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Show i OairtagraSl SOUTH CACHE COURIER- HYKUM, UTAH - t Recommendation that President SELECT WINTER LAYERS OF CALF use his good offices to Induce Calnew a ifornia authorities to bring about Recent poultry selection demtrial of Thomas J. Mooney In cuse the in Lawrence county, onstrations California supreme court sustains Ills Pennsylvania, have developed inconviction for complicity In the San" Most Common Trouble of Young teresting results. In one case a Francisco bomb outrage, has been Animals Is Diarrhea. k record kept by one made by the presidents mediation farmer shows that 41 good hens commission. HALF MILLION AMERICANS WILL laid 241 eggs as compared with V BE IN FRANCE SOON, WITH Indications of a widespread plot to GROWTH four eggs laid by 41 poor hens; MILLION MORE READY. cripple the war activities of the United COIIDITIOH HINDERS in another case a record of 19 ) States were seen Saturday in a series ) days shows that 28 good hens of fires In shipyards, on munition ships, laid 111 eggs as compared with In war plants and storage buildings at Aliment Is Result of Disturbance of Men Are Ready to Take Their Place 27 eggs laid by 47 poor hens. seavarious points along the Atlantic of Number at Side of Allies as Soon as Ship Digestive Apparatus In the latter case the college board and farther Inland. Can Be Secured to Take for Used Are Preparations representative selected the hens Division of the countrys bituminous Them Over. j Treatment. Its September 22 and no eggs were coal lnto twenty districts as the intehmountain laid by the poor hens until Sep- ) first toward instituting a zone sys- - (Prepared by the United States DepartCharles W. Fulton, former United tem stpP tember 29. During a Washington. America will have mi ment of Agriculture.) of coal distribution is under way 'States senator from Oregon and for the of half a million in Branre early flock 19 one hens in is army good scours, probably or period Diarrhea, by the fuel administration. In state a Great ) 13 figure 152 hens laid 'many years prominent this year, with a million more trained eggs, while poor most common disease of calves. WASHINGTON. to flock in presame two politics, died Sunday at his home In times the and equipped, ready to follow as quicklaid at all eggs. Black of care must be taken Eugene Congressman Portland after a long illness, aged 64. and as it always hinselection Practice vent this poultry ly as ships can be provided to carry condition, Texas, broke all preceof Four were killed and four Injured Clarksville, Increase The returns. and them and the outlook for ships is development good your the ders groiffa officials gaspnear Wyola, Mont., when a freight dents Saturday and setto often is has addition not unpromising. in eyes, winter, animal bright and layer the treasury the when he returned retrain on the Chicago, Burlington & ing the set is well beak disease This to legs cure. apart, pale hard Secretary Baker gave this informa11150.16 left over from his appropriaand shanks in late fall and early ) tion to the world on January 28 in a tjulncy railroad crashed Into passen- tion for clerk hire. sult of disturbance of the digestive apger train No. 44 en route to Denver winter. She also has a strong, and may be caused statement before the senate military William G. McAdoo, director general paratus of the calf 'from Billings, Mont. abmore broad a the full and impora back, in of ways, deep number, committee, baring much that until now 27 issued peron January Matthew Torka, a German, was ar- of railroads, domen, a deep rounded chest w'hich are the following; Irof tant offibeen carefully guarded with the has and to railroads orders rested at Seattle, carrying photographs emptory sudden and is and active. overfeeding, vigorous cials to cut off from payrolls all legis- regular feeding, armys military secrets, in answering feedon his person of two western fortificafermented feeds, of feed, change lative railroad lawyers, supernumerary charges that the government has broktions. milk or milk of dissour or asing dirty en down preparing for war. useless railroad literary Amos B. Anderson, a ranch owner of lobbyists, and all eased cows, the use of dirty milk palls From early morning until late afterpayments sociations, political Willard, Colo., killed himself with a passes intrastate as well as interstate. or feed boxes, and damp, dirty stables. STANCHIONS HANDY FOR CALF noon the secretary addressed the comit is shotgun at his sisters home near Bux Settlement of the Industrial dispute As soon as scours is discovered mittee, and a crowd, including many from calf affected to the ton, Iowa. He was 68 years old. best separate Simple and Convenient Means for Pre- members of both houses of congress, threatening a strike in the countrys the others and carefully disinfect the Jack Dempsey, Utah heavyweight, ten largest packing house centers was venting Larger Animals From gathered in a big hearing room of the should be reduced imThe feed who has recently been camping on the effected pen. Eating Too Much. in an