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Show Costs Less UTAH BUDGET and Kills Why use ordinary cough remedies, when Boscliees German Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty-onyears in all parts of the United farmers. States' for coughs, bronchitis, colds Waitresses, as well us cooks, waiters settled in the throat, especially lung and all kitchen help, will be Included troubles. It gives the patient a good as members when a cooks and waiters nights rest, free from coughing, with union is organized in Ogden. easy expectoration in the morning, Former residents of Wales have gives nature a chance to soothe the started a fund in Salt Lake for the inflamed parts, throw off the disease, benefit of the widows and orphans of helping the patient to regain his health. Sold in all civilized countries. the Welsh soldiers and sailors. Requested to save part of their pack 30 and 90 cent bottles. Adv. for the government, Utah canners sent Greatest Sugar Exporter. nineteen carloads of canned tomatoes to eastern army posts last week. Figures compiled by competent authority a few months ugo, showed that The final draft report sent to Washof the European ington shows that 11,844 men were ex- since the beginning war United the States, already known amined by the district boards, from which 2607 were accepted and sent to us the greatest sugar consuming country, had also become the worlds greatCamp Lewis, Wash. The secretary of the state board of est exporter of refined sugar. From pounds lu 1913, our sales of health announces that there are now 100,000,000 to other countries Increased sugar about fifteen cases of hydrophobia in from pounds during the the state. He urges more care on the first 500,000,000 of the war to 1,500,000,000 year part of the public. during the year 1916. Formerly GerA letter received at Eureka brought Russia and many, the news that Frank Williams of Tin-ti- c France were large exporters of refined was killed by the German guns In sugars. France last August. He was a lieutenant in the 144th infantry of Canada. FIERY RED PIMPLES Residents of Provo, Springville and Spanish Fork have filed with the That Itch and Burn Are .Usually public utilities commission protests Eczematous Cuticura Quickly Heals. against the service now given by the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad company. It needs but a single hot bath with Burglars, fatigued after a thorough Cuticura Soap followed by a gentle but lootless search of the home of application of Cuticura Ointment to J. W. Walters at Ogden, consumed a the most distressing, disfiguring lunch consisting of bread, butter, pre- eczemas, itchings and burnings to serves and coffee, and then departed. prove their wonderful properties. They toilet use. The first white child to be born in are also ideal for every-daFree sample each by mall with Book. what is now Davis county, Mrs. Lucy Grover Sanders, died in Farmington Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, last week. Heart trouble was the Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. cause of her death. Mrs. Sanders was Boosting Business. born January 7, 1849. The Salesman You Traveling Promotion of health is to be made boosted school committee to the for an intensive study in Uintah county ChiA competitive bring a pretty schoolmaam from schools this winter. chilhavent cago. you any Why, scheme has been inaugurated by the dren schools to bring about the highest posThe Boomton Storekeeper No; but sible grade of health. have an eye for business. As soon I Signal honor was conferred upon as the pretty schoolteacher showed up William Bailey- of Salt Lake at At- all the big boys began sneaking down lanta, Ga., last week, when he was to my store to buy hair oil, clean coelected permanent chairman of the llars and scented soap by the wholeeleventh national tax conference, be- sale. Chicago Herald. ing held in Atlanta, Ga. Once a year is enough thats the Something to Talk About. opinion apparently of the state board To be popular, better not talk much of equalization when it comes to about yourself unless you have just regranting the county commissoiners the turned from the North Pole or right to meet in special session as a county board of equalization. More than 100 attorneys throughout From the smoke and fumigation, Utah will serve as free legal advisers man seems to think himself a sort of to young men of draft age upon points plum tree. , involved in the questionnaire recently addressed to all those whose names appeared on the registration roll. The new sugar factory operated at Smithfield by the Dyer conyiany is now running with a full quota of employes. It is expected that the Dyer company will turn the factory over to the Amalgamated Sugar company about December. Fruit jars with imperfect tin caps, which have been sold in Salt Lake for months, are declared by the food administration to have caused the spoiling of thousands of quarts