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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER H.YRUM, UTAH Giv Murder Will Out. French woman with a sense of humor once told this story. She was walking up a flight of fcalrs In one of those Paris apartment houses with a mirror at the head of each landing. As she glanced up, panting, she thought she saw a woman descending. She said to herself: Well, if I were that fat old woman I should know better than to dress in thut ridiculous way. When she reached the head of the stairs she confronted herself. A Dear! GREENS AUGUST FLOWER has been a household panacea all over the civilized worfiTfor more than half century for constipation, intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It is a most valuable remedy for Indigestion or nervous Many a man has fallen down because a test of hie water showed unmistakably that he had kidney disease. The kidneys are the scavengers and they work day and night In separating the poisons from the blood. Their signals of distress are easily recognized and include such symptoms as backache, depressions, drowsiness, Irritability, headrheumatic twinges, dizziness, aches, dropsy, gout. The very best way to restore the kidneys to their normal state of health and cure such symptoms, says Dr. Pierce of invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., Is to drink plenty of water and obtain from your favorite pharmacy a small c, double strength, amount of which is dispensed by almost every drug-Tls- t. You will find Anurlc more potent han llthla, dissolves uric acid almost as vater does sugar. Large package 60 cents. Send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pkg. and isk for advice If there is need. An-u-ri- dys- pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming 'of up food, palpitation of heart andmany other symptoms. A few dost& of August Flower will immediately relieve you. It Is a gentle laxative. 'Ask your druggist. TO RESIST THE ATTACK of many diseases, of the such as Malaria, means fight or die for all of us. These germs are every-wher- e Grip, the air in we breathe. The odds are in favor - lttTiSulthe What is needed most the d 1 is on d8'11 germ-fightin- g To strength. successfully you need to put on flesh, rouse the hlui'9 Tthy will throw off 8anrft," !?. it the Pu blood so that there 'Vi if rify we.k wt, or Boil for We claim for Dr. Pierces Golden ical Discovery that it does all th?s f '1' m a way peculiar to itself. VeVXs It cures troubles caused bv i: publ00d- - A11 druggists. Tablets TIie f?!""10? S8e Medical Advised l f in French cloth will be sent free on receipt of binding or stamps to pay the cost of wrapping and mailing Address Dr. Pieri Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y r. prE Fasten Helmets at Back. Verbal. Roberts father received this communique from his son, absent in the halls of learning: Dear Father : I am sorry to say that I was mistaken when I wrote last week that the prof, had said that my abilities were mathematical. He said that they were problematical. Affec- helmets worn by British troops in France are to be adopted by the United States troops in preference to the French pattern of protective headgear. The wearing of these tin hats, by the way, though it has proved Sold In all civilize countries. Adv. of great value against certain species of attacks, shrapnel, for instance, is Looks That Way. ROBERT." not entirely without Its dangers, writes tionately, You know these w'ar rates? a war correspondent. When they were Yes. first introduced the men naturally put $100 $100 Reward, Are they goln to hurt matters?" is a local disease greatly influCatarrh the strap under the chin, but so many I dunno. I fear that post- enced by constitutional conditions. It were killed by having their necks brotreatconstitutional therefore requires age is going to put a lot of poets out ment. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE ken by bits of shell hitting the helmet of business." Is taken Internally and acts through the in front that the order was made to Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sysfasten it at the back of the head. tem. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE Important to Mothers the foundation of the disease, Examine carefully eyery bottle of destroys the Improving by gives patient strength health and assists nature in Makes Up for Lost Time. CASTORIA, that famous old remedy the generalwork. for any case of its doing for Infants and children, and see that it Catarrh that $100.00 takes a kitten nine days to get its It CATARRH HALLS MEDICINE falls to cure. open, but then it has nine lives Bears the eyes Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. to live to make up for it. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Signature of n Use for Over 30 Years. Not a Sure Sign. Does Not Linger. Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria The way wife shows her shoulder At this season of the year she blades at the opera isnt any sign she that the summer resort kiss Flattery is harmless to the woman means to cut expense. has lasting effects. vho doesnt flatter herself. (3 wirninnimiimininini View of the City of Berne. Is the city the bear. his paw in the small of the back. The Is everywhere on the rope parted, and he fell, his spine and gateposts, In crushed by the bears blow. The bears coats of arms and trade marks fell upon him and literally devoured and most real of all, in the bear gar- the dead body. And then the policeden maintained from time Immemorial man shot the bear that struck the by the municipality of Berne, a cor- deadly blow f respondent of the Chicago Herald A model city is this city of the bears, writes from he Swiss city. the capital of the mother republic, a Napoleon took the Berne bears to republic founded 200 years before CoParis. When peace came the Bernese lumbus discovered America. A lady clamored loud to have their bears re- of one of the legations raised her turned and the treaty so provided. hands in despair at the stupidity of It is a sort of relief to turn In these the Swiss. You go into a shop, she war times to a less cruel wild animal declared, and ask for something. A than man and fall down in bear wor- man ambles off, comes back stares stupidly into your eyes, ship. Really there is something kind in Bruins face as he opens his mouth goes away, misunderstands again. in what might p?.ss for a smile, tak- What is it that gives such a wondering short breaths, with his red tongue ful product from a people individually hanging over the lower lip. At least dull, if dull they are? I turned from there is no such expression as might the lady to the young son of Minister be on the face of an aforetime gentle Stovall and asked him the question. youth as he plunges his bayonet into I dont admit that they are dull, the breast of an equally gentle youth he said, as a diplomats son should. differently uniformed! What they do is well done, because I paid a visit to the bears den down their tasks are limited and definite the river level, and walking from the and they have only to understand to upper to the middle bridge amid old be faithful. , architecture that appealed as no mw Well Ordered. Everything architecture does or can. Why is it And then I could see for myself thai that just across the river, in the new j'here are no and fashionable quarter where the le- there,. was discipline. children should be running about. From unruly gations are locafed, there such hideous suburban architecture my window, which also commands a Soup-plat- e nt THIS empty-hande- THE LAST EXAMINATION OF WARS DRAFT d, Royal Balding Bowden1 .saves eggs m baking V . M many recipes only half as many eggs are required, in some an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder is used, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. sfch&rat all, if - A Try the following; recipes which also conserve white flour as urged by the government Corn Meal Griddle Cakes 1 14 IVa 1 1 z 1 cups eorn meal cups boiling water cup milk tablespoon shortening tablespoon molasses Eggless, Milkless, Butterless Cake Y teaspoon salt 1 eup brown sugar cups water 1 cup seeded raisins 8 ounoes citron, cut fins Yt cup shortening cup flour teaspoon salt NO EGGS Scald corn meal in bowl with holling water; add milk, melted shortening and molasses; add flour, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together; mix well. Bake on hot greased griddle until brown. (The Old Method called for 2 eggs) I teaspoon nutmeg . c Boyil Baking Powder Boll sugar, water, fruit, shortening, salt and spices add When 6 teaspoons 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powdef , cool, together In saucepan 3 minutes. flour and baking powder which have been sifted together. Mix well; hake in loaf pan in moderate oven about 45 minutes. (The Old Method Fruit Cake called for 2 eggs) Send for our new booklet "SS Ways to Save Eggs,' Mailed free on request,1 Address Royal Baking Powder Co, Dept, W, 13S William Street New York U9-- , The Federal Palace, Berne. md landscaping, with the most beautiful models in the world uttering wordless but righteous protest a few hundred yards away? Fell Into the Bears Pit. When I spoke of my visit to the bear pit this afternoon a lady recited the Ftory that has become a tradition in Herne, but that is historically accurate. She told it well and it was much more stirring than the story of the horrible butchery by which thousands had lost their lives in Flanders So cruelly does only the day before. usnge blunt human feelings! On a night many years ago one of the secretaries of the British legation with a colleague from another legation stopped at the bears den. It was about midnight. They had been out to dinner, and were much under the influence of wine. The Englishman In a sporty spirit vaulted over the iron rail at the top and then back several times. The last time he was tripped by his cane, which he held In his hand, and fell 20 feet to the bottom of the pit. He was not hurt by the fall. The pit was empty; the bears had gone Into their sleeping cellars. Finally a rope of coat strips was made, the Englishman grasped it, and the crowd began pulling him up. When his feet were dangling a few inches from the bottom one of the bears staggered up to him and struck him with view of the Jungfrau and the Ober-lanI can see three or four playgrounds on the banks of the Aare. Always in the afternoon these spaces are alive with youngsters. Their play Is well ordered. They run, jump, throw the discus, pole vault and swim and dive into the river. It is real play, but is orderly. All are in good earn est about it. The play doesnt degenerate into horse play. In our America it would be almost impossible to maintain these playgrounds, except under the severest supervision. They would be picked to pieces, strewn with litter and the earnest work of athletics turned into some sort of buffoonery. Here the play goes on apparently without superintendence right up to dark. The arrangement of this little city, the squares and public buildings, the municipal housekeeping are a model of painstaking and good taste. The wonderful river combines utility anil It twists and turns in its beauty. course through the town, making landscape opportunities that have been taken advantage of. After it reaches the outside of the city It pursues Its swift course a mile, then bends sharply and comes back to within 300 yards. The thrifty Bernese have made a tunnel from bend to bend with 40 feet of fall, and here the city gets its supply of electric power. d, E. PIMHAtfS COMPOUND Siftc LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. |