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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE C0URIE3 Buy your Victrolas at the Hyrum Clothing Co. Adv. 1917. Frida, Nov. 9, Order your Trench style overcoat Bntcred at the Postoffice at Hytum, Utah, now. Made to order only $16.50. ai second claaa mail matter, under the Act Hyrum Clo. Co. Adv. of March 3 879 Overcoats made to order in any J. A, Wahlen, Publisher & Manager style, guaranteed all Wool $16.50. Adv. Hyrum Clo. Co. Suits cleaned and pressed $1.25. Local Hews 1 Use KREAM KRISP for cooking FOR RENT Modern home partly in place of butter. Adv. furnished. Apply to Alfred Fellows, Adv. Suits and Overcoats made to Hyrum. Just Mens arrived Coveralls, order 116.50. Hyrum Clo. Co. Ad. price $2.50, also Childrens CoverA full line of Ball Band rubber all, t 89c. Hyrum Clothing Co. Ad. goods at last years prices. Hyrum Clo. Co. Adv. Yonng Men-- -' Youll like Those Belt-al- l around Suits and Overcoats at THATCHERS Overcoats and Suits ordered now We have a new stock of Sample will be here by Nov. 15th. Hyrum Underwear for Men, Ladies and Adv. Children, which we sell at a big Clo. Co. Mr. Don Gill is home again Discount from regular prices. WilAdv, after a visit with relatives and liams Economy. friends at Loveland, Colorado. Mrs. W. C. Parkinson and son Willis motored to Preston this Saturday to attend her youngest sisters wedding. Mrs. Julia Ropperof Franklin, Idaho, has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Buckley of this city and other friends, this week. Just Received a sample line of Mens Sweater Coats, which we will sell at a big reduction. Call and see them. Williams Economy Store. ( A 1 vertisement Postmaster A. A. Savage informs as that he has a few Liberty Loan Badges now, for those who have not as yet received them. childrens dance will be given Monday, afternoon at 3 oclock at the 3rd ward meeting house, to A which admission is 5c. are cordially invited. All children in Conservative Logan, Utah u Like those Worsted hard-wove- at Physician THATCHERS Over Mrs. H. H. Hanson of the 1st Honrs from 2 to 4 P. M. At Hyrum Monday & Thursday ward is quite sick at Malad, we a. m. at Dr. Cutler Residence understand. ' The lady went mmumtmmnuttanmtmttsmnttmms there to visit her children, and especially to bid her son Alma good-by- e, who left for the training camp at American Lake, the forepart f this week. 10-1- . Dr. Arthur Gill, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gill of this city, paid parents and friends a shcrt yisit, the forepart of this week. Dr. Gill is one of the army surgeons, now training for active service at Fort Riley, Kansas, and came to Hyrum to bid before leavhis parents good-by- e ing for France, which call he expects to receive at any time now. The Clover Leaf Club was An intermediate dance for the benefit of the Primary Assn will be given in the basement of the 3rd ward meeting house next Monday evening Nov. 12th, to which all over 11 years are invited. Admission 10c. Good music and a good time pro mised. Refreshments will be served .during the dance. I tT v we ask Y and inspect our goods before you purchose fY HYRUM DRUG CO. All is to call ,! . t7 Y Y Y Y Y Come with crowds to Eliason Sisters BiG HARVEST SALES Three Days of Extra Special Saturday, Monday and Tuesday ON THESE DAYS YOU CAN BUY Womens, Misses anP Childrens Fashionable Winter Coats, Suits, Dresses, Millinery, Sweaters, Underwear, Hosiery, Blankets, Towels and Dress Goods, at AT EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNT Eliason Sisters, - Logan f f f t ' 2&Newrau Arrow COLLAR Q0F each QfoT&'Sfayf Hyrum Clothing Co. M? CALLS When company comes there is no time to waste no chances to be taken so mother sees that there is always a can of MAGAZINE CALUMET Fashion BAKING POWDER Authority on hand. Cakes, pies, doughnuts, muffins and all good things to eat must be dressed up in their best taste and Nearly 50 Years I Join the 1,300,000 women who turn to McCALL'S every month for correct fashions, for patterns, for economical buying, for fancy needlework, for good stories for pleasure, for help, for style. McCALL Patterns fit. looks. Boys Buy your Fall Suit AT THATCHERS Then, too, her reputation as a cook must be upheld and she stakes it on Calumet Intermediate Dance. ft f? t t Y Armed! 2 en- tertained Friday Nov. 9th, by Mrs. Harry Hamburg, at her home. Among the decorations of was a very unique center-piec- e flowers and fruits. Dainty re were freshments served, covers being laid for the club members who are: Mrs. Harry Hamburg, Mrs. Geo. Gordon, Mrs. Ike Bradley, Mrs. J. E. Petersen, Mrs. W. F. Petersen, Mrs. Willard Auderson, Mrs. Allie Petersen. f Y Y J 4h, no, let him sing, let him fling us His song without' pukyos- -. or art; The lark does not stir'ua cr sting us. And yet he Is dear to the heart. All praise to the poets of duty Who rouso us to wrestle with wrong, But heres to the- - singer of beauty, And heres to the lilt of his song! -- Denis A. McCarthy, In New Tork Sua. Well Store Shamhart-Christianse- Buy your groceries at a Grocery Store. i & Surgeon Offices Bu your clothing at a ClothinglStore. Y se Ernest P. Oldkam, M. D. Suits, n i , obtain for your money. Y Y Y But what shall be said of the singer Whose song has no or planT The bard who is omy a bringer Of Joy to the spirit of man? Shall he be despised and neglected As useless or violousor vain? Shall he bo rebuked and rejected, And silenced wltn scorn and disdalnf a full We guarantee every article we sell to bo the best value that you can J. McDonald, pu.-Do- Osteopathic Physician Blacksmith Fork Men--Yo- assistant to Chairman William Sproule, says the total number of colored troops to be moved is about 93,600. Of this number, Camp Lewis quota is only four hundred, or less than one percent of the 46,100 troops raised in the Western Department. The plans of the War Department call for organizing, the National Army of 500,000 into sixteen divisions of white troops and one of colored troops. j Instead of concentrating all the colored men in the few cantonments of the Southern States, the policy of the war department, it is said, will be to distribute them more or less evenly throughout the sixteen National Army cantonments. ' No definite date has yet been set for the moving of the balance of the National Army, amounting to fifteen' percent, less the colored C. the strong ones, the smiteru. they The seers and the prophets of wrath. Who sm'ninm the swords of the tighter To clear for our progress a path! Merrill JL line of Mens Winter WeightUnion Suits, Sweaters, Corduroy Pants, Jerseys, and Caps. San-Francisc- o. Oh, ' Cayon. We have LOST A crank for an Overland The Singer of fleauty. car, in the southwest part of town. The poets o. power anU passion Are leaders and lords In the van; Finder please leave same at this They help us to forge and to fashion, They teach us to plot and to pian. office and be rewarded. Adv. are Mr. Alfred Fallows formerly opChronic Diseases a Specialty erator at the Hyrum City Power Plant has accepted a position with Office and Residence 127 E. 3rd N, Phone 247. the Utah Power and Light Co., at their station The next draft movement, which is to take place from October 27th to 31st, will consist entirely of colored troops, says an announce- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clawson of this city are rejoicing over the arrival of a pair of twins a boy and a girl, last Tuesday night. All concontingent. cerned are getting along nicely. Dr. E. Where do ou Bu y Your Clothes? ment from the Western Department Adv. headquarters of the Railroads War Board at 65 Market Street, Hyrum Clo. Co. FOR SALE 2 colts 8 months old Phone Apply to Alfred Fallows. 148 J 1. Adv. Colored Men to Be Drafted Next every time. She knoivs it will not disappoint her. Order a can and have the company kind of bakings every day. rEf SEND A POSTAL CARD AND ASK FOR 10 00 COPY I,f Mi'CAl.t.'S; or PIN- off,. i to W.tnM'iv or Li-- fc of UIHTS irivi-icn-or HlPYPl.K Otlpr to llovs sml iilmiit t. il -- r In lost PATTERN PATAIXHJK, or Pig . h (Vi u; ENTS, or 8150.00 Prize OfIVi- - to .uii t ill UCH. Aihlress lAMIM.K V T IE McCALL CO.. 236-25- 0 Weil 37th Sired. New York. N. Y. I'll 1iui Calumet contains only ingredients a 3 have approved officially by U. S. Food Authorities. Ton uve when yon bay Yon tare when yon use such been the it. it. Subscribe For The South Cache Courier JOB. PRINTING OF ALL KINDS |