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Show pageps! Courier OUTH VOL. VIIII. Local Happenings Of the Week The 3rd Ward Sunday School Social given last Tuesday afternoon and night, given for the benefit of the soldier boys, to purchase Christ' mas presents, and also for the school itself, was a great success A childerns dance was given in the afternoon which was well attended They were treated with light re freshments. In the evening a short but spicy program was well rendered, after which dancing and games were enjoyed during the remainder of the evening. Punch and wafers were served free to all present. A fishing pond was carried on in connection, which created considerable merriment, especially among the younger class of people. Quite a sum was realized, and we believe enough was made to replenish the S. S. Treasury and also to send a nice present to each of the Soldier boys to gladden their hearts' on Christmas morning. en Hour Club and their husbands, at a 500 party at their residence in the 3rd ward. A very delicious luncheon was served. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Af orris Rosenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. South Cache High School is George Goodhue, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Birch, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. the proud possessor of tU largdubbard, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. est and most progressive Student-bod- y in its history, Mosjl of the Dailey, Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Elia-soand Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Hall. students of last year arf again with us and we have tlieg ddition ' Mr. Jacob Allgaier one of Hy-ru- of an energetic lot of eighth confectioners in ' company grade graduates' and i several with Mr. Kaiser of the J. S. Camp-je- ll students of other high schools of Co. of Ogden, motored to the state. All seem tolhavethe Wellsville one day this week and spirit of the times, Efficiency inspected Mr. Spences new Candy and are working with determKitchen. This new resort is fitted ination toward that end; Soda up with the most In our Student Bod exercises fountain, a $1,400 Player Piano and last Monday we were favored dancing floor, all of which will aid with an address b the Hon. M. to make it one of the most popular A. Gill, who took as'v.is theme resorts of its kind in Southern Patriotism and left a clear . The 3rd Ward Red Cross knit ters met at the home of Mrs. H P. Nielsen last Wednesday eve ning where all the ladies knittec and chatted until a late hour Light refreshments were served after which all ' retired saying they h?d soent a very pteasan, evenlngr1 We feel sure our Sa dier Boys will appreciate the good warm sweaters and socks made by the Red Cross Workers. 1 , NO. Hyrum Cache County, Utah, FrHay, Nor. 30, 1917. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hutton had a most enjoyable Thanksgiv- ing dinner with the loved ones from home at their residence here. Those present were father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pond, sisters and brothers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pond and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bernheisel and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bertude Pond and children, Miss .Mildred Pond and Mr. Leon Pond. Everyone congratulated Mrs. Hutton on her menu. Two young couples were quietly married last Wednesday. They were Mr. Vern Brown of this city and Miss Louise Oldham of Paradise, and Mr. Golden Brown and Miss Grace Nielsen of this city. All the contracting parties are members of prominent families of this community, and, start out in wedded life with the brightest of prospects. We join their many friends in wishing them all happiness and prosperity in their journey through life. . S. n up-to-da- te Cache. Class Convention held last Sunday was well attended by officers from the various wards of the stake. An officers meeting was held in . the morning at the Tithing Office, where Elder Wilson of Salt Lake of the General Board of Religion Class Work, as well as other speakers, gave valuable instructions to those present. In the afternoon Elder Wilson addressed the meeting at the 3rd ward, where a representative number of members of all three ward were present. A reorganization of the Local Board ,;al".o tnpk piece, durin.che meeting. ''Altogether' the meeting was a very profitable one for Religion Class workers. The ..Religion Married Couple Is Entertained G. High I Welcome Home U. A. C. For Missionary School Notes Activities welcome home social in honor of Elder Gail N. Nielsen will be Welling gave a Congressman given in the 2nd Ward next Thurs- splendid address to the students of day evening Dec. 6th., at 7:30 p. m. the U. A. C. last week. He spoke The following program is being of Germanys plan to dominate the arranged: world, which has been in progress Music, Orchestra. for many years; also of her preparGirls Chorus. ations for combat which even yet is Address of Welcome, Lola John- surprising the world, as it is being son. unfolded little by little. The idea Piano Duet. that Germany has expressed might Dutch Solo, Borgen Anderson. is an idea which she has is right Selection, Orchestra. had since the days of Bismark. Gail Elder Nielsen. N. The U. S. has entered this war Response, Vocal Solo, Leta Nielsen. with innocent and unselfish motives. A collection for the purpose of She has always been a liberty loving, sending a Christmas present to the fair minded people. In 1898 she missionaries in the field will be gave her defeated enemy $20,000,000 taken up, after which dancing will for rights she thought she possessed be indulged jn. All are cordially in the Phillipines. understanding that riow above invited. In closing Mr. Welling said he all times the predominating idea had faith in the destiny of this must be the patriotic feeling to nation, and that God would guide ward our Nation, ourselves and us through the critical periods of our God. The choir rendered this war. the