agreement prosenate office building. He spoke exSunday milk palls trail of Jess Willard, knocked out Ho- viding that there shall be no discrim- mediately at least temporaneously, beginning with detnlls mer Smith at Racine, Wis., In the first ination against union members and cleaned and sterilized, feed boxes Simple stanchions for calves are a of the mammoth task of building an battle. that questions of hours and wages cleaned and disinfected, and any other convenient means of preventing the round of a scheduled army of a million and a half, answerAs a result of heroism displayed by shall be referred to an arbitrator ap- causes mentioned above eliminated. larger calves from eating the small ing such complaints of inefficiency as ones share of the feed, also for feed- were cited . George L. Brunn of St. Maries, Idaho, Treating Disease. pointed by the secretary of labor. by Senator Chamberlain in used are of A number preparations in May, 1917, when he lost his life call a ing many calves quickly and without his recent speech and declaring that The army medical corps issued The diagram shows the in the attempt to save Dolly McKin-- , for enlistment of 2000 specially select- to treat this disease, a few of the confusion. such instances were isolated and not blood are which meal, common of more a construction. ed men for veterinary service. They ley, 9 years of age, from drowning, general. medal award has been given to his must be either below or above draft a teaspoonful at a feed ; white of egg ; While stanchions are usually built The chief points in Secretary Bakers of A dose four etc. drops llmewater, widow and three children. The award age and will be assigned to veterinary in the barn, a few panels of them are statement were : overseas of formalin to each quart of milk has exceedingly useful as part of the fence was made by the Carnegie Hero fund hospitals service with There will be half a million men in been used to advantage, and a drench commission. shortly. France early in 1918. No advance toward peace is seen in of three ounces of castor oil followed The estate of the late Senator New one There will be a million and a half of lands of Nevada, according to petition the speeches made in Berlin and hv a teaspoonful of a mixture to go to France in 1918. of of two subnitrate ready and salol for probate of his will filed last week, Vienna by the German chancellor and part OrdiThe American people will soon demis valued at $528,500, consisting of Austrian foreign minister, upon the bismuth also is recommended.water to onstrate upon the battlefields of Eunary white clay, mixed with stocks, bonds and other securities. The war aims of the central powers. and side thick of cream, by side with our allies, our rope, the consistency Senator George E. Chamberlain of petition said the senator owned no half even determination to win the war. in doses of a quarter or real estate in his own name. before an audience that given Oregon, been has a times The ordnance bureau has been letting a pint, three day, DOMESTIC. packed the floor and the galleries of used with excellent effect. at the rate of twenty a day. contracts recently, The first war patients to arrive from the senate chamber, on Thursday spoke to White Scours. We could not delay sending-meFrance reached Baltimore, Saturday for three hours in answer to the was-oor dyseninfectious button last until scours, cantonments the White and are at the United States general charge of President Wilson that his tery of the calf, generally affects a the last coat. esof criticisms the military hospital, Fort McHenry. A total of previous in a lot, and first number General Wood advised me to Major o4jyesr. enlisted men, sev- tablishment has constituted an absoa as blrjh sixty men fifty-onsend the men to the camps, saying pyarsvj-te1 r now-o- V lutes distortion f the 4ruth. en officers and tw nurses-r-r- fc offensive diarrhea with they would have a lot to learn before FOREIGN. the fort. Simple Stanchion for Calves. droppings. During the course of this they would have need for rifles. A pledge to dispose of $65,000,000 in Eight thousand kilograms of explo- disease the calf wants to sleep all the cases the It was Pershing who caused rejection, In such lot. calf the in war savings stamps this year was giv sives were dropped by French airmen time and cannot be induced to suck feedof at the Lewis machine gun. stanchions en by the superintendents of the Metro upon the industrial works of Lugwigs-liafe- or drink. It is also very much weak- calves come to the a German government is still un- fed The be by and tlme safeiy may ,ng and Freiburg on Saturday. Ob- ened by the disease and y politan Life Insurance company at the for no occasion aware of the number of men we have lld, since there is annual dinner of their convention at servation planes penetrated nearly within three or who Persona In France. lot. calf the New York. twenty miles behind the front. the with to One railroad built by Americans in accustomed been dealing have disease The national Russian congress of The people of America went on a haS 