of preserved fruit. Investigations have been insti- v4-- itiodird cold curt for 30 year afe. aure, no opiatea form la tablet cold In 34 hour grip in 3 euret backlfitfalli. Get the dajre- Money eouine bos with Red top and Mr. Hill picture on it. Coeta leae, givea more, eave money. Tablets for 25e. At Any Drug Store 24 ALACK !fSES iec nmm BLACKLEG reliable f because they SYRUP Box-eld- er CASCARAfx QUININE SURELY GERMAN Of the 148.1 men registered in county, 700 are unmarried, 785 married. Of this number, 805 are That Cold ' BOSCHEES PILLS ' where ether fail. Use any Injector, but Cutters simp The superiority ol Cutter products Is due to over 15 rears oispectalUinr In VACCINES AND SERUMS Insist ON CUTTER'S. II unobtainable! only.directs ordtf e Austria-Hungar- HARKEH'i ..HAIR BAL8AM A toilet preparation of merits Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Reatoring Color and ' r Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair, ' OmesmMljJOarurrlate -- W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 48-19- 17. Tree Three Centuries Old. Luscious pears from a tree three centuries old are to be sent to the king, The tree is the says a correspondent. ancient Endicott pear tree in Danvers, Mass. It was planted by Gov. John Endicott 300 years ago in what was then the settlement of New Salem, and has never ceased to bear fruit for three centuries. Before the American Revolution a basket of pears from the Endicott tree was sent to the royal palace in London. The tree stands in the Endicott plantation, which is now owned by Mr. William 0. Endicott. The pears are being sent in a basket 300 years old, an Endicott heirloom. WOMEN tuted. The Answer. Father I cannot imagine what is the matter with my watch; I think it must need cleaning. Child Oh, no, father; I dont think it needs cleaning, because baby was washing it in the basin for ever so . long this morning. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle o:! that famous old remedy that It Children Cry for Fletchers Castori When Your Eyes Need Cere Murine Eye Remedy Try Bmartim to M or Pi Jm 11. Comfort. Writ for Fre By ni BIKXDI Its a striking coincidence that the things a boy likes to throw at break easiest. THE NEW METHOD (By L. W. Bower, M. D.) Backache of any kind is often caused by kidney disorder, which means that the kidneys are not working properly. Poisonous matter and uric acid accumulate within the body In great abundance, overworking the sick kidneys; hence the congestion of blood causes backache in the same manner as a similar congestion in the head causes headache. You become nervous, despondent, sick, feverish, irritable, have spots appearing before the eyes, bags under the lids, and lack ambition to do things. The latest and most effective means of overcoming this trouble, is to eat sparingly of meat, drink plenty of water between meals and take a single tablet before each meal for a while. Simply ask your favorite druggist for Anuric, double strength. If you have lumbago, rheumatism, gout, dropsy, begin Immediately with this newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is 'Chief Medical Director of Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute In Buffalo, N. Y. Send 10 cents for trial pkg. Large package 60 cents. An-u-r- ic cent Book. CO., CHICAGO A WOMANS BURDENS are lightened when she turns to the right medicine. If her existence is mad gloomy by the chronic weaknesses, del cate derangements, and painful disorders that afflict her sex, she will find relief and emancipation from her troubles in Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. If shes she overworked, nervous, or finds new life and strength. Its a powerful, invigorating tonic and nervine which was discovered and used by an eminent physician for many years, in cases of female complaints and weaknesses. For young girls just entering womanhood; for women at the critical change of life; in bearing-dow- n periodical sensations, pains, ulceration, inflammation, and every kindred ailment, the Favorite Prescription is the only medicine put up without alcohol. Liquid or tablets. run-dow- WHAT YOU. SURELY NEED healthy, active, industrious liver. Small doses of these pills taken regularly insure that. You may also need a purgative sometimes. Then take one larger dose. Keep that in mind; it will pay you rich dividends in Health and Happiness. ia a . Genuine bears signature . rTr it ROSY CHEEKS arfj Small PHI Small Dose Small Price or HEALTHY COLOR indicates Iron in the Blood, Pale or faces usually show its absence.1 Aceon dition which will be much helped by C ARTFRS IRON PIT I S Or Distemper In stallions, brood mares, colts and all others Is mest destructive. The germ causing the disease must be removed from the body of the animal. To prevent the trouble the same must be done. SPOHNS COMPOUND cure the sick and prevent those exposed from having the disease, 60 cents and $1 a bottle; $5 and 810 th All druggists, harness houses, or manufacturers. dozen. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Manufacturers, Goshen, Ind., U.SA Will do both Are Told How Relief from Pain. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Opportunity For All. The reason a lot of people don succeed is not because they dont gei, the chance, but because they never take a chance. Answers. womento Find Tough Luck. First Soldier in the Trenches Aint that Just my luck? Second Soldier Whats the matter now? First Soldier With all the pretty girls there are in the states knitting sweaters for soldiers I have to draw one with a note pinned to it saying it was knitted by a man. frO Sharp, eh? No; got a blunt head." - SWAMP-ROO- T for Infants and children, and see Bears the Signature ofj In Use for Over 30 Years. The Other End. That fellow Is like a tack. 1 Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womens complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Dont delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t, a physicians prescription, obtained at any drug store, may he just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle immediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure anc mention this paper. Adv. CASTORIA, tector. A chest protector? What for? Some one has been robbing our Ice chest, she said with perfect Innocence. y SUFFERERS MAY NEED What She Wanted. "John, dear, euld Mrs. Youngbride. I wish youd bring home a chest pro- : The Ute Indians who have been chopping wood near Monticello and grubbing off sagebrush on the contiguous farms during the summer and fall have started to migrate to the canyons and lower altitudes for the winter. Ogdens penny famine is being reThe lieved by substituting stamps. stamps, which bear the superscription and endorsement of the federal government just as ' completely as a gold or silver certificate, are taken at face value. Two government veterinarians are to be added to the staff engaged in the eradication of livestock disease in Utah, according to word received by the state livestock commission from the United States bureau of animal industries. Two children of Deseret were bitten by a strange dog last week. It developed later that the dog had hydrophobia and they were placed in care of Dr. T. B. Beatty, secretary of the state board of health, and are in a Salt Lake institution. Daggett county has been added to the list of Utah counties, and will begin its' career the first Monday in January. This new political subdivision is created from th.e extreme northern part of Uintah county and judicially will be a part of the Second district, which hereafter will be comprised of Weber, Davis, Morgan and Daggett counties. The state board of pardons last week denied an application of I. M. Dye for commutation of sentence. Dye Is serving a life term in the state prison for murder. Sixty convicts have been moved from Nine Mile station in Carbon post county to the Thompson-Blandinroad project in that county. g I am nineteen years old and Nashua, N.II. every month for two years I had such pains that I would often faint and have to leave school. I had such pain I did not know what to do with myself and tried so many remedies that were of no use. I read about Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound in the newspapers and decided to try it, and that is how I found relief from pain and feel so much better than I used to. When I hear of any girl suffering as I did I tell them how Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound DelinA Martin, helped me. 29 Bowers Street, Nashua, N. II. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and is, therefore, THE PERFECTLY SAFE REMEDY BfDIA E. PINKH vmmBiE COMPOUND LYDIA Outmatched. the widow is setting E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. To Study Industry. Petition, Not Command. Did you order a ton of coal? laboratory to be created at Hel"I did not. I put my request for one singfors, Finland, for the study of No; she tells me he is clever but technical industrial problems, will be respectfully on file. supported in part by the government, Impossible. Think Twice. Mercy I If the widow finds him Im- but largely by a ndiuber of private concerns. Before turning things over in the possible, he must be clever. field turn them over in your mind. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Reality. Pierces Pleasant Pellets. They reguPatience And her color Isnt that CIIILDItENS COUGHS late liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. artificial? may and more aerlona condiuo. Patrice Oh, Thats real paint. tions beof checked, the throat will be often avoided No man can serve two masters, when by promptly giving the child a doe ct he is on an election board. A Brave Deed. He But if he marries now, wont he Flirtation Is the privilege of yonth be called a coward? She Not if he marries her. Judge. and the folly of age. Do you think her cap for him? A - |