Anvil Chorus in a very pleasHow the Gypsies of Europe It is expected a great many ing style. Under t hobble direct- Escaped the war is the title of a people from all parts of the state ion of Mr. Cannon,' the choir is artiwill take advantage of the winter illustrated vsry marked yimprovent. cle interesting showing by Sterling Hellig in this courses being offered at the U. A. C. About twenty-fiv- e per cent of issue of The Courier. These Winter course starts Dec. 3rd and the students in school ne mem-bemysterious peopleseemed to have continues 12 weeks. of this organ iz at' "on . The athletic activities at the foreknowledge of the coming of been conflict for they quietly slipped school have been brighter this year The Agriculture CUb has. of interest and out of the vast danger zone be- than in any previous year of the things organized to club members ahA of benefit fore the gates of hell burst open. institution.' U. A. C. teams have to the community ,u being conheretofore been in class B of the a sidered. ,Tb western teams. This year she is in .arej presi dent Delmont Petersen, class A with a bright prospect of Cyril Clarke, secretary and winning. The Rocky Mountain Contreasurer Calder Hall, executive e ference championship. and committe Sedley Jensen squad has been successful in winWe ask the to and call Charles public publicity Maughan, ning all games played, having won inspect our line this year get our seven. agent, Calder Hall. The Home Economics Club prices, compare our goods with out of town prices. Dont come gave a social Wednesday evening, in after you have purchased dancing mid games furnished the A Mysterious Gypsies rs vice-preside- nt hristmas Greetings , Messrs. John and Rollan Allred and their wives, very pleasantly entertained at the residence of John Allred in this city, in honor of their mother Mrs. M. J. Allred and her husband Mr. C. A. Merkley and family, and a daughter-in-law- , on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Allred was formerly of Star Valley Wyo.. but has of late been living In Logan, doing temple work, and it was there that she met Mr. Merkley, who was engaged in the same work and a love match and consequent marriage was the result. The couple was married in the Logan Temple last Wednesday. Mr. Merkley has been a widower for several years past as has also Mrs. .Allred. Both are in their 58th year and start out in their second marriage with best wishes of their families and friends their future happiness. for Program For M. Conjoint A new beet dump is being put up at the West spur, under the I. A. supervision of Field Inspector F. H. Liljenquist. It is being used to load and clean the balance of The following program will the beets piled up in that locality, be rendered at the 3rd Ward M. and is said to be the latest imI. A. Conjoint Meeting Sunday proved and one of the best of its Dec. 2nd, at 7:30 p. m.: kind in the valley. Mr. Liljen- evening Piano Solo, Bethea Cutler quist is largely responsible for Reading, Elveda Fryer these improved devices, and it Vocal Solo, Eva Petersen will greatly aid to facilitate next Dr. E. P. Oldham years beet crop, and is no doubt Address, Song, Ross and George Eliason appreciated by the many beet invited to AH are cordially raisers in this section. attend. 1 amusement, ice cream and wafers were served and all present pronounced the evening asocial success. The officers of this, live Bessie bunch are: president PetAllie Brown, ersen, secretary and treasurer Bethea Cutler, club reporter Lorna Yates, executive committee MaRee Shaw, Norma Olsen and Orpha Larsen. An allotment of Underwood typewriters reached the school during the last week.. This makes a valuable addition to the Commercial Department. The Girls Club .work in our school is very popular.. Sixty girls have been registered. Red Cross work will occupy their time at present. The girls of the Domestic Science Department are getting Christmas boxes ready for our soldier boys, the boys of the schopl paying the expense. Basket ball starts in good earnest next Monday. Each class has a good team and will each be heard from before the class series is ended. We have an excellent lot of good basket ball material in school, which indi cates a good team for South vice-preside- nt goods elsewhere and say why I didnt know you kept that in stock. What we have you know is the best, our service to you is the best, we give you the best prices. You have a Drug Store in Hyrum to be proud of and to keep it here we must have your support. We solicit jTour patronage. Hyrum Drug Co. ' The-Aggi- Farewell Social For Missionary A farewell party will be given in the 1st ward meeting house next Wednesday evening, Dec. 5th, at 8 p. m., in honor of Lettie Sorensen, who leaves for the Northwestern States Mission on Dec. 8th. A good program is being arranged, and a good time is promised. All are welcome to attend. Sale of Delinquent Water Stock Name of Corporation, Hyrum Irrigating Company, Hyrum, Utah. There is delinquent on the described stock, on account of an assessment levied September 5, 1917, the amount set opposite the names of the respective holders as follows: Amt. $ .80 1.25 3.75 3.75 2.50 2.50 .80 1.25 1.25 1.90 2.50 6.25 1.25 1.25 1.90 2.50 9.65 60.65 2.50 Cache. Miss Christensen visited North And in accordance with law, and an order of the Board of Directors School last Tuesday, made on the 5th day of September, 1917, so many shares of each parcel Cache High while there she organized the of stock as may be necessary, will be sold on Saturday, the 15th day of Girls Club. She reports an ex- December, 1917, at 12 oclock noon, of said day, at the City Hall, Hyrum cellent school at Richmond and Utah, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the costs the girls seemed to be very anx- of advertising and expense of sale. On Saturday eyening last Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Anderson enterSacramental Cards for sale at this ious to take up the proposed Hyrum, Utah, Nov. 28, 1917. work. tained the members of the Gold- - office. JOHN W. JENSEN, Secretary. ; |