600 mUeS tB,'S Fra c"re5 war bread diet Monday as a part of a soldiers and workmens deputies, to ?Pr,f stanchion to the theof decide not us was for It war rationing system prescribed by which the Bolshevist government retbe renslstency of thick cream, the advantage was France. war the of atre theatre even President Wilson and the food admin- - ferred the question of war expenses, and given In doses of a quarter or line of us not decide the was to for It been a has Trotztimes day, half a pint, three istration. Victory bread, the food ad- has authorized Foreign Minister RANKING OF GRAIN STRAWS reached line the communications 1 found to be very valuable. Manufac-mlnistration calls it. ky to continue the peace negotiations across the Atlantic ocean, with one a Petrograd dispatch turers of biological products, however, German atrocities have been mini- at Oats Comes First, With Barley, Wheat end infested by submarines. Our enwhich serum a now selling potent mized 100 times to once where they reports. (ire and Rye Following Alsike emy was on the other side of No Mans The Chinese officials at Harbin have (they claim to be effective in both prehave been magnified, members of the Leads Clover Straws. cure. Land, and our problem was to get Republican club at New York were told cut off all exports of goods to Russia, ventlon and use of in the there and get him. consists in Prevention oyer food shortage by Capt. R. P. Simmons, a United thus accentuating the Of the grain straws, oats comes first, While many things disclosed im- States military observer in Germany that country. The Russian frontier sanitary precautions, such as clean, barley second, wheat third, rye fourth. the committee, it was frankly authorities have filed a protest, threat- - dry, and disinfected pens for calving, dyring the mobilization. ls doubtfUi if the latter should be pressed nave of the disinfection the when told that the men of of amazed careful and the to inoperation suspend Naval auxiliaries have started an ening jor anything but bedding. Alsike thirty-tw- o national guard and national of the calf at birth, painting the cora Eastern Chinese railway. ciover cause to of of the straws, determine tbe best vestigation (loyer ,g the am I with tincture of Iodine, ng y divisional camps are ready to with white army Rumors of disorders in Barcelona, the explosion that wrecked three consease s followed by red clover, When members need. at go other crete bombproofs at the naval torpedo Spain, are confirmed by reports reach-- with silk thread. As this Of the today iast. legume I it may clover strftW straw takes first rank, fol- - wanted to know why such things had station at Newport, R. I., causing the I ing Madrid which state that groups of of so serious a character that gtrawg pea o s death of twelve civilian employes and women started riots demanding cheap-- cause the loss of a season crop owed by aifaifa and then bean straw. not been given publicity before, Mr. of control for the details the calves, seven others. Baker spoke of the reluctance of milier food prices. injuring should be referred to the After expelling Industrial Workers of The Cunard line steamer Andania an outbreak tary men to reveal their war plans and MANURE official or to a quail-- SAVE YOUH POULTRY k the World from membership in the was torpedoed but not sunk off the Ul-- 1 state quoted German remarks about Amerthe sayp coast advertisement of her preparations. morning, Uniticas ster Sunday if there are any, the organization, PlasDroppings Sprinkled With Land that he was not there to Emphasizing ed Mine Workers, in session at Indian- Irish Daily Telegraph. Stimulus for Stock. Make Excellent Fertilizer ter or anybody else, the himself defend was Wood Leonard apolis, went on record as favoring the for Vegetables. The shortage of animals and animal the committee again was urged secretary He France. in the over mines of the coal woundedSunday by taking be a! should this in to country bare any shortcomand lay products again government on condition the union men the victim of an accidental explosion. stimulus to improved live stock manure for the ing or failure of the department, that Save poultry your was arm injured. One slightly had the right to make collective land it might be corrected. garden patch. Sprinkle It with Reports of disturbances in GermanyThis ashes. or coal seplaster (gypsum) STATE LOSES COAL LANDS. The government will take over 30 again are current in Holland and Artificial Heat Unnecessary, makes an excellent compound for a oc- to have said are outbreaks vere is essential for fertilizer. This manure ls very valuwarm barn a per cent of all the wheat flour milled I Thousands of Acres in Utah Reverts in Minnesota, in order to secure suffl-- 1 curred in the Rheinish industr a uie y0ung lambs, it ls- by no means able, and will make a big improvehave machine with guns Back to Government. tricts. Troops our to allies, for soil. export supply ment in your garden on the to summoned Muelheim, been an the state food administration has Salt Lake City. Title to all the coalRhine, opposite