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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH Raise More Cattle Despatch in CALL AND SEE Moving Troops Elegant Display of Christmas Pictures t? WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN Come and pick some out for your Holiday Gifts WE LL SAVE THEM FOR YOU f ty ? t 4 Edwards Furniture f r Let Us Feather Your Nest. EYESIGHT is necessary for maximum in every walk of life, whether at work, school or play. It is a Patriotic Duty to do your level best now in every thing you attempt. Glasses may, make you more efficient. It will pay you to at least have your eyes examined. My office is equipped with the instruments for a most thorough and complete examination. KEEN FRED B. PARKINSON, OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN. 0. D. Office over Utah Power 8 Light m i If The importance of stock on the farm is recognized by farmers in all parts of the country. No longer The American soldier is wearing does the farmer depend upon crops seven league boots these days. alone for his income. He has learnSome idea of how quickly the coned the folly of placing all of hia tinent is being spanned by the eggs in one basket. That a man has several crops at his disposal will khaki contingent can be obtained have a greater chance of netting from a statement recently made by some cash returns than if he has hut local officials of the Railroads War one crop Is self evident because it Board that 8,000 soldiers have just is not likely that each of his crSps been moved from the Pacific to the will be a drug on the market In any Atlantic, 3,7000 miles, in just six one year. and one-hadays. The men carried Especially has the farmer learned all their equipment with them and that in years of drought his cattle were provided with sleeping cars by have proved a veritable bank acThe trains count so far as his credit is concern- the Pullman company. in and sections sixteen ed. Though moisture be insufficient operated to produce some of the cultivated consisted of twelve tourist cars and crops, nevertheless there is usually two baggage cars. There were five for hundred men to a train. growth of pasturage sufficient cattle. With stock on the land the The Pullman Company has estabfarmer finds that he has work dis lished war headquarters at Washtributed over twelve months of the and has already supplied ington, year instead of only five or six, and cars the movement of for during the summer months when sleeping other matters are demanding consid- half a million men. To assure the safety of soldiers erable attention, the animals are getting their living and laying on in transit, the railroads have adoptvaluable flesh by their own efforts. ed an average speed of twenty-fiv- e However, it not infrequently hap- miles an hour for all troop trains pens that many of our farmers dis- except when freight cars are inpose of their stock in the early fall cluded, when the speed is reduced when the cattle market is glutted and to twenty miles an hour. the surplus of grass fed beef brings a slump in the markets. If some economical feeding method could be Youll like Those Belt-al- l utilized so as to hold beef stock a little while after this rush, it is around Suits and Overcoats You Buy a Thatcher Suit You Know You are Dressed Right. quite possible that a much better return would be secured to the farmer by reason of the advance which the prices generally take. In some parts of the State good money has been made by finishing the animals on beet pulp, molasses, syrup, grain and cotton seed cake. It is not possible, of course, in all parts of the State to put into practice a scheme as this, but in many places some money could easily be made by farmers vif they would feed Milk as a Food. $ You Will Like Thatcher Clothes The Family Man considered a better citizen than the bachelor, and every young fellow of the right stuff looks forward to the time when he can have his own cozy nest and wife and babies. is Under the present conditions milk our cheapest and best of foods, and its production and use should be encouraged. One quart of milk will furnish as much food as four fifths of a pound of meat, or as much as eight eggs. It is often observed that milk is poorer in fat in the summer and becomes richer again in the fall, and the farmers have generally assumed this to be due to the watery condition of grass as compared with the dry feed received during the winthat the ter. Tests have shown cause of this is not grass feeding, but the temperature. A second factor of importance as influencing the richness of milk is the fatness of the cow at the tijne of freshening. A cow, high in flesh at calving time gives very much richer milk for some time than would be the case if she were thin. This knowledge is now made use of by every breeder of dairy cattle who desires to make the largest possible record for milk and butterfat production. Another interesting discovery is that when a cow is underfed she temporarily gives richer milk rather than thinner as might be expeoted. in This is of great importance connection with making tests of cows, and a failure to understand this effect has resulted in wrong conclusions from many experiments conducted with cows in the past. For some reason there is a tendency for the milk to be richer in fat during cold weather and .to beis one of come comes Your Big Desire Will Be Realized Sooner If You Start a Savinffo Account Here HIM STATE at SAM eaci Hyrum Clothing Co. poorer when the weather bevery warm, regardless of the feed consumed. Because of its food value, no milk should be wasted. Young and growing children should be provided with all they need. We need to encourage also, a greater production of milk, and it will help to conserve other foods which we can ship to our Allies across the water. M? CALLS MAGAZINE Fashion Authority Nearly 50 Yearsl Join the 1,300,000 women who turn to McCALLS every month for correct fashions. for patterns, for economical buying, for fancy needlework, for good stories for pleasure, for help, for style. McCALL Patterns fit. 75c a Year rrE! SEND A POSTAL CARD AND ASK FOR COPYof McCALL'S; or $10 00 PIN-'- t l.i Offer to omen m Lit of (lMSRien rust, or JtiCCLE Oiler to Pojs imI ..r latest PATTERN CATALOGUE. or u h oier to UENTS: or $150.00 ittzo OHei to VMILB IlliiMit I ( j oui CHURCH. T IE MXALL CO.. Address 23S-2S- 0 West 37th Street, New York, N Y. THATCHERS Home Visitors Excursion EAST VIA i Oregon Short Line . the latest. Arrow Collar lf their grass fattened animals a little later in the fall and hold them up without letting them lose weight. Their styles are always Z&eNewiail 1 (Union Pacific System) Ask , Any O. S. L. Age n For Details October 27; November 24, and 27; December 20, 22, and 24; Limit, Three months from date of sale. Rates apply to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo Omaha, Kansas City, St- Louis, Memphis, Chicago, Minneapolis, and many other points. - GOOD LUMBER IS AT THE BOTTOM of success. Low prices may help some, but its' the fine quality of our lumber that brings our customers back time and again. It pays us to sell good lumber. It will pay you better to buy it. It lasts longer and is more satisfactory to work up. Try us wit!) an order and youll come back when you mant more. Smith Bros. Lumber Co. LOGAN AND HYRUM, UTAH. Subscribe For The South Cache Courier JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS At Rasonable Prices. |