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Show SOUTH CACHE CGURIEk, HYRUM, UTAH " South Cache Courier Published Every Friday at Hyrum Utah. J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher. NATION MUST HAUE DUSTRIAL PEACE Gome With the Crowdls; TO IN- Eliason Sisters Harvest Sal e In his address to the American Federation of Labor President Wilson made this significant statement: If we are true friends of free-- 1 dom, we will see that the power of this country and the producing activity of the country shall be raised to the highest degree and nobody shouid be allowed to stand in its way. Further on in his address, the President interpreted his statement. He said: S-O-M-E For the Balance of the Month there will be no Better Value in Dependable Merchandise in all Utah Than These Splendid Bargain Offers. Goodies! M the kind that in your mouth m-e- -I . BIG SAVING BY BUYING NOW light, tender cakes, biscuits and doughnuts that just keep you hanging round the pantry all made with fluffy, Nobody must interrupt the progress of our energy if interruption can be avoided without invasion of freedom. Nobody has the right to stop the processes of labor unless all processes of counsel haye Quality y Then addressing himself directly to the delegates in the convention, the president gave further interpre- tation of his meaning as follows: I might as well say right herel that I am not talking to you (labor-men- ) alone. You do fome things to stop the forces of labor. But there are others who do the same You save when you buy it. You save when you use it. Calumet contains only such ingredients as have been approved officially by the U. S.' Food Authorities. j HIGHEST further interpretation Are Made for Service, Based on Quality. 10 High Grade Saits Bagain Offer 20 per cent Off Bargain Offer Half Price ELIASON SISTERS Call Your Attention to their Stocks of General Holiday Gifts, of the Very Useful Kind to be seen at their Store. Upon a Small Deposit they will Gladly hold anything selected for a later delivery. I The Store is all Aglow With Holiday Gifts. was given by the president when he! said: A settlement is hard to avoid! when parties are brought face to face. We must insist in every instance the parties must come into each others presence. It is a formal request from the President to employers to come into the presence of their workers and for workers to come into the pres- ence of their employers so they may take counsel together. It means that the employers of America are expected for the period of the war to meet their men, to negotiate with them when necessary, and to use every endeavor to promote industrial peace, and that strides are a form of industrial militarism to be avoided. Eliason Sisters, , will give information. The average college turns a boy out at the end of four years looking for a job. This college of actual experience turns a boy out with 4 I' K 1 ( Logan money in his pocket and a position waiting for him. OUR ABUNDANT COAL Special Prices AT H. G. Hayball Mercantile Co. WHITE 23 bars Crystal. White or White Naptha Soap for Saturday only $1.00 There will be no dousing the 8 Seeded 1.00 Raisn Packages glim along the great white way of Broodway under the orders of the 20 Large Rolls Toilet Pap. 1.00 1.00 administration at Washington. We 5 Pounds M. J. Coffee THE 75c dont depend on coal for our power 75c Tea, 2 pounds for 4 Coffee 1.00 Pounds Hills in this neck of the woods. Los 5 K. C. Baking Pow- cans Angeles Times. ' are 1.00 today Many large industries der, 25c size Nor up here . in Oregon, either. of business a course 8 better Rais Not 1.00 a Seed offering There is enough water power runPakgs. training for young people than ning to waste down our Cascade 7 can 25c Asparagus Tips.. 1.00 colleges and professional school. and Coast Range mountain sides, 4 cans 35c Salmon 7 As an illustration the Southern and through their cans 20c Salmon 1.00 gorges, and in Pacific Co. is offering a course of our peaceful valley, to fill all the 9 cans 15c Pork & Beans.. 1.00 1.00 training to boys between the ages Willamette valley with the hum of 11 cans 12c Sardines 8 cans Peas of 16 and 22. June 1.00 industry, and to extract from the At all of its principal shops the air the fertilizer, and to propel the 9 cans 15c Pineapple 1.00 under! 2 schools maintains Lem. or Vanilla 1.00 $1 botts Company farm machinery, to make the spaces the direction of competent instruct- - between the factories one great 16 pkgs. corn or gloss star. 1.00 3 Pounds Lipton 45c coffee 1.00 ors, where your boy may secure a Lanjen and orchard, four years course of instruction After peace shall have come, no 10 Pks Vermicelli, Spaghhim for fit will 1.00 that etti, Noodles thoroughly doubt there will be vast further dework as a mechanic, electrician, velopment of our all but unlimited 5 Paks 25c Coco or Choc, 1.00 1.00 boilermaker, cabinet maker, black- - "white coal resources, Salem, $1.25 can Crisco or 60c Crisco can molder, 50c maker, smith, pattern Ore. Statesman, mechanical in any of the principal The 0Djy thing which will prevent trades found in a well developed 8UCh power development in all railroad shop. While he is under- - parts of the west is lack of workgoing instruction they will pay him abJe waterpower legislation per-- a 1004 Pairs of Sample Shoes salary ranging from 15c per hour mjtting development apd it is to be For Sale on to 27 Jc per hour, "and, at" the com- sincerely hoped that the coming Just Arrived. him session of congress will remove Saturday and During Week pletion of his course will give considerto him a diploma entitling this obstacle. No greater fuel and at Manufacturer's Cost. ation as a journeyman 'at any shop labor conservation measure could and will immediately advance him be passed. H. G. Hayball Merc. Co. to the position of full fledged Center Street, Logan mechanic with the standard rate of Would be to risk you willing pay of the craft for which he has $3000.00 on a hazardous proposition fitted himself. Stove Leg Fastener. when the gain could not exceed $ of This is practical assistance to In moving or lifting stoves, the legs 1 J of per cent. Yet this is exactly often drop out, or become loose. This young men starting out in life and the game you play when you go can be prevented by bending a strip should be given serious thought by without fire idsurance on your of heavy tin over the top of the leg to fill the space between the top of parents considering future training home and other property which the leg and the stove, and fastening for their sons. Any Southern Pafire. For first the opposite end to some projection cific Agent or the Companys Gen- might perish by on the body of he stove. World's fire class insurrance go to Hans eral Superindent of Motive Power, Mikkelsen, Hyrum Tithing Office 65 Market Street, San Francisco, (Advertisement) Sample Shoes I - Store Open Wednesday Evenings Until 9 oclock. $ $ t Trade at Home! Y t t In your seareh for bargains you can often do best right here at home. Local dealers, frequently undersell the catalog houses, and great centers of business. V alues Considered. And many times giye you much better quality for the same money' you would have to send away. So when you have selected the article you want, go to your local merchant and see what he hds to offer. This much at least is due them and offtimes you will save money time and trouble. Of all dealers your local dealers are the best. This Week Allen Bros, will give Special Bargains t I i , e We Have Cut on Everything Throughout the Store AWARDS thing. A Half Price Stylish Coats the safest, purest, most economical kind. Try it driveaway bake-da- failures. Bargain Offer Ladies Hatg Womens, Misses and Children's POWDER stopped. MILLINERY Means Long Wearing Service and You will Find Eliason Sisters CALUMET Birina The Final Disposol of Y Y Y Y Y Y ? f? f1 On Little Boys Clothing Y Ladies and Chidrens Goats Y Y Come, they are Cheaper than Overalls Y HYRUM, UTAH T v s tt ALLEN BROS. Y f 4 t Y Y ! f Y Y Y X Y Y |