Cologne, but there, are nounced. school lands in Utah rests in Choice. of Rlght FUTURE OF SWINE INDUSTRY bearing the federal government and not in the The idle flapper is going out of no details. You cannot always choose your asThe Carranza government in Mexico sociates, but you can select your comstate of Utah. style ; the young girl to be stylish now Than Today for Man Thousands of acres of such lands, Circum- Never Brighter must work. This was the message of and the Cantu rebels in Lower Cali- panions, observes a sage. Who Is Willing to Hold Over at millions of dollars, which valued Anne Sturgis Talbott, state specialist fornia have each offered Japan a naval stances may throw you with people Few Breeding Sows. were in the original school included in vocational training for girls in New base in their respective territories in who are distasteful to you, but circumto land revert back to the Utah, York, given at the vocational training return for Japanese financial support. stances cannot force you to take them grant The future of the hog industry was government, and the state must select This information comes through unof- to your hearts and into your conficonvention at Chicago. for ls than it today lands in lieu thereof. All Choice ls stronger than en- - never brighter dence. Charles M. Schwab, president of the ficial sources. who ls willing to take a little man the disa to declared according lands which Charles, of such sales King Bethlehem Steel corporation, vironmenL Wherever you are, you sows and from Budapest, has accepted the j wayg bave the privilege of choosing, risk, hold over a few good are canmade have been the in an address at a dinner at New York by jstate plan to finish a few good pigs for the celed and the purchasers must look to that the time is near at hand when resignation of the members of the Hun market next fall, Instead of attemptAvoid Tainted Meat the state foi: recompense for their purthe men of the working class the men garian cabinet and Premier Wekerle to beat the market by selling out chases and must descabinet. the announced the has reorganized deal with the federal without property will control Meat foods must be fresh and free ing to stock and in the matter of further Severe rioting on Wednesday and from taint especially If they are to be his breeding the businessexpecting tinies of the world. government when again get back Into use of such lands. Discovery of impurities in candy Thursday in Berlin was reported in dis- fed to young stock. Nothing will upfeeds are lower. of grain prices One chicks has Amsterdam. of in received of set a flock growing navy ships quicker Such, in brief, is the scope of a depatches supplied to canteens cision handed down In Washington, caused the issue of an order suspend report asserted that mobs were march- than spoiled meat Separate Farrowing Sows. January 28, by the supreme court of ing the sale of candy to the men and ing in the streets demanding peace. Sows due to farrow should be sep- the United States. feed all on of that forces you sure American week Be your also the purchase of additional suplast Early the French front were in- - action on stock a balanced ration. Unbalanced arated from the herd two or three plies pending investigation No Advance in Bread Prices. date and A mother was found dead in her several occasions, General Pershing re- rations are hard on the animal and weeks before the farrowing new The Victory can farrow where Washington. they put home at Chicago with the bodies of her ported to the war department. Four shorten its life. food adminthe bread by prescribed 22. 21 and on A were killed January three small children In her arms. istration must be sold at the prices that After years of surface mining, NicaA flood in the upper Rhine valley rubber tube leading from a gas jet now obtain for its equivalent of white Lose. deare to be deEgg Preventing raguas gold deposits to the womans mouth led the police to has Inundated the city of Cologne, mar8 bread. This was made clear Monday cent of the eggs per disNearly veloped scientifically. pronounce it a case of suicide and stroying quantities of provisions, are lost United States the in keted by the food administration in reply to patches received Friday said. In some murder. Much or breakage. reports that bakers were preparing to Water your horses at least three through spoilage are believed to localities the rise of the river was so . men Seventy-ninraise their prices on the ground that be could loss of of through this The stomach prevented the horse a times day. have perished in an explosion in the rapid that the people had to be aroused Ls substitutes they must use cost more circles. community egg were very smalt bells. of the Troops com by tolling flour. Coal Acadia white the than of Allan shaft sent to the aid of the inhabitants. panys collieries at Stellurton, N, S Wll-so- u DISEASES two-wee- two-wee- k - one-hal- f, ten-roun- d n e - light-colore- d, - n " Snary wX teto ti "" Brest-Litovs- v 1 1 -- 1 live-stoc- Major-Gener- 1 al L 1 1 nec-cie- nt non-miner- al al-pat- e coal-bearin- g |