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Show J Courier OUTH 5 VOL. VIII. Republicans Hyrum Cache County, Utah, Friday, Nor. 9, 1917. Mr. Gill Answers i . Win Out Questions age diseases. It is well to store only uninjured produce. The storage places should also be clean whether it is a house, a cellar, or a pit. If pits are used it is probably wise to use several small ones instead of a single large one. There is less danger of frost injury when the pit is opened. Pits to be safe, ought also to be provided with straw-closeopenings for ventila- Make Your Winter Gount Editor Courier: In the last The Utah Agrciltural College is The city election last Tuesday issue of your paper several point- offering exceptional opportunities notpassed off very quietly. But withstanding the busy season ed questions were asked me, but to all wide awak;,' young men and and the fact that the election as the voters answered these young women, art to their parents was fought out on party lines questions at. the polls on last too, at their w jitr term which considerable interest was mani- Tuesday it is unnecessary for me runs from December 3, 1917, to tors. March 10, 1918. During this 12 These topics, together w ith directfested, and a surprisingly heavy to explain further. But there is one question which week period, 148,ew courses in all ions for constructing storage places vote cast, resulting in a cean will I ask you for space to fields will be opA. These courses are discussed in Utah Circular No. sweep for the Republican ticket. The result of the election was answer. I was asked if I took comprise regular college work for 26. A request addressed to the somewhat of a surprise to both any credit for the ruthless de- regular credit. .Courses for the Utah ...Experiment Station, Logan, parties, as the democrats seemed struction of the shade trees on high school gradate who could not Utah will bring a free copy. to be somewhat confident of win- the cemetery and the unsightly enter at the beg nning of the year, ning at leastjpart of the ticket, stumps, to which I answer, I cer- courses for the yv.crng man or young woman of little1 or no high school while th e republicans really did tainly do. I not doubt a moment that a to clean for, make not expect training, course.-- ; of an intensely sweep Last Wednesday the ceremony when those trees were small The different candidates are they practical nature; for father and took place at the Logan Temple, now busy explaining how it all made a very pretty sight and it mother will be even in great numwas like parting with a friend to bers. Here is a wonderful oppor- which united in marriage two of happened. with their sylvan shade; but tunity for the Young man who Hyrums popular young people Following is a list of the can- part Miss rgaret Allen and Mr. didates- and number of votes re- they were too numerous and had otherwise woulcYlle nwy his time Edwin Clawson. outlived their usefullness as they telling stories Ground the grocery ceived by each: n The groom is the son of our would soon begin to fall and do store or stove teYpend a profitable MAYOR M r. and Mrs. C. J. citizens immense damage to tombstones and enjoyable winter. Here is an 248 H. H. Jensen (R) and should never have been set equally wonderful opportunity for Clawson a'nd the bride is the 186 N. J. Nielsen (D) out, for no soft wood deciduous the farmer to lern better methods daughter of Mrs. Rebecca C. Allen. RECORDER tree should have a place in a ceme- of cultivation in order to increase Both young people are well known 245 John W. Jensen (R); his production ' next year. The in this community, having been 186 tery. . Leonard Larsen (D) I admit that at this time- the housewife owes Jt to herself to get born and raised in this city. Both TREASUBER been active workers in church tumps are unsightly, but they away from horn-- for a few weeks have 431 Mrs. Asael Allen (R) stand as a monument to the folly vacation. Durirrg this time she can affairs, and have a host of friends 431 Mrs. Asael Alien bMLlearn many new things in her noble who will join with us in wishing of setting them out. Term COUNCILMAN But in time the great leveler art, cooking, and especially can she them happiness and prosperity in Anderson C. 243 :..... (R'. Joseph in her consuming way will soon learn how to conserve our food their journey through life. 184 C. O. Thompson (D) A quiet wedding was held at the rectify the mistake and in place supplies without uiminishing the Term t COUNCILMEN home of the brides parent on Wedofjtthe stumps there will be a slow value of our dY 226 William H. Jensen (R)..,' nesday evening, where, .only the y dopted by the that never Alban T. Clawson (R) ..........235 growing evergreen to sheds its leaves work is members of the intermediate famillittery the 135 M. S. Rosenbaum (R)..r. : . A delicious supand that has always a telling one-- n Make Yotfi- Winter ies were : 204 ground, William McBride (D) been used as an emblem that Count For Yourself and Your per was served and the bycning 189 A. D. Allen (D) in music and conwe should keep the memory of Country. Why not do it? Spend pleasantly spent 190 WillisvSavage (D) our loved ones ever fresh in our a few weeks at school when farm versation. The newly-wed- s were the work is light. Learn all the latest memory. of many valuable and use We shouldnt be selfish for our things in your special line. Come ful gifts. own fancies; but remember, that back home to lead the rest of us builders build toward more efficient citizenship. the greatest The many friends of Mr. Victor for posterity. And in the years Make your winter count for'your-sel- f E. Israelsen, will be suprised to and your country! to come when the one who asked learn that he slipped away quietly On another page in this paper are and the myself question last week to Salt Lake City, to wed appears a large Ad of the Lolike two broI sleeping, hope, a young lady of Sandy, Utah. gan Garage & Supply Co., refer- thers beneath their evergreen The couple were married in the ring to the famous Hudson Su shade and after their roots have Salt Lake Temple last Wednesday cars this company per Six our mould, passers-b- y will pierced Nov. 7th. . to automobile also and handles, beautiful spot in a What remark: is the son of our re. The groom tires. Look it over and see what of Unless protected, vegetables spoil to await the which morning spected citizens, Mr. and Mrs. A. you need in their line, and get a the and need wont there fresh the air easily. They resurrection, M. Israelsen, and the bride is a Bargain now, before prices ad- be a in the way. same as do animals.' They should stump popular young lady, Eve vance. A. Gill. be kept at low but not at freezing M, of Sandy, Utah. When this company makes a Rubbish and intemperatures. Mr. and Mrs. Israelsen have been statement concerning their cars also be sorted to ought jured parts in Salt spending their honey-moo- n or tires, the public can rest asout. Lake and Sandy, Utah, the past few sured that it is a matter of fact, Utah Circular No. 26 treats on days, and are expected home Sunand that such a statement will these topics and the construction of day. be carried out to the very letter. " The places.storage farmer, Every young people will live in The company has just recently who or one war any consider to gardener, The called winter and will be at this meeting Logan invested $7,000.00 in a standard has surplus vegetables that they home to their friends Fedof the after Dec. 11, getting proposition line of automobile tires before could store, should have one of 1917. Wedneslast eral Reserve Money, the advance in price and these adthese circulars. A The courier joins with their many tires have been purchased at day evening, was well attended. dressed to the Utah request Experiment friends in wishing them bon voyage snch a price that they can be Among the business transacted Station, Logan, Utah, will bring a on lifes sea of matrimonial bliss. of a board of selection was the sold to the public at a saving free copy. from 15 to 25 per cent discount. nine members, 6 from Hyrum This exceptional offer is adver- 2 from Paradise and 1 from Avon, VENTILATE YOUR STORAGE tised for ten days and now is the which will act as a working and Mr. HOUSES committee. time for auto owners in need of organization tires to look into a good propo- Frank Price of Wellsville was Storage houses, cellars, and pits This is because sition and procure a genuine present and explained the way of need ventilation. The Cache County Red Cross some to access to same as do anithe get plants breathe snap. These tires are on display proceedure Association will occupy the time at the sales room in the com- of this money. Over $30,000 was mals. They use up oxygen and at the Sunday afternoon services. modious garage on North Main subscribed by those present. give off carbon dioxide which must A number of good speakers will be Only land owners are eligable to be removed or injury results. Exstreet, Logan. and a special program will cess carbon dioxide in vegetable present get any of this money. Another meeting will be held storage places causes a softening of be rendered. A reorganization of Do it now, Advertise. next Wednesday evening at the the tissue, after which decay is the local Red Cross Chapter will be made. Everyone should turn out $5.00 down and $1.00 a week City Hall, at 7:30 p. m., to which easy. boost for a real live organizand a the at Victrola buys Hyrum all who wish to get Potatoes and other vegetables as Hyrum should not be beAdv. some of this Clothing Co. money are requested rich in water, must be stored in ation, in Red Cross work. She has hind to be present. Messrs. Will, Ray and Leslie places that are also cool; otherwise been loyal in every patriotic cause, of Blackfoot, Idaho were evaporation causes shrinkage which not in this? Call in and see our new stock of injured both the keeping and eat- why visiting friends in Hyrum and Ladies and Misses ing quality of table-use- d products. neighboring towns on their way to Fleeced-line- d Salt Lake City, the forepart of the house dresses Williams Economy Bruises or crushed parts of stored Plenty of butter paper for sale Adv. products offer opportunity for stor- - at this office. Store. week. " V d . Wedding Bells well-know- ' - 1 - 4-- vr . Col-cour- - - se 4 pre-i-nt- - A Real Bargain in Auto Tires Protect Your Vegetables May-Butl- er Meeting Was Well Attended - Red Cross Meeting Sunday - land-crwne- rs I S. 0. 50 C. High School Notes That the present year will be one of unusual interest and activity is already evident to anyone visiting the South Cache High School. The increased attendance over last year has made necessary the division of many classes into sections, and the organization of several new courses. To the commercial department have been added courses in economics and commercial English and correspondence; the school orchestra is already under way, with an increased instrumentation; two classes in public1 speaking and two in art have been added to the general curriculum. Two new teachers, Miss Hope Fishburn and Mr. Edward Holmgreen are in the departments of English and agriculture, respectively. At a student body election held Wednesday, the following students were chosen to assist editor Cora Rose, and business manager Ernest Woodward in the publication of the school paper: Associate Editor, John Stirrat; Assistant Business Mgr., Arnold Gardner; Circulation and Exchanges Leta Nielsen; Athletics, Delmont Petersen; Activities, Gladys Nielsen: Special writer, Donald Jessop. All four classes have effected permanent organizations, the dents being: Seniors, Leland presiMeu-te- r; Juniors, John Stirrit; Sophomores, Laretta Jones; Freshmen, Edwin Summers. (iX . fr- , Liberty Loan Com. Complimented The following letter received by Postmaster A. A. Savage is Salt Lake City, Nov. 5. 1917. Mr. A. A. Savage, Secy., Liberty Loan Committee, Hyrum, Utah. Dear Mr. Savage: We believe that there is hardly a community in the entire state of Utah that made such an excellent showing as Hyrum. This applies in number of subscribers as well as amount, and we want to extend our hearty congratulations to your Committee. Every subscriber has been made a better citizen because of the purchase of these bonds. They are better Americans and have shown themselves to be very loyal in rendering real service to their government. We hope that you will continue to keep your committee intact so that we may have the benefit of your efficient work in the next campaign. Yours tfuly, Clarence Bamberger, Chairman. Special Notice. The first installment on the Second Liberty Loan Bonds will be due and payable at this bank on November 15th next. All remaining installments must be accompanied with interest at the rate of 4 per cent on deferred payments. Any subscriber wishing to pay in full and so avoid the interest payments can do so on November 14th. Hyrum State Bank. |