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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH Eleven persons were killed anO several injured Saturday when a bomb, designed to destroy the Italian Evangelical church In the heart of the Italian settlement of Milwaukee, exploded In central police station, where it had been carried for examination. Seven detectives, two policemen and one History of Past Week Gifts Christmas Pretty rfECKWEAR FOR CHRISTMAS. CRETONNE KNITTING BAG. woman were killed. ELEVEN KILLED WHEN INFERNAL acceptable present can be MACHINE FOUND IN CHURCH found for any woman young or old EXPLODES. than the collar and cuff sets of organdie The News Happenings of suit tailored which add so much to the e frock. For the youngor the Seven Days Paragraphed polite Okla. sets are shown In pale Police Officers Were in Attendance for women er these have grown that Examination of Bomb, Which All bags knitting place to Food dealers who have failed tints or In white with ruffles In light use. with Believed Harmless, When shabby comply with President Wilsons procThose of cretonne have everything Occurred. lamation placing them under license to recommend them. They are cheer- INTERMOUNTAIN. or ' H. L McCaw, a cattleman of Flier, must obtain licenses immediately Milwaukee. Eleven persons, nine of at suspending face Idaho, was killed and nine others were their proceedings aiming them police detectives and one woman operations. injured when a switch engine crashed were killed Saturday when a instantly WASHINGTON. Into a mixed train on the Oregon Short bomb in the squad room of exploded ambasRussian Boris Bakhmetieff, Line railroad near Granger, Wyo. the Central street police station here. forhas United to the sador States, A committee of Nevada silver proThe bomb was intended to kill Aducers, headed by Governor Emmett D. mally repudiated the Bolshevlki govugust Guilliani, pastor of the Italian announced and jRoyle, with Whitman Symmes and S. ernment in Petrograd church, and others in the no control Evangelist would he that to recognize H. Brady, as associates, will go the church, entente police believe. the to from break seeks that Washington to confer with Secretary found was in the Rev. Guillianis It of the Treasury William G. McAdoo and make peace with Germany. Miss Maude church Richter, church by and sailor 'and Director of the Mints Raymond T. Every American soldier She to the Central took it organist. Christa to will receive overseas on and Baker on the silver situation duty and to handed Station Keepit station n mas package from the American Red protest against any Deckert. er Cross, and, as far as possible, the gifts corner or fixation of price. Roll had just been called in the staFour persons were seriously injured will be distributed on Christmas eve tion house, and some of the citys best a Santa tree a from suitable Christmas are a stolen by colors. In and one slightly hurt when they and police officers were in detectives to any age. automobile with an unidentified driver Claus. , for an examination of the attendance The set pictured ia a favorite for skidded and crashed into the safety Applications from soldiers and sail. ful and durable and they are inexwhich all believed bomb, It suits. have zone at Salt Lake. street wear or with tailored ors for government life insurance as bags go. pensive been had in It brought early little rufmark, with James Hamilton Feabody, governor passed the billion-dolla- r The handsome bag in the picture is is of white organdie having in the afternoon, and beyond a casual 0 sets for Handsome Creek color. tan in fles the 120,290 Cripple of Colorado during applications asking light made of tan cretonne with black stripe cream or inspection had been left for a more of insurance. strike in 1903, when there were a and Japanese designs in brilliant flow- are also made of white and more durthorough examination and explanation, is state in Inumber of clashes between the Arrival of American troops ers and foliage. It is lined with bright ivory satin but nothing at roll call. exthan symor and able their the with organdie. strikers dainty France has kept pace ;troops and the and finished with clusters sateen green The examination had not been under Denpectations of the war department, Sec- of pathizers, died November 23, at apples in tan, red and more than a few minutes when way of first 65 age. retary Baker said Friday in the years ver. Mr. Peabody was green at each side. CHRISTMAS CANDLES. bomb the exploded with fearful vioin months. authorized several ill ever statement he has He had been The handles are of thin wood and a noise that was heard with and lence, Industrial Workers of the World are connection with the progress being are wound with a flat gold braid. candles will Christmas This over all the city. years distinctly summoned to a meeting in Frederick, made in increasing General Pershings dressed out with shades in red, be in the wreckage-oensued fire small A Dennear forces. 'Colo., a coal mining town white and blue, as well as in the acwas soon exthis but the northbuilding, to in the discontent British An offer by the admiralty ver, to "spread Here are and customed red green. YOUNGSTERS. FOR fire LOLLYPOPS apparatus, which by ern Colorado coal fields, in a notice decorate certain officers and men of in which the tinguished others, two, many among summoned been had immediately. federal of the two American destroyers for their turned over to the office finds himself short of national colors are skillfully used to Claus is located ofSanta station If The Central submaColorado police German for by services in combating fuel administrator make graceful shades. The shade at at the corner of Broadway and Oneida we Invite his attenficers of the National Fuel company, rines has been declined, Secretary money anywhere dressed-up lollypops. the left Is mainly red with white and streets, opposite the county jail. who said the notice had been posted at Daniels announces, because the laws tion to those A lolly blue In ruffles and braided, strands children. The bbmb was described as one of their mines near Frederick. of this country prevent soldiers and They will delight the a flat piece of candy on the end about the top and bottom. is othpop about eight inches in diamdecorations four and dead men are from sailors Three receiving White over red In the other candle time. a lasts It stick a and of long Inches high. It had ers are suffering from injuries as the from foreign governments. makes a pretty background for small eter and ten of sorts of little All things figures line heavy iron plates bolted to each side, FOREIGN. result of a wreck on the main inanimate are made by and animate Railso as to make it a formidable weapon & Idaho of the Ogden, Logan The site of ancient Mizpah, 5000 two even if it exploded in the open. Idaho, at Jerusalem-Nabulu-s Fairview, way company yards west of the There was a hole in the center of the British. engines colliding. road, has been stormed by the top of the bomb in which was inserted DOMESTIC. Gen. Frederick Stanley Maude, the a small bottle containing nitroThe Rev. Lyn G. Kelly was acquitted commander of the British1- - forces in a glycerine. of the charge , of committing the Mesopotamia, who died November 18, It was so arranged that the slightest axe murders of 1912 by the jury after a brief illness, succumbed to, .friction would cause it to explode. How In his second trial in district court at cholera, according to the Saturday Relit failed to explode in the hands of ' Red Oak, Iowa. view. the girl who brought it to the station Count Romanones, reGerman attacks in the near future is a mystery. Those who saw the bomb ion American coast cities were predict- sponding to a toast at a banquet tensaid it was constructed something like ed by Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary dered to him at Madrid by the liberty, a large hand grenade. a In an address at New York before party, declared in the presence Af a enfranchised thousand guests that Spain ought to large gathering of newly CZAR'S DAUGHTER ESCAPES.. women on the topic of aerial defense. associate herself with the entente alin paper. crepe up lollypops To relieve the tremendous freight lies against Germany. His remarks dressing Leaves Siberia and is on Her Way to One end of the stick is thrust into a Chi- were of east railroads all loudly applauded. congestion, the United States. disk of heavy cardboard and arms and Dr. Gustav Stressemann, leader of cago will pool their facilities. fastMiss Tatiana Nicosmall wires are York. New by provided legs of A German submarine captured re- the German National Liberals in the ened about the stick. The faces are laevna Romanoff, second daughter has placed himself on the painted on wax paper, over the lolly-po- flags pasted to the crepe paper. This Nicholas Romanoff, deposed emperor cently by two American destroyers reichstag, shade Is tied about the top with narwas sent to the bottom by members of side of the advocates of annexation Fruits and vegetables, fairies, row blue ribbon. of Russia, has escaped from Siberia while below cocks and the opponents of peace by agreeto a son: her crew opening soldiers, dolls, dancing girls, clowns A tiny basket and box for salted through a fictitious marriage the emitheir shipmates stood on deck with ment. of no to that is limit the chamberlain there things nuts, or confections, are shown with of a former hands raised in signal of surrender. The mayor of Petrograd has an- can be made in this jvay. her way to the the candles. The basket is made of peror, and now is on All of the crew were taken prisoners. nounced that the Germans have deby an Engbraided strands of paper in red, white United States, chaperoned information Lieut. Alva OBrien, now an ace clined to receive the parliamentary to and blue, to match the candle at the lish woman, according connected in the Royal English flying squadron, representatives sent by order of the AND IN LACES RIBBONS CAPS. left, while the box is a repetition of made public here by persons relief. and whose home is near Hammond, - Maximalist commissaries, declaring white over red, tied with blue ribbon with the Russian civilian who i that peace negotiations would only be Ind., has escaped from a German priscomes each The former grand duchess, Christmas, Along of year recandle. in other as the the shade to a from cablegram on camp, according conducted with the constitutional gov- attended by a bevy of adorable break20 years of age, made her escape the of ceived by his mother. ernment of Russia. fast caps always prettier than those of Tobolsk, the present home an Miss Tatiana Nicolaevna Romanoff, other years. Here are two which will THE LANTERN BAG. George Daniels, 28 years old, iled emperor, to Harbin in Manchuria, passage-waAmerican enlisted with the Canadian second daughter of Nicholas Romanand thence to Japan, where war started, the the eswhen for ft No matter how many laundry bags Highlanders off, deposed emperor of Russia, has taken on a steamship Gerfourteen killed has he fictitious a male our friends that have says vainly besought caped from Siberia through ciflc coast. mans. He is now at his home in to be orderly, this lantern bag has marriage to a son of a former chamMe., on furlough. berlain of the emperor, and now is on every chance of success in fulfilling Federation Condemns Burleson. ol Noeffective a of convention a is mission. of is $5000 It to day, its fine it United A the States, her way., thing beauty Buffalo, N. Y.-- The that will never be relegated to a closet, the American Federation o vember 22, was imposed on the Texas said. but is destined to spend its days hung & Pacific Railroad company' by the Suffering from cold, exhaustion and adopted a resolution condemningis for commission Louisiana railroad hunger, three American naval airmen master General Burleson for to were picked up by a French patrol every day on which the road fails tocratic policy toward pose the trains. been its all after boat Saturday night having operate aa ployes, and instructed federation Oklahoma coal operators are threat- lost at sea for nearly six hours. council of the 1(l Garfield Wilson Col. Edward M. House, Gen. Tasker ened by Fuel Administrator audience with President d conceimn with government seizure and operation II. Bliss, Admiral Benson and the place before him facts of of their mines if they permit produc- other members of the American misoppressive labor policy tion to halt pending action on their sion on Sunday visited the Picpus cem- master general. demand for higher prices. a floral wreath on the placed etery anj Goodeffort to bomij 0f Lafayette. A concerted country-wid- e Health of Soldiers Health round up fake British army officers According to advices received at nce Washington. on the soldiers in von General Ludendorff, American who, it is said, have imposed Amsterdam,. the among to American public in many ways, is first quartermaster general of the Gerare shown to be good in a of be made by Britishrarmy officials now man armies, has started for the eastat Surgeon General Gorgi pared th for in New York. ern front in connection with the Rusfice, based upon reports for Total Eventual government pooling and sian offer of a truce. 9. November ending yjf;llt) 9 sale of all the coal mined in the United The pacifist congress is in full the week ending November3 heart dis States was seen as a possibility in the swing at Berne, Switzerland, although as follows: Pneumonia fuel administrations approval of a it had been supposed here that it solve at once the problem of what to ease 1, wounds received in Cleveat formed wouncife would be postponed until the end of give to the friend you hope to please. producers pool just from accidental gunshot shipments-o- f handle will which December. land, The little cap at the top is a gloria part mines in Ohio, West Virginia, TennesBandits Make Rich Haul; The Impression which existed in the fied and frivolous version of the and perhaps of Pennsylvania It Is made of val lace edgminds of many soldiers, that the BritMinneapolis. Three anto0 see and Kentucky. Creation of other ish tanks were freaks of little value as ing and Insertion In a flat medallion-shape- d dits stepped into a jewelry drQve. over the top of the head pools win be encouraged. downtown stref rced of war, is being wiped out instruments piece the principal the between ro agreement Complete on account of the achievements of the and a little cape that hangs from the in a conspicuous place to be admired. three clerks Into a back an(t Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com- great army of these mighty engines. back. A band of pink moire ribbon Is Its envied owner cannot lose sight of another clerk to open th en)9. mefederal pany, its employes and the In the past few days the Germans brought across the top of the cap and It or refuse to behave as he should escaped with diamonds and qqo,. diation commission, headed by Secre- have sunk five Dutch fishing boats, ties in the back at the nape of the when soiled collars or handkerchiefs valued at between $45,000 and $ was tary of Labor William B. Wilson, three outside the barred zone, accord- neck. It is encouraged to be useful are to be disposed of. The lantern bag makes a beautiful Airmen Lost at Sea. reached Thursday at San Francisco ing to a special dispatch from Am- and stay In place by the company of settled. roses. clusters of the tiniest chiffon A French Port. Suffering eri- and the telephone strike gift for anyone and Is made of Japasterdam. band of hemstitched taffeta, edged nese silk, red velvet and gold braid. It exhaustion and hunger, t r Selection of a Jury for the trial of by Ambassador Francis at Petrograd is finished with handsome silk tassels can naval airmen were Pic tlii rty-- f our persons charged with hav- has reported that German propagand- with lace and trimmed with a night makes the and suspended by a silk cord. A cover a French patrol boat Saturday arly uping conspired to foment a military emists are now carrying on almost openlg band of little blossoms, at the Is made for the top of the lantern and after having been lost at Bea fastens of enticing cap. It rising in India for the purpose their activities to keep affairs un- otherunder : rib- fastened by the clip through the braid satin narrow of has a bow British side government the barrassing Sixty hours. Russian the in settled capital. Francisco. used for binding. been completed at San bon, with snap fasteners. Three trainmen were killed and She who has not a knitting bag must three passengers hurt Sunday mornfeel like a stranger In a strange land. ing when a St. Louis & San Francisco Christmas will opportunity to proexpress train plunged into obstructions vide her with give this requisite of the placed on the tracks near Henryetta, woman in society. Also to re- No more one-piec- Britlsli-America- all-whi- te perfectly-harmless- . $1,032,-930,00- satin-covere- d Vil-llsc- - i Ex-Premi-er p. ; f West-brook- e, t) t ? I - a-- t sun-bonn- ti et. - ii , ; ; ? f zig-za- g , |