive or sert their got, amble. confidence was And It unwittingly? only half past Carols defiance ended in a poorly "Why just nothing, I suppose. As absence. I four sob a of and rush tears. usual. suppressed Carol gently shoved Connie off the Lark threw her gloves on the table. Well, he said, frowning plumply, (TO Bfi) CONTINUED.) I wont go at all, she said. were running short of men. , Ive cushion upon which she had dropped, wont go a step. If if you think for heard youre Interested in our line, and and arranged It tenderly In a chair. We have had envelopes since 1830, PAPER WORK TOO ARDUOUS QUININE d k I Id Furniture. like to visit the weather ' reau. That Isnt a weather bureau. an ice chest. " bu. Itj Long Dead. The Barber (after the shave) "Hair Customer (baldheaded) dyed, sir? Yes, It did, about five years ago. An Apt Student. A young woman who went to Colum-bl- a to take her degree of doctor of philosophy married her professor In the middle of her second year. When she announced her engagement one of her friends said : But, Edith, I thought you came up here to get your " "So I did, replied Edith ; but I had no idea I would get him so soon." Ph-D.- The Most Valuable Book. The Medico Laurentlan museum of Florence, Italy, has- In Its possession what is said to be the most valuable book In the world. This book Is called the Codex Amlatlnus and Is pronounced by some scholars to be perhaps the oldest and by all odds the best ancient Latin manuscript of the Bible. The work is believed to have been copied from the translation by St. Jerome, which he made direct from early Greek and Hebrew scripts. Its origin is placed in the ninth century, and Is thought to have been the handiwork of English priests. ' - Salmon for Eastern Streams. Many thousands of humpback salmon, native of the Puget sound, where they were collected by the government two years ago, entered Pembroke, Dennys, Penobscot, St. Croix and other rivers in eastern Maine tills autumn as part of the fisheries bureau plan of stocking the East with the pride of the Pacific coast catch. The bureaus investigation shows that the humpback in its new environment retains its Pacific coast habit of proceeding to the ocean shortly after it begins to swim, and returning to the rivers to spawn and die when two years old. The government has made annual shipments of eggs of the humpback salmon acros the continent for the past five years, drawing the consignments alternately from Washington and Alaska. The Sort of Man. Mamies admirer is a manufacturer of umbrellas. I see; a sort of rain beau. 'Any man who wopld sue a girl for breach of promise ought to be confined In an upholstered cell. 1 most-darlin- g star-eye- sum-mu- r, d, Yomen 7 whose sensitive nerves often yield to coffees harmful stimulation, appre date the change resulting from a ten days trial of INSTANT . f Such a delicious INSTEAD COFFEE drink makes the change easy and better nerves make it a permanent one. Theres a Reecon V |