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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE C0URIC3 Friday Nov. 30, - J. A. Wahlen, PubHaher - 1917. TUT I & Manager nr'2TlD 7 9 j i j? By. nerve tracing a mode of physical examination employed by Chiro- - J you? Victroia! praetors only, tenderness can be traced from the place of impingement J at theHy- Buy at the spine to the regions over the tonsils. This assists the Chiroprac- - k j Use KREAM KRISP for cooking Adv. tors in locating the Exact and Specific Cause of Tonsolitis, which when in place of butter. Suits cleaned. and pressed $1.25. normal tonsils. healthy, removed, produces Adv. Co. Clo. Hyrum Numerous cases of Tonsolitis have Completely Recovered under Chiropractic adjustments. Acute cases usually require but a short series of daily adjustments, while chronic cases will required longer time, depending upon th severity of the case, the length of standing and responsiveness of the patients vitality. Overcoats made to order in any style, guaranteed all Wool $16.50. Adv. Hyrum Clo. Co. FOR SALE Second hand harness in good condition. Apply to LeRoy Adv. Nielsen, City. Elder Gale N. Nielsen returned home from the mission field lastly Saturday. Nice Jonathon ap- - t pies at $1.25 per box. Apply to g Adv. Lgt Jos. C. Anderson, Hyrum. FOR SALE 4 Thatcher Building, Suite 8, 9, 4 ( 4 Hour: have finished th6 woodwork on the new elevator near the 0. L. & I. 4 depot. 4 9-1- Jfc 4 , FOR SALE or rent, two room house and lot with other improve- State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. ments. Apply to Maria Albertsen, ' Adv. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Hyrum 1st Ward. he is senior partner of the firm of Mr. Jack Wahlen arrived homej F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in from Rexburg, Idaho, Wednesday the City of Toledo, County and State evening, where he has been work- aforesaid, and that said firm will pay ing since last spring. the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLMr. Johnson, the shoemaker, is LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the making some improvements on his use of HALLS CATARRH MEDIC'residence property. Messrs. Hyrum INE. FRANK j: CHENEY. Gu)branson and 0. P. Olsen are F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, doing the work. 0. All Druggists, 75c. Sworn to before me and subscribed of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Wilson in my presence, this 6th day of DecMalad, Idaho, came to Hyrum to ember, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, spend Thanksgiving with relatives Notary Public (Seal) and old friends at home. is taken Medicine Halls Catarrh acts through the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A, Hall, and Internally and of the Mrs. D. N. Stephens and two child- blood on the Mucous Surfaces free. for Send testimonials, ren came up from Salt Lake to System. PlUs for constipation. Halls Family spend the week end with relatives (A1vrtiement and friends. 4; Over 6:30-7;3- 0. 3-- 4 10, ' 4-- 11, 4- - 4 Logan, Utah 4-- ) Shamhart-Christianse- n 4 4 Phone 138. House Calls by Appointments. oclock for children whose parents are unable to remunerate. Plenty of butter.paper for sale at this office. Buy Your Nackinaws at Ad. Thatchers, Logan. 2 colts 8 months old FOR SALE Apply to Alfred 148 J Fallows. 1. Phone Adv. Mrs. Jos. W. Anderson was taken to 4ie' hospit9,lin Logan Friday, suffering from an attack qf appendicitis and other ailments. t The 1st ward primary social given last Wednesday afternoon and night was quite a success, the children enjoying themselves very much in dancing and other pastimes. Mr. Arthur Petersen who was severely hurt last week by being thrown from a horse, is reported as i 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 4 444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 44 4 44 44 44 & - U" and 1 School Childrens Free clinic from . I Can Prove It. P. S. C. Peterson Bros, the Contractors, ' 1 G. B. ROSE, D. C. Ph. C. CHIROPRACTOR . FOR SALE Building lot close in, taxes and water front paid. Apply ' Adv. to LeRoy Nielsen, City. - The Above is True. FQR RENT..Modern home partly LOST A gold watch somewhere along the streets of Hyrum, Wednesday evening. Finder leave at Adv- this office and be rewarded. If those of our subscribers who have not yet paid for last years preciate it. t t t Fountain Pens Pocket Kives Manicure Sets Shaving Sets Collar Boxes Crotchets Sets Box Paper Safety Razors Cigars Watches Toilet Cases Silverware Work Boxes Fancy Pipes Games Smoking Sets New Books Candy fT ! I 4 I44!444444!4 '4 4s i Mr. and Mrs! A. L. Kelley spent Apply to Aifred Fellows, a day or two .visiting with Mr. and Adv. Mrs. W. C. ' Parkinson last week. Hyrum. Mrs. Victor Allen went to Rex- Mr. and Mrs. Kelly .are engaged in burg last Wednesday to spend school teaching, he being the prinThanksgiving, and visit with rela- cipal of a high school in eastern Nevada. They were called to Brigtives and friends a few days. ham City, Mr. Kelleys former of Shelly, Wilson Wm. Mr. will on account of the death of getting along quite well, but it and a former resident of home, Idaho, will he before several be his mother who was buried there days yet Hyrum, has been visiting rela- last week, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley completely recover. tives and friends in this city and Mrsl Caroline Antonson is up renewing old acquaintances the returned to Nevada last Sunday. i from Salt Lake visiting relatives past few days. Jos. C. Anderson and prarties who and friends in this city, and was The Second ward Bazaar held went to Weiser, Idaho, last week one of the guests at the Thankslast Tuesday and Wednesday nights reported on their, return that they of residence at the dinner, giving was a success both financially as were very nicely treated by the Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Liljenquist well as socially and quite a nice Weiser peopi?. Those that went Wed-1 Mr. Peter Christiansen left gum wag cleared up to replen- - were Ernest Eliason, Ray Petersen, with visit extended ieh the treasury of both the R. S. Ole Tronstad and Arnold Brown. nesday for an Three of the paty Ole Tronstad, relatives in Idaho. Mr, Christian- and YrL. Assn, and Petersen and Jos. C. Anderson sons daughters sen has several Mrs. Frank Forsyth Ray Mr. and each bought a 40 acre tract of land. scattered all through the Snake and children of Canada, Alberta, him will Arnold Brown having purchased keep river country, and it off at Hyrum, on their stopped going some to pay each one a visit. way to Salt Lake, to visit a form- land last spring, accompanied the others to look after his belongings. Three of the Swenson boys, er friend, Mrs. E. W. Dagson, Mr. Anderson also reports that Oliver, Thain and Percy left for and spend Thanksgiving Day those who moved up there from Mackay, Idaho, Thursday to do with her. They left for S.L. City Hyrum last spring felt well satisfied some development work on a mine. Friday to visit a short time be- with their new home and the conto their home in They contracted to sink a 100 foot fore returning ditions of the country in general. tunnel, which will keep them busy Canada. for some time. At the Third ward meeting Sun- We have a line of elegant, Silk day afternoon Stake Board imported directly bers of the Primary Assn. will PAINTER Japan. These handkerchiefs vote part of the time in speaking and Red stores on Cross in handled Japanese general primary are only AND in large cities, and we will not be work:' Good speakers will be in DECORATOR to get any more after this sup-- 1 tendance and parents especially are want a real requested to be present, so they Graining and Calsomining ply is gone. So if you Prices Reasonable China Silk handkerchief, call at the may get an insight of what the and get one children are really taught in these Store, Clothing Hyrum P. 0. Box 197. Hyrum. Utah. associations. before they are all gone. at-ab- le & CHRISTMAS GIFTS subscription would kindly call in and settle, we would greatly ap- furnighed de-fro- m t t v ANTON V1ERE SAVE TIME. SAVE WORRY Save Money TRADE AT Hyrum Clothing C ompany Compare Our Prices All Prices Guaranteed Until Dec. 2.50 Boys every day shoes, size 9 to 13j 5.00 1st. 1.79 Ladies high heel shoes, Kid and Cabaret 3.G9 uppers, sizes 4 to 5 V2 35c Boys Neck Ties 1.50 Mens Blue Jumpers, sizes 34 and 36, only .. Mens Work Sox, 3 pairs for Boys Gray School Shirts 1.50 Mens Good Blue Overalls, sizes 40 to 42, only 4.00 Boys Scout Suits, an extra good bargain, at , 75c Childrens Hats $2.00 Mens Fleece Lined Union Suits 1.50 Mens Flannel Shirts 1.50 Ladies Knitted Scarfs... 1.25 Boys Union Suits 2.50 Mens Silk, Handkerchiefs, direct from Japan. .$150 $3.45 5.00 Mens Cordory Pants. 4.50 6.00 Mqns Mining Shoes $6.95 9.00 Mens High Top Shoes .... $7.50 ...... $12.00 Mens Overcoats